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MLM Training - Creating an EXPLOSIVE Start with Your New MLM Distributor
Ok...you have a new distributor. What do you do with that person? Good question! There is a "Success Path" that we suggest following that has proven effective and powerful for the new distributor. You MUST Schedule what we call a "Kickoff Meeting" within 72 hours after siging the application. This is the official "kick off" of their business, and psychologically is the official opening of their doors for business with the public.This meeting lasts about an hour, and helps to educate them on most aspects of your company, products, pay plan, and training. There are topics you need to cover with the distributor to get them going quickly! When you meet with your new distributor, whether in their home or at a restaurant, be sure to cover these topics completely. Here are the steps we have always recommended: 1. Paperwork. You must cover all the paperwork, including the application, order, any tools they may want, and any other neccessary paperwork needed for Success in your company. 2. Order. What kind of order to they want? Does the company have certain packages to purchase? Let them decide what is best for them, and make sure they have the order paperwork filled out properly. 3. Company, Product, and Pay Plan Information. Give them any information on the company and products they need. Keep it simple. Make sure they know who the owners are, and the history of the company.Make sure they are familar with an overview of the product line. And cover the pay plan in general terms, DON'T COMPLICATE! And get them to a local fast start training as soon as possible. 4. Review Planner. If your company has a Success Planner or a New Dealer Kit, then go through it with them. This will help to start focusing them into the training from the company. 5. Review Other Tools. What other tools does the company have that the new distributor will need? Make sure you cover them as well. 6. Brochures. What kind of brochures does the company have for marketing? Cover those with the new person, and get them familiar with these powerful visual tools. 7. Listen to any 24/7 Conference Calls. Does your company have 24/7 recruiting or training calls that you can use? If so, let them new distributor hear them. If your company does not have them, then you may want to consider doing them yourself. 8. Upline Introductions. Who is your upline? You need to introduce them to your new person. Call them ahead of time to insure they will be available. Have your upline welcome them aboard and offer any assistance needed. 9. Introduce and Familiarize them with the Websites. Show your new person the website and all the details of it, including the back office, if there is one. 10. Prospect List/Memory Jogger. Make a list of the first 10 people the new distributor will call. This is their HOT market.Then make a list of the next 25 they will call. This is the start of their warm market list. That is a good number to start with, and it won't overwhelm them. Eventually, you will come up with at least with 150 names with them. 11. Introduce 3-way Calling. Make sure they have 3 way calling on their phone. And then show them how to do a 3 way with you. They must learn to MASTER the 3 way call to master Success in MLM. l2. Schedule First 3 PBR's. In Home Meetings are a great way to launch a new business. A PBR is a Private Business Reception. Plan on inviting the new person's warm market to an In Home Celebration of their new business, and hold 3 of them within the next 45 days. Send out invitations of the first PBR 72 hours after this meeting. 13.Schedule to Attend next 3 Local Events. When are the next local training and special events? Schedule them to be there to learn, and also to bring friends to these events. 14. Goals and Dreams. What are the first 7 day goals? What are the first 30 day goals? How many sales will be achieved? How many new distributors will be recruited? What volume is the target? How many hours a week will the new person work and wehn are they? And complete their "Golden Dozen List." This is a list of the 12 things that the new person wants their new business to bring into their life that is not currently there. Is it a new home? A new car? Write down the "WHY" that they are doing Network Marketing, and what they want Network Marketing to change in their life. 15. What things will discourage the new distributor enough to make them want to leave the business? (THIS ONE IS IMPERATIVE TO COVER!) Find these out, as you need to know this so you can help the new distributor get through them if they should show up. These are the "Success Landmines" that you need to locate and lead the new distributor around. These are the things you initially need to get the new distributor off to an Explosive start. List them in a checklist to make sure you cover them. Encourage constantly the new distributor, and pour into them at this meeting your confidence in them. Create an EXPLOSIVE start by following these steps to Massive Success in MLM and Network Marketing. Oh... Schedule the first 10 warm market phone calls with them. Put down in your planner when this will take place, and then plan on starting the phone call session with them. Preferrably this takes place within 24 hours of the Kick Off Meeting. Doug Firebaugh is one of the top MLM Network MarketingTrainers in the world. Over a million people a monthread his training ezine. He spent the last 7 yearstraveling the world speaking and training on Success.He lives in Birmingham Michigan, and you can receive aFREE subscription to his training ezine- The MLMSuccess HEAT- at: http://www.passionfire.com/pf_heat_4.html; http://www.passionfire.com
