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Network Marketing Tip: Do You Re-invent the Wheel or Just Drive the Car?
There are those in the Network Marketing industry who would have you believe that their way is the only way for a booming business to be built. Others will say 'Here, here's your business, now just out there and get cracking!' Most sponsors fall somewhere in between in terms of support (IF they have any real business knowledge to share in the first place). The reality is that no matter what they're saying out loud, it's what they're actually doing day to day to build their business which is the example that you will measure your own abilities against. This is something that we often forget about when choosing how to build our own businesses ? it's easy to look upline and see the glitches and inconsistencies. It's not so easy to be deliberately dublicatable ourselves. NOTHING HAPPENS UNTIL SOMETHING MOVES Let's take a look at what the sales of any given company look like. These are what keep the cash flow going year in and year out after all. I'm not one to 'crunch the numbers' exactly, but I think we can agree that any product driven company is made up of lots of little sales that add up to the larger whole. This is the basis of Capitalism too, no? Consumer spending is what makes the world go round in my neck of the woods. How about yours? BLURRED LINES = UNHAPPY CUSTOMERS In Network Marketing , the line between distributor and customer can often become very blurred. Some companies do this more intentionally than others with the systems that they model or sometimes the model comes from an upline sponsor. Either way, the message can become one that will attract mostly 'business builders' and leave would be happy customers with a bad taste in their mouth. IS THIS THE RIGHT CAR? Okay, so you've been presented with a 'system' that is 'proven' to make the sale to a certain type of person ? generally the 'business builder'. Now, granted ? adding builders to your business is probably the fastest track to a big check, but is it a lasting check? What about the real world truth that it's customers who drive the market place? REFERRAL MARKETING IS FOR BUILDING CUSTOMERS What's the reason for selling things via referral marketing? Well, from the company's perspective, they have a volunteer sales force. From the distributor's perspective, the goal is to create a distribution network of goods and/or services that builds towards a recurring passive income stream. And if you're approaching this from a perspective of service, you'll want that to be a true 'possibility' for those you sponsor as distributors as well. Promoting a Network Marketing company from a position that attracts mostly builders and leaves customers out of the loop does not set-up future downline members with access to the widest possible pool of revenue for long-term sustainable growth. At some point, the 'builder pool' will grow thin. How often do we hear of one downline being robbed for another's start-up? Happens all too often for my taste. FINDING A HAPPY MEDIUM All the blocks that are involved in the building of this kind of distribution system have to be deeply considered. A one-size-fits-all approach simply doesn't work for everyone who can build a sizeable business and even if it did, it won't build the kind of business that has it's roots in consumer spending. Yet how many upline sponsors that have 'systems' in place have more than one way of presentation? Sadly very few. Most are looking for people to 'sell the dream' with product taking second fiddle ? no wonder this industry has such a crummy reputation! Somewhere along the way, the customer and doing business with an eye towards their wants and needs FIRST has been all but lost. SHOULD YOU RE-INVENT THE WHEEL? It might seem like the obvious thing to do would be to create your own ways of doing things and move on, to go the lone ranger route. If you're built like that and can create a system and action plan that will work for more than just the 'sales personalities' you'll come across, well more power to you. The only problem with that is that nobody does this business alone. No one can be an organization of one. That just isn't how it works. Network marketing is about team effort, the strength of collective knowledge and universal support. If you haven't got that in place, you need to look further upline for it, create it for yourself or find yourself a better organization to hitch your wagon to. But always with an eye towards duplication. Organizations built of people who need to be sold will always need to be sold. Businesses built of business builders alone will crumble and fall at the next whisper of the grass being greener elsewhere. If you haven't got the right systems in place that support customer acquisition as a primary purpose, get them. You need them. Build your business as if you were the customer.Don't re-invent the wheel, just find the right car to drive. ABOUT THE AUTHOR Andrea Goodsaid was first attracted to the NWM industry in 1996. Since 1