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I Was Loosing a Lot of Money with MLM... What I Changed to Keep that Money in My Pocket!
Hello everyone, I've been around in network marketing for a few years now? I was always trying to figure out new ways to keep money into my pockets using the Internet. Yes that's right, KEEP money? The reason why I'm saying this is because I did make my share of money in the MLM industry, but I did lost a bit too. Nothing major, but if I go back and add up all my unnecessary expense, I would have been richer in less time. Now it's time to outline the places where I was loosing tons of money. Take good notes of these situations, since many of you are probably experiencing the same issues! After that, I will explain how I patched my money leaking problems. Communication fees Time wasters Now with the solution: A ground breaking technology that will help you communicate more effectively, while saving time and money! Believe me, there's even more to it! I'm glad to present to you the next online business trend? Web Conferences! Web conferencing is the new way to communicate effectively on the Internet today! People from all over the world are using this technology right now. Imagine that, you can talk all you want, when you want for less than a dollar a day! There is no long distance fee and no user limit. I simply send an email to my team or prospect and I don't even need to tell them how to setup since its so user friendly. Since the day I switched to Web Conference, I've seen my sales increase and I now have more free time away from the business. Now you wonder how web conferencing helped my online business? Now for those of you who can relate to my past experiences, you need to do something now! You need to figure out a way to lower these expenses if you want to survive in this industry? web conference is the way to go! If you would like to learn more on Web Conferencing and other money saving tips, visit http://www.connexions247.com/webconference today! About the Author: Frederic Blanchet is the president of Connexions247.com, the new international business community on the Internet. Click here to learn how you can start using Web Conference for less than a dollar a day! http://www.connexions247.com/webconference Please feel free to use this article on your website and your e-zine.
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MLM, Pyramid Schemes, and Matrices Have you ever wondered what the difference is? MLM operators claim they're not operating a pyramid scheme. Matrix and "forced matrix" operators claim that what they have is better than MLM. So what are the differences?Pyramid Schemes:Pyramid Schemes are illegal in the USA, and probably abroad. We all know how these schemes work, or at least get the jist of the idea. A person (the originator) starts by sending a message to several people. Usually people he/she knows. The message in some round about way, will tell everyone to send him $5 or so...and then send the message to someone else. All the while adding names to the list, and each new recipient must send money to the first person, second person...etcThere are a million variations of the Pyramid Scheme, but the main attribute that define a pyramid scheme ( also known as chain letter) is that there is no product, it's just people sending money. The term "Pyramid Scheme" is derived from the fact that it starts with one and the size of those involved increases as you move towards the bottom. On paper, it looks like the shape of a triangle, or pyramid.Multi Level Marketing:How is MLM different from a pyramid scheme? After all, on paper any MLM looks like a pyramid in reality right? The differences are very simple. In MLM there is a product being sold. Income is generated from "commissions". It's actually a pyramid scheme, except that the participants get something back...regardless of whether the people they refer actually pay for something...In MLM, the participant always gains from their investment. The catch is in the value of the product that the participant receives. This is the reason that MLM is so big on the internet. Because, information can have a monetary value, and it cost the distributor nothing. So ebooks, software, newsletters...etc... these are the most common products used in MLM. MLMers have added tangible products as well, and home products were the first to use MLM as a primary marketing strategy.The Forced Matrix:With so many MLM programs on the market these days, originators have tried to make their programs more desirable than others. Hence the forced matrix idea. In a regular MLM program, your monetary gains are based entirely on how good you are at marketing the program. However, most people arent' very good. So it would benefit the less talented if they had help from the talented. Basically, if the number of people who can join under you is limited in any way...then it's a forced matrix. The idea being, anyone else you refer extra..will go under someone else. The best implementations put the extra person under one of the people YOU have under YOU. Hence it helps the person under you, which helps you too.The term is tossed around a bit, and sometimes not used at all. However, that is what defines a forced matrix. Sometimes numbers are used to describe a forced matrix more thoroughly....like "4 X 4 forced matrix" for instance. Which might mean that you can only have 4 people directly under you and only 4 people under those 4 who you recieve commissions from.There is a hi-bred idea that has become common now, where by a person can deliberately place a referral in another line of their choice. A sort of traffic control attribute that helps originators get their referrals interested. This has been an attempt to make regular MLM more appealing, and it has worked. In fact, forced matrix MLMers have even implemented the option in their own programs.The benefits of either are about equal. With a forced matrix, you stand to earn an income faster, but increases in income are slower because your referrals get forced further down the line from you. With regular MLM you have a stronger base, and sustaining it is generally easier...but first profits can be slow. If you want a little income faster, go with a forced