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How to Research and Purchase a Good Investment Property
How much do you really know about investment property? Accurate research and professional expertise applied to the purchase of an investment property builds a solid foundation for financial success. You may want to work with a REALTOR who can help to identify the great opportunities in investment properties in the area of your choice. Or, you may choose to do the work on your own. A REALTOR can provide the inside line on properties with potential in the geographic area where you are looking for property. If you do choose to work with a REALTOR, you will save time, and you may have more choices and opportunities. Research the Property's Past and Present Some essential information must be obtained about the property's past. For example, do you know the history of the property, or even how old it is? What sort of upgrades have been made to the home? Is the roof waterproof, and is the plumbing and electrical in working order? What's the Neighborhood Like? Once the overall condition of the property has been assessed, tax assessment records must be examined to determine property value trends. A good REALTOR will be familiar with the neighborhood where the property is located and if he or she is not, the REALTOR should check the neighborhood at different times of the day and night and speak to some neighbors. If there is a homeowners association, check the guidelines, assess fees, and be certain they allow rental of properties. Assess the Bottom Line For what purposes are you, the investor, going to use the property? To rent? To house your business? Or, to rehabilitate the property and sell it at a profit? Once this is determined, you can assess the bottom line. Are you paying cash for your investment property? If not a mortgage will have to be paid. Have your REALTOR determine if rent and applicable fees will cover the mortgage, property management and maintenance. Consider property management if you do invest in property. Research fees and services provided by different property management companies, or ask your REALTOR if they provide this service, because many do. If you do not want to collect rents and contract repairs, find a property manager with the skills to negotiate, be your intermediary, and facilitate business in your absence. For investors who rehabilitate and sell buildings at a profit, a decent turnaround is 60-90 days from the time of purchase to the time the property is put back on the market. Three to four contractors should be researched and they should provide written bids with time estimates on their projects. Document Fund Availability with Your Offer Once you find that dream investment property, don't forget that offers need to be accompanied by your financial institution's statement of fund availability or a lender's approval letter. This will help make certain your offer will be accepted over other offers that may not come with appropriate paperwork. There are still plenty of great deals on investment properties in this real estate market, and there are some less than desirable properties as well. Do your research. Or, hire a professional who will do it correctly for you. With proper planning and decision making, your real estate investment should be a profitable and worthwhile endeavor. About The Author Elaine VonCannon is a REALTOR with RE/Max Capital in Williamsburg, Virginia, and she manages investment property as part of her business. Her husband Joe is a contractor who collaborates with her on rehabilitation of properties. She has helped numerous clients invest in and make money on property investments in Southeastern Virginia. Visit http://www.voncannonrealestate.com for listings; vonmor1@cox.net
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Selling Houses Fast: Basics of Design & Color Psychology Fixing up houses to ready them for sale includes a design plan for needed changes. Save money on transformation costs by choosing design details right the first time. Make more money from your home sale by choosing design details that catch the attention of buyers in your price range. Expenses of Home Ownership Hopefully all goes smoothly when you purchase your home. In your anxiousness to become an owner it may not have crossed your mind and no one tells you, your'e not done spending money on this transaction. It may not be soon and it may not be much, but you will need to have a comfortable income above your expenses. Tax Deferred Exchanges of Investment and Business Real Estate The Primary Residence taxation, the Residential Replacement Rollover, Sec. 1034 exception is gone. Previous capital losses still apply, if the property is held as investment property and sold at a loss and that loss can be carried over for up to 7 years. For those over age 55 the primary residence or residential sale exclusion of taxation is gone. Tax deferred exchanges remain a viable way of deferring taxation on investment real estate. Dealing With Dual Real Estate Agents Historically, real estate agents have represented the seller of a property. The seller, after all, is usually the one who pays their commission, and agents therefore have a fiduciary relationship with the seller. This in no way means that agents may operate outside the bounds of the law and ethical conduct of course. It just means that the real estate agent is just that, an authorized agent of the seller for a particular transaction. Real Estate, Real Property and Leased Land; Definitions, Discussion and Explanations Delaware, and the rest of the original British Colonies, has some land that is leased rather than owned by the residents of that land. Much of it is not evident to the casual observer. Buying a Home: The 5 Biggest Mistakes that a Home Buyer Makes As a Professional Real Estate Inspector I get to see and hear the right and wrong things people do when buying a home. These 5 tips will help you choose the right Real Estate Agent the first time. 3 Top Real Estate Investing Methods for Maximum Wealth Real Estate investing can be used to gain wealth in three major ways ? Real