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Parents of Toddlers and Pre-Schoolers: 7 Universal Laws
1. The Law of the Beast As parents we need to keep in mind that we are raising our teenager while we raise our toddler. They are essentially the same beast. 2. The Law of CPR Having little to do with cardiopulminaryresuscitation, the law of CPR states that we need to be Consistent, Resistant and Persistent with our kids. 3. The Law of Words Our little ones need to be taught to "use their words, not their hands" when dealing with conflicts. 4. The Law of Mine In the world of a young child everything is mine. If I am playing with it, it's mine. If you are playing with it, it's mine. If I played with it yesterday and go bored with it, and you play with it today, it's mine! 5. The Law of Sharing It's very important to teach our children to share. At the same time, it's just as important to understand that asking a small child to share their toy is like asking one of us to share our car or house! 6. The Law of the Team Each parent brings a unique set of skills to the job of parenting. The goal is not so much who is right, but how do we form the best parenting team we can form. As I like to say "we don't have to think alike, we just have to think together." 7. The Law of "Solid Walls" "Have you ever walked thru a solid wall?" Of course not. But what if one day you tripped into a solid wall and went right through it, unharmed? Wouldn't you be tempted to try it again? It's the same with parenting- when kids get it that mom and dad are "solid walls' when it comes to managing behavior, the less likely they are to try to walk thru you. Visit ParentingYourTeenager.com for tips and tools for thriving during the teen years. You can also subscribe to our f*r*e*e 5 day e-program on The Top 5 Things to Never Say to Your Teenager, from parenting coach and expert Jeff Herring.
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Bird Flu Pandemic What are the easiest things citizens can do to prevent spreading in an epidemic outbreak in America of a virus. There are many things you can do and warn your kids not to do; for instance tell your children; Do not touch handrails in public places and buses. Whenever possible; do not sit on and stay off park benches. You should wipe of gym equipment after each use when working out. Do not go to a movie and sit on theater seats with shorts on or bare skin touching. The Secret To Keeping Kids Interested on Family Vacations Vacations and trips are great family events, but how do you keep kids interested and busy during the down times? Have them keep journals of the trips and their impressions. Playground Pettiness Recently I took my two children to a popular new park in the area. It's abeautiful new playground, all wood, divided into different areas of play fordifferent age groups. It's wonderful for me as well, as my children can playat age appropriate areas and I can see/interact with both of them at thesame time. This is what makes it our entire family's favorite playground, aswell that for many other families in the area. Is My Child Lazy? Is there a difference between lazy and unmotivated? Why do some children move as if in slow motion? Is this normal or are they just trying to irritate you? You may be surprised to learn that a great many factors come into play when a child appears to be lazy; stage of growth, hormones, hunger, motivation, lack of clear directions and maybe even sleep deprivation. 10 Reasons Why You Need to Ditch the Super Mom Syndrome For any of you Moms out there that are doing it all, attempting to gain Super Mom status, let me give you my own personal opinion?It's not worth it!!! The pursuit of the Super Mom is an endless search that will be of great cost to you in the end. Here are 10 reasons why you need to put an immediate halt to this pursuit. # 1-There is no such thing as a Mom who can do everything perfect because as far as I am concerned, perfection comes at a very high price. Seemingly perfect to other people, is often not the way things really are for the perfectionist.#2-The Super Mom Syndrome is literally killing women. Stress related diseases are on the rise and the demands that women place on themselves today directly contribute to the stress in their life. This stress is often all consuming. #3-There are far too many roles in our life today. Trying to keep up with the different hats we wear on a daily basis is sometimes impossible. Feeling the need to be perfect in them all is exhausting. #4- Our children miss out on some precious experiences with us that they can't get back. We are frequently so wrapped up in our to-do list that we forget to put the really important things on the list at all. #5-It's exhausting!!! Having to do everything that you feel society expects of you, as a mother is overwhelming. #6-It's no fun. How much fun has anyone really had attempting to do everything perfect??? #7- Your friends will like you more when you can laugh at your imperfections along with theirs. #8-Your quality of life will immediately improve. When you make the decision to give yourself a break and do your own personal best instead of 100% perfect, a huge weight is lifted off your shoulders. Anxiety and depression can be an end result of unrealistic standards that you consistently place on yourself. #9-The Super Mom never enjoys the moment. She is always multitasking and thinking of what needs to be done next. Life will pass you by before you know it. #10-Continuing to admire women who can do it all will continue to place unrealistic demands on mothers to do it all. Let's start to admire the mothers who take time to nurture themselves. Let's admire the women who can enjoy the time with the kids at the playground and be really present when they are reading to their children. Let's toast the Moms who admit they can't do it all, all the time. Let's congratulate women on their honesty and ability to ask for help. Let's start to celebrate our imperfections instead of beating ourselves up over them. Let's stop