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Sibling Rivalry: The Magic Trick That Stops It Instantly
It's a familiar scene: Kids screaming at each other,complaining that, "He got a bigger piece of pie," or "Shegot to stay up an hour later last night." When sibling rivalry rears its ugly head, what do you do? Try to reason with the kids? Scream, threaten or punishthem? Ignore it and run for cover? None of these methods is very effective for very long. But I've discovered a tactic that works every time. Itreally is guaranteed to end sibling battles, almostinstantaneously. The only downside is it requires a bit ofpatience on your part. The trick is understanding that it doesn't matter what thekids are arguing about, the real battle is for yourattention. Really. They could be screaming at the top of their lungsover who gets to play with a certain toy. They could bered-faced and foaming at the mouth over who got to sit inthe favorite chair. It doesn't matter what they're arguingabout. What they're really saying is, "Mom, I want more ofyour attention. I want to know you love me." Understand this, and you're 80 percent of the way toresolving all sibling battles. So here's how to resolve the battles: Try to catch thembefore the argument escalates to the point where one or bothkids need to be reprimanded. If you can't do that, wait for the next time. There alwaysis a next time, isn't there? Next, make it clear that you aren't taking sides. Now try to discern which child is feeling the need forattention most. It will typically be the child who startedit, though that's not always easy to figure out. Turn to that child first and say, "Look, I can see you'reupset. I'm wondering if maybe you need some more attentionfrom me. Can I give you a hug?" (Or rub your back or throwthe football around or whatever you do when you give yourkids attention.) When that child is calm, repeat with the other child(ren). Your goal is to let your kids know that: 1) You understand they need your attention; and 2) You accept them; and 3) You aren't going to judge them for needing or wantingyour love. Depending on how old the kids are and how long the rivalryhas lasted, you may hear a little sarcasm. But I promiseyou, there's a soft vulnerability underneath those barbs. Ifyou can ignore the sarcasm and keep offering more attention,you'll be amazed how quickly the arguments disappear. Giving them attention doesn't mean you have to be at theirbeck and call for the rest of the day. It may mean you givethem hugs and kisses. It may mean sitting and talking withthem. Or it may just mean sitting quietly and playing agame of their choice for a few minutes. When They Both Want Your Attention at Once It helps if you warn them that you'll have to take turnsgiving each child individual attention. I handle this in areally straightforward way. I just say something like, "Listen, I can see you both wantmy attention now. And honestly, you both deserve it.(That's the best line I've come up with yet!) I really want to give both of you the attention you deserve,but I'm only human. So how about if I sit over here andtalk with you first, then I'll play a game with you...and soon." This also works really well when there's a new baby in thehouse. Obviously, if you're in the middle of feeding,changing or bathing the baby, you can't give the olderone(s) the attention they want. So just say as sympathetically as possible, "You know what?I bet you want a hug right now, don't you?" Or, "Could youuse some mommy time?" Or, "Does it seem to you like thebaby is getting all my attention?" Then say, "You deserve my attention, too. And I want togive it to you. Right now, I can't because I have to feedthe baby. But as soon as I'm finished I'm going to...[giveyou a great big hug, play Candy Land with you, etc.] Is This Really Guaranteed to Work? Yes, but, of course, you have to put it into practice. I am the first to admit that when I'm tired, hungry, crankyor PMSish (or worse, postpartumish!), I just can't botherwith this trick. I mean, geez, even Barney would get PMS ifhe were a woman (and not a make-believe character)! Sodon't expect the battles to stop instantaneously and neverarise again. Plus, when the kids are tired and cranky, it doesn't matterhow much attention you give them, they're not going torespond to anything but food and sleep. Understand that,too. The reason this trick is guaranteed to work because it'sbased on understanding that the root of all sibling rivalryis a battle for your attention. Even if you do nothingother than understand that, and accept that all kids needattention (probably more than you have to give), you're 80%of the way there. Stephanie Gallagher is the author of several parentingbooks and creator of "Mommy Merry Go Round," thehilarious new online movie that's taking the motherhoodcommunity by storm! See it today athttp://www.mommymerrygoround.com
