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Spare the Child, Ditch the Rod
Spare the rod, spoil the child! This philosophy's been around a long time. In fact, a study done by Zero to Three, anonprofit child-development group, found that 61percent of the adults who responded, condonespanking as a regular form of punishment. Thepercentage of parents who actually use spanking isbelieved to be much higher. And when my five year old son's behavior wentbeyond annoying a few days ago, I felt inclined tojoin the majority, and swat him to "teach him alesson." Most parents reach this point with their kids. Youfeel as though you can't take any more of what yourkids are dishing out. It usually happens whenyou're tired, stressed, and overdone. So what are your choices when you reach this point? Spanking certainly can take care of things quickly,and can temporarily change your kids behavior. Butthere are many reasons to question the practice ofspanking your kids. Here are five of them: 1. Do you really want your kids to be afraid of you? Kids will sometimes obey more readily when they'reafraid of you. Is this what you really want? Whathappens when they're six feet two and two hundredpounds? Effective parenting is based on love andrespect, not fear. 2. Spanking shows your kids that you lack self-control The huge majority of spanking incidents come whena parent is angry. What is quite clear to yourchild is this: when my Dad or Mom gets angry, theyhit me. And when the same child hits his sisterwhen he gets angry, do you demand that he showsbetter self-control? Something's wrong with this picture. You teach your kids best through your own actions. 3. You may breed resentment and anger in your kids Kids who are spanked usually don't learn a greatdeal about "correcting" their misbehavior. Theydon't usually sit in their rooms and say,"Gosh, I can really see after getting spanked thatI was wrong. I'll do better now." They do thinkabout how angry their Dad or Mom is, and they candevelop a good deal of resentment for theirparents. 4. Spanking shows your kids that "might makes right" Adults make mistakes in their lives too, right?Can we use our imaginations, and visualize what it wouldbe like for someone four times our size to pick usup, and swat us on the butt? What would we learnfrom that? Would we feel any injustice? You canbet your kids are feeling some. 5. Spanking isn't effective in the long run Parents who are asked why they spank will reportthat they use it to "teach their kids a lesson,"or so they won't misbehave again. Many kids whoare spanked will go underground with theirmisbehavior, and become more cunning to avoid beingcaught. (Wouldn't you?) If you're spanking yourkids fairly often, doesn't this show that it's notworking very well? Kids who are spanked occasionally aren't ruined for life. But spanking isn't necessary to discipline a child. There are countless examples of disciplined and responsible young people who were never spanked by their parents. Parents who don't spank their kids use time outs,re-directing, or distracting with their kids. They can pick their kids up and let them cool down, orsimply leave the area themselves, so they don'tdo something they'd regret later. While these methods aren't always perfect, theyhelp to form the foundation of a certain kind ofhousehold: One in which violence is not "taught"as a means to better behavior. After all, we live in a world that's filled withviolence. Can't we provide a place for our kids where thereisn't any? Mark Brandenburg MA, CPCC, coaches men to be better fathers and husbands. He is the author of "25 Secrets of Emotionally Intelligent Fathers" http://www.markbrandenburg.com/father.htmFor more great tips and action steps for fathers, sign up for his FREE bi-weekly newsletter, "Dads, Don't Fix Your Kids," at http://www.markbrandenburg.com
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Old Wives Tales and Other Things That Just Might Help with ADHD Here are some tips that I have picked up from parents that I have met over my 15 years working with ADHD kids and their families. These are not clinically tested. They are researched. These aren't remedies that I'd say are reliable or valid treatment approaches to Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, but I wanted to pass them on to you as they do seem to help some kids, and I wouldn't want to be the judge as to whether they might help your child or not. So you might want to try these from time to time and see what happens. Poker Parenting: 4 Ways Poker Skills Produce Parenting Thrills Even as a busy parent, I'm sure you've seen a poker show on TV or at least heard your friends or relatives talking about it. You might even be someone who's caught up in the poker craze of the past two years, riding the wave of a steep learning curve. As an avid poker player and father of two, I realize more each day how my poker skills help me raise my kids. Want to know how? Here are four ways to turn your poker skills into parenting thrills: How Kids Learn To Cooperate In Video Games -- A Guide for Parents and Teachers A great many parents are concerned that the electronic games their kids play are teaching the kids "negative" messages such as aggression, violence, and isolation from real people. I want to illustrate here how computer and video game playing, can have positive effects on kids. This includes even the "addictive" game playing associated with many of these games. The learning from these games is well worth the effort the kids put in playing them, and kids typically sense this at some level, which is one reason they fight so hard for their games. Lets Read! The Benefits of Reading to Your Children Parents, when you help your children learn to read, you help them open the door to a big, exciting world. As a parent, you can begin an endless learning chain like this: You read to your children, they develop a love of stories and poems, they want to read on their own, they practice reading, and finally, they read for their own information or pleasure. When children become readers, their world is forever wider and richer. How To Foster An Environment For Successful Communications With Your Child As parents, we strive to address all of the questions asked by our children. If we don't have the answer, or don't like the question, we would never think of ignoring the child. We do not accept improper communication as acceptable behavior. Most parents, however, are quick to excuse or overlook the behavior of their child when he / she reacts the same way and are often left wondering when the lines of communication broke. Back to School Feng Shui Every school year parents and students dutifully trudge