matrix. If you want BIG profits and are willing to work a long time for it, go with regular MLM programs. Network Marketing Success- The Top 3 Secrets of Network Marketing Success What stops most people in MLM and Network Marketing? After studying this industry for over 20 years, and talking to thousands of folks, you learn a thing or two. Diversification on the Internet I have been on the Internet observing many new and exciting things over the past 5 years. Network Marketing Online Saves Time Network marketing online is a great way to do business from home, at your own time and pace. Moreover, the vast resources of the Internet are at your fingertips. You no longer have to start out locally, building gradually over several years to a significant market presence. Most successful network marketing online companies have spurts of meteoric growth. MLM Professional as a Freedom Fighter "I am a freedom fighter. All of us in the MLM industry are freedom fighters." Profound words from Professor Vasupal, an acknowledged MLM leader, who in my view is unarguably the most successful Network Marketing Leader and a top earner in these parts of the world. 8 Reasons MLM Distributors Fail There dozens of reasons why any one individual might not be successful with his/her network marketing business... or any other business for that matter. Finding The Right Business For You: Low Admin Is Essential Simply put, in network marketing as in many more traditional businesses, the only activities which will make you money are selling and recruiting. If you're not doing one or other of those then you're not making money and you're involved in administration. Online MLM Business Is Booming! The time to start an online MLM business has never been better. With more and more people and businesses going online, a significant number of business owners are looking to the Internet as the source for the new business opportunities of tomorrow. Even after the Internet bust of the 90s, traffic on the Internet is at an all-time high. Starting an online MLM business from your home is an attractive and often lucrative option that deserves to be explored. MLM Leads: How To Improve Your List MLM Leads are the lifeblood of many network marketers. Over the years, MLM Leads have become a key component of building a downline. As the demand for MLM Leads has grown, the quality of MLM Leads has suffered. Many lead capture pages are designed to get anyone to fill out the form (even poor quality prospects). And some list brokers have sold their MLM Leads several times, causing the people who filled out a form inquiring about a business opportunity to get bombarded with phone solicitations. Network Marketing Success - The Psychology Behind the Objection in MLM The downline group I was honored to help lead was a great team, and we had a lot of great talent in it. Discover How To Attract The Help You Need To Build Your Network Marketing Positive thinkers dare to believe that the biggest andbest men or woman in the world can be attracted totheir cause or project. Try for the best man or womanin the world and you can secure his help. EXPLODE Your Network Marketing Team Into An INCREDIBLE Recruiting Machine! Let's face it! Most people who join a Network Marketing Company assume that their "A" number one function is to Prospect! Prospect! Prospect! ? Enroll! Enroll! Enroll! So, they spend much of their time, money, and effort prospecting and enrolling, never realizing that these new people will need training, especially if they have never marketed before. Are You Failing At Your Network Marketing Business? Many people get started in network marketing because they see an opportunity to own their own business and make a substantial income. They research different network marketing companies and finally make a choice. They may choose a network marketing company that has some very big heavy hitters making 6 figure incomes. That way they can do what they do and make that kind of money too. 9 Sure Fire Methods to explode your Downline Everyone dreams of building a Profitable MLM Sales Team. Unfortunately many MLM Sales Team suffer from Massive Bleeding that starts at the Bottom and keeps moving up Month after Month. Here are 9 Simple Steps you can follow to not only stop the Bleeding but continue to grow your organization strong. MLM Success Secrets- MLM Success in the FAST Lane I had an upline once tell me, who by the way, has done 6 BILLION in this industry, that you need to work your business fast, not slow, and rapidly, not timidly. And if you did this one thing, your Network Marketing business would become more successful and the business would become easier. That alone would help start building some momentum, and build some real Power within your business. The New Internet Home Work: How Much Do You Really Need to Know to Get Started? You? Start your own Internet business? Give me a break! You just don't speak the language, so why even try? Internet Marketing Idea: Use Internet Marketing to Sell Network Marketing or MLM Experienced Internet Marketers and beginners alike have one thing is common. They need products or services to market on the Internet. Network Marketing is Nothing but a Scheme! When you say network marketing immediately the main streampublic thinks negative things, but truly network marketing is aneutral entity. It's not good or bad it's just a business model. Reality Check In the world of business, there are a few things to watch out for before you get involved as an owner, affiliate, or investor. These are important everywhere, but nowhere more important than for the so-called "internet newbie" who is looking for additional income and/or a better lifestyle. Hype and unrealistic promises that sound oh, so good are everywhere. Let's pick a few of them apart. Learning to step back and think logically can be a financial lifesaver. It might even help to look at each offer and ask if you would want your kid or your grandparent or your best friend to get involved. If the answer is "NO!" then you shouldn't, either! Network Marketing Training - MLM Success Secrets to SCORCHING MLM Leadership As far as your Network Marketing business, Let me ask you some questions: ![]() |
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