judging each other and offer support instead. We are not perfect creatures nor were we meant to be. So why are we trying to be??? Wouldn't Motherhood be a lot more fun if it didn't have to be perfect? If you want to start taking better care of yourself as a mother and a woman, you can pick up your copy of YumMe MumMe Makeover- How to Balance Womanhood and Motherhood by Nurturing the Me in MumMe. It is full of tips and advice on how to bring more fun, balance and happiness in to your life. It is available on my web site at http://www.seekingbalance.ca My Best Buddy My son, Dakota is now 7 yrs old. He is so smart for his age.I recently had a conference with his 1st grade teacher and was surprised to find out that he was having a hard time in school.I guess I was surprised because at home he was perfectly fine. She seems to believe that his problem lies with his inability to pay attention in school. She says it isn't that he is disruptive but that he can't seem to keep his attention on one thing for long at a time. Mommie Moments ? Taking Time For Yourself Being a parent is a role that requires a large majority of our attention and time. Whether you have one child or fourteen children, you are more than likely aware that personal time is at a minimal. As a mother your attention is always on demand. There are meals to be made, clothes to be washed, and rooms to be cleaned. Not to mention other responsibilities like entertaining hungry little minds. Teaching Your Child Safety Q. What is the best way to teach safety awareness to young children? How to Make a Time Capsule Looking for an unusual and memorable gift? Why not preserve a slice of history by creating a time capsule for your loved one? Its OK For Your Child To Be Bored - In Fact, Its Recommended! NY -- Strange as it may sound, bordom promotes happier, creative kids who are better problem solvers. When children use their own creativity with unstructured play, they find ways to amuse themselves -- even if it means simply daydreaming. Parenting Your Teenager: Are Sleep Overs with the Opposite Sex OK? Q. Our 17-year-old son wants us to let his girlfriend spend the night at our house in his room. He has two beds since his older brother left for college. He says nothing will happen and lots of his friends' parents allow this. Should we try it and see how it works? Alias: Aptitude Be aware. You may become totally overwhelmed when you get the results of the special education testing on your child. There is a lot of "stuff" on that report! And much of it sounds like a foreign language to many people. Teach Children The Skills Of Optimism Optimists do better academically, socially and enjoy better health than pessimists. Time To Connect With Your Teen While on a recent trip to the grocery store, I happened to hear a mother telling her teenage daughter not to answer her ringing cell phone. Of course, the daughter explained to her mother that "she just had to answer it" As the mother was in the middle of stating how she barely gets two minutes of her daughters time in a day, and her daughter answering the ever so "important" call anyways, all I could think was how much I could relate with this poor woman. In fact, I'm sure most parents with teenage children can relate to her as I did. Building Teen Character: Part-Time Employment The teenage years are a crucial time in a child's life. They arenot children anymore, but they are also not adults. During thistime the choices they make may have an effect on them for therest of their lives. It is the parents' responsibility to guidetheir teenagers in the right direction by helping them makeresponsible choices and building their character to the pointthat when their teenagers move out of the house they are on theroad to being responsible adults and have the tools they need tosucceed in life. Teenagers Taking Risks It can be hard being a parent with a teen going through what I term the 'I'm Invincible' phase. This is the phase when teens start doing scary and dangerous things (according to us parents) as a way of testing out their physical limits. Inattentive ADHD: Just Like Winnie the Pooh Winnie the Pooh is the classic picture of Inattentive ADHD. In other works we have called this "Space Cadet" style ADHD. These are people that suffer from "brain fog" as they go through their day. Although Pooh is very lovable and kind, he is also inattentive, sluggish, slow-moving, unmotivated. He is a classic daydreamer. What To Do With A 6 Year Old Smart Mouth Know It All Just the other day, I was talking to some other stay at home moms and asked if they were struggling with any difficulties. "Yes," one piped up almost immediately, "discipline problems with my 6 year old smart mouthknow-it-all! I don't want to spank, and don't, but he seems to laugh at time out, privilage loss, etc. What do I do?" Normal and Logical Consequences Successful parents have learned to be both firm and kind at the same time. They set boundaries and work with their children to help them understand that they will follow through with appropriate action if inappropriate behavior continues. Don't think when I say firmness that I really mean strictness. Strictness deals with the child; firmness is more an extension of our resolve toward our decisions. Is Your Child Ready For an Allowance? Children think money grows on trees. Maybe not literally, but they sure think there is a never-ending supply of it. They see you at the grocery store pushing a cart overflowing with the week's groceries; you hand the cashier a piece of plastic and suddenly it's all yours. People come to the door asking for money to support a charity and it magically appears from the bottom of your purse as if you were pulling a rabbit from a hat. Instead of "mama" or "dada", "checkbook" might have been your child's first word. It makes no sense to them then, that every time they ask for something they'd like from the store the answer is usually no. How do you teach the value of money to a child? ![]() |
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