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Buying Your First Investment Property
"Begin With The End In Mind" I first heard the phrase "Begin with the end in mind" in a Steven Covey book called "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People". This expression makes a lot of sense because the fact is, you can't get where you're going, unless you know where you want to go. Most new investors understand that real estate is an investment vehicle that makes sense. We all know that many fortunes have been built with real estate. But when you are first getting started, all the available information can be very confusing. I often receive emails asking "what strategies should I use?" or "Where should I look to find deals?". One reason these issues are so difficult to understand and sort out when you are new to the investing game is that the answer to the question can be different for every individual. Seminars tend to package information in a "one-size-fits-all" crash course. But this inevitably leaves unanswered questions for each individual user. Simply put, each person has their own individual situation with regard to credit, income, employment, assets, etc. All of these factors can affect your investing choices and objectives. Compounding this confusion is the sheer number of strategies. Should I own rental property? Should I fix up and resell? How about Options? Or, how about buying tax leins? There are so many choices, how is one to know what to do when just starting out? I can remember floundering around myself. I spent thousands of dollars on different courses, trying to put all the pieces together and gain enough understanding to know what I should do first. It seemed that no one wanted to tell me anything useful unless I paid them first. I soon found that no matter how much money I spent, there were many unanswered questions. I felt frozen by fear, because I simply did not understand what to do first. As a result, it was several years before I actually felt comfortable enough to get directly involved in buying a property. Today, after having seen and participated in many deals, I know that step one is decide what you want real estate investing to do for you. In short, where do you want to go? Like any trip, you start out by deciding where you want to go. Once the destination has been chosen, you figure out the best way to get there. Many of the most successful and wealthy investors I know, built their fortunes with rental property. Some of them own 40 or more rental houses. Some of them own commercial properties like gas stations, storage facilities, or office buildings. They each had the same destination, that of cash flow from rental income, but two drastically different ways of getting there. Frankly, most of the really successful investors are very patient men and women who build their portfolios slowly over a number of years. They are cautious and prudent, buying only when they know the deal is a good one. Today, many people are lured into investing because they have heard the stories about how you can buy property with no money down, and take out enough cash at closing to pay off all your debts. This is possible, but creating one debt to pay another does have it's risks. Let's say that your ultimate objective is to achieve $5,000 per month passive income from rental property. Now, think of that objective as if it were a city on a road map. Most cities have a number of different roads you can take to get downtown.. It is the same way with your investing. Different people will arrive at the same destination, each one using a slightly different route to get there. Once you decide where you want to go, your route to your destination will be determined by your financing options. . If you have great credit, income for which you receive a W-2 statement, and lots of cash for a down payment, your financing options will allow you to take virtually any road you wish. The fact is, good credit and cash will get you where you want to go a lot faster. But it's not the only way. If you are credit challenged, self-employed, or lack cash for down payments, your ultimate destination can be the same, but you will need a different route to get there. Your financing options determine the route you have to take to get to your destination. In essence, the answer to getting started is find out what kind of financing you can get, and then find deals that work with your available financing options. If you can't get any kind of financing at all, you can still buy deals where the seller will agree to finance the deal, or some scenario where financing is provided without you having to qualify. If you have decent credit but no cash, there are investor loans with low down payments, that may make it easier for you to get in with little cash. If you have great credit and cash - hop on the expressway. Look for any good deal, since you can get a loan at excellent rates, in addition to taking advantage of any good seller financing deals that come your way. You have the most options for getting to your destination. No matter where you start from, you can still wind up at the same destination, and achieve the same objective. Step One: Decide where you want to go. Then, get with a good lender to find out which roads you will be able to take. Even if you have to start out on the "no cash, no credit" back roads, remember that sooner or later, if you keep driving, you will find an access ramp to the expressway. Donna Robinson is an investor, author and consultant on real estate investing, located in Atlanta, GA. Read more of her articles and get her newsletter on her website, http://www.RealEstateWholesaling.com Her email address is service@realestatewholesaling.com
