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Five Tips for Successful Grandparenting
1. Boundaries are necessary for control and safety. All children need and must learn to respect boundaries. Being clear about expectations before an activity begins frees you and the child to enjoy the event and ensures the safety of everyone involved. If you observe the boundaries are being violated, don't be afraid to remind your grandchildren again. Restate the rules as many times as necessary. Writing the rules and posting them or bringing them along is a good idea. If a rule is violated during the activity, ask the child to repeat or read the rules again. 2. Gift giving is not a requirement of grandparenting. Establish a practice with your first grandchild and stick with it; what you do for one doesn't necessarily have to be done for all. Financial and family situations change as our children grow. If a family experiences loss of a job or divorce, don't be afraid to make temporary changes. Gifts are gifts especially when they are unexpected. Surprise gifts are the best. Gifts don't have to cost a lot. Research supports the fact that "time together" is the best gift we can give. Travel provides time for the grandparent and grandchildren to discover and appreciate each other's gifts. 3. All rules must be consistent with parents' wishes. Anything you do with and for your grandchild needs to be discussed first with the parents. After all, parents make the rules and effective grandparents support them. Don't keep secrets from the parents and don't ask the grandchildren to keep secrets from their parents. Many grandparents believe that some information should not be shared with the parents, but this only undermines the relationships. 4. There is no substitute for planning. Proper planning ensures that the activity will be discussed with the parents. No matter what the age or sex of your grandchild, planning makes any activity more successful. This is not to say you can't be spontaneous, but it's often better and safer to have a plan. Discuss with the child what he or she would like to do. Give careful thought to the age appropriateness of the activities before you begin. Giving children choices increases their self-confidence and is great training for the future. 5. Grandchildren and grandparents want to have fun! There is no substitute for good old-fashioned belly laughs. It's good for you, your grandchild and your relationship. During the activity itself, share with your grandchildren how excited you are about being with them. Children enjoy getting away from their parents for short periods of time and grandparents enjoy being part of a very important relationship. Parents enjoy their break too. About The Author Don Schmitz is a well-known writer and speaker on parenting and grandparenting. He is the author of "The New face of Grandprenting...Why Parents Need Their Own Parents" and founder of Grandkidsandme, which includes: Grandparent Camps and Grandkid Days. Don holds graduate degrees in Education, Administration, Human Development and is father to three sons and grandfather to four granddaughters. Contact Don Schmitz at Don@grandkidsandme.com http://www.grandkidsandme.com
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Top Ten Ways to Teach Values to Your Kids In a consumer-driven society that broadcasts values you don't approve of, how can you teach values to your kids? Here are ten ideas to help you: Time Managment Skills for Children Time management is an organisational concept traditionally associated with adults and the workplace. The experts tell us that more efficient use of time means greater productivity. So organisations encourage individuals to prioritise, plan ahead and make the most of the time that they have at work. Help Your Children to Love Reading It is so important to create an environment that promotes the love of reading. Not only is reading necessary for survival in today's world, it is educational, it sparks imagination, it is a stress reliever, provides entertainment and enjoyment, the list goes on. Entering Their Imaginative World In dealing with children with autism spectrum disorders, its all about relationship. These children are within a realm where they feel and respond much differently than others. There has been much focus on trying to eliminate certain behaviors or to evoke particular responses in children which actually become rote and repetitive for them without context. One of the goals in aiding these children should be in helping them find meaning. In order to do this we must be willing to not look at the child as broken, unable to respond, or even unable to communicate. These children DO communicate, however they are not always able to manipulate their senses to communicate in the typical ways of other children. As a result, they can become easily frustrated and trapped. The therapist must enter their imaginative world and learn to communicate in their language. Eco-Parenting Arabella Greatorex, owner of The Natural Nursery, reports on the rapidly rising demand for natural, environmentally friendly and ethically sound parenting products and highlights some of the concerns that have fuelled these demands. Psychological Effects of Child Abuse Many children who suffer from the psychological effects of child