Public Speaking Information
Choosing a Hot Keyword: Advice for Aspiring Public Speakers
When choosing keywords, you?ll want to stay away from using general terms like ?speaker,? for example. This will only leave you competing with stereo speakers for a top ten spot in a search engine like Google. Don?t discard the word from your list altogether, but don?t make it number one either.
Fee Credibility is a Must
Think of it like this: your fee credibility is as important as putting on your clothes before going to a speaking engagement. Having questionable integrity when it comes to your fee, will leave you open for attack from many different angles (as would giving a speech nude). Without question, all hiring events should receive identical fee bills, as long as they are getting identical presentations. Overcharging or undercharging an event will do nothing but get you in trouble with the speaker?s bureaus and ruin your good name.
Tips For Keeping Your Cool Before Your Presentation
Stretch to relax. Rise on your toes and reach for the ceiling, with your head back. Tighten your muscles from legs up through abdomen, and then release. Relax the neck and shoulder muscles, letting your head loll on your neck in different directions.
Is Information Delivery Instruction?
Do you work for one of those organisations whose "training" invariably consists of someone standing up in front of a group and saying something? If you answered 'yes', you're not alone. It's a common practice which leads to a widely held perception among many that it's training. It's a perception that has annoyed me over many years. I'm not against information sessions ... they have their place. What I am against is calling them 'training sessions'.
How to Build Respect with Your Audience: Positive Thinking and Outhouse Eyes
Do you believe in natural laws? Laws like:
What to Do When an Audience Member Disagrees With You
Some people enjoy drawing attention to themselves by trying to trip you up on a fact or statistic during your presentation. A few will find something you say threatening to their secure view of the universe and want you to know that ? You are dead wrong!!? When this happens it is important to remember that you won?t be able to please everyone in your audience and you shouldn?t try. I personally feel that if I don?t say something that afflicts the comfortable I?m not really doing my job effectively.
How to Answer Questions Your Audience Will Ask
In elementary school, most of us asked questions which were for purely informational purposes. A raise of the hand usually got the attention of the teacher and the question was treated matter-of-factly. In training however, questions from the audience are rarely asked and when they are, they don?t get the attention they deserve. However, these questions, along with other indicators, can give a trainer an abundance of information to analyze their audience. It is crucial that trainers take these questions and other indicators seriously to avoid having their presentations become one-sided.
Speak to Be Heard and Understood
Use your voice to your advantage. One of your main tools as a trainer is your voice, and you should be aware of several of its characteristics.
Analyzing Your Audience and Assessing Comprehension Through Feedback
Aside from fielding and asking questions, there are other ways of analyzing audience attention and feedback. Unfortunately most trainers are unaware of these methods or feel audience analysis is not really all that effective or important. Nothing could be further from the truth. Analysis is the main tool for what is known as the ?functional approach? this dictates that you always seek to measure your progress toward an objective as well as the accomplishment itself. Without the ability to analyze feedback, trainers may have unrealistic or false impressions about the progress being made in the presentation, and thus will be uncertain or wrong in determining their success.
Performance Feedback: Why Were Scared and How Not to Be
Effective communication is not a one-way street. It involves an interaction between the sender and the receiver. The responsibility for this interaction is assumed by both parties. The speaker can solicit feedback and adjust the message accordingly. The listener can summarize what was said for the speaker and continually practice the empathetic process.
Dont Judge an Audience by its Stare
Don?t Prejudge A Situation: In the areas of emotions and feelings, it is important to avoid the natural human tendency to take situations at their face value no matter how practiced one is in making presentations.
Trust in Training: Societys Effect on an Audience
It is important to be continually aware that a person usually will not be consciously aware of how and why they are reacting, yet even if they knew, they wouldn?t tell you. Society conditions people to hide their true inner drives and motives especially from those close to them (or even to themselves). Only when they are assured ? both intellectually and emotionally ? that it is safe to do so, will they reveal what they really need, want, feel, or think. A trainer?s job is to make a person feel as safe as possible in accepting, believing or doing whatever you want them to do.
Boost Your Confidence, Credibility, and Career
There's one skill you can develop that will boost your confidence, credibility and career. It's public speaking. If the very thought makes you queasy, you're not alone. For some people, only death is more frightening. For others, death is preferable. Are you the latter? Avoiding the spotlight? Suffering not just butterflies but sheer panic? Dry mouth? Shaking hands? Flushed or pale face? If this sounds like you, then consider overcoming?or at least controlling?your fear. You can start by attending a Toastmaster's meeting and picking up a couple of books for additional help.
Opening Your Speech
Imagine yourself at mission control; 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 - Speak!
7 Sure Fire Ways To Overcome Stage Fright When Speaking Or Performing
Prayer or Meditation: If you?re a believer you can pray if you are not at least take time to clear your mind and meditate. (On clearing your mind) A short prayer for God to guide you and give you the right words can?t ever hurt. God has promised to give believers words even when they are under a heavy persecution; Mt 10:19. Why wouldn?t he also help when there isn?t any persecution? He would. Obviously you must do this before you speak. If you don?t pray before you speak you might find yourself praying in the middle of your presentation for God to get you out of it as quickly as possible. Do not overlook this little gem because although it seems unimportant, it can actually be what makes or breaks your performance or presentation.