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Keeping the Stress out of Single Parenting Researched through personal experience! Help! My Kids Dont Listen to Me Does this sound familiar? Have your kids not listened to you when you wanted them to? This is one of the most common issues that parents bring to me seeking help and support. Parents tell me that instead of listening to them, their kids sometimes ignore them, walk away, don't do what they are told, laugh at them, turn up the radio or TV, talk back to them or give them the silent treatment. Parents say that they feel tired, frustrated, upset and at times at their wits end. By the time they come to me they have tried everything without success. So what else is there to do? Why Mother?s Day is Important For Children Mother's Day is important for children. Why Wont My Child Do as I Say? In speaking with parents a comment I frequently hear is "My child won't listen!" Repeated attempts in trying to get a child to co-operate often lands on deaf ears and leaves parents feeling exhausted and helpless. Frequently we say things we later regret and become riddled with guilt. Usual attempts often include nagging, yelling, spanking, time out, lecturing and threats. Despite consistently not getting the results we're looking for, we resort to the same methods time and time again. We usually use what we were taught to use by our own parents. Although we often resolve to ourselves that we will do things differently and not resort to some of their methods of parenting, we do. It seems to be automatic. This is not intended to be an article about blaming our parents, rather an understanding of why we do what we do and provide some alternative responses. There were no parenting courses for our parents and they all did the best they knew how. 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For many this two-month academic hiatus is cause for celebration. However, it can also be a factor in a long standing, yet little publicized, childhood affliction: Summer Learning Loss (SLL). Car Wash Fundraiser Preparation Are you considering a car wash fundraiser for your group? We all no it is getting harder and harder to raise the funds for non-profit groups these days. Especially kids groups such as youth groups, sports teams, high school bands and scouts. Now more than ever it is important that we take special care to mentor our youth. One of the most important things you need to do to insure a successful car wash fundraiser is to pay special attention to the pre-planning preparation. Discipline Discipline is a necessary part of parenting yet it makes most parents feel uncomfortable. Some of those old disciplinary phrases such as 'spare the rod and spoil the child', 'teach them a lesson' or 'set children straight' are enough to send shivers up the spine of any reasonable-minded parent. The Science of Mother Love A growing body of scientific evidence shows that the way babies are cared for by their mothers will determine not only their emotional development, but the biological development of the child's brain and central nervous system as well. The nature of love, and how the capacity to love develops, has become the subject of scientific study over the last decade. New data is emerging from a multitude of disciplines including neurology, psychology, biology, ethology, anthropology and neurocardiology. Something scientific disciplines find in common when putting love under the microscope is that in addition to shaping the brains of infants, mother's love acts as a template for love itself and has far reaching effects on her child's ability to love throughout life. How To Teach Children Loyalty and Dependability Individualism is a common thing in today's modern society. Many people care more about themselves than others and do what they like with little consideration for people whom may be affected by their action. It is quite a sad thing. You can see that there are is a general lack of loyalty and commitment to people own belongings. For example, Breaking the Cycle of Emotional Blackmail Family decision-making is an intriguing phenomenon. Many factors become part of the decision-making process. Emotions play an important part in this activity. Intermission: Wood Chips I wanted to share with you one of the most valuable lessons my daughter taught me when she was sixteen-months-old. I call this essay, "Cherish Your Wood Chips." The Family Guy - Parenting From a Single Dads Perspective It was a hot summer day in august and The courthouse was without cold air. I wiped my brow as I entered the crowded courtroom. Several times I had appeared in family court, petitioning to get custody of my children. On each occasion I left the courtroom alone. The court had taken the girl's mothers rights away, but fighting through all the red tape had dragged on for two years. I Scream, You Scream, We All Scream, But Not For Ice Cream! We all scream for ice cream. Or, we don't, at least not anymore. Teach Your Children How To Resolve Conflict Without Using Anger Or Power Teaching kids to deal with conflict effectively and peacefully is perhaps the biggest challenge facing adults today. Children's disagreements both at home and at school can be noisy, physical and psychologically hurtful. The approach to conflict resolution learned and practised in childhood often stays for life. Go Ahead - Make Dads Day Throughout the year, many days of celebration are tucked capriciously into the calendar. So much so, it is hard to find any day of the year where something or someone is not being observed, which has benefited the greeting card company, you can be sure. I'm not positive, but I think they've had a great deal to do with designating these days. ![]() |
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