abuse often become child abusers themselves or can become perpetrators of violent crimes. Many inmates in our jails and prisons have been victims of child abuse. Though the psychological effects of child abuse cannot be reversed, through counseling a child can learn more appropriate coping skills in dealing with their pain and anger.Some psychological effects of child abuse are:* Withdrawal from friends* Low self esteem* Timid and unsure of themselves* Aggressive/hostile* Angry* Poor relationships with peers and/or the opposite sex* Engaging in drugs and/or alcohol* Poor school performance* No interests* No goalsMinimize the psychological effects of child abuse with therapyIn order to help a child who is suffering from the psychological effects of child abuse therapy is a great place to start. A therapist will assist a child in dealing with the psychological effects of child abuse to hopefully break the cycle of abuse.Eliminate the psychological effects of child abuse by seeking helpIf you, or your partner, are abusing your child seek help immediately. If your partner is the abuser you should consider moving you and your child to a safe and supportive environment. If you and your partner are the abusers, to prevent further damaging psychological effects of child abuse, you might want to consider having your child stay with a family member or close friend while you get the help and support you need.Psychological Effects Of Child Abuse Resources* Anger management classes* Parenting classes* Therapy and drug / alcohol treatment (if necessary)Prevent The Psychological Effects Of Child AbuseIf you are a new parent who has suffered the psychological effects of child abuse as a child, you might want to seek out parenting classes. Parenting classes will enable you to learn appropriate tools and techniques to minimize the psychological effects of child abuse when parenting your child. It is also important for you to take care of yourself and know your limits. Work on building a healthy support network that you could rely on when life is overwhelming you. It is up to you to break the cycle of abuse and not allow your child to experience any of the psychological effects of child abuse. You will be thankful that you did. If your child is being bullied - 20 top tips for parents Keith is now in the fourth grade and he dislikes school. For a fourthgrader, this does not sound right. The reason Keith dislikes school thoughdoes not have anything to do with academics. Keith is being bullied beforeschool, at school, and on the school bus. Who can blame him for not wantingto go into that environment? The basic definition of bullying is when someone keeps doing or sayingthings to have power over another person. Bullying involves crossing intoone's space without permission. Isn't bullying just something that happens to all children and we're justmaking a fuss over this? The children will get over it, right? Shouldn't wetell Keith to grow up and handle it? Wrong. Bullying happens to far too many children and adults shouldn't be ignoring it. WHAT CAN A PARENT DO? If Keith is being bullied and he is not reporting it to his parents thenthere are some very important questions to address.· Why wouldn't he tell his parents?· What message have Keith's parents sent to him about bullies?· Does Keith's parents have a history of dismissing what he says?· Possibly Keith's parents have had a habit of getting too involved insolving his problems. Tips for parents:· Encourage your child to report any bullying incidents to you.· Validate your child's feelings. It is normal for your child to feelhurt, sad, and angry.· Ask your child how he/she has tried to stop the bullying. Askingquestions is a wonderful way to have your child do the thinking.· Ask how is he/she going to solve this. We want the child to do thethinking before we jump in. See how many options he can come up with.· Coach your child in alternatives. Ideally the best solution is having your child solve this without anyone interfering. Most of the time unfortunately, this isn't possible. Share these strategies: avoidance is often an excellentstrategy, playing in a different place, play a different game, stay near asupervisor, look for new friends, join social activities outside of school.· Talk with your child's teacher. Make sure they are aware of what isgoing on.· Encourage your child to seek help from other school personnel.· Volunteer to help supervise activities at school.· Do not ignore your child's reports. Ignoring them sends the wrongmessage.· Do not confront the bully or the bullies' family.· Teach your child how to defend him or herself.· Teach self-respect.· Give numerous positive comments to your child.· Avoid labeling or name-calling.· Let your child know it is okay to express their anger. There arepositive and negative ways to express anger, we want to teach and model thepositive ways.· Let your children stand up to you now and then. It makes it morelikely they will stand up to a bully.· Stress the importance of body language.· Teach your child to use 'I' statements.· Teach positive self-talk.