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The Real Estate Market In Spain: Making Profits Out Of Sand The Real estate market in Spain keeps gaining momentum and is of a vital interest among overseas investors. Property prices in the country continue growing at rapid pace due to a sustainable development in many areas of the mainland and the islands. Personal Debt Can Disappear When You Set up a New Business I teach students how to set up a new business name on paper and then move their personal debt into the business name. Join the Bulgarian Property Boom With Confidence An Irish property investor in Sydney, Australia has created an investment kit that provides potential buyers with all of the relevant facts, figures and information to confidently buy Bulgarian property, which grew an average of 30% in 2004. "Bulgarian Property - The Overseas Buyers' Kit" contains a complete guide to the tax and ownership laws, calculators and various information-gathering templates. Avoid The Traps Of Finance Most consumers are told where to get their mortgage because few people personally know and trust a mortgage or loan officer or correspondent (the same thing). It used to be agents would take their buyers out to find the house they wanted, then to their favorite mortgage company. Now things are so fast and better organized. It is common practice to have the purchasers prequalified and preapproved before searching for their new home. Most agents don't know much about finance, they leave it to the mortage company to explain it. Look Past the Bottom Line for a Propertys Potential It's unfortunate that many real estate investors tend to look at the bottom line when deliberating about a property, rather than the big picture. The real moneymakers in real estate investments are the people with vision, who think creatively, and are willing to assume some level of risk. How To Find Your Dream Home In Belize Shopping for property in Belize is not as simple an undertaking as you might initially expect! A Difference Between Appraisal, Assessment, Home Inspection Every one should have a home inspection before purchasing any property, including new construction. You may think that's rediculous but there are too many cases that prove otherwise. It is only a couple of hundred dollars and can save you thousands. Most importantly it makes you feel confident about the house. How to Use Design Psychology to Stage Your Home for a Top-Dollar Sale A new business venture to help home sellers, home staging, assists property owners in preparing their home for the best possible sale. Home stagers visit your home and either tell you how to redesign it or actually do the work for you. These services do great work, but they don't always understand interior design. They know what sells houses, but many home stagers could benefit from a little interior design and marketing psychology training to assure the homeowner of a top-dollar sale. How to Own a Dream Home in Spain Every year hundreds of thousands of foreign visitors travel to Spain to delight in the fantastic weather, stunning natural landscapes, excellent entertainment options and superb Mediterranean beaches. Many of these people dream of one day owning their own property in Spain, in fact Spain is now one of the most desirable second home and retirement destinations in the world. If Your House Is a Mess, You Dont Have To Sell For Less Don't be tempted by "We Buy Houses" or "Sell Your Ugly House in 9 days for Cash" ads. Real Estate Investing ? Finding Cheap Houses Real estate investing expertise can certainly accommodate the luxury home market. In some ways, the upper end of the housing marketplace produces easier success than the lower end. More skill, however, is required to sell the luxury home. But more important, supply and demand is critical in selling the luxury home. To get "stuck" with any home that does not sell easily can be treacherous, but sluggish sales for the luxury home can be disastrous. Mancos Real Estate Real estate: availability and cost Buying Houses at Discount Prices Buying a house is the best way you can create immediate equity. Gaining equity through buying a house is something which is very easy to do, as long as you follow these guidelines. Golf and Waterfront Living: Live, Play, Relax With today's planned lifestyle communities, golf and boating enthusiasts have an opportunity to purchase the home of their dreams just a chip shot away from the green or stone's throw from the marina. In addition to an ideal home setting, golf and waterfront community residents enjoy an active and diversified lifestyle experience complete with first-class golf courses, marinas, beaches, spas, clubhouses, recreation areas, fine dining and countless other amenities. Out of the 10,000 master planned communities across the United States, over 2,500 are built around golf courses and pristine waterfront property. Making sense of all the options can be mind boggling. If you are thinking about relocating to one of these golf and waterfront communities, it is imperative to be able to distinguish one community from the next and more importantly, know what to look for before you buy. In the past, golf and waterfront master planned communities catered to distinct segments of the housing market, namely middle to upper income empty nesters and retirees. Things have changed. Today, golf course and waterfront developments are designed to accommodate budgets of all levels and generally fall into one of two categories: multi-generational and age restricted. The construction of multi-generational communities represents a recent trend in planned community home building. The underlying idea is to attract a diverse population of families including retirees and young professionals of varying income levels and backgrounds in order to establish a robust and vibrant community. After decades of building age restricted communities, builders and developers have recognized that the traditional elements of planned community living such as security, on-site amenities and low maintenance housing appeal to home buyers of all ages. Most new communities are multi-generational developments. Vistancia situated in the beautiful Sonoran desert outside of Peoria, Arizona is a recently opened golf community attracting individuals and families of all ages. Since home sales began in March 2004, almost 500 families have moved into this scenic development with 1,700 total acres of open space and a 900-acre mountain preserve. Conversely, age restricted planned communities are developed for the +55 home owner with amenities and facilities for today's discerning empty nester and retiree. Typically, the age restriction requires one household resident to be at least 55 in order to qualify for home ownership. Over the last decade, an