Estate Investment Requires A Team I had a hard time at first with real estate investment. One of the reasons was that I tended to be a "lone wolf," trying to do too much myself. I've since learned that to really do well investing in real estate, you need to have a team of people you can trust and rely on. Here are some possible team members, and what they need to be on the team. How To Sell A Home That Didnt Sell If your home has just come off the market and hasn't sold, don't be discouraged. The reason it didn't sell may have nothing to do with your home. Your home may have been one of the more desirable properties for sale. If your listing has expired and you still wish to sell, take a moment to review your situation. Cashing Out of Preforeclosures - Exit Strategies for Maximum Profit One of the quickest ways to real estate profits is through preforeclosures. What is a preforeclosure, exactly? A preforeclosure takes place from the time the bank gives notice of default to the time the house sells at auction. Typically, this is around the time of 90 days into default, depending on state law. Popping The Real Estate Bubble Myth! If you turn on the TV, listen to the radio, or even surf the internet, you'll notice that there is a lot of people talking about the "Real Estate Bubble", and asking the question, "when is it going to burst?" They (these so-called experts) have been saying for years that the real estatemarket can't continue this type of growth. These "experts" remind me of chicken little, with all of their prosphesy of doom and gloom, and the "sky is falling" syndrome. The truth is there has never been a real estate bubble in the past, or presently, and there will certainly never be one in the future. Talk about there being a "real estate bubble" is the stuff that urban legends are made of. Kings Bay Georgia Real Estate - Be Picky When You Choose your Realtor! I have been a mortgage lender for many years and have seen a few transactions go sour. When problems arise after a contract is signed, it can be stressful for everyone involved. Here are some things that you will want to know before you choose your real estate agent. Is Housing and Real Estate Bubble Hype Irrational Exuberance? Not so, says the author of this article and four real estate books including the recent "1001 Tips for Buying and Selling a Home". The upside of the hype is for real estate consumers and investors. The housing bubble topic has produced real estate market information for new or nervous investors about specific markets. Little reporting on the bubble topic exploits the "sell now" syndrome. The downside of the hype is the occasional real estate industry naysayer (never say never?) who has a financial interest to protect. How to Price Your Property? A house properly priced is half sold. But there are plenty of ways to price it improperly.. * You can't go by what you paid for the place. Perhaps you bought two years ago when local prices were skyrocketing, and things have cooled off since. Perhaps houses like yours can now be bought for less, and if you hold out for what you paid, you'll just waste your time.. On the other hand, perhaps prices in your area have taken off, and you'd short-change yourself if you just tried to "get my money out" (but you'd have a fast sale.). * You can't go by how much you've spent on improvements. A given street will support only a given price range. If you've invested so much that yours would be the most expensive house on the street, the buying public is not likely to reimburse you.. * You can't go by your tax assessment figure. Even in communities that aim at full-value assessments, the figures are almost never in line with what buyers are currently ready to pay.. So how do you price your house?. By putting yourself in a buyer's shoes.. What else is for sale in the area? How does it compare with your house? How long has it been on the market? What has sold recently, and how much did the buying public value it at? What has failed to sell in the past year?. Any good broker can furnish the data you need, often in the form of a chart known as a CMA, Comparative Market Analysis. . And once you have it, again think like a buyer. What price would it take for you to look at a list and say to an agent "Take me to see that one"?. Purchase Your First Home with Confidence If you are making the transition from renter to homeowner, you're not alone. In 2004, 40 percent of homebuyers were purchasing for the first time, according to "The 2004 National Association of REALTORS® Profile of Home Buyers and Sellers." The Professional Investors Plan The art of using high-leveraged activities. Real Estate Marketing, Do You Use Direct Mail? Prospecting for leads is by far the most difficult part of being a Realtor or small business professional. In fact, lead development is by far the most expensive and time consuming aspect of your job. However, you level of success in lead development will determine if you succeed or fail as a real estate agent or small business professional. Rehab Your Way to Wealth: The Quick Way to Fixer-Upper Success Completely rebuilding a house is not necessary to make money in investment real estate. Most times, if you have bought smart, you won't have to make a huge improvements on your investment property. Look for places that need only a small amount of work. For example, look for a property that appears to be run down from the outside, but does not need major repair. Here are a few tips for saving money and making quick improvements, in order to quickly sell your rehab property. Good Faith Deposit ? Real Estate Transactions In a real estate transaction, a touchy issue is how much trust the seller has in a buyer. The existence of a good faith deposit helps put a seller at rest. Spain Excellent Choice for British SIPP Investors Second homes in favourite holiday destinations such as Spain are likely to be top of the shopping list when the pension rules change April 6th 2006, allowing individuals to invest in residential property through Self Invested Personal Pensions (SIPPs). ![]() |
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