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Now, Theyre Bullying My Daughter In Our Home: Welcome To Cyber-Bullying
Last night Tom's daughter, Sue, came out of her room to see her dad and said, "I got another one of those instant messages. It says, 'tomorrow you had better not show up at school or else'." She has been getting messages like this now for weeks. The result of this is that she no longer likes to turn her computer on. Sue is now 14 years-old and in the 8th grade. She has been bullied at school for a number of years and they have had a difficult time getting the Principal and teachers to put a stop to it. Sue has two disadvantages that make her a target. First, she has always had a weight problem, not extremely heavy but just a little over weight. Second, her last name is hard to pronounce. This has led to numerous ways to say and spell her name. They have been very creative and cruel. Tom is aware that she needs to lose about 20 pounds but what can he do about his name, change it? This should come as no surprise to anyone, but as technology changes we all adjust; unfortunately, so do the bullies. Bullying has gone wireless. These are situations our children face that we never did. How does this happen? The internet, cell phones with text messaging, instant messaging, camera phones and e-mail are the bullies new tools. This is coming to a school near you if it hasn't already. The concerns involving cyber-bullying include: 1. Cyberbullying can be much more damaging psychologically and can be much more intense. 2. It creates a barrier between the bully and the victim. This can makeanyone who normally wouldn't be a bully now becomes a potential bully because there is no face to face contact. Smaller students have found a way to act tough. 3. It is very difficult to catch the bully. When the victim is suspected or caught their defense is that it was someone else impersonating me or someone must of used my password. 4. Camera phones is making cyber-bullying more creative. Taking someone's picture and then manipulating it. When finished it is posted on a web site or e-mailed out. Imagine getting an e-mail of a nude individual with your face attached to it, and you're only a teenager. 5. Many think this is a joke and not as serious as bullying face to face. Parents must be aware Many kids, including Sue, do not want to report this problem to their parents for fear of how their parents may react. Many believe their parents will take away their cell phone, computer, or internet access. This is an obvious solution to stopping the messages, but it is only a temporary one. Sue feels harassed by the bully and punished by her parents when her equipment is removed. This is a double punishment for her. SOLUTIONS are available - ask questions and act as if you're unfamiliar with the topic. For example, Have you ever heard of anyone receiving improper messages on their phone? Does anyone at school use their camera phones for taking pictures of others who don't want their picture taken? Then Sue's dad should educate her about each situation and how to handle it when and if it arises. Text Messaging When Sue receives an obscenemessage, threat, or abusive message on her phone teachher to not respond. Your wireless provider should be notifiedto see how they handle this situation. Chat-rooms and Instant Messaging This is what we needto teach Sue: 1. She should never give out her personal information. 2. She should not share her password. 3. If Sue receives inappropriate messages, have her disconnect or block the sender. 4. She should not respond to inappropriate messages. We do not want a dialogue to begin. 5. She should avoid giving out the name of her school. 6. No child should ever agree to meet anyone from a chat-room. That 17 year-old stud just may be a 53 year -old bald man with a pot belly. E-Mail Once again, when Sue is sent an inappropriateemail, she should not respond. Go to the source button to find outinformation on tracking where it was sent from. If it was sentfrom someone at school, then print the e-mail to use as proof.Sue's parents can contact the school or their service provider to seewhat options are available. If there are threats involved, then contacting the police is always an option. Look into e-mail filters, creating folders for these e-mails, andspam software to block them. Whatever you choose, it willnever be 100% perfect in blocking unwanted e-mails. Here are some warning signs that Sue's dad needs to be aware of and Sue needs to inform an adult if she comes across these: · If anyone insists on having her send her personnel information to the online "buddy." · If she is sent messages, pictures, or offered gifts and told not to share these them with anyone. · If she is requested to send pictures of herself to the e-mailer. Remember adults do not make friends with children over the internet, then tell the child to keep it quiet without a purpose. Handling the topic of cyber-bullying with your child before it becomes a problem will make it easier when and if it becomes a problem. Your child needs your guidance and ignoring this issue does not help or support anyone who is a victim of cyber-bullying. Derek Randel is a parent coach who consults and works with parents in removing the yelling from their home. He has started http://www.stoppingschoolviolence.com a program for parents to help stop bullying. He has authored three parenting books.
