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Pick Your Fights With Your Teenager Wisely
I know as a single parent or even with 2 parents, it is hard raising a teenage girl or a boy. I noticed throughout my son's teenage life, his emotions were different than mine. There is a difference between girls and boy. The book that came out I think in the 1980's - Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus really made sense. If you haven't read that book, you could get the book or tapes and just get an idea of how we are different. For me, I don't fight very often with my son. He is more mellow than I am. What we do argue about is cleaning. He just hates cleaning but I don't like it either. Who does? So what I try to do is talk with him the day before to let him know what we need to do. Again, you can write down what chores need to be done. So if we discuss the cleaning aspect beforehand, we can deal with it when the time comes. Another thing is sometimes there are things that your son or daughter may do that you may not agree with. This is the time you need to figure out if this is worth fighting about. If your child for one night wants to stay up later because there is a program they are looking forward to, then is it worth to argue about or just let them watch the program? Now I know my sister and her daughter are always fighting with each other. If her daughter says something in a nasty way, my sister jumps on her and argues back. Someone has to give in. You are the mother and she is the child. Don't argue back and forth if there is not going to be an end result. They do alot of name calling which has no purpose except to hurt each other. Sometimes they both look like 5 year old kids arguing back and forth. Someone has to give in and I feel the mother should be the example to give in and just ignore the behavior. How else is your child going to learn giving in is okay. If my son and me have differences, sometimes he gives in and most of the time I do. The quicker you make up with your child, the more time you can love each other and spend time with each. If I am aggravated with my son and I have given in but I am still aggravated, I pray to GOD that I feel the love in my heart again for him. And all the time I do feel the love again almost instantly. If what you are arguing about is not worth anything, then drop it immediately and just spend quality time with them. Your children will not be with you forever. They grow up and leave. Copyright 2005 Fern Kuhn, RN - Specializing in Diabetes http://www.diabetestestingcenter.com You may reprint this article as long as you keep the links active.
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Surprise ? Public School Class Size Doesnt Matter Very Much School authorities often complain that classes are too large. They claim that teachers can't be expected to give their students the individual attention they need if there are too many students in the class. On the surface, this excuse seems to have some merit. Common sense tells us that in smaller classes, teachers can give more time and attention to each student. Homework Doesn?t Have to Be a Battle of Wills Homework. It doesn't have to be a daily battle of wills between child and parent. There are several strategies and elements that a parent can use to maximize an opportunity to support a child's education and to massage the parent/child bond. For the parent, it is a way to understand what is going on at school and an opportunity for communication. Simply put, a parent has the ability to guide a child to positive feelings about education and to the rewards of good efforts. How Can I Teach My Child To Be Responsible? Most of us when asked what we want our children to become, we include "responsible" among other things such as happy, fulfilled and caring. We want our children to learn to make wise choices, be responsible for their actions and live responsibly. Ritalin (Methylphenidate) in the Treatment of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Ritalin is a good medication with a bad reputation. Its name causes more fear in the hearts of parents than any other medication. It is the topic of radio talk shows, protests by the Church of Scientology, and negative newspaper articles. And yet, I wonder, if it is so very bad, why is it so "over-prescribed" as the critics claim? Let's explore the issue further, and give some information to parents who might want to know more about the medication. I WONT DO IT! Tips for Working with the Oppositional Child "I WON'T DO IT!" "YOU CAN'T MAKE ME!" Parenting Your Teenager: 8 Things You Need to Be Doing Get into their world. The world that teens are growing up in is not the world in which we grew up. In case you ever doubt that, here is what author and speaker Josh McDowell has said on the subject: "The average teenage boy is exposed to more sexual stimulation on the way to school than his grandfather was on Saturday night when he was looking for it." The next four suggestions are more specific ways to get into their world: After the Driving School If you visit search engines you can find several resources to assist you on this subject. Try searching on the phrase "parents with teen drivers". Alternatively we have tried to make this easy for you if you visit our news page on this very topic. Hearing Our Seriously Distressed Adolescents The distressed adolescent often has feelings of abandonment, emotional detachment, withdrawal, and isolation. These children begin to develop an intense anger directed towards an adult society that they feel has hurt them and does not understand them. Parents need to to learn how to build relationships with these children and this can be accomplished through a process of emotional coaching, of allowing the child to express their feelings without judgment while providing clear guidance, limits, and