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Transparency in Online Transactions
In these days of every increasing demand and competition, there is a considerable choice available to the cautious consumer. People have the choice of various types of media, if they are looking to shop for any particular product. Looking at the various types of media, we realise just how large the choices are for anyone venturing into buying or selling something. At the same time, there is the factor of convenience. It wasn't so long ago, when the customer either went to the shops, to buy, or looked in the local or national press, to browse through the classified and commercial advertisements. Then came along the advent of radio and television, which provided a whole new concept in advertising. You could now sit comfortably at home, and listen to, or indeed see, advertisements for your favourite products. But this didn't provide a huge market in private individual advertising, due to the costs involved, although some local radio stations were able to provide so called 'small ads'. It has been customary in the past, for someone wishing to sell a product, to advertise it in the local and national press. This continues today, as one only has to browse through the papers, and see thousands of adverts from private individuals. In recent times, we have seen the evolution of the computer, as an additional source of advertising, and more and more people are turning to this method, as essentially it is one of the most convenient methods of placing an advert. It is also very easy for buyers to browse through the ads, or more specifically, type a word or phrase into a search engine, and save time in being directed straight to the object they are searching for. But let's not be complacent about online advertising, either from the buyers or the seller's point of view. Those of us who run online shopping websites are responsible in ensuring that our customers get a clear and concise picture of exactly what they are entering into, when they open a webpage. It is our duty to provide people with the facts, particularly if they are entering into any online financial commitment. How often do you see the 'added extras' tucked away, after completing the initial registration details, or see an additional credit card fee charged? How often do you see an initial price, only to be weighted down with hidden extras? It is imperative in this day of high technology that the end user, that is, the customer, is provided with the full facts of a transaction, at the very beginning. Starting off with a low or 'bargain' price is all well and good, if that price is the final price, but far too often we see the final price creep up with additional fees, charges, add ons, call it what you may. The responsibility lies with the vendor, to ensure that the price has no 'furry' edges, and is transparent. If there are taxes in addition to the price, we as vendors, should state so, from the very off. If there is postage and packaging, extra costs for additional services, or anything else, it needs to be stated at the beginning. Keeping standards extremely high and not taking advantage of the speed in which online transactions pass from one page to the next, to reach the final destination, is an objective that many online businesses have adopted. Unfortunately, there is still a long way to go, for many. Let's hope we will all, one day, maintain the standards that the general public deserve. Paul Bryant is the Chairman of Wamee Ltd, a UK Online portal, for people to buy and sell almost anything. The website address is http://www.wamee.com. Wamee maintains a policy of transparency and clarity in every aspect.
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PR: Room at the Bottom? When special events and communications tactics rule the PR roost instead of a workable plan designed to manage external audience behaviors that impact your organization the most, that's where public relations results can wind up. Public Relations: Converting the Non-Believers What's the real reason some managers shy away from public relations? I believe it's because they don't understand, or believe, the direct connection between what public relations is capable of delivering and their need to achieve specific business objectives. Maybe the Strongest PR on Planet Earth? Strong for business, non-profit and association managers when they use the fundamental premise of public relations to produce external stakeholder behavior change ? the kind that leads directly to achieving their managerial objectives. Publicity - What to Say to a Reporter You can have dozens of marvelous ideas to get free publicity, but nothing will happen unless you pick up the phone and call a reporter. Media Training - Essentials for ALL Office Professionals Often the first point of contact the media has with an organisation is with the front desk or receptionist. Although designated people within a company may have the training and skills needed to interact with the media, the first point of contact within an organisation can make or break a journalists perception of the company and may impact on how they report about your business. Public Relations 8 Fix Factors I say to business, non-profit and association managers, a key part of your job description is ? or should be ? do everything you can to help your organization's public relations effort as it strives to persuade important outside stakeholders to your way of thinking. Especially when it's YOUR PR program that is tasked to move those stakeholders to behaviors that lead to the success of YOUR department or division. Marketing-Minded Financial Planners, Join Your Professional Organization to Get Free Publicity Unlike some professionals like lawyers and doctors, financial planners aren't required to be members of a professional association. Using the Media - Five Reasons Why The media has the power to shape public opinion and change perceptions. Every day millions of people around the world consume at least one form of the media, whether voluntary or involuntary. PR and the Small Matter of Results As a business, non-profit and association manager, how satisfied are you when the public relations people assigned to your unit spend the bulk of their time on someone's favorite special event, brochures, press releases and talk-show mentions? Public Relations: Power Tool for the 21st Century I address this article to businesses, associations, non-profits and public entity managers seeking a direct connection between the money they're planning to spend on public relations, and the achievement of their organizational objectives. Media Training 201: The Reporters Have Done Their Homework. Have You Done Yours? Just about anyone who has been in the public eye has a story of the media interview that went south. "I talked to that reporter for an hour and all they used was a ten-second sound bite!" or, "He said he wanted to ask me about X when that was just a way to get in the door so he could talk about Y." Chances are, the reporter came armed with questions and if he really did his homework, knew what answers to expect. You should be just as prepared. Media training can't make the tough questions go away, but it can give you the tools to control the interview. Here are some tips: Get Outsiders on Your Side Especially good advice for business, non-profit and association managers whose job success depends in large part on the behaviors of their key external audiences. Three Publicity Tips for Marketing-Minded Financial Planners Financial planners, the first thing to know about reporters is this: they are busy. Ready For A Business Recovery? Who wants to face the challenges of a business recovery without a ton of firepower? Especially when getting your piece of the action almost certainly depends upon how well you modify the behaviors of your target audiences. The Ultimate PR Scam It happens to business, non-profit and association managers when their public relations budget fails to deliver the crucial external audience behaviors they need to achieve their department, division or subsidiary objectives. Are There Secrets to Gaining Media Coverage? Are there secrets to gaining media coverage or is it pure luck? It's a question that I am asked often while meeting with small-business owners who are seeking press attention for their companies or products. While luck certainly plays a part, the short answer to this question is "maybe." However with a little practice and skill, a small-business owner can significantly increase the chances of garnering coverage by following some basic journalistic rules. Inoculate Yourself Against Bad PR What is bad PR? Media Training 101: When 60 Minutes Knocks On Your Door You never know when 60 Minutes will knock on your door and if not them, then maybe a local investigative reporter. A little media savvy is a valuable skill for executives and their image-conscious organizations. Unless you've had media training you know most businesspeople would rather face a firing squad than a crew from the 5:00 news. Although most reporters have professional integrity, some can be crafty. Its CNN! They Want To Talk To You! Being invited to appear on radio and television used to be reserved for top company executives and spokespersons. Until quite recently, the chance of being invited to make a media appearance was extremely small, even for the highest echelon. Today, almost anyone in responsible positions could be called on to interview. 10 Ways to Get the Media to Love You So you've put yourself "out there" with a public relations campaign. Your dealings with the media now become critical. Those relationships with the media can make or break your public relations efforts. Here's how to get the media to love you: ![]() |
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