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Real Estate Investing - Books,TV Infomercials, and Seminars
Real estate investing has become popularized today because of real estate investing TV infomercials and traveling seminar circuits. But real estate investing has not always been so popular. In the 1960s, William Nickerson wrote, "How I Turned $1000 into Three Million in Real Estate" and "How to Make a Fortune Today Starting from Scratch." It was one of the first real estate investing books to get national attention. A little later, Al Lowry authored "How You Can Become Financially Independent by Investing in Real Estate." Al Lowry might be called "the father of the modern-day real estate seminars," because he was the first to hold seminars as a result of his book sales. But it was Mark Haroldsen who carried the real estate investing book/seminar thrust to the next level. Haroldsen wrote, "How to Wake Up the Financial Genius Inside You." If you were tuned in to real estate investing at that time, you remember the newspaper and magazine advertising showing a picture of suave and bald-headed Mark leaning against the front hood of his Mercedes. The picture appeared everywhere in full page ads of major publications. And as Mark began selling his books, he began holding real estate investing seminars. I have had lunch with Mark and Al Lowry as they swapped stories of the advertising blitzes that vaulted them into national prominence for their real estate investing prowess. Mark later wrote "The Courage To Be Rich" and "Tax Free." But it was Robert Allen who capitalized on the previous groundwork by Lowry and Haroldsen. Robert Allen was reportedly paid $1 million advance royalties for his best-selling book, "Nothing Down," a compilation of 50 techniques for buying property with no money. Robert had learned these techniques from several years experience with a commercial real estate firm. He later wrote "Creating Wealth" and "Getting Started in Real Estate Investing." The Robert Allen Real Estate Investing Seminars became a phenomenal marketing bonanza. Conventions were held in the major cities across the country, like Orlando, LA, Dallas, Chicago and Atlanta. The authors of various real estate investing techniques spoke at these seminars, but their spiel focused on selling packages of real estate investing materials that they offered for sale. Millions of dollars of real estate investing materials were sold at these 3 day conventions. The convention frenzy ushered in what has since become known as "The Nothing Down Real Estate Movement" of the early to mid-1980s. I keep all of these books in my personal library, and you can probably still find them in your public library and book stores. There's a lot of great information in these books that can make you very knowledgeable, even though some of the ideas are out-dated. We are now presented a variety of ways for making money in real estate investing in TV infomercials, books and seminars. Which is best? Who can say? Real estate investing is learned through trial and error. Real estate investing skills and techniques are acquired by practice. I don't think anyone can dogmatically recommend a technique best for another person. Every real estate investor has unique needs and is in a unique situation. Objectives of real estate investing differs. However, if you are limited with real estate investing educational dollars and need to generate quick return on investment, I think fixing up cheap houses is an ideal beginning point. Real estate investing in makeover properties generates quick, profitable dollars with low risk. Phil Speer, Ph.D., started his real estate investing career 25 years ago. Without the availability of credit and using only a $10 bill, he purchased $1 million in properties in his first year, and had accumulated $10 million in properties by his fourth year. http://www.CashinHouses.com/. He was featured in a Wall St.Journal editorial as most successful investor in the Nothing Down Real Estate Movement, and was honored with a Caribbean cruise as top investor of the year. In his hometown of Nashville, Tennessee, he has been a businessman and Human Resources Consultant for 30 years. He is an author, speaker and seminar director. To learn how to profit in real estate investing, even without cash or credit, read his report at http://www.Real---Estate---Investing.com/information/flipping.html/ Subscription is free to his Fix-up Ezine. He and other contributing authors provide free articles and resources on real estate investing at his online "Academy of Advanced Real Estate Investing Techniques" at http://www.AAREIT.com/
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Buying and Selling Distressed Houses for Maximum Profit (Update) If you want to become a real estate investor, find a "fixer-upper" owned by an anxious seller. Finding distressed houses at bargain prices, fixing them up, and then selling them on a consistent basis can make you a multi-millionaire. Easing Your Way Into Homeownership: A Guide To Low Down Payment Mortgage Programs There's no question about it: Buying a first home is a big financial commitment. In most cases, a home is the largest single purchase an individual or family will make in a lifetime. However, because of the tax advantages afforded to homeowners, buying a home also can be one of the best financial decisions you'll ever make. Real Estate Investors: How to Get a Powerful Marketing Education for Free I am a total geek. Writing on