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Your Organizing DNA
Do you like storing your papers on top of your desk in trays, baskets or just plain piles? Do you have a preference for Post-it notes and maybe some colorful file folders? Or are clearly labeled files and file cabinets more your style? Do you 'file' or 'pile'? I make it a practice of testing my workshop participants for this very thing because of its importance in creating and supporting an effective, organized workspace. The brain's dominance factor Research conducted in the late 1980's proved that human beings exhibit brain hemisphere dominance in early childhood. Brain hemispheres have distinct functions that work together so that we actually use both sides of our brain in everything we do. Your brain's dominance directly impacts how you respond to new experiences. The more aware you are of your own learning style, the better positioned you are to use what you learn. Your natural style is the key Left-brain dominance indicates someone who tends to be analytical, methodical and a linear thinker. This scenario may imply that left-brainers are more organized, but this is perception more than reality. Language resides in the left side of the brain so these individuals look for a word on a label affixed to a file folder frequently found stored vertically on top of their desk or in their file cabinet. Right-brainers, on the other hand, are characterized as individuals who are conceptual thinkers, visionaries who scan more than focus. They tend to be more people/project oriented. This style responds to color or placement and frequently files papers horizontally on top of their desk. Putting something inside a file cabinet could mean it is lost to them forever. Benefit Identifying your natural paper management style helps you work towards eliminating those on-going feelings of stress and frustration when you look at your desktop. Actively developing a user-friendly system that supports your style is a key element in not only creating an organized workspace, but more importantly in maintaining one. Outcome? Increased productivity and peace of mind. So?are you left or right? Copyright 2001 Cynthia Kyriazis. All rights reserved. Cynthia Kyriazis is a Professional Organizer, trainer, consultant, speaker, coach and author with over 20 years management experience in multi-unit corporations. She is President of Organize it, Inc., an organizational consulting firm serving Fortune 500 clients since 1995. Cynthia has worked with over 150 companies and hundreds of professionals to help improve performance in the areas of time, information, space and electronic file management. Cynthia has appeared in the Philadelphia Inquirer, Kansas City Star and the Legal Intelligencer. She currently serves as Secretary on the Board of Directors for the National Association of Professional Organizers (NAPO), member of the National Speakers Association (NSA), member of International Society for Performance Improvement ? Kansas City chapter (ISPI-KC) and consultant to the American Coaching Association.
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Spring Cleaning: Mission Garage Organization Spring is here and the garage door is open. This is a scary thought for Cindy. Her garage is so stuffed that she can't even park her cars in there. But the kids are wanting to get their spring toys out now that the weather is nice. As she begins moving piles of clutter from one place to another to unearth Nicole's bike, 3 year old Megan is having a hey-day in the piles of stuff on the garage floor. Eager to get on her old bike, Nicole starts digging through piles trying to find her bike helmet. Her search is unsuccessul and she begins whining about riding without it. Overwhelmed with the chaos and frustrated with the whining, Cindy loads all 3 kids in the car to go purchase a new helmet for Nicole. 10 Minute Tricks to Help You Get Organized Whoever thought you'd be able to get organized in just 10 minutes?! Here are a few simple ideas. 10 Easy Maintenance Tips vs Piling on the Chaos Whether you are in your own business or an employee (or neither) -- if you have a family and a home you are in the business of having a life. I'm betting that none of you went into business to become hot at shuffling papers and reams of e-mail. Simplify Your Life! No Really...Simplify Your Life! We hear it every day. Words That Inspire - SIMPLIFY What do you gain if you SIMPLIFY? 10 Tips to Get Organized and Clutter-Free- Now! 1. THE LOVE IT OR LOSE IT PRINCIPLE: Every item around you represents a choice you made. You either went out or selected it; or it came to you, and you accepted it. Look at that item now with fresh eyes. If you do not know that item to be useful, believe it to be beautiful, or love it for personal reasons, it's time to get rid of it. In other words, LOVE IT OR LOSE IT. Love what nourishes your dreams and directions, lose what drains or distracts you. Call this process your "Clutter Campaign". Saving Memories Without Losing Your Mind The summer is flying by for Cindy and her family. It seems like just last weekwhen they visited Disneyland. In fact, it seems like last month Nicole was born andnow she's 7! Yes, the kids are growing up too fast and yet not fast enough all at the same time. Thank goodness for pictures! Spring Clean Your Life Spring is here and its time to sweep away the wintertime blues. How to Prevent Piles of Paper! If you have piles of paper all over your desk, you're going to love this article. 