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Your Best Defense Against Aging: Your Attitude To Life
In the international bestseller, Blink, Malcolm Gladwell explains how researchers who study mind-reading using body language and facial expressions found that the old clichéd advice to smile when you're feeling down really works. Just moving those facial muscles into a happier position can actually perk you up mentally and emotionally, say the researchers, who are finally beginning to understand and accept the link between mind and body. Other research has found that simply recalling one episode of anger depresses the immune system for up to seven hours ? but one episode of feeling compassion or caring enhances the immune system for about the same amount of time. A happy outlook towards life appears to trigger the release of endorphins. Endorphins relax the cardiovascular system and cytokines, which alert the immune system to pay attention in detecting abnormalities like cancer cells. Even though the physiological make up of emotions themselves have not yet been identified, some researchers suspect that a small portion of the brain called the insular cortex may be the key. The insular cortex regulates the autonomic nervous system, which controls the automatic functions of our body such as breathing heartbeat and blood pressure. It also plays a role in higher brain functions and helps to process anger, fear, joy, happiness and sexual arousal. When the insular cortex is stimulated for long periods of time, it can change heart rate and blood pressure and even cause a kind of damage to the heart muscle that is similar to sudden cardiac death. Its not surprising then, that sorrow, anger and other negative emotions can cause a malfunction of the insular cortex. Whatever happens in those six inches between your ears, one thing is certain. Optimism, laughter, love and other positive emotions can counteract many harmful effects at any age, even in your sixties, seventies, and eighties, and beyond! Research has shown that positive attributes as dependability, trust, agreeableness and open-mindedness are associated with a two to four year increase in life expectancy. Let's explore some tips for developing a better outlook on your world. Listen carefully to yourself. If you have put yourself down since childhood, over a lifetime negative subliminal message can take their toll by turning you into a pessimist. Spend one week writing down the phrases you use in your "self talk." Chances are you will find that you repeat a dozen or so phrases over and over again that reinforce that negative image. If you know about them, you can change them. If an issue is not resolved it will continue to plague you and you will relive the negative emotions tied to that issue over and over again. Write yourself a letter spending about 20 minutes a day for four days and write about what you feel. Forget grammar, punctuation and so on. No one else will see this but you and you can throw it away when finished. Once you begin to write, don't stop until the time is up. This exercise will help you organize your thoughts and get them out of your system. By the end of the four days most people feel much better about themselves. Seek out new challenges and opportunities. Always have something that is a goal just over the horizon. When you begin to close the gap and reach that goal, set another and another. Keep yourself consistently moving ahead. Try and do one new thing every week or month. Visit a museum, go to the zoo, go to a book signing or lecture. The goal here is to eliminate monotony, which is a sure killer of optimism. Look for a new marvel of nature each day. Discover an abundance of happiness. Spoil your pet or if you don't have one, visit the human society and adopt one. Learn to laugh at yourself. Allow yourself to experience grief but don't let it control you. Find someone who is worse off than you and lend a hand. Volunteer at a hospital; visit a nursery or a shelter. Have a healthy sex life. Sex at middle age can actually become better and more satisfying than ever before. Don't wait to plan for your retirement. Waiting until you are 60 will have very bad repercussions on the quality of life for your remaining years. Here are a few quick tips for increasing joy, hope and optimism that will work no matter what your age: Make a list of at least 50 great things that happen to you every day. Laugh a lot. You'll heal your body and your mind. Discover a new challenge each month. Try meditating for just five minutes each day. Copyright © 2005 Priya Shah Priya Shah edits the Health Naturale portal. For more tips on anti-aging and living a longer, healthier life, visit Anti-Aging Treatments This article may be reprinted as long as the resource box is left intact and all links are hyperlinked.