the Wall - Are REITs a Better Investment for You? When I was a young child I had many annoying tendencies. My mother explained to me that the most annoying was my need to write on the walls of every room. I would take my crayons and ruin wallpaper up and down the house. These actions did not go unnoticed or unpunished. I would be yelled at, I would be restricted to my room, I would have my crayons confiscated. When the punishment receded, I would return to my artistic roots and ruin the walls again. The calculation of damages is still ongoing. Use Targeted Decorating To Get A Higher Price For Your House This article will show you how to sell your home quicker, get a higher price for it by using smart decorating techniques. What Is a CMA "CMA" is an abbreviation real estate agents use for a Comparative Market Analysis. A CMA gives an estimated sale price for a property given current market conditions. It's prepared by a real estate agent and it usually comes in report form. Most residential real estate agents don't charge a fee for preparing a CMA. OPM - The Art of Leveraging Equity lender, hard money lender, private investor or what ever term one uses can be a great source of funds to do real estate transactions and the question of how to find them comes up often! San Diego Real Estate, Million Dollar Homes San Diego county has always been known for its Luxury Homes, yet in 2004 San Diego County luxury home sales (homes over $1,000,000) hit an incredible 2774 total units, an increase of almost 170% over total sales in 2003! Home Loans ? Identity Theft Protection Could Hurt Home Sales Identity theft has been a hot topic in the news during the last few years. Just a month or so ago, forty million credit card numbers were compromised due to a computer attack on a credit card processor. Consumers are rightly concerned, as it can take years to unravel the problems created when someone's identity is stolen. New legislation in Texas and California, also proposed elsewhere, is designed to protect consumers by letting them put a "freeze" on their credit reports. Those in the real estate industry are worried, however, that doing so may make it difficult for some people to buy homes. Making a First Impression When Selling Your Home So you've decided to take advantage of the booming real estate market and put your house up for sale. As you know, buying a house is the most important purchase a consumer can make. Real Estate Growth: How Long Will It Last? There has been speculation in the media recently about the fact that real estate will begin to fail and implode as it can only handle so much growth. In my humble opinion these theories don't hold a lot of merit and here is why. First, understand that there are three basic things that undercut the validity of saying that there is a real estate bubble that people are operating in. Forclosure And The Durrett Rule It's probably happened to you... Grab Quick Profits As Real Estate Prices Soar Real estate values rise and fall in cycles. Currentlyhome prices are nearing a top in many areas. Dealing With Dual Real Estate Agents Historically, real estate agents have represented the seller of a property. The seller, after all, is usually the one who pays their commission, and agents therefore have a fiduciary relationship with the seller. This in no way means that agents may operate outside the bounds of the law and ethical conduct of course. It just means that the real estate agent is just that, an authorized agent of the seller for a particular transaction. The Secret to Maximum Real Estate Profits: Lighting Lighting is the most important detail of interior Design Psychology for selling houses. Lighting influences a prospective buyer's feelings within a space more than any other interior design element. Therefore, it's worthwhile to give extra thought to lighting when selling your home. How Not To Blow Your Build Budget Most people who complete a self build will go on to make a profit if they decide to sell afterwards, but what steps can you take to ensure that you don't totally blow the budget? Real Estate Investing By The Numbers Just like most things real estate investing can be broken down into easy to learn step. Cheap Homes For Sale In Great Towns My wife Ana and I found cheap homes for sale all over the country during a seven-week drive, and we even bought one along the way. It was in a pretty little town in the mountains of western Montana, and it cost us $17,500. We spent almost $2000 to fix it up the way we liked it, and lived there for several months before selling it for $28,000. You can see a photo of our little pink house on the homepage of our site www.HousesUnderFiftyThousand.com. This was not a fluke. There are still great towns where you can find cheap homes for sale. Cheap Homes, Nice Towns: An Example Unravelling The Real Estate Buying Process in Canada If you're a foreign national thinking about investing in the real estate market in Canada here's a run down of the typical buying process you should expect to encounter together with a general explanation of mortgages available to assist with the purchase. Property Investing Wrapping a property is a simple concept that can create passive income for you and will give the purchaser a chance to buy a property which would have otherwise been out of reach at that time. However, there are a few things you must know before you jump in and trip up on some of the technicalities. ![]() |
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