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We had to pick a lunch meat, fruit or yogurt and bread to put it on (white, wheat, rye or a roll; today wraps are another alternative). As I got older however, I cut down to a half sandwich as I found I didn't always finish a full sandwich. I continue to eat lunch this way today, a half sandwich and some fruit. Quality Time? There's a phrase that's become popular over the past few years that fills me with wonder. That phrase is "quality time." We've all heard it, and we all seem to accept it as a real concept. But to the average country person, that phrase is difficult to comprehend. Bedtime and Sleep Habits Bedtime and children's sleep habits can cause nightmares - for parents, that is! Often at the end of a long day all you want is a little peace and time for yourself. After all, you have probably devoted the entire to the service of children in some form. Ten Tips for a Great First Day of School! Many children are jittery on the first day of school. Listed are ways to prepare your child for the big day! Mutants or Clones? In a single dose of children's television, I was bombarded with themes of mutants, cyborgs, evolving and the digital world. These words intimidated me at first, until I learned what the shows were talking about. I wondered how this prepares children for living in the 21st century. The answer hit me when I came across the saying, "Don't Clone...Mutate." A Child Can Make a Difference Sometimes dreams really can come true! May 8th - 11th, 2000, my daughter and I traveled to Disney World in Orlando, Florida, because of a dream my daughter, Amanda, has to make a difference in this world. Amanda (then a 6th grader) entered McDonald's Millennium Dreamer contest and told them about her contributions to the humane society and her dream of making the world a better place for animals. Amanda's dream is to help homeless pets find homes, and she makes this dream a reality by writing a newsletter and donating all her profits to the humane society. Her entry won her and a parent an all-expenses-paid trip to Disney World to meet with other Millennium Dreamers from all over the world. 2,000 kids were chosen in all--1,000 from the U.S., and 1,000 from 90 other countries. Fun Things to Do with Your Kids this Summer 10 Fun Things You Can Do With Your Children this Summer that Won't Break the Bank Homeschooling ? Is It Worth It? Suppose that you rearrange your life to homeschool your child and the experiment fails? You may feel that you've disrupted your life and wasted a year of your child's time. Your child may even be kept back a grade by the local public school. Single Parenting: How The Challenge Of Single Parenting Affects Your Decision To Divorce Single parenting has seemingly become an acceptable norm which is unfortunate. According to the US Census Bureau, there were over 20 million single parents in the United States in the year 2000. That's a staggering statistic, certainly the worldwide number of people who are challenged with single parenting is exponentially higher. Lets Not Hurry Children Through Childhood Have you ever experienced one of those days when you wanted to return to the carefree days of childhood when your biggest worry was how you could con your parents into staying up a little longer at night. Have you ever thought that you would like to be a child once more when the biggest decision for the day was choosing which topping put on your ice cream? 5 Tips For Talking To Your Children About What They See In The News Mommy (Daddy), Why do those people want to hurt everyone? Books Around the House Make A Difference in Literacy Rates We need a grass roots campaign targeted towards parents to have books around the house. Reading times where TV is turned off and kids are reading. The parents can read what ever they want, the newspaper, a novel, picture book, magazine, perhaps mix it up a little something different each night. With plenty of reading material around the house. There should be public service announcements in the Media and the Media should also be involved along with the TV and Movie industry. Would You Hire This Teacher? Imagine you were the principal of the school that your child would be attending. Imagine that you were authorized to pick out which teachers to hire. Develop Your Childs Genius: Training Your Child for Success This time, I would like to talk about a subject that is appropriate for every age group out there. Even we, parents, can benefit from this, we can develop success skills together with our children. Clean Your House Green for your Children?s Sake My thirteen-year-old daughter recently called me up to say she had cleaned the whole kitchen and bathroom herself. So many emotions ran through me at that moment. First, I was shocked by the fact that no one asked her to do so. I was also happy that she had done this but anxious at the same time because this was a Thursday afternoon and knowing that during the next 24 hours would come my payback, a ride home from a party or a couple of her friends sleeping over for the weekend. But the one thing I was not feeling was worried that my little girl was exposed to toxic chemicals that most of us use in our homes. Two years ago we made the switch to all natural non-toxic cleaning products. 15 New Years and Holiday Resolutions For Parents Have you made your usual New Year resolutions? You know the resolutions where you turn over a new leaf to get fit, steer away from junk food and start a savings plan. While you are reflecting on past bad habits and setting new directions for your personal life consider taking stock of your parenting as well. Uses for Dirty Diapers As the father of a toddler, I am an expert on dirty diapers. I know exactly what to do with them: throw them out! Co-Morbidity Rates: Other Problems That May Come With ADHD Diagnosing children and teens with ADHD can be a challenge. Very often the child or teen that comes to the office will have both a neurologically based Attention Deficit Disorder, as well as some other clinical condition that requires treatment. There are commonly two reasons for this: Picky Eaters - The Dawn of Understanding "In general my children refuse to eat anything that hasn'tdanced on television." (Erma Bombeck, 1927-1996) ![]() |
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