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Think Like Your Kids - And Understand Them More!
Seven-year old Michael was on a school trip to a WildlifeCentre in Central Scotland. It was near the end of the day and they were in the Gift Shop before boarding the bus for the journey home. Poor Michael! He couldn't resist the array of lollipops andchocolate animals that beckoned to him. He chose one and wasabout to pay for it with his last few pennies. His teacher, a kindly soul with not long before retirement,noticed him. "Have you bought something for your Mum yet,Michael?" Michael lowered his head in shame! Gently, the teacher tookthe candy bar from him and replaced it on the shelf. She walked to another display and selected a small figuremade from cheap plastic. "Why not take this for her? You'vegot just enough money left." Years have now passed. Michael is all grown up and has left home, but thefigurine stillhas pride of place in his mum's display cabinet. Michael still recalls the day he learned an importantlesson:"The figure was made of cheap plastic, but my Mum couldn'thave treasured it more had it been made of silver, gold or even platinum." Sometimes we as parents and adults lose our sense ofperspective, don't we? What may seem trivial andunimportant to us, can mean so much to a child. We can learn a useful parenting tip from Michael's mum.The gift had little or no monetary value, but was given - albeit with a gentle nudge from the teacher! - with generosity and a certain amount of personal sacrifice. And by displaying it for years, Michael's mum showed herappreciation of that. This reminds me of a conference I once attended. There was a blue rug on the floor and the participants were asked to gather round. It was an exercise in perception,we weretold. The speaker threw a small woollen ball onto the rug.It was exactly the same colour and was made from the samematerial - so it blended in and seemed to disappear. 'Now find it,' was the instruction. Everyone peered andpeered without success, until someone - not me! - got down on his knees and looked from ground level. Bingo! There was the profile of the ball, rising above thesurface of the mat. Call it 'thinking outside the box' or whatever - but veryoften problems can be solved by looking at them from anotherperspective or dimension. When we learn to think like our children, when we 'getdown to their level', when we master the art of getting inside their heads and seeing life from their point of view,the task of raising children becomes much easier - to say nothing of more enjoyable and fulfilling. Happy parenting! Why do some parents and children succeed, while othersfail?Frank McGinty is an internationally published author andteacher. If you want to develop your parentingskills and encourage your kids to be all they can be, visit his web pages, http://www.frank-mcginty.com/peace-formula.htmlAND http://www.frank-mcginty.com/for-parents.html
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Back to School Feng Shui Every school year parents and students dutifully trudge through the malls in search of the perfect sneaker or the cool new outfit for the coming school year. However, it's unlikely that the new shoe or shirt will benefit them as much as a new design in the bedroom. That's because a bedroom makeover will create new interest and energy ? what feng shui calls "chi" ? in the bedroom that will benefit a child. According to feng shui, the Chinese technique for design and arrangement, rooms that have good energy, or "chi", create happier, well-adjusted children. Feng shui theories suggest that for a child's room to have good "chi," the room must follow certain guidelines such as that they must be restful, promote good relationships others and generate good self-esteem. Perhaps most importantly, harmonious children's bedrooms encourage good study habits and promote greater success in school. Mommies and Me Special Time Creating and making special memories with your child is very important, especially for your child's development. Your Job as a Role Model A certain educator was once asked at what point should a parent begin to prepare for child raising. Shopping with Children Is your weekly shopping trip with the kids an absolute chore ! or are you happy to take them along? Advantages of Using a Board Certified Pediatrician When a child is born, a new number is added to the parental speed dial. When a child wakes his parents up in the middle of the night, there is one person that they know they can turn to for the answers. When a new mom's questions seem to be never ending, there is one person she trusts to answer them entirely ? the pediatrician. Surviving As A Single Parent: Seven Simple Suggestions To Make Your Life Easier 1 - Forgive even if you will never be able to Forget - Backpacks and Bullies. Is Your Child Prepared? As the flurry of Back to School activities subside, parents are left to ponder more pressing issues than notebooks, backpacks, and sneakers. Road Trip! Make It Fun For Your Toddler If you had to spend 4 or 5 hours in a snug car seat with even snugger straps and nothing to do, you might not be a huge road trip fan either. Road trips are getting more fun for the younger set as portable and built-in DVD players become more and more common, but sometimes even watching videos gets old. 14 Romantic Time-Outs for Parents Here are fourteen spontaneous time-outs, specially designed to help you pay the small attentions that are so integral to lasting intimacy. Parenting - Give Your Child The Tools To Build Strong Character And Values There are many parenting styles. Yours may be very different from your own parents, your siblings, or your neighbors. There is no right or wrong parenting style. If you are teaching your children basic values and good citizenship, you have already won half the battle. There are some basic character traits that are necessary for children to develop into good citizens and role models. Instilling these values in your children will provide them with a strong foundation on which they can base their lives and build their futures. Small Children, Languages and Myths Our children are growing up bilingual in the French part of Canada ? Québec. "That's fine", says everyone. "Even though they'll probably start speaking later because they're learning two languages at once, they'll catch up." Children - Blessing or Curse You're trying to catch up on some sleep on a quiet Saturday morning when you hear the shrill scream of a child, who seems upset with the fact that another child is pointing at him