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Have a Present Moment! It was the 10th day of rain, and I walked into the pool locker room feeling a little soggy around the edges. I asked my pool friend, Laurie, how she was and she said, "Bright and cheery. It's a wonderful day and I'm going to accomplish a lot of good things." Laurie, who is recovering from hip surgery and on most days can be seen walking around the locker room with great care, wiggled her cane at me from under the shower. C-R-I-T-I-C-I-S-M Yuk! Where Do You Get A Positive Attitude You Asked? How are you? Where do you get a positive attitude you asked? Is Your Glass (Ceiling) Half Empty or Half Full? The infamous "glass ceiling" is blamed for business issues for women from poor salaries to lack of corporate advancement. This invisible barrier holds many women captive in unpleasant work environments, settling for pay which is far below industry averages, accepting weak titles and agreeing to poor advancement opportunities. Accepting Rejected Thoughts Sometimes we are in a position to look into the lives of other people. It could be through a book, or a movie, or a story we hear, or occasionally it could be someone that we meet. Sometimes when this happens, we see qualities that we truly admire, and we think that we would like to have those qualities. Perhaps we just look at the person and think that we would like to be like them. Maybe we hear what they have said and think that we would like to be able to say things like that. It could be that we would like to have what they have, or do what they do. Keep Your Cool Know your limits. Accept what you can't change and let go of things out of your control.Ease your tension. Take a walk; listen to music, splash cold water on your face.Earn small rewards when you make the choice not to become angry.Phone a friend. It helps to share your concerns and talk things out. Using The Negative in a Positive Way ? God Does It All the Time I loved Norman Vincent Peale's, Power of Positive Thinking as much as any book I have ever read. I have read Napoleon Hill's books and I am an ardent believer in almost everything Dale Carnegie ever wrote. I have notes scribbled on the back pages of my Bible from Carnegie's?How to Win Friends and Influence people, albeit I refused to read it at first thinking the title was too corny. For years now I have both pondered and studied the effects of positive thinking and talking, as against negative thinking. I have agonizingly and carefully begun to approach something that might at last qualify for a conclusion. If Youre Stuck Then Make a Different Decision Many people don't really understand the gift they have been given in their ability to be decisive. According to the dictionary, decisiveness means 'having the power or quality of settling a dispute, question, doubt, contest, event, etc.' How individuals use this power of decisiveness will strongly influence the quality of life that they experience. Scented, Spiritual Waters Water is an important tool for magic rituals in many religions and spiritual beliefs. Although it sounds redundant, most cults, sects or spiritual beliefs use it to represent the cosmic element of water for purifying, scrying, and even starting wars. Considering that most of the time H20 is not the only element a spirit seeker needs, the water may go through a bit of a special transformation that requires flowers, herbs, sticks, and other natural resources to become colognes/perfumes or spiritual waters. Living Mindfully Normally I race around multitasking. I am always thinking about a million things while I try and do at least two activities at once. More and more I forget what two things I'm doing and I often feel guilt that I'm not doing either terribly well. This certainly is the lament of every working mom. There is a Zen story that tells of a man charging down a road on a galloping horse. Another man, on the side of the road, yells to the first man, "Where are you going?" "I don't know", replies the rider, "Ask the horse." The horse represents our galloping thoughts pulling us along throughout our day. We don't know where we are going and we couldn't stop, even if we did. Whats My Life All About? What's my life all about is the question so many of us ask ourselves, I'm sure you have asked yourself the same question, right? What Every Employee Should Know About Looking Beyond His Attitude Our attitude makes seems to control just about everything about us. It helps us get better grades in school, become more generous and courteous to others, and enjoy better health. Sexual Abuse. A Story From A Survivor. Uncle Liam was very kind to me again. He gave me more candies when I went to his grocery shop that morning. He always did. But I did not understand why he likes to touch and pinch my cheek. The View From Nana and Papas I'm a working mother with a preschooler, worrying about Mom and Dad, who are approaching their eighties. See, I'm part of the growing number of Americans who are caring for aging parents (or wringing their hands in anticipation of it) and raising a child simultaneously. Are You Thinking The Right Thoughts? "A person is limited only by the thoughts that he chooses." ? As A Man Thinketh Why You Want What You Cant Have "You can't always get what you want . . ." The Rolling Stones will soon be singing this refrain at venues around the world, as they embark on a year-long concert tour in August. Overcoming Seductive Sadness Unhappy moods can be like comfortable sweaters, those old ones: familiar, worn and with the right kind of smell. When we're in a sad place, or actually with any dissatisfied feelings, we want that comfy sweater. We actually can feel really safe wearing it. It's dark and cozy. Choosing to feel the full feeling of those emotions are powerful. In some way wrapping that sweater tight, we are powerful. Prescience "The knowledge of actions or events before they occur; foresight." What?!? No Bananas? "Where are your bananas?" It seemed like a logical question to ask. For all of my forty trips around the sun, bananas were a key item to place in the grocery cart. For the first time I could recall, the banana bin was empty. So I asked a store worker where the bananas were. To Compete or Co-create? - That is the Question! As a financial economist my motivation has long been to understand a simple academic koan: "why is there scarcity in an abundant world?" A koan is a question in the history and lore of Chan (Zen) Buddhism, to which the answer is inaccessible to rational understanding, yet may with great effort be obtained through accessing our higher collective mind. The motivational force driving my financial studies and research rests in the little known fact that the planet earth and this universe have such great abundance that no living being need lack anything! ![]() |
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