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Real Estate Lease Option Danger
Why are real estate investors having so much successoffering "rent to own" homes? Lease-options offer home ownership opportunitiesto folks with little cash and not so hot credit. Oh boy, there are plenty of those around. Both parties in a lease-option deal are counting on thebuyer being able to qualify for a home loan before the option expires. The investor wants to collect his profit when theoptionee buys. The optionee wants to own the home. During the lease period the renter/optionee must be working to improve their credit score to the point where they can qualify for a loan and buy the home. Even though there is plenty of subprime loan moneyfloating around at the present time... the lease-optionmethod of acquiring a home seems to appeal to many. In our own investing program.... Before we accept someone for a lease-option deal we have them interviewed by our friendly loan broker. He gives us thumbs up or thumbs down on whether our prospective buyers has achance to qualify for a mortgage loan loan during the next 12 to 24 months. It would be unetical and dishonest to enter into alease option deal with a couple whose credit could neverbe cured even with a miracle drug. We are not aware that it has happened, but we fully expect to see a lawsuit filed against some careless investor who does a lease option deal with someone whose creditis beyond redemption. That renter/optionee has been lead to believe he can buy thehome and when he finds out he can't we are sure somehungry lawyer will rush to their rescue. We can visit that investor in jail and bring him a copyof a "no money down" book with a file hidden inside. About The Author - Mark Walters is a real estate investor and author. Hispublished works can be found at his web site...http://www.CashFlowInstitute.com
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Buying Beach Houses in New Zealand: Real Estate and Investment Opportunities Buying a beach house in New Zealand offers many possibilities. What Can I Realistically Earn In A Lease Purchase Business? If you're looking at Lease Purchasing as a business, you'll obviously want to earn much more than the $20,000 per year in our "How To Give Yourself A $20,000/Year Raise Without Asking Your Boss" article. Property Investing Secrets 2 Property Investing Secrets: How To Get The Best Rental Accommodation In The Area By Using Your Capital My report is for you to use your power to negotiate, not only a reduced weekly cost of accommodation, but also to get the best accommodation available in the area in which you wish to live. Real Estate Investing ? The First House Purchase Real estate investing usually begins with the purchase of a house, rather than raw land or commercial property. The purchase of a relatively inexpensive house for rental or fix-up purpose is usually lower risk than any other type of real estate investment. And the return on investment can be quicker than from any other type of real estate investment. Free Tips That Will Dramatically Increase the Selling Value Of Your House (Part 1) Did you know that it's a proven fact that a properly maintained home sells substantially higher then a home that is dirty, depressed looking and clearly not maintained very well? When it comes to selling your house the statement "first impressions are the selling impression" couldn't be any more accurate. This article will highlight some quick tips that will increase the amount of money you can ask for you home when you're ready to sell it. Cutting Edge Real Estate, Is the Bubble Ready To Burst? Of course, this is the big question in real estate now. . . Quality of Life in Sussex County Delaware. Facts, Statistics, Observations and even opinions! We Sussex Countians are fortunate in many ways as we have a wonderful quality of life here. The Pros and Cons Of Hiring A Real Estate Lawyer You're travelling in a foreign country and you get arrested for something that you didn't even know was against the law. The potential fine is huge, more than you earn in 10 years. Would you represent yourself in front of judges who might not even speak your language? Not if you had any sense you wouldn't. You'd probably hire a lawyer. Chapter One FSBO the Russ Miles thriller/mystery novel Chapter One Not Everyone is Buying or Selling, Some are Doing Both As if one real estate transaction is not hectic enough? many of us end up needing to sell one place in order to move up to the next? this is the "real estate catch 22". Do we buy first?? Do we sell first?? If we are fortunate, these events occur at the same time, but that is not always the case. The problem is trying to determine if it is worse to end up "temporarily homeless" because you sold first, or financially strapped because you bought first. Equity Equity is the value of your home minus what you owe on your mortgage. For example, If Joe's home is worth $200,000 and Joe still owes $170,000, then Joe's Equity is $30,000. Maintaining Small Town Charm In An Ever-Changing World Virtually any state in the country has the appeal of multiple small towns. Ask almost anyone who lives in small town why they are here and they'll tell you they enjoy the small town feeling while being close to all the conveniences of a larger city. One of the greatest joys of living in a small town is how familiar people are with one another. When you walk into a store or restaurant you are welcomed by name. As an area grows, you risk losing the "down home" charm. An Investors 1st and Most Important Lesson Are you ready for the lesson that will put you ahead of 99% of all real estate investors? The Secret To Marketing Your FSBO Home For Sale You're ready to put your home or land (house, townhouse, condo, apartment, farm, ranch, finished lot, raw land, etc.) on the market as a FSBO (for sale by owner). You've priced your property appropriately and gotten it ready to show. How are you going to market it so that it gets exposure to enough potential buyers to actually sell? Guide To Finding Maui Waterfront Property Have you ever dreamed of living in a spectacular tropicalparadise where you spend your days sitting on a beachwatching the waves roll in? Where the air is clean, theclimate always warm and your neighbors are always welcomingyou with warm smiles and sincere hellos? The place you'vealways dreamed of is probably Maui. Whether you're lookingfor a waterfront vacation property, a new place to live andwork or are considering options for retirement, purchasinga Maui waterfront property could be the answer to yourtropical paradise dreams. For Sale By Owner: The Inside Scoop On Selling Your Own Home If you're thinking about selling your home perhaps the 'for sale by owner' signs posted on neighborhood lawns have intrigued you. When you browse the newspaper listings you see ad after ad boasting 'for sale by owner' as an added incentive for buyers and you envy the owners that are confident enough to try it. Searching for CLUEs: What Homebuyers & Sellers Need to Know About Homeowners Insurance Homebuyers and sellers should be aware about issues involving homeowners insurance and the C.L.U.E. database. C.L.U.E. stands for Comprehensive Loss Underwriting Exchange and is a collection of homeowners insurance claim history enabling insurance companies to access five years worth of prior claim information to evaluate risks. The database is maintained by Choice Point Inc., a private Georgia firm, and contains over 40 million claims records on houses in all 50 states. Over 90 percent of insurers providing homeowners coverage provide data to the CLUE system. Home Buying ? School District Issues A good school district is a key factor in home buying if you have kids. It can also be a positive selling point when it comes time to sell your home. A Real Estate Primer There are a great many books and web sites devoted to real estate investing out there, but most of them concentrate on one specific area of investing. It's often hard to find a general description of real estate investing, one that lists the various real estate investing strategies and how to get started. That's what this article will set out to do. ![]() |
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