through the malls in search of the perfect sneaker or the cool new outfit for the coming school year. However, it's unlikely that the new shoe or shirt will benefit them as much as a new design in the bedroom. That's because a bedroom makeover will create new interest and energy ? what feng shui calls "chi" ? in the bedroom that will benefit a child. According to feng shui, the Chinese technique for design and arrangement, rooms that have good energy, or "chi", create happier, well-adjusted children. Feng shui theories suggest that for a child's room to have good "chi," the room must follow certain guidelines such as that they must be restful, promote good relationships others and generate good self-esteem. Perhaps most importantly, harmonious children's bedrooms encourage good study habits and promote greater success in school. Every Mom Worries Sitterphobe "I never have a second to myself," this mother tells you (and tells you and tells you). You agree, judging by her slightly frazzled demeanor, that she could use a break. Maybe a trip to the gym. A date with her husband. Time to herself. So you recommend the great babysitter you've found. She responds with one of those "but-I-love-my-children" looks. And says something like: "Nobody can care for a child as well as her own mother." 5 Solid Reasons: Why Your Child Can Be An Achiever All of us, including your child, entered this world equipped with a super-computer that can be programmed to achieve almost anything. Raising a Self-Sufficient Teen Teens don't learn responsibility overnight. If you haven't been working with your teen on gradually giving them a sense of independence and ownership of their lives, then you're going to have your work cut out for you. Don't wait until it's too late. Promoting Your Childs Motor Development Assuming there are no serious motor problems present, what can you, as an involved parent, do to help promote your child's motor development? To help ensure she becomes a competent, confident mover who enjoys and therefore takes part in physical activity? The answer is: Plenty! Uniforms Direct Answers - Column for the week of May 31, 2004 Facing the Homeschool Super Mom I know this Mom. She homeschools her 5 children, plus she tutors several other children that are dropped off at her house. AND she's a Pastor's wife. AND she's working on fixing up the fixer-upper they just moved into. Whenever I've been in her house, it's been immaculate. Her children all have perfect manners. They all seem to be way ahead of their grade level. She's definitely gotta be a Homeschool Super Mom. Go Ahead - Make Dads Day Throughout the year, many days of celebration are tucked capriciously into the calendar. So much so, it is hard to find any day of the year where something or someone is not being observed, which has benefited the greeting card company, you can be sure. I'm not positive, but I think they've had a great deal to do with designating these days. Beginning the Special Education Process Like anything else in life, there's a method to the special education process. It was put in place to help people who deal with learning disabilities get the best services possible. In order to help you understand this method, here's a simplified version of the Special Education process. Choosing Names For Twins There are many reasons for treating your twins as individuals rather than a pair. But if you must choose names that go together here are a few suggestions. Unilateral Disarmament - The First Step to Improving Communications with Your Teenagers Many times, we are so conditioned in how we speak that we do not realize whether or not we are effectively communicating with our teens. This is especially true when they upset us. A Chart for Everything For every season, check, check, check,There is a chart, check, check, check, And a chart can replace some of your nagging. A chart for chores,A chart for grades.A chart for homework,A chart for hygiene.A chart for tracking tv.A chart for everything....I used to spend all of my seasons nagging. The song at our home used to sound like this:"Ron, did you brush your teeth? Joe, is your snack in your bookbag? Mike, are your gymclothes ready? Ash, have you done your reading log? Ron, did you finish your math? Ron, did you vacuum the living room? Joe, did you do your social studies? Joe, is the trash at the street? Mike, did you clean the bathroom? Ash, are the dishes put away? Ron, did you brush your teeth..."We had no time of silence and no time of peace. The constant sound of my voice annoyed ME, and I know it annoyed my kids. Multiply four kids, eight daily responsibilities, about three reminders per task, and I was averaging close to 100 nags per day. Since we posted the chart, I only have to ask, "Is your chart done?" Even on bad days, nagging is only a fraction of what it was before.During school, we have chores for daily work and charts for weekend work. In the summer we have a chore chart and a very popular television spreadsheet. The boys make their own charts for homework and grades. I also have charts for me; keeping up with what is required of me is hard to remember.Charts can be prepared on a spreadsheet or word document with chores and tasks written. Visual learners may benefit from charts generated using pictures. Whatever the method, charts can provide a tangible reminder that will make the difference between a task being completed, left hanging, or forgotten.Give every season a chart, and you may discover that it will help you find more time, including a time to speak of something besides chores and homework! We have an Excel spreadsheet with examples of different types of charts that I'd be happy to send you. Send an email to goaskmom AT goaskmom.com and request this free resource. Nanny 911 and Disciplining Your Child Nanny 911 Interview with Montel Williams Parenting---Roots and Wings I'm sure many of you have heard that old Hallmark card adage that goes something like this: Parents give their children two great gifts---one is roots, the other is wings. This is what I address in this article. Working Moms vs. Stay-at-Home Moms, Lets Stop Debating Each Other and Debate the System Instead! I could nearly fund my children's future education if I received money every time I've heard a woman say, "I wish I could afford to stay at home full time." Sometimes you can recognize a few working women making this statement to avoid judgment from the stay-at-home parenting world (and they shouldn't feel this way). However, a majority of these women truly prefer to be at home, and are spending days trapped in a work "cell" and feeling committed for life. ![]() |
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