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How to Help Your Children to Blossom
I am writing this from the beautiful mountains of Western North Carolina in the southeastern region of the United States. It is gorgeous here in April, with trees covered in white or pink blossoms, masses of yellow forsythia in bloom and flowers of many colors bursting forth in gardens and along the roadsides. It takes my breath away. As I allow myself to soak up the beauty all around me, I think about the experience of being a parent. I can't help it. Here are some of the messages Spring is whispering to me this year: 1. Allow everything to happen in its own time. I remember how, in January, we were longing for Spring to come. Looking at the bare trees, I could imagine the blossoms of April and silently urged Spring to hurry. But the time was not right. It's like raising children. There is an inner rhythm, a natural unfolding that cannot be hurried. We can't force the blossoming. My grand-daughter just took her first steps. She is 13 months old. For the last few months, she has been standing and walking around the furniture. The adults in her life have been encouraging her to take those un-supported steps. She was not ready. Some things cannot be hurried. In fact, when we hurry our children, it often slows them down. They become anxious and unsure of themselves, and disconnect from their own inner wisdom. Is there something that you want your child to do or to become that seems to be taking a long time? Are you impatient? This may be the time for you to allow the natural process to unfold in its own time. Trust the knowing within your child. The same inner guidance that we all have within us is within our children as well. Allow them to bloom in their own way, in their own time. 2. Appreciate each day for the gifts it brings. The magnificent beauty of Spring is so fleeting. Last week, I was enjoying the delicate pink flowers of our weeping cherry tree, branches bending gently toward the earth. I wanted to stop time and hold on to the beauty of it all, but I knew I couldn't. So I took the time to sit and watch the branches dancing gently in the wind. I soaked in as much of the beauty as I could and felt an overwhelming gratitude to be a part of that magic moment. Now the blossoms have been replaced by tiny green leaves. The moment of magnificence has passed. Too quickly. Today I have a choice. I can regret the loss of the blossoms. Or I can appreciate the beauty that is before me now. Flowers gave way to leaves, but the tree is still beautiful. When my children were teenagers, our relationships went through phases. Some times were magnificent, like a tree in full bloom. We just seemed to click, and my heart overflowed with love and gratitude. Other days, we had difficult issues to work through, or they seemed withdrawn. I felt very disconnected from them. It was easy to remember the way they were before, and that left me with a feeling of loss. I had a choice. I could regret what I had in the moment - or I could find a way to shift my own emotional energy. I did that by looking for things to appreciate. It worked every time. It took me from disappointment to gratitude. In what ways do your children blossom? Do you take the time to be with them and share those moments with them? What happens when the moment has passed? Can you appreciate your children even on ordinary days, when nothing special is bursting forth - or even when they are out of sorts and taking it out on you? Can you look past all of that? Can you see the beauty that is before you today? Look at your children. Look until you see something that you appreciate. Take a few minutes to feel your gratitude for the gift that they bring to your life right now. No comparisons with other children. No longing for a different time when things seemed better between you. Just appreciate the child who is before you today. 3. Plant the seeds and tend the garden: All around us, tulips and daffodils are springing up in a bright profusion of color. Some yards are like vibrant paintings. Other yards are like blank canvases. Nothing is blooming. What does that tell me? If we want our children to blossom, we need to learn the lessons of the garden. Flowers do not appear magically. Someone planted the seeds or the bulbs, and the sun and rain work together to draw the plants out of their winter hibernation. So it is with our children. What words do you say to your children? How do act when you are with them? These are the seeds that you plant. What is the emotional atmosphere like in your home? This is the soil in which the seeds will either grow or whither. Is it warm and life-affirming? Is it inviting and welcoming, so your children feel, not only safe, but encouraged to express themselves? If so, then they will blossom before your eyes. Pat and Larry Downing have many years of experience counseling teenagers and their parents, conducting family mediations and leading workshops and support groups. They are co-authors of the e-Book, "Feel Good Parenting: How to Use the Power of Your Heart to Create an Extraordinary Relationship with Your Child." For more information on how to create relationships that are peaceful, harmonious, cooperative and joyful, you may go to go to http://www.feelgoodparenting.com/ to sign up for a free e-Course and a free e-zine for parents. Copyright © 2005 by Patricia Downing PERMISSION TO REPUBLISH: This article may be republished in newsletters and on websites, provided you include ALL the above information about the authors, as it appears, including copyright information and live website link.