or her, and has done so for the past three minutes. You turn over and hope that they will resolve it without your intervention?but that's unlikely, given their past. Boundaries - Why Theyre Needed Imagine a child who lacks ownership of his own life, has noself-control, and lacks respect for others. If these were the qualities ofyour son, how would you feel for his future wives? Yes, wives is plural, this is one major reason we need to set boundariesfor our children their future. One study showed that children bornrecently on average will have more spouses than kids. Here are a fewexamples of children who lack boundaries: 1. Little Johnny walks right into his parent's bedroom whenever he wants.It does not matter if the door was open or closed.2. Twelve year-old Steve frequently changes the channel on the television.It does not matter if anyone was watching a show or not.3. Susie blames others for her mistakes. It always seems to be herteacher's fault, brother's fault, or a friend's fault when something doesnot go right.4. Marie is uncomfortable with how her boyfriend treats her and pressuresher for sex. She keeps dating him because she questions who else would wantto date her.Without boundaries children will have problems in relationships, school, andlife. Many times addictive behavior can be traced to lack of boundaries.Here are a few results that can occur:1. Children can have controlling behavior2. Children can be motivated by guilt or anger.3. Without firm boundaries children are more likely to follow their peergroup. For example, making unwise choices on sex, drinking, or driving.4. Children do not own their own behavior or consequences, which can lead toa life of turmoil.5. Children may allow others to think for them.6. They may allow someone else to define what his or her abilities will be.This denies their maximum potential.7. When someone has weak boundaries they pick up other's feelings.8. Weak boundaries may make it hard to tell where we end and another personbegins. What is a parent to do? Many times we hinder our children from developingboundaries. Realize we must teach our children boundaries; they are notborn with them. Here are a few suggestions to help develop boundaries.1. Recognize and respect the child's boundaries. For example, knock ontheir closed bedroom door instead of just walking in.2. Set our own boundaries and have consequences for crossing them.3. Avoid controlling the child.4. Give two choices; this helps our children learn decision-making skills.5. When you recognize that boundaries need to be set. Do it clearly, do itwithout anger, and use as few words as possible.6. We need to say what hurts us and what feels good.7. It may be difficult to set a boundary. You may feel afraid, ashamed, ornervous, that's okay, do it any ways.Another way to work with boundaries and children is to model these for ourchildren.1. Recognize your physical boundaries.2. You have the right to request proper treatment, for example, poorlyprepared meals in a restaurant should be sent back, ask others to smoke awayfrom your space, and ask that loud music be turned down.3. Share your opinions with your children. Allow your children theiropinions. Opinions are not right or wrong. This will help them think forthemselves. 4. Teach them how you decide on the choices you make.5. Lets own what we do and what we don't do. Take responsibility for whenthings go wrong.6. Accept your thoughts, it is who you are.7. Discover what your limits are, emotional and physical.Setting boundaries is all about taking care of ourselves. This is the firstguideline we teach in our workshops. Other benefits include:1. We will learn to value, trust, and listen to ourselves.2. Boundaries are also the key to having a loving relationship.3. Boundaries will help us with our personal growth.4. We will learn to listen to ourselves (trusting our intuition). We also will learn to respect and care for others and ourselves.5. Boundaries will aid us in the workplace.Boundaries are all about freedom and recognizing when these freedoms have been crossed. Boundaries give us a framework in which to negotiate life events. Recognizing and acting when our boundaries have been crossed will protect our freedom. Boundaries lead to winning relationships for bothparties. By building foundations based on mutual trust, love, and respect we can expect our children to grow up more tolerant and with a mature character. Simply put, boundaries simplify life. Parenting Your Teenager: How to Build Trust ``Mom, can I go to the mall with my friend Jenny?'' Public School Sex-Education Classes --- Bad News For Parents and Children One of parents' most important duties is to protect their children from harmful sexual values and behaviors. Yet many public schools force potentially harmful, sometimes shockingly explicit sex education on their students. Illegal and Legal Drug Usage in the United States How bad is the illegal drug problem here in the US? Very bad and it alters the brain's thought process and causes a problem with human interaction and our natural socializing tendencies. The drugs are so diverse and so plentiful that it touches the lives of nearly every American in some way and certainly nearly every family in this country. We must be honest with ourselves. We have legal drugs, prescription drugs and illegal drugs. Caffeine is a drug that is wide spread in America. The verdict is out now, but what will we learn in the future after twenty years? After all there is a Starbucks on nearly every corner in many of America's largest metropolitan areas. We already know that spiders cannot spin a web while under influence of caffeine. Should The Dad-To-Be Attend The Birth? Not so long ago a dad-to-be would pace up and down outside the labor room and would be admitted only after the birth. Modern practice is to assume the dad-to-be should be at the birth to offer support. But an increasing number of dads, moms and midwives would prefer he stayed outside. Parenting Problem? 5 Simple Things That Will Help What is a parenting problem? Non-Compliance in Your Children, Some Tips for Parents Non-compliance is the family therapist's big word for your child not obeying you when you have asked him or her to do something. It is helpful because it is descriptive, and because it may also motivate us as parents to move our kids from being non-compliant to being compliant. Im a Father, Doesnt Anyone Care? The snow was getting heavier with each lift of the shovel. My back ached, and I was chilled to the bone. ![]() |
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