expectations. It is often inconsistency and lack of clear guidance from parents that further the struggles for these children who then begin to seek guidance from misinformed peers. These children need love, affection, and a non-judgmental atmosphere. If love does not come from a meaningful and sustainable adult relationship then it will take on a new and contorted character where the concept of 'love' cmes from trying to be accepted by peers (even if they be negative ones) as the child will know that they will find a source of non-judgment and will be 'liked' even if it causes their eventual self-destruction. Affection that is not provided by adults who should be responsible, is then replaced by irresponsible sexual activity where the teen not only seeks for pleasure in a world that often provides only hurt, but feels once again that through sex, they can find a sense of acceptance and supposed emotional connection. Why Do People Have Kids? Despite the theory that people have kids because they want and have planned for a family; the truth is that most people have kids because a woman gets pregnant. That is about the only reason. Did you know that 75% of all children in the United States are born out of wedlock and that the number is increasing each and every year? And folks these numbers are just in the United States, the world average is much higher. Only 50% of the kids in this country live in a household with two parents. Discipline Discipline is a necessary part of parenting yet it makes most parents feel uncomfortable. Some of those old disciplinary phrases such as 'spare the rod and spoil the child', 'teach them a lesson' or 'set children straight' are enough to send shivers up the spine of any reasonable-minded parent. Selecting and Hiring Childcare Employees In today's fast-paced society, many families depend on some form of childcare arrangements to help meet the demands of family and work. The majority of parents in America work outside the home, creating a need for dependable childcare. Reliable, responsible childcare employees are crucial to successfully performing your job and caring for your family. Parenting Your Teenager: How to Say NO! Q: Whenever we tell my daughter "no," she just bugs and pesters until we give in. I know it's wrong to give in, but she makes things so unpleasant that we give in just to make peace. How can we turn this situation around? Birth of a Parent So you're pregnant. Congratulations! Your life is about to change in ways you might find unthinkable (and we're not even talking about the surrender of your once slim waistline to proportions most comparable to that of a Dr. Suess character). Pregnancy is the beginning of a new life for a baby, but also a new life for you as a parent. If this is your first baby, you may be filled with an endless list of questions and concerns. If you're a veteran of the labor and delivery room, you've got a better idea what to expect, yet every pregnancy, like every mother and child, is different. 6 Signs You?re A High Maintenance Parent The children of Baby Boomers, the Echo Generation, are entering college in increasing numbers. Getting into the best schools is increasingly competitive. Having good grades, a great SAT score and participating in extracurricular activities is no assurance that your student will get into the school of their choice. Personal Responsibility: What It Means and Whose Job is It? "How many times do I have to tell you to clean your room?" Why should a child keep his room neat? Many children say they don't care whether it is neat or dirty, so why should it matter to anyone else? Unless it is a health or safety hazard, or things are getting lost and broken? Then comes the age old question, "What is neat?" The answer certainly differs with a ten year old child and a thirty five year old Mom. Who is setting the standard of how clean a room must be to be acceptable. Punishing the Victim -- Why Public Schools Pressure Parents To Give Their Kids Mind-Altering Drugs Public-school teaching is structured in such a way that it inevitably bores millions of normal, active children who are forced to sit in classrooms six to eight hours a day with about twenty other immature children. The teacher has to cover the curriculum, so she is pressured to teach all the kids the same material in the same way. Few teachers have the time or patience to know each child's unique personality, interests, strengths, or weaknesses, or give different instruction to each student. Watch Your Language! - How Parents Can Help Kids Help Themselves 'I felt great until I walked into the classroom - then itall went wrong!' Classic Parenting: Encouragement, Praise, Acceptance, and Responsibility Encouragement comes when you focus on your child's assets and strengths in order to build his/her self-confidence. It comes from seeing the positive. Even failures can be outstanding learning experiences. Encouragement sounds like this, "I like the way that you did that," or "I know that you can do it," or, "It looks like you worked very hard at that." Parenting Your Teenager: How to End the Curfew Battle Q. Things have been relatively calm and OK with our 16-year-old son so far. Now all of a sudden, there is a huge battle about curfew. He wants to stay out later and later, and we don't think he is ready. How do we set appropriate curfew in our house? Gifted Children - Getting the Balance Right One of the challenges for parents with a gifted child is to encourage them to develop a range of interest outside the academic sphere that not only rounds them out but stops them from being isolated from their peersGifted children are a diverse group of kids who are talented in specific areas such as mathematics, language, sport or music. Some gifted kids are mutli-talented excelling in a variety of areas. ![]() |
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