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Send the Kids Outside! Think back to your own childhood. Chances are, some of your fondest memories are of outdoor activities and places. Perhaps you had a favorite climbing tree or secret hiding place. Maybe you remember jumping rope or learning to turn cartwheels with your best friend or playing fetch with the family dog. Do you recall the smell of lilacs, the feel of the sun on the first day warm enough to take off your jacket, or the taste of a peanut butter and jelly sandwich eaten on a blanket in the park? Did you enjoy lying on your back and finding creatures in the clouds? Building Teen Character: Part-Time Employment The teenage years are a crucial time in a child's life. They arenot children anymore, but they are also not adults. During thistime the choices they make may have an effect on them for therest of their lives. It is the parents' responsibility to guidetheir teenagers in the right direction by helping them makeresponsible choices and building their character to the pointthat when their teenagers move out of the house they are on theroad to being responsible adults and have the tools they need tosucceed in life. Thriving As A Family When You Live In The Fast lane It is extraordinary times that we find ourselves in. Change is now an entrenched way of life. Most of us don't blink when new piece of technology comes out. Just the other day I read about the death of the desktop computer. The big lump of plastic and glass that used to sit on my desk has been replaced by a laptop. Email is quickly making those twentieth communication icons, the telephone and the fax, redundant. The way we live, do business, even shop is undergoing rapid change. The Real Problem With Todays Teenagers (And Why Most Parents Just Dont Get It!) "The inspiration of a noble cause involving human interests wide and far, enables men to do things they did not dream themselves capable of before, and which they were not capable of alone. The consciousness of belonging, vitally, to something beyond individuality; of being part of a personality that reaches we know not where, in space and time, greatens the heart to the limit of the soul's ideal, and builds out the supreme of character."(Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain, October 3, 1889) ADHD: Some Survival Strategies for Parents In our last issue we posted some of our suggested Survival Strategies for parents, and then asked readers to contribute some of their thoughts or tips. Since this newsletter is already running pretty long, I'll only list a few of them below. Thank you to all of you who contributed! 10 Secrets To Know You?re A Good Working Parent To Your Kids! How are parents to know they are doing the right thing for their children when they are working parents? Many parents feel guilty for the amount of time they are spending at work versus the amount of time they spend with their children. If you are questioning yourself, trust that you do need to take a closer look at what you are doing. Nurtured by Love or Matured by Nature? "There is nothing new under the sun," states Ecclesiastes 1:9. This is certainly true of the nature-nurture debate, the modern name for the ageless argument about the importance of learning in the development of the child. While one side argues that the development of the child is mainly a process of maturation, with learning playing no more than a supportive role, the other side maintains that learning determines the entire course of a child's future. Understanding The Report "No thank you. Don't bother to send me the report about the testing results. I won't understand it anyway. I'll just listen at the meeting." How To Help Your Child Learn Just as every snowflake is unique, so is every child. The way that your child learns depends a number of different factors, which combined together, create his unique learning style. By helping your child discover how he learns the best, you will set him up for life time success in learning, and reduce the frustrations that come through trying to learn in a way that does not use his particular strengths and to him seems uncomfortable. My Sons Deployment One of the most difficult struggles in life for a parent is the struggle that occurs when the parent is attempting to keep their child safe and the child is attempting to explore the world and find their place in it, often times not in the safest manner. Childs Play: Treating The Insanity of the Mental Health System In today's mental health system there is a pattern of fraud and coercion that takes way the freedoms and dignity of children and their families. Children are receiving stigmatizing labels and being prescribed psychotropic drugs with many untoward effects. Psychiatrist Thomas Szasz, MD made the comment that if an individual hit us with a blackjack and robbed us of our dignity we would call them thugs, yet psychiatrists label and drug children and rob them of their dingity and nothing is said. All in the name of profit. Rarely, if never are the families given informed consent. Szasz has also stated, "From a sociological point of view, psychiatry is a secular institution to regulate domestic relations. From my point of view, it is child abuse." Families are provided with literature that appears so matter of fact but is funded by the pharmaceutical companies and tainted with their bias. According to the Pughkeepsie Journal, the 'support' or should it be said front group for Children diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder received substantial funds from the pharmaceutical companies: "CHADD received $315,000 from drug companies in the year ending June 2000, about 12 percent of its budget." Fundraising For Your Preschool Or Daycare Center Most day cares are non-profit organizations that must operate within a tight budget that covers the costs of facilities, staff and all of the equipment and materials for operating a quality and stimulating environment for children. It's a balancing act with little room for extras for the center or it's staff. The 5 Babysitter Commandments Having a babysitter take care of your kids is sometimes a dangerous thing to do because the babysitter is the person that will be alone with your kid. Here are some ideas about your relationship with the babysitter. Helpful Tips for the Adoptive Grandparent Few things are more completely enjoyable than becoming a grandparent. Grandchildren are one of life's joys, whether they come by birth or via adoption. All grandchildren are loved equally and are equally lovable. Hearing Our Seriously Distressed Adolescents The distressed adolescent often has feelings of abandonment, emotional detachment, withdrawal, and isolation. These children begin to