· Teach how to use humor, 'out crazy' them. For example, if the bullysays to Keith, "Hey, boy you're ugly." Keith can respond in a coupledifferent ways:"Thanks for sharing""Yes, I know, I always have been""Yes, today's lunch was disgusting" then walk away. There is many other aspects of bullying to look at: Why your child is the victim, whypeople bully, what you child can do if he/she is bullied, signs your child is beingbullied, what the schools should be doing, handling the school bus issues. Allof these are addressed in The Shameful Epidemic, How to protect your child from bullies and school violence.Visit www.stoppingschoolviolence.com to learn what is possible. There are solutions. What Is Homeschooling And How Do I know If Its Right For My Family? Do you know what these famous people have in common? Its a Sick World It's no joy to be sick. It's even less joy when your child is sick. But the most unjoy is when you AND your child are sick together. More Water, Not Less, Will Help End Bedwetting Children are notoriously bad at drinking enough liquids. They are sobusy playing they sometimes 'forget' to drink. Sometimes, childrenseem like camels - able to go for ages without having a drink.Obviously, when they are thirsty they will rush indoors for a drink.But often they look for sugary, caffeine-laden drinks which are greatfor quenching thirst, but do little for the body's fluid levels. Kids Party Etiquette for Parents Ever feel like you're out of the loop when it comes to the unspoken rules of kids party etiquette? Medications: Addressing Parental Fears and Concerns Recently, a parent came to me, conflicted over whether to follow her pediatrician's recommendation of placing her young son on medication. His difficult behaviors had escalated in recent years and after trying behavioral strategies and food elimination diets, there simply hadn't been much progress in his maintaining himself. His behavior at school was deteriorating to the point where the teachers were concerned about his progress academically, psychologically and socially. When the medication suggestion came up, Jane (not her real name) was distraught. Is it Attention Deficit Disorder or is it Tourettes Syndrome? During the assessment process it is of great importance for the physician or clinician to consider other possible causes of inattention, impulsivity, or hyperactivity in your child (or teen, or yourself). In fact, this is probably the most important element of a good assessment. There are several possible causes of these behaviors, especially in children, and the clinician must have great certainty that these other possible causes have been ruled out before giving the label of "Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder" to your child. ParentingYour Teenager: Dont Buy the I Dont Know and I Dont Care Attitude "I don't know and I don't care." Raising Boys The last decade has seen heightened interest in and awareness of the issues surrounding boys in most of the western world. It is common knowledge that boys lead the way in all the wrong statistics, including; problematic behaviours, learning difficulties and health problems. Educators and professionals around the world are looking for ways to cater for and engage young males. Kids: Channeling Mania Towards Productivity More and more kids these days are diagnosed ADD, ADHD, or Bipolar. There are biological reasons for this, and there are environmental elements which can soothe or aggravate the symptoms. It becomes increasingly easy to "react" to each mood swing rather than to develop a plan for different positions on the pendulum swing. Yet, preplanning is the best chance at teaching our children coping skills that will serve them throughout life. A child will learn better during a manic or hyper state-if the parent is able to stay strong and kick into a preplanned directed goal. Who Are You When the Professional In You Meets Baby? Are you a professional? Small Children, Languages and Myths Our children are growing up bilingual in the French part of Canada ? Québec. "That's fine", says everyone. "Even though they'll probably start speaking later because they're learning two languages at once, they'll catch up." Types of Schools for Troubled Teens It can be difficult on all family members to have a teen move to a boarding facility. As a result, many parents choose to take their troubled teen to an alternative school. In these day schools, the troubled teen stays in a highly structured school during the day and then returns home at night. This may be a viable alternative for teens who are just beginning to spiral, but alternative day schools are not appropriate for teens who have serious behavioral problems that are exacerbated by relationships with peers. Often, these teens will make progress during the day but slide back into negative behaviors when they visit with friends in the evenings. What About Competition? Are Your Kids Ready? Life is full of competition -- even in childhood. Kids compete for good grades, the attention of their parents and teachers, and even to get picked for 'the right team' in gym class. There's nothing wrong with encouraging healthy competition in your children. It can teach kids to perform at their best while encouraging teamwork and fostering a strong work ethic. Competition can teach valuable lessons about discipline, preparation and sportsmanship. Best of all, it can help to prepare them for other challenges they will face in life. ![]() |
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