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When AdSense Goes AWOL
No matter how hard you work to optimize your page, there are going to be times when Google just can't figure out which AdSense ad to deliver, so it defaults to delivering a PSA (Public Service Ad) instead. Now I don't have any problem with charities, but I give to the ones that I choose to give to. Since I don't have a non-profit license of my own, the goal of my web site is to make money and I depend on Google AdSense revenues to help pay my bills. Someday I want it to fund my retirement as well, so I can't afford to have non-revenue PSAs showing up on my site. The good news is the Google understands the human's basic greedy nature, so it provides us with an alternative to donating our precious web real estate to charitable organizations. That alternative is known as AdSense Alternate Ads. As strange as it seems, this feature allows you to let Google competitors into your site. Don't worry, Google is allowing it with their eyes wide open. They even tell you how to set up the alternate ad code to work on your site and they let you do it right in your AdSense control panel. Once you add the code to your site, Google will pull ads from whatever service you defined rather than serve a PSA. Google will do that even if those ads are coming from Yahoo, or Overture, or your grandmother's attic. This goes a long way towards ensuring that you never lose an opportunity to monetize a visitor's time spent on your site. How nice it is of Google to gives us that opportunity. Who do you choose? Ah, now that's the big question. Most people head straight for Overture or Yahoo, but there are other fish in the sea worth considering. In fact, some of these fish make their living almost solely by serving replacement ads for PSAs. Run this search (http://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official_s&hl=en&q=google+psa+alternatives&btnG=Google+Search) on Google and you'll have plenty of options to choose from. Why bother? Sometimes Google doesn't have any ads in its inventory to match your site's keywords. Sometimes Google gets confused and can't figure out which ads to deliver, so it grabs a PSA ad. Google also has a not-so-readily-available list of what it calls "stop words". When the Google AdSense spiders detect these words on your page they automatically trigger PSAs. Some of the more commonly known words include severe profanity (think: George Carlin's 7 Words You Can't Say on T.V), as well as other words which may very be quite legitimate for your site such as pharmaceutical, drugs, death, dying, abortion, and the list goes on and on. At least we THINK that it goes on and on but no one really knows for sure outside of a trusted few Google staffers. But no matter what the reason, you don't want non-revenue ads running on your site. There's no excuse when Google makes it so easy to keep the revenue flowing. Diane provides marketing and internet profit tips.For more Google AdSense tips, visit http://www.adsense.deeljeabiz.comEmail : deeljeabiz@gmail.com
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PPC Search Engines Revealed - 5 Things You Need to Know The pay per click (PPC) search engines have created a new way for websites to advertise and increase traffic to their sites and it is very affordable. There are a variety of things about PPC search engines you should know so read the following suggestions and educate yourself on PPC advertising. Once you know how pay per click advertising works, you will be able to utilize this affordable advertising tool to increase your website traffic. Pay-Per-Click Marketing: How to Waste Your Advertising Budget A well-oiled pay-per-click search engine campaign can land hundreds of highly targeted visitors on practically any website within a matter of days. That isn't new information. Most experienced online business owners already know it. Disguise Your ClickBank Affiliate Links Using Status-bar Faking Many surfers are savvy enough to identify ClickBank affiliate links, simply by glancing at their browser's status-bar before clicking. The status-bar reveals the familiar ClickBank hoplink URL, which frequently alerts the surfer that an affiliate referral is about to take place. A proportion of prospects lose interest as soon as they realize that an affiliate relationship exists. They reason (consciously or sub-consciously) that an affiliate with a vested interest is not making a genuine recommendation. So they simply don't click the link. AdWords: Setting Your Max Cost Per Click We've received many emails from customers over the past several years asking how high we recommend setting AdWords' max cost per click. Generally, we recommend that our customers set the price somewhere moderately high, between the "base" rate and the max rate suggested by Google. For this entry though, I've decided to discuss a few options that may help you decide where to set your max cost per click to get a maximum return. Pay Per Click Search Engines - A Fundamental Overview Forbes magazine reported that pay per click ads accounted for $1.4 billion in 2002 and are expected to increase to $8 billion by 2008. The fundamental core elements of a successful pay per click program are constant monitoring, analysis, and refinement. Buying Your Way to the Top with Pay Per Click Advertising Imagine if you could advertise ONLY to people who have actually expressed an interest in doing