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The Top Four Ways To Get Audience Involvement In A Presentation
In the thousands of speeches I've heard very few presenters truly engage and involve the audience.
How VALUABLE is Your Speaking Topic?
What information can be used immediately by the audience and what is to follow?
How to Use your Inner Circle
Who do you know that knows that you speak?
Trust in Training: Societys Effect on an Audience
It is important to be continually aware that a person usually will not be consciously aware of how and why they are reacting, yet even if they knew, they wouldn't tell you. Society conditions people to hide their true inner drives and motives especially from those close to them (or even to themselves). Only when they are assured - both intellectually and emotionally - that it is safe to do so, will they reveal what they really need, want, feel, or think. A trainer's job is to make a person feel as safe as possible in accepting, believing or doing whatever you want them to do.
The Ten Ps of Dealing with Questions
Presenters and those making speeches will frequently be faced with having to answer questions. Sometimes these will be simple questions asked at the end of your talk and lasting only a minute or two. At other times you may be involved in lengthy panel discussions that take place after a series of presentations. In any situation, though, you will want to answer questions well. Here is a ten point plan for dealing with questions and answers when you speak. I call it the Ten Ps of Question Handling.
Let Your Products Sell Your Name: For Public Speakers
Wouldn't it be great if you didn't have to be one long, giant commercial for yourself all the time? If maybe your products and your name did the promoting for you? When someone hires you to speak at a high profile event, they are taking a large gamble on your ability to engage an audience's interest, and the extent of your knowledge. That said, it is important to have some credibility to your name, or you'll be speaking at every pitiful engagement that comes along.
Speak in Public! Who Me?
The first time I had to speak in front of a group was in Air Force boot camp. I had always been very shy, naive, and backward. During Air Force boot camp I was so impressed by my training instructors, I volunteered to be one!
What is YOUR Speaking Expertise?
Why do you have to be an expert when getting speaking engagements?
Overcome Your Fear of Public Speaking
Knocking knees, butterflies (who came up with that word?) in your stomach, sweaty palms, quavering voice. We've all been there ? some of us more than others. I'm going to share with you some of the tricks of the trade to help manage and reduce your anxiety before and during your presentation. These methods are tried and true and have helped many presenters.
Start Conversations as Easily as You Start a Car
Starting a car is easy. Put the key in, turn it, and the car starts. Would it not be great if starting a conversation was this easy? It can be--if you know how!
Conquer Presentation Anxiety: Olympic Athletes Show Us How
Whether going for the gold or giving a presentation, the beast of performance anxiety rears its ugly head. Your hands are clammy, your knees wobbly and your heart is pounding. You've developed a shortness of breath and your breakfast is staging an uprising. The pressure is on, and you want to succeed and perform at the top of your game.
Giving Your Audience Great Benefits
What benefit do you provide the audience?
If You Arent a Little Nervous, You Arent Paying Attention
The fear of public speaking is one of the most common forms of phobia. That would be fine if this fear did not hold you back in your social and career advancement.
Analyzing Your Audience and Assessing Comprehension Through Feedback
Aside from fielding and asking questions, there are other ways of analyzing audience attention and feedback. Unfortunately most trainers are unaware of these methods or feel audience analysis is not really all that effective or important. Nothing could be further from the truth. Analysis is the main tool for what is known as the "functional approach" this dictates that you always seek to measure your progress toward an objective as well as the accomplishment itself. Without the ability to analyze feedback, trainers may have unrealistic or false impressions about the progress being made in the presentation, and thus will be uncertain or wrong in determining their success.
Will Speak for Food - Using Free Speeches to Attract Customers
If you want to get in front of prospective customers, and be viewed as an expert in your industry, become a speaker. Being at the front of the room gives you credibility. And you might be surprised how easy it is to get to the front of the room.
Take The Fear Out Of Public Speaking
You're a bright, dynamic executive. You've been scheduled to give a major company presentation. You're sitting in the audience waiting your turn to speak. You hear your name and start walking stiffly to the lectern.
Pay Attention To Your Appearance!
During the coffee break of one conference I attended, whispers and giggles could be heard within the conversations of small huddles of delegates. Without asking, I knew what they were all talking about because our little group were talking about the same thing.
Conversationally Speaking
"Would you like to say a few words?" How many of us dread that request? The thought of speaking off the cuff can terrify even veteran speakers. But what about the ability to give a prepared speech and sound natural?
Public Speaking Tips
1. No speech is ever perfect. Perfectionism creates more fear. Do your best and leave it at that.
How to be a Great Speaker
Did you know that great speakers are often nervous with butterflies in their stomach before giving a presentation? And there are many actors/actresses who can not speak to live audiences without cue cards. My 13 years as a professional speakers bureau owner allowed me to hear several thousand speakers give their presentations. Here are a few tips I learned from them.