10 Myths of Clutter Clearing 1) It's easy to have a good clear out: Not always. For many people, breaking a life-time habit is really hard - everyone has a choice whether they want to make that break or not. The only way you will succeed is when the pain is so big you convert it into the positive energy you need to make you take ACTION. We have to face those emotions in order to process them ? that's when we learn to let go. 10 Easy Tips for Digging Out Your Desk Today Has your polished mahogany (or modular plastic) desk been buried for so long that you can't remember what your desk is made out of? If so, use these tips to clear yourself some space to work in, and stay on top of your most urgent action items. 5 Steps From Clutter To Control Are you overwhelmed by clutter wherever you turn? Here are 5 practically painless steps to a clean slate. Identifying the Rocks: Organizing Your Priorities In one of my favorite books, First Things First, written by Stephen Covey with Roger and Rebecca Merrill, is a story of the man in front of his class with a pile of rocks and a jar. He puts the rocks in the jar, and then asks the class "Is it full?" "Yes," they answer in unison. "Oh?" he replies, and gets out some pebbles, which he adds to the jar. "Is it full?" he asks. Catching on, they reply, "Probably not." And then he added sand. And, finally, some water. "What does that tell you?" he asked. Answers included comments like "You can always squeeze something else in" or "Just get started." "Oh, not at all!" he said. "If you don't put the rocks in first, there won't be any room for the them. Get Organized -- Every Home Needs An Office EVERY HOME NEEDS AN OFFICE Clutter is Postponed Decisions? Do you ever sit down at your desk buried in paper and say, "OK! Today's the day ? I'm going to clean up this mess?" You pick up the first piece of paper ? and immediately think of any number of reasons why now is not a good time to deal with this particular piece of paper. You pick up the second piece. "No, I don't think so?" And the third? And the fourth? And before you know it, the pile of papers that was on the left side of your desk is now on the right ? and you've got to run to your next appointment! The Most Frequently Asked Questions about Organizing Your Kids Rooms 1. In terms of organization, what is the first thing a parent should do before decorating a kid's room? Organizing for Today, Tomorrow and the Next Day Getting organized is hard. If it weren't, we wouldn't put it off until it got even harder. There are hundreds of books out there on how to get organized; they have ideas on how to work in your garage, in your living room, in your mind, in your job. They offer every sort of idea for every sort of situation... but you know what happens to most of those books? They end up in the middle of some pile on our disorganized tables and desks. Breathing Life Into Dead Spaces "I don't have enough room!" -- this is a common cry amongst the disorganized. But sometimes, they just aren't looking closely enough. You can find additional storage in the most unlikely places. All of those wasted areas -- ones that can't be used for active living space and seem inappropriate for conventional storage -- are normally considered DEAD SPACE. But you can turn a sow's ear into a silk purse with the right tools and a little imagination. Organizing - Time is of the Essence! What does "time" have to do with getting organized? Everything! Our society today keeps us running and constantly inhaling, seemingly never allowing us to stop and "exhale"! Making Space - Letting Go of Clutter To make room for new things to come into you life, you have to create space for such things. If your environment or life is packed with things you no longer need or that no longer serve you, then you are holding yourself back. There's no room for new opportunities, new relationships or new ideas to enter. Yesterday I had a conversation with a client about this very topic. I congratulated the client on cleaning out items associated with her previous career from her home office to make room for all the new ventures she is exploring. I was reminded of what I went through when I decided to switch careers. When I first became a coach, I was hesitant to toss or give away all the business materials I had accumulated as a financial professional. I kept thinking, "What if I need these items again?" I finally realized that my indecisiveness, (about giving up the security that these materials provided - thinking I could always go back to my former career), was holding me back. After this realization I immediately tackled my office and cleared out 9 trash bags of old business files. Guess what happened? The next day I had a new client! ![]() |
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