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Real Estate Investing - Free Vacations While Searching for Real Estate Acquisitions
Real estate investing professionals look for all possible tax deductions because of the generous profits derived from real estate investing. For example, real estate investors are concerned whether the sale of their real estate is subject to capital gains taxation or qualifies as ordinary income. Determining this status in the sale of real estate investments affects net profit. In addition to this consideration, tax deductions are allowed for expenses incurred in the normal operation of any real estate investing transaction. These deductible expenses include the costs of office supplies, professional fees, property repairs, and depreciation. This article is not a legal or accounting commentary on IRS Code regulations, so you should ask your personal professionals about your qualifications for any specific deductions regarding real estate investing. Consult with your accountant to determine if the search for new real estate acquisitions away from home would allow you tax deductions for travel, meals, and lodging. If so, why not combine a vacation with a search for new real estate investing opportunities? Tax deductible expenses always require that you obtain and keep all receipts relating to the property investment search while on vacation. Pick up newspapers, and mark properties investigated in the classifieds. Collect business cards of realtors contacted. Keep copies of submitted offers. Many of us real estate investing professionals are workaholics, and a fine line might distinguish the difference between relaxing on vacation and work to find investment properties. But the "working vacation" also might be good therapy to clear your head while simultaneously generating new ideation after keeping your nose close to the grindstone over an extended period of time. http://www.CashinHouses.com/ Phil Speer, Ph.D., started his real estate investing career 25 years ago. Without the availability of credit and using only a $10 bill, he purchased $1 million in properties in his first year, and had accumulated $10 million in properties by his fourth year. He was featured in a Wall St.Journal editorial as most successful investor in the Nothing Down Real Estate Movement, and was honored with a Caribbean cruise as top investor of the year. In his hometown of Nashville, Tennessee, he has been a businessman and Human Resources Consultant for 30 years. He is an author, speaker and seminar director. To learn how to profit in real estate investing, even without cash or credit, read his report at http://www.CashinHouses.com/. Subscription is free to his Fix-up Ezine. He and other contributing authors provide free articles and resources on real estate investing at his online "Academy of Advanced Real Estate Investing Techniques" - http://www.AAREIT.com/.
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Top 7 Reasons Why FSBOs Fail To Sell Their Home On Their Own! In the United States, less than 10% of all For Sale by Owners (FSBOs), are successful in selling their home by themselves. That*s because most people just give up because they don*t realize from the beginning the difficulty and complexity of the job ahead. But that*s not the only reason. Here are the seven most common mistakes FSBOs make when selling their home. Take A Shotgun Approach An effective real estate advertising strategy entails a 'shotgun' approach. A shotgun approach includes online internet ads, regular print ads in major real estate publications (AJC) of the property's location, as well as popular local area publications (Creative Loafing) and full use of real estate signs. "A picture is worth a thousand words", so cut your advertising costs by curtailing your ad verbiage and letting your online ad promote the property. Buying Property in Portugal Portugal has long been a popular choice for people, particularly from the colder climates of Northern Europe, looking to purchase a holiday home or a retirement home. Traditionally they have done so using offshore companies, mainly to avoid estate taxes. Unfortunately Portugal, along with some other countries, has made this route considerably less attractive by the imposition of swingeing tax penalties on offshore companies. The magnitude of these penalties can be seen from the examples below, 10 Important Tips to Successful Real Estate Investing When it comes to investing, everybody has certain goals and aspirations. However, we have found that there are certain guidelines every aspiring real estate investor needs to know: On the Crossing of Continents Cyprus is situated in the north-east Mediterranean on the crossing of three continents - Europe, Asia and Africa. This strategic location ensured development of the island as an international business center with high-quality service, vast infrastructures and great deal of entertainment facilities. Living and business conditions there are more than comfortable. Cyprus differs from most developed countries by its minimal crime rate, high living standards and relatively low prices. That's why many tempted foreigners are buying real estate there. I Already Have an MLS Listing, Why Do I Need an Internet Ad? In today's real estate market, astute buyers are also looking to realize savings by dealing directly with the seller. They use internet search engines and keyword sets (Atlanta real estate advertising, Atlanta for sale by owner, Atlanta FSBO) to locate for sale by owner (FSBO) properties on the web. Search engine results will