develop an intense anger directed towards an adult society that they feel has hurt them and does not understand them. Parents need to to learn how to build relationships with these children and this can be accomplished through a process of emotional coaching, of allowing the child to express their feelings without judgment while providing clear guidance, limits, and expectations. It is often inconsistency and lack of clear guidance from parents that further the struggles for these children who then begin to seek guidance from misinformed peers. These children need love, affection, and a non-judgmental atmosphere. If love does not come from a meaningful and sustainable adult relationship then it will take on a new and contorted character where the concept of 'love' cmes from trying to be accepted by peers (even if they be negative ones) as the child will know that they will find a source of non-judgment and will be 'liked' even if it causes their eventual self-destruction. Affection that is not provided by adults who should be responsible, is then replaced by irresponsible sexual activity where the teen not only seeks for pleasure in a world that often provides only hurt, but feels once again that through sex, they can find a sense of acceptance and supposed emotional connection. Homes for Troubled Teens: Therapeutic and Residential For troubled teens who are struggling with drug abuse, depression or other serious issues, residential treatment centers that offer therapy-based solutions might be the best option. Residential treatment centers usually have a complete psychiatric staff available to monitor each troubled teen closely and provide therapy in addition to a curriculum of academics, exercise and personal development. Programs, which provide 24-hour supervision, structure and treatment, usually last from three to six months, although teens can attend for a longer period of time if necessary. These programs also work with families to identify issues in the home and address them so that teens have a supportive, structured home to return to after treatment. Parents ? The No Child Left Behind Law Wont Do Much For Your Child Past experience with federal education programs predicts that the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) act will also fail parents whose children are doing poorly in school. The federal government has spent over $120 billion on Title 1 programs for low-income students since 1965. Yet the literacy rates for these children today are appalling, and the achievement gap between low-income children and their peers has not closed. 5 Steps to Raising an Optimistic Child I had just completed a session with 17-year old Julie who suffered from severe depression. Julie believed she was a total failure and would never be able to change anything in her life. Julie also felt all her shortcomings were her own fault. How Can I Teach My Child Respect? A common theme over the past 20 years has been how much children have changed from when we were growing up in terms of how they show respect. I know that for the most part in the 1960's, anyone in a position of authority commanded respect which included parents, teachers, police officers, principals, bosses, coaches and anyone else we viewed in some way as a person in authority. We in fact were taught to "obey" and do as we were told; no questions asked. Many of those people did command respect but unfortunately many of them abused their position of power and felt they were licensed to say and do whatever they wanted simply by virtue of the position they held. 10 Reasons Why You Need to Ditch the Super Mom Syndrome For any of you Moms out there that are doing it all, attempting to gain Super Mom status, let me give you my own personal opinion?It's not worth it!!! The pursuit of the Super Mom is an endless search that will be of great cost to you in the end. Here are 10 reasons why you need to put an immediate halt to this pursuit. # 1-There is no such thing as a Mom who can do everything perfect because as far as I am concerned, perfection comes at a very high price. Seemingly perfect to other people, is often not the way things really are for the perfectionist.#2-The Super Mom Syndrome is literally killing women. Stress related diseases are on the rise and the demands that women place on themselves today directly contribute to the stress in their life. This stress is often all consuming. #3-There are far too many roles in our life today. Trying to keep up with the different hats we wear on a daily basis is sometimes impossible. Feeling the need to be perfect in them all is exhausting. #4- Our children miss out on some precious experiences with us that they can't get back. We are frequently so wrapped up in our to-do list that we forget to put the really important things on the list at all. #5-It's exhausting!!! Having to do everything that you feel society expects of you, as a mother is overwhelming. #6-It's no fun. How much fun has anyone really had attempting to do everything perfect??? #7- Your friends will like you more when you can laugh at your imperfections along with theirs. #8-Your quality of life will immediately improve. When you make the decision to give yourself a break and do your own personal best instead of 100% perfect, a huge weight is lifted off your shoulders. Anxiety and depression can be an end result of unrealistic standards that you consistently place on yourself. #9-The Super Mom never enjoys the moment. She is always multitasking and thinking of what needs to be done next. Life will pass you by before you know it. #10-Continuing to admire women who can do it all will continue to place unrealistic demands on mothers to do it all. Let's start to admire the mothers who take time to nurture themselves. Let's admire the women who can enjoy the time with the kids at the playground and be really present when they are reading to their children. Let's toast the Moms who admit they can't do it all, all the time. Let's congratulate women on their honesty and ability to ask for help. Let's start to celebrate our imperfections instead of beating ourselves up over them. Let's stop judging each other and offer support instead. We are not perfect creatures nor were we meant to be. So why are we trying to be??? Wouldn't Motherhood be a lot more fun if it didn't have to be perfect? If you want to start taking better care of yourself as a mother and a woman, you can pick up your copy of YumMe MumMe Makeover- How to Balance Womanhood and Motherhood by Nurturing the Me in MumMe. It is full of tips and advice on how to bring more fun, balance and happiness in to your life. It is available on my web site at http://www.seekingbalance.ca ![]() |
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