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Lead Generation: An Overview Multi level marketing is a type of business where a distributor receives commissions on their own sales as well as the sales of people the distributor recruits. Multi level marketing, abbreviated as MLM, is known by a number of names such as referral marketing and network marketing. To MLM or Not to MLM Whether you want to be your own boss or you want to be handsomely rich, the internet offers great possibilities. Maybe too many! To Be Successful in Network Marketing Requires One Thing, Success in Life! Most people want to be successful in life. There are goals set and then the hard work begins to reach those goals. The question is what is success? Actually, success can mean different things to different people. MLM Recruiting-The Power of One New Thought for MLM Success Do you understand the Power of one new thought in your MLM Recruiting? Child-like Confidence will Build Your Network Marketing Business You learned most of what you know in your first few years of life. We can gain insight into improving our current situation by observing the behavior of young children. They believe in themselves, nothing is impossible. Their dreams and their reality mesh easily. The 5 Critical Elements of A Successful MLM System Take it or leave it but all big MLM earners follow a marketing system. They find a system that works and stick to it. To MLM or Not to MLM? I was posed a question the other day about MLMs, why it leaves a bad taste in some peoples mouth, the term MLM even triggers spam filters. Some programs even advertise "This is not MLM" as though that is a plus for it. Is MLM really bad? Reality Check In the world of business, there are a few things to watch out for before you get involved as an owner, affiliate, or investor. These are important everywhere, but nowhere more important than for the so-called "internet newbie" who is looking for additional income and/or a better lifestyle. Hype and unrealistic promises that sound oh, so good are everywhere. Let's pick a few of them apart. Learning to step back and think logically can be a financial lifesaver. It might even help to look at each offer and ask if you would want your kid or your grandparent or your best friend to get involved. If the answer is "NO!" then you shouldn't, either! Writing an MLM Business Plan When considering whether or not to start a MLM business, first you need to write an MLM business plan. This will put a lot of things into perspective. An MLM business plan helps to put your ideas into action by defining what your business will be, what will be your goals, and how you plan to execute your business. Various parts of an MLM business plan include a balance sheet and a pro forma (projected) income statement. MLM Lead Generation In Multi-level marketing (MLM), or network marketing, the business owner recruits other independent distributors into his or her network. These prospects are known as MLM leads because they have shown some interest in the business opportunity. The MLM leads are, at first, usually comprised of the business owner's friends, family, and acquaintances. Once these resources have been exhausted, the business owner must uncover new prospects to recruit into his or her network. This process, known as MLM lead generation, can be time consuming and quite costly. Advice For Selecting A MLM Home Business Opportunity Looking for a MLM home business opportunity to start your own business? Working at home can give the freedom you want and the income that you deserve. By working from home you can be there for your children, cook dinner, and still get in a few hours of work before bed. A work at home business can be very attractive but you must be careful to select one that works for you. Targeted MLM Leads: You Best Chance At New Prospects Targeted MLM leads go directly to the heart for your best opportunity to expand your business. Leads are essential for any business to grow but sometimes in our lust for new business we find the leads we had were never true leads at all. In order to have the best chance for success, the leads we pursue must be interested in our opportunity and have expressed that interest in some form. Work At Home Mlm Network Tool The workathome mlm network tool can be used to generate cash while working at home. MLM stands for multi-level marketing. A company uses MLM to have participants at home sell products at a discount. In exchange, the participants earn commissions and bonuses. The participants may have to pay a fee to join an MLM network. Secrets Of Network Marketing Success Network marketing and the internet were made for each other. Ten Tips for Success in MLM, Network Marketing MLM, Network marketing is the ordinary person's best opportunity to make extraordinary income. Well known author, Robert Kiyosaki, says that most ethical MLM, network marketing businesses are like business schools. They teach people the power of building their own home business, and provide the tools to support that. You must choose the right business for you. Then, work to attain success. Hey, I Have A Prospect! What Should I Do Now? If you are in multi level marketing system, you have to get many prospects until they join to your business. You must follow up your prospect. But, not every person can make a good communication with their prospect. They follow up their prospect but they don't make a good communication. The problem is ; they let them go away or join with somebody else who can make them trust. It's a big problem! A good communication is a key to reach success in any business, especially in multi level marketing business. The Two Main Factors For Success In A Network Marketing Home Based Business People are a strange lot. People that are successful are often the biggest encouragers of others to help them also be successful. While unsuccessful or mediocre people usually discourage others from being successful. Mediocre people will say things like don't waste your time, or those things don't work. A large part of this negative attitude is because very few people want to see someone do better than themselves. It's like if they can't be successful they don't want their friends being successful. Finding Your WHY! "Finding these three letters: W. H. Y. will guarantee you ultimate success in your life and in Network Marketing!" How To Pick a Reputable Company To Be Involved In There are three basic concrete points that should be followed when choosing a Network Marketing company to promote. They are: Finding The Intangible This article is dedicated to novice entrepreneurs who are struggling to make sense out of the internet jungle they have invaded. Please point them in the right direction when they become lost. You have permission to publish this offering if you don't charge for it, and the resource box is left intact. It would be appreciated if you would notify me when you do at lynn_b2@yahoo.com. Total words 767. ![]() |
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