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Does It Really Matter?
We are all involved in this game called life and we will have our challenges and successes. One thing that will have great bearing on our attitude and lives is how we treat those challenges and successes. Have you ever had one of those days where nothing seems to go right? What was your reaction? Some of us shrug off the petty things and some react violently. But do those things really matter? There is a way of looking at those things that greatly smoothes the bumps of life you encounter. When something frustrating, aggravating, challenging, infuriating and (you can add to this list) happens, use the following thought to control it: "A few minutes, an hour, a day, a month, a few months or years from now, will this have really mattered?" Looking at things from this perspective you will often find that it really wouldn't matter, so why be upset about it right now? In other words, if it would not make a difference at a later time or date, it probably doesn't make any difference at this particular moment in time. Realizing this, you can go on to have a truly wonderful day and life. By giving this some serious thought, you can see that the majority of things that bother us are truly petty in nature. They only become major when we react wrongly to them. The next time you encounter one of these bumps in the road of life, pause and think to yourself, "Does this really matter?". You will be pleasantly surprised at the betterment of your life. About The Author Copyright 2001 by Robert Taylor There's a NEW kid on the block. Announcing the birth of a new ezine, "Key To Success And Wealth". All new subscribers receive a fantastic ebook valued at $38.50. Subscribe by mailto:subscribe@keytosuccessandwealth.com Please place first name in body of email. Thank You! You may contact me at mailto:info@incomesolved.com
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Power of Positive Beliefs I am an educator as well as a coach and am interested in what it is that brings out the best in the people with whom I work. Over the last few years I have read a great deal of research on the power of beliefs. I am convinced that it is essential that I hold, and communicate to my students or clients that I believe in their ability to learn, to heal, and to grow. Practice Gratitude to Improve Your Life Today As I swooshed down the Zoom Flume water slide at Shipwreck Island, my two-year-old son Gareth yelling "Fun! Weeee!" from his spot on my lap, I felt pure jubilation. The sun kissed my skin, water splashed up around me and the breeze carried a salt tang from the ocean mingled with the scent of sun screen. I could taste joy as it tingled in every cell of my being. Affirmations to the Rescue! INNER CRITIC UNVEILED! Part 2: AFFIRMATIONS TO THE RESCUE! Change One thing in life is certain---change. Things never stay the same. If you are hoping for the status quo, then I'm afraid you will be disappointed. Just think back to how things were five years ago and you will realize that there is so very much that's already different in a very short time. Transform Your Behavior Painlessly by Using the 5-Minute Success Strategy Recently, I coached a young woman whom I'll call Mary about how to make critical lifestyle changes. Mary had always struggled with her weight. She had no control over her eating and she could not maintain a consistent exercise program. That's when I suggested that Mary try the 5-Minute Success Strategy to help her overcome her problem behavior. The beauty of this strategy is that you can use it both to eliminate an unwanted behavior and establish a desired one. Im Loving Me... Right Where I Am I heard these words from a client who had been struggling for weeks to find peace in her estranged relationship with her daughter. Because she 'new better' she kept telling herself that her feelings were wrong and to shape up and get over it. Being Assertive Many people find it extremely difficult to be assertive, whether it is in the work place, or in their personal lives. All too often, there is confusion between being assertive and being aggressive. It is my belief that you lose credibility and the moral high ground as soon as you show any signs of aggression. How to Have a Life of Satisfaction - Guaranteed! Satisfaction 100% guaranteed or your money back! That was the promise, so you bought the product. You've been there! You ended up not liking it and decided to send it back. But, when you started the return process, you discovered that it cost more to send it back than the refund was worth. Ouch! Keep Your Cool Know your limits. Accept what you can't change and let go of things out of your control.Ease your tension. Take a walk; listen to music, splash cold water on your face.Earn small rewards when you make the choice not to become angry.Phone a friend. It helps to share your concerns and talk things out. Powerful Insights ? If it takes me to periphery (Drifted into continuous thinking compulsion), it is controlling me. If I am at centre (without taking the support of any idea in my own nakedness), nothing is controlling me. Affirmations for Success + Music = Pow! Music penetrates our mental barriers and influences the deepest areas of our mind. The right music, combined with the right affirmations for success, can have a huge effect on our receptivity. Changing Negatives to Positives Occasionally people will ask me how I keep a positive attitude, or remain optimistic. I used to find it funny that I would get asked such things. It was as though they assumed that somehow I'd figured a way to avoid allowing any negatives into my life at all. I can assure you I have not :-) Mindfulness and Money: Monkeying Around Kasia is a talented landscape designer who speaks several languages, and when she jokes about being a "Polish princess" it's because she actually has the pedigree to support that claim. Negative vs Positive: The Ever-existing Battle In Your Mind WE ARE ALL THINKING ALL OF THE TIME. Top Tips for the Temporary Move Question: "It's only three months. Or six months. Or a year. How bad can it be?" Attitude Is Everything! Make it Great! Change your attitude, change your life Thought Patterns To Create Success Let's say you're ready to change some aspect of your life - perhaps the way you eat or how much you weigh. If you've ever decided to create a permanent change in your life before, you know it's going to take a lot more than simply acting (i.e. eating or dieting) differently. What's required for permanent change is a shift in your old limiting self-talk and lots of positive energy. Anger And Your Driving Are you driving under the influence of impaired emotions? P. M. A. P.M.A - so what is it? Some people will automatically recognise this acronym - Positive Mental Attitude. Power Talk: The Two Most Powerful Words In Language I don't know about you, but for me, the technological age in which we're living seems to have increased the speed of life. If we are properly programmed, there is not a minute of our life that we are out of communication. As a result, the world has put us on notice to be available On Demand. ![]() |
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