be limited to those websites registered with major search engines and which meet the search criteria. Websites with a meaningful search engine 'rank' will benefit most by being listed at the top of the search results. Real Estate Investing ? ?The Neighborhood Factor? Real estate investing can be a dream career when the process of buying and selling is mastered. The biggest challenge in real estate investing is not the money to get started or the availability of the product. Real estate investing's biggest challenge is judgment. Personal decisions in making the purchase, fixing up the right things, and making the sale require judgment that comes from experience. The second and 100th property should involve better judgment than the first. Home Inspection Checklist - Home Inspectors Although architectural details, wall and floor coverings, modern conveniences and many other factors are important in the buying decision, the focus of this inspection is on the structural/mechanical/electrical condition of the property. Investment Real Estate Made Easy ? Make the Most from Each Investment Dollar When it comes to buying investment real estate, there are many schools of thought on how to get the most out of your money. Some say lease optioning your houses is the best and safest way to go. In fact, I believe this to be true in many cases. For getting the most out of each investment dollar, though, and seeing a quick return, I believe that it is best to find property that you can rehab and resell. Tax Deferred Exchanges of Investment and Business Real Estate The Primary Residence taxation, the Residential Replacement Rollover, Sec. 1034 exception is gone. Previous capital losses still apply, if the property is held as investment property and sold at a loss and that loss can be carried over for up to 7 years. For those over age 55 the primary residence or residential sale exclusion of taxation is gone. Tax deferred exchanges remain a viable way of deferring taxation on investment real estate. Top Tips for Buying and Selling a Home Buyers New Housing Starts Do Not Guarantee Aftermarket Sales We have been studying a trend of new home buyers in the US in light of this latest housing boom. And how we should adjust our strategies to deal with it. Last year we saw 5.56 million sales of existing homes and we all know that the number of brand new homes was substantial to say the least. This incredible surge in new housing starts was due primarily to mortgage rates at all-time historical lows. And the incredible move-in deals, for instance loans with less than 1-3% down payments. 20% of our population took advantage of this by re-financing, remodeling, moving or buying a new home. 43 million Americans moved between 1999 and 2000, this trend continued even to today's date we see areas of hyper growth. On both sides of the country and yes, some in the middle too, places like; Dallas, Denver, Kansas City, Oklahoma, Nashville and Phoenix suburb areas all saw strong growth in 2003 and much of this is continuing as expected into 2004. In 1999 thru 2000 33% of renters moved and 9% of homeowners. Basic Tips for First Time Home Buyers Choosing a first home can be a daunting task, but following a few key steps makes it a lot less confusing. How To Get Started In Preconstruction Investing? Through our website the most common question that we receive is "How do I get rapidly started in preconstruction investing". Realistically, you only need to take three steps on your path from being a "beginner"preconstruction investor to one that is extremely savvy. From Foreclosure to Forbearance - The Art of Negotiation As an active real estate investor you probably already know that the most important phase of your investment is when you buy the property. Most of us are getting the bargains in the foreclosure market. You will agree with me that the best time to buy is before the actual foreclosure. This is commonly known as pre-foreclosure. Home Inspectors: 5 Tips to Choosing the Right One Choosing the wrong Home Inspector can cost you a lot more than the fee you paid. If you choose a home inspector solely on price alone, your headed down a dangerous highway. Buying Property In Spain It's high time someone advocated the use of common sense and suggested that those people looking for that dream home in Spain actually apply a cautious approach to buying! Your Home Equity Can Work for You "Use your home's equity to pay off your debt. It's easy and simple, no closing costs!" Every time I turn on the television, commercials bombard me telling me to take out a home equity line of credit. People are using their dream homes to pay for even bigger dreams, like a "debt free" lifestyle and college educations for their children. Despite the ease in securing these seemingly beneficial lines of credit, many CPA's and financial planners are cautioning homeowners to gain a full understanding of how these lending options work before they turn their homes into a source of money. Real Estate Investing In Belize Any trip to Belize starts fantasies of owning a beach villa, or a jungle resort. There are a lot of North Americans in this English speaking, former English colony. Finding a Great Listing Agent for Your Home: 8 Tips If you've decided to list your home, you'll be paying a real estate agent a significant amount of money to the hard work of selling your home. Therefore, you have the right to expect prompt attention, good service, and protection. Here are eight tips for finding a good real estate agent: ![]() |
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