business with you? That's basically what happens whenever a prospective customer or client types a phrase into a search engine that's relevant to your business. But how do search engines decide which sites are worthy of top placement in their search results? It turns out that some of the results are ranked by the search engine's computers while others are simply paid advertisements from companies willing to buy their way to the top using Pay Per Click Advertising. Advertising Your Work From Home Internet Business With PPC Search Engines If you want to make money online with a work from home business then you are going to need lots of good targeted traffic to your web site and or affiliate links. One way to get good targeted traffic is to pay for it. I know you were hoping to do this business of yours without spending a dime right? Well if that's what you are thinking you better keep working for someone else and forget about working from home with your own internet business. How to Use Pay Per Click Marketing, the Emoneyreport Way! The cycle of affiliate programs and money making ventures goes something like this: Successful Pay Per Click Ad Copy Writing outstanding ad copy for pay-per-click advertising campaigns is critical if a webmaster wants to be successful. Why waste money on clicks from people who aren't going to buy what a webmaster has to sell? To be as targeted as possible descriptive titles and effective ad copy are needed. Since the webmaster is paying for each click it's very important to have ad copy which conveys the right message to the right person. The challenge is the small area available from most advertising networks like Google (AdWords) or Yahoo! (Overture). Google AdSense Rewards Content with Adversiting Revenue If you've been looking for an easy way to increase your website's revenue, Google AdSense may be your answer. Irresistible Click-Me Tools for Marketing Never mind the irritating, but effective, pop-up window. There is another type of interruption advertising that is much more subtle, much less annoying, and just as effective. Pay Per Click or Pay Per Human Browser? Pay Per Click advertising has been around a few years now. Pay per click is a multi million dollar industry which, as yet, is still in its infancy. There is no telling how big PPC will become in the future, but there are certainly many young players in the business, and new PPC search engines appearing all the time. Should we use the smaller PPC search engines? Should we use PPC advertising at all? Seven Strategies to Bolster Your AdWords Campaign So, you've tried all the marketing techniques you have read about, and you're now ready to dabble on some pay per click magic. But this form of online wizardry needs more than just a sleight of hand, as it requires careful planning and a good sense of what should be expected. Determining Keywords Determining keywords is a critical step in web design. If your website and meta tags do not contain related keywords, web surfers will be unable to find your website when they conduct searches. How to Make More Money with Google AdSense Like any Google AdSense Publisher, you will want to increase your Google AdSense revenue. Your AdSense revenue depends on 3 factors: (1) the number of visitors to your site, (2) the number of visitor that clicks on the ads (Click Through Rate, or CTR), and (3) how well the ads pay (Cost Per Click, CPC). Get anyone of these factor to go up and you will earn more money from AdSense! Google AdSense Revenue = Traffic x CTR x CPCFortunately you can control all of these variables. Increase your web site traffic Discover How to Create Ads Which Give Incredible Results! Many people decide to spend a lot of money putting their advert all over the internet in the hopes that their web traffic will sky-rocket. Most people end up disappointed. This is usually due to the fact that their ad is just not appealing enough to a scrolling browser. The key to creating an advert which is constantly clicked on can be found by fulfilling these 4 criteria: 5 Tips to Pay-Per-Clicking Hi, my name is Darryl Power and I have been using the internet for about 3 years. I used every way possible to generate traffic. But it was not until May 2003 when I found overture did my success really take off. But I am not here to tell you about my success, I'm here to give you some helpful tips with Pay-Per Click advertising which I learned over the past year. The following 5 Tips will help you target your specific audience, and help reach over 85% of internet users in a fast and effective way. Adsense Marketing: Brand Performance Google developed a prime product, Adsense. Marketing your website through key words, brand performance, and Adsense is an entirely new means of promoting your focus. As the rest of the world wonders what happened, those with an understanding of the particulars, in this case, KEYWORDS, trump the market. Pay-Per-Click Search Engines: A Really Bad Investment What was once such a good thing is now a rip-off and a sham! Two Imperative Keys For Profitable Pay Per Click Marketing Pay per click marketing is one of the simplest and fastest ways of sending targeted traffic to any website. Whether you are trying to send visitors to your own website, sell a product online, or build an opt in email list, pay per click marketing has been a guaranteed way to see instant traffic results. ![]() |
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