evolution has occurred with the age restricted community model of yesteryear making way for contemporary activity based developments complete with lavish amenities and world-class recreation areas, not to mention the conventional facilities required by the +55 demographic. The undisputed leader in age restricted master planned community development is Del Webb. Since the 1960s, Del Webb has constructed numerous age restricted golf and waterfront communities across the United States. Del Webb's Sun City developments are arguably the most recognizable line of age restricted communities stretching from coast to coast with Sun City Hilton Head in North Carolina and Sun City Lincoln Hill in California. The most important criterion in selecting a traditional home is location and the same is true when deciding on a golf and waterfront community. The old adage "location, location, location" aside, one has to consider whether the new property will serve as a primary residence, second home getaway or retirement abode. The final location decision is generally based on three primary factors: home use, surrounding area and local weather. For most of us working folk, our primary residence is located within an hour or so of a major metropolitan center. Don't fret, there are hundreds of golf and waterfront communities centrally located within driving distance from most major metropolitan areas. If by chance you live near Dallas, you have several options to choose from including Stonebridge Ranch in north Dallas and Black Horse Ranch which is only 25 minutes from downtown. Washington D.C. commuters are also in luck with conveniently located golf and waterfront communities in Virginia, Maryland and Delaware. Belmont Country Club, a Toll Brothers property, is a mere 40 minutes from Washington D.C. in Ashburn, Virginia. These examples represent only a fraction of the actual number of suburban golf and waterfront developments. The location decision is a bit more complicated and not as clear cut when one considers purchasing a second home retreat or retirement residence. In this situation, other factors come in to play such as the activity and cultural richness of the immediate area and of course, local weather. If you are looking for a second home, would you like to be nestled in the woods away from the hustle and bustle of the city, located in a more suburban area or some in between? Climate is also an integral factor to take into consideration when purchasing a home particularly if you are feeling abused by recent harsh winters. This may clearly point to a direction that takes you out of your home state or even to another part of the country. Conversely, the summer's never ending heat may drive you to consider the cooler climates up north. Fortunately, there are 2,500 golf and waterfront communities spread out across the United States from Minnesota to Texas and California to Massachusetts. What is clear in the case of retirement homes is that good local health care and transportation facilities are a must. For most retirees, living over 60 miles away from the closest hospital or airport is just not an option. In the end, it comes down to striking a balance between modern necessities and the beauty of the great outdoors. Once you have settled on a geographic location, the next area to focus on is amenities. These can vary greatly from one golf and waterfront development to the next. Typically, these expanded 'goodies' fall into two categories: conveniences and lifestyle enhancements. Conveniences include such things as security services, home maintenance, gardening services, concierge service, on-site retail and office space, cable television and high-speed internet. Lifestyle enhancements relate to recreation activities and rest and relaxation befitting an enhanced life of leisure. One can find a mix of facilities at planned communities which support numerous activities like tennis, hunting, boating, skiing, and hiking. To balance the rigors of recreation, planned communities provide residents with rest and relaxation amenities such as spas, clubhouses, wilderness preserves, pools, beaches and fine dining. With real estate opportunities for every budget, isn't it about time you looked into moving to a golf and waterfront community that offers unbelievable vistas, year round activities, low maintenance living and first-class amenities? Expense List for Buying a Home There are many expenses that come with buying a home. The following list is a good example of what to expect: For Sale By Owner Listings Selling your home on your own, without a Realtor, is becoming less and less popular. This is surprising, considering that home values have skyrocketed and commissions have risen along with them. Grab Your Dream UK Home On The Cheap - Property Auctions Did you know that every year thousands of UK properties are sold at significantly below market value? The majority of these properties are released through property auctions where regular savings of between 10% to 40% are available to market value. Even so, property auctions continue to be used only by the elite and for the astute buyer/investor this generates a fantastic opportunity to secure a dream home/good investment at bargain basement prices. Making Money In Real Estate - 10 Ways Making money in real estate is an endless topic that includes all the various types of real estate investments. There is land, apartment buildings, homes, commercial buildings and more. Whatever the type however, you'll make your profits in some of the basic ways listed below. Use this list to get yourself thinking of the possibilities. Fixing Houses: Using Psychology for Profits Real estate investors who specialize in fixing houses for profit gain new insights from Interior Design Psychology ideas. Increase your profit potential in the new buyer's market with these new transformation strategies. Make Your House Earn Its Keep Did you realise that there is a lot you can do get an income from what is probably your most valuable asset? Not only is your property a great (long-term) investment, your home could also bring you an income while you are still living in it. Here are some ideas to make your property really earn its keep. ![]() |
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