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Choosing a Daycare or Pre-School ? Top Ten Safety Tips
When it's time to put your child into a daycare or pre-school, there is some homework involved. Here are the top ten safety tips that are useful when looking for a pre-school or daycare center. 1. Take the time to make sure the program is reputable and whether the facility has had any past complaints. Either with parents, previous teachers or care-givers. You also want to know about the existing teachers. 2. Talk with other moms on where they bring their kids. They will let you know if they had good experiences or not. 3. If you are new to the neighborhood, go to the receptionist at your area's pediatrician. They know everybody! They pretty much have a pulse on the community. Nurses and doctors are O.K., but busy. Receptionists will have the time to answer your questions. 4. Learn about the school or center's hiring policies and practices. Find out whether they check an applicant's references, perform background checks, and verify previous employment history before hiring. 5. Learn whether the center or school welcomes and supports parental participation. 6. Make sure you have the right to drop in and visit the facility at any time. 7. Make sure you are informed about every planned field trip and outing. Never give the organization general permission to take your child off the premises. 8. Make sure that the facility has you sign a release to publish your child's picture in any local newspapers. And it is definitely O.K. if you don't what to have your child's picture in the paper for their safety. 9. Prohibit, in writing, the release of your child to anyone without your explicit consent. Make sure the program knows who will pick up your child on any given day. 10. Ask the facility what their policy is on strangers or unauthorized persons that might come into the facility. Do they have any type of safety measures when someone who does not have custody or right to a child, show up. What is their protocol? What would they do? You want your child to have an enjoyable and fun experience in their first learning facility. By asking questions and doing some investigating, you can rest assure that they will be in a safe environment as well. Michelle Annese is a 3rd degree black belt with 15+ years experience teaching self defense and safety for women and children. She is a World Martial Arts Hall of Fame inductee for Achievement and best selling author of The Realtor Survival Guide, Protection for Women, and The SafeGuard System for Kids. For more information on how to protect yourself and your family go to http://www.michelleannese.com and check out other articles by Michelle Annese and get her free safety tips e-newsletter.
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Remember The Generation Gap? The techniques of managing relationships between parents and their children is as old as.. well, parents having children. It's not an easy job, either for the parent or the child. But, the key to any relationship inside or outside the family is the ability to relate; to have an empathy that allows us a slightly special way in which we can communicate with one another in order to understand, and to be understood. We make friends because of the similarities we may have in certain areas and we sometimes can build lifelong relationships on that basis. But, having children means we do not have a choice to make that relationship as we might have in meeting a perfect stranger. It's a relationship forced upon us, albeit willingly in most cases. We as parents accept that as part of parenting. After all, as parents we have the opportunity to influence the development of our children to be just like us.. thus creating those similarities that enhance a lifelong relationship. Now, note that I used the word 'opportunity' in that sentence. I think as parents we all realize that in spite of what we do to manipulate their young lives our children will turn out as individuals just as we did with our parents. And that could very well mean that the relationship you have with your child is not based on similarities but more of accepting the respective family roles of parent and child. How to Assist Troubled Teens What parents of a teen haven't wondered where their sweet child went and who the angry and rebellious child is that took his or her place. After all, adolescence is a time of change. While each child is different, there are some behaviors that all normal teens seem to exhibit. These include: acting moody and/or rude, complaining about parental interference, experimenting with sex and/or drugs, searching for a sense of identity, showing less affection to parents and/or siblings. Book Review: The Ring Bear Depicts Turmoil of Becoming A Stepchild In "The Ring Bear," a picture book by Tigard resident David Michael Slater (Flashlight Press, 2004), a single mother and her son, Westley, love to play rascally pirates. Like many single parents and their kids, it's clear the mom and her son are incredibly close: They've created their own fantasy world about Westley the Wicked and Mom the Mean. Create a Story Book with Your Child A fun way to build your child's imagination Nights by a Pinocchio Lamp Sitting by her Pinocchio lamp, she smiled at me as her tiny shadow puppet danced on the bedroom wall. "A bunny!" she giggled with all the jubilance of a four-year old. Her blue eyes sparkled with pride as she showed me the animated image she had created. Are You Addicted to Your Children? Is it possible to be using our children addictively? The Effects of Televised Sexual Content on Adolescents According to a September 2004 study by the RAND Corporation,"Adolescents who watch large amounts of television containing sexualcontent are twice as likely to begin engaging in sexual intercourse inthe following year as their peers who watch little such TV." Inaddition, the National Institutes of Health-funded study found thatthese children's sexual behavior was akin to those adolescents who were9 to 17 months older, but who watched only average amounts of TV withsexual content. "Television habits predicted whetheradolescents went to 'second or third base,' as well as whether they hadsex for the first time," said Rebecca Collins, a RAND psychologist wholed the study. "The 12-year-olds who watched a lot of television withsexual content behaved like the 14- or 15-years-olds who watched theleast amount of sexual television. The advancement in sexual behavior wesaw among kids who watched a lot of sexual television was striking." This alarming trend occurs within the context of ever-increasingamounts of implicit and over sexual content on television. As reportedby the Parents Television Council, "In a sample of programming from the2001-2002 TV season, sexual content appeared in 64% of all TV programs.Those programs with sexually related material had an average of 4.4scenes per hour. Talk of sex is more frequent (61%) vs. overt portrayals(32%). One out of every 7 programs includes a portrayal of sexualintercourse." According to the RAND study, talk of sex had just as muchof an effect on adolescent sexual behavior as overt behaviors. Sexual behavior among U.S. teens is on the rise. According to the U.S.Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 46% of all high schoolstudents have had sexual intercourse. The National Institutes of Healthhas found that, each year, one of every four sexual active teenscontracts a sexually transmitted disease. Teen pregnancy in the U.S. isalso the highest among industrialized nations. Now, more thanever, parents need to be concerned about what their children arewatching on television. The first step parents need to take is tomonitor the content of the shows their adolescents watch. According toRAND researcher Collins, "The impact of television viewing is so largethat even a moderate shift in the sexual content of adolescent TVwatching could have a substantial effect on their sexual behavior." Other important steps you can take to curb or mitigate yourchildren's exposure to sexual content on television include:Watch TV with your children and discuss your beliefs about sex and about the sexual behaviors portrayed on TV. Develop TV-watching guidelines for your children and enforce them. Limit the amount of time your children watch TV. Instead, use family movie reviews to rent movies with appropriate content. Encourage and reward your children for reading instead of watching TV. Encourage your children to find and develop non-television related hobbies and interests. By taking these simple steps, you can help to ensure that youradolescents' attitudes and beliefs about sex more closely mirror yourown, and that their sexual initiation is delayed. A Mothers Love Once upon a time there was a beautiful bird whose golden feathers and sweet voice attracted attention where ever she went. She was not only beautiful but also extremely intelligent and talented and she longed to leave the nest and try her wings out in the big world. Thriving As A Family When You Live In The Fast lane It is extraordinary times that we find ourselves in. Change is now an entrenched way of life. Most of us don't blink when new piece of technology comes out. Just the other day I read about the death of the desktop computer. The big lump of plastic and glass that used to sit on my desk has been replaced by a laptop. Email is quickly making those twentieth communication icons, the telephone and the fax, redundant. The way we live, do business, even shop is undergoing rapid change. ADHD: Dialogue with a Non-Believer, Part Four Dear Sir, Guide to Choosing a Computer System for Your Child Before going further into choosing computers for children, I believe that you would like to know the answer to the following question: Nurtured by Love or Matured by Nature? "There is nothing new under the sun," states Ecclesiastes 1:9. This is certainly true of the nature-nurture debate, the modern name for the ageless argument about the importance of learning in the development of the child. While one side argues that the development of the child is mainly a process of maturation, with learning playing no more than a supportive role, the other side maintains that learning determines the entire course of a child's future. Picky Eaters - The Dawn of Understanding "In general my children refuse to eat anything that hasn'tdanced on television." (Erma Bombeck, 1927-1996) How Public Schools Coerce Parents Into Giving Mind-Altering Drugs To Their Children Despite the potentially dangerous side-effects of Ritalin, public school authorities now pressure many parents to give Ritalin to their children so these kids won't "act up" in school. The ABCs of Raising Twins As a mother of two sets of fraternal boy/girl twins, I am often asked, "How do you do it?" I do not have an answer. I am just a regular 27 year old who has never known it any other way. Most people come home from the hospital with one baby. I , however, always seem to come out with a pair. Through my experiences, I feel that there is no such answer. Each child is a unique gift with their own personality, likes, dislikes, and own sense of self. I have no master plan. I deal with each moment as it comes and try to remember that these are the best days of my life. There are moments, I must admit, that I feel like my day will never end and my own personal identity is withering away. A smile or hug from my children washes this feeling away. I am a mother chosen for this great adventure and I press on. Watch What You Say "Now don't you go getting any ideas, Harold." Lets Protect Our Children There are software programs that you can purchase to keep your children from accessing undesirable websites. There are two good ones, Cyber Patrol and Net Nanny. Homework Doesn?t Have to Be a Battle of Wills Homework. It doesn't have to be a daily battle of wills between child and parent. There are several strategies and elements that a parent can use to maximize an opportunity to support a child's education and to massage the parent/child bond. For the parent, it is a way to understand what is going on at school and an opportunity for communication. Simply put, a parent has the ability to guide a child to positive feelings about education and to the rewards of good efforts. The Personality of a Virgo Child Your Virgo Baby.. Child ADHD - Deciding Where to Draw the Line The wonderful adaptability of children in dealing with the challenges of this ever-changing and unpredictable world is really amazing. Their growth from a state of familial security and dependence through progressive stages of self-direction and personal autonomy requires enormous and almost anti-gravitational efforts on their part. Children must integrate a continuous changing picture of themselves with a world characterized more and more by conflict, competition and change. ![]() |
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