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Failure or Future? Its Up To YOU!
We all want to comfort our children after they suffer any kind of failure or disappointment. It's only natural. But the best parents I've met have resisted the urge to "make it all better." Instead, they ask a simple question: "What happened?" The question is asked kindly and respectfully, but the intention is clear: to help the child understand why she didn't reach her goal. Where did she go wrong? Was she unprepared? Did she not work hard enough? Or is her talent simply in another area? This kind of questioning may seem rather sophisticated for a young child, but will teach an important lesson: failure can be viewed as a springboard to improvement, not as a dead-end or a reason for self-pity. Would most parents like to provide a disappointment-free life for their kids? Probably. But stop and think for a moment: Is that realistic? Do you know anyone who has not had to confront disappointment or failure? Given that reality, don't we do our kids a greater kindness when we support them in learning from disappointment than when we try to shield them from it entirely? Parents who react to their children's failures in this manner provide skills that will last a lifetime. In other words, they raise people who are able to recognize their own competence -- and never give up! ### Andrea Patten is the co-author of What Kids Need to Succeed: Four Foundations of Adult Achievement which is now available on Amazon.com For more information about 'The Four Foundations' please visit http://www.whatkidsneedtosucceed.com "...because you're not raising a child - you're raising a future adult"
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Parenting Your Teenager: 4 Traps to Avoid 4 traps to avoid MORAL ARMORS Irrational Parenting, Part III Not Letting Them Think. Saving Money on Preschool: Readiness Skills Needed for Kindergarten As a mom of 4 who's youngest child is about to start Kindergarten this Fall, I'd like to share with you some things I've learned about Preschool over the last ten years, along with a list of readiness skills every child can be learning at home - whether attending Preschool or not. How Kids Learn To Cooperate In Video Games -- A Guide for Parents and Teachers A great many parents are concerned that the electronic games their kids play are teaching the kids "negative" messages such as aggression, violence, and isolation from real people. I want to illustrate here how computer and video game playing, can have positive effects on kids. This includes even the "addictive" game playing associated with many of these games. The learning from these games is well worth the effort the kids put in playing them, and kids typically sense this at some level, which is one reason they fight so hard for their games. The Twenty-First Century Parent John was a 43 year-old sales manager at a large company. He's married and has 3 children, ages 7, 9, and 12. His wife works part-time as a nursing assistant, and they both do as much as they can to parent their children well. 13 Ways to Spend Time with Your Teenage Daughter The older my daughter gets the more it's sinking in that I don't have much time left to spend with her! She's turning 16 in a couple of months, and I know I won't be seeing her much after she gets her driver's license. Facing the Homeschool Super Mom I know this Mom. She homeschools her 5 children, plus she tutors several other children that are dropped off at her house. AND she's a Pastor's wife. AND she's working on fixing up the fixer-upper they just moved into. Whenever I've been in her house, it's been immaculate. Her children all have perfect manners. They all seem to be way ahead of their grade level. She's definitely gotta be a Homeschool Super Mom. Minimizing Homework Hassles John Bishop's Goal Setting for Students.com Peer Pressure - Five Ways to Help Teenagers Beat Peer Influence Young people generally want to fit in to their various social groups so peer approval is a significant driver for their behaviour. For a young person resisting peer influence can mean isolation or instant ostracising so it sometimes takes great strength of will to refuse to follow the crowd. How To Potty Train In Two Days Ah, potty training! Go to a local bookseller and you will find dozens of books on the subject. Search the Net and there are thousands of websites with information on how to do it stress free. There are even people who are capitalizing on a parent's frustration with potty training by offering to do it for you, for a hefty sum! I honestly can't imagine anything more unseemly than paying someone to teach my child to "go". The Neurology of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Part One What is Happening in the brain of children, teens, and adults with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder? 7 Easy Ideas for Organizing Kids Artwork In school, kids are encouraged to create, draw, color, paint and build. These activities can certainly stimulate children, and help them grow. 10 Secrets To Know You?re A Good Working Parent To Your Kids! How are parents to know they are doing the right thing for their children when they are working parents? Many parents feel guilty for the amount of time they are spending at work versus the amount of time they spend with their children. If you are questioning yourself, trust that you do need to take a closer look at what you are doing. Dexedrine, Cylert, and Adderall in the Treatment of ADHD Dexedrine is not prescribed very often for the treatment of ADHD out here in California, but those patients that we've seen on it have done well. Typically it is prescribed to patients who have not responded to Ritalin very well. It has the advantage of having a very nice long-lasting product (one dose per day). Usually it will not be prescribed to teenagers, or to individuals with a history of substance abuse. It can have retail value in the high school parking lot, and can be misused and abused. Public Schools Can Cripple Your Childrens Ability To Read For many adults, reading a book or newspaper seems effortless. Yet reading effortlessly comes from constant use of basic skills learned at an early age. Once children learn these basic skills, they can eventually read complex books like War and Peace. Keep the Little Ones Safe, Follow Pool Safety Guidelines Pool safety should be on the minds of every parent out there. If you are lucky enough to own an above ground pool or inground pool, you know there are certain safety precautions you must take to protect your children and the children of your friends and neighbors. According to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, 300 children under age 5 die and 2000 more children under age 5 visit hospital emergency rooms for submersion injuries every year. That's staggering. Some of the Sun Belt states list drowning as the leading cause of accidental death in the home of children under 5. These accidents usually occur in pools that are owned by their own family. These accidents happen quickly and a child can drowned in the time it takes to answer the phone. Usually the child that is in trouble is silent as there is no splashing around alerting anyone that they are in trouble. Medical costs are staggering and if the severely injured sustain brain damage, the expenses are even higher. Because of the dangers of a pool in your backyard, most cities require specific guidelines be followed for safety. As a homeowner and pool owner there are things you can do to prevent these accidents. Teach Children The Skills Of Optimism Optimists do better academically, socially and enjoy better health than pessimists. Ten Helpful Little Tips For New Parents The Greatest Gifts in Life, which are always created for free, but never come with instructional guide, are your children. The following suggestions may help any new parents feeling blessed by the birth of their first baby, but also feeling overwhelmed by this wondrous experience. Simple Living in a Materialistic World We were sitting in the family room. My kids had finished their first day back at school after the holiday break, and my wife was working late. Michael, my six-year-old son, was finger knitting. Sarah, my eight-year-old, was knitting a scarf. I sat near them and folded clothes. Occasionally someone would share something that had happened during the day, but otherwise it was quiet. How To Teach Your Children Courage Courage means doing the right thing when it is hard, even when it means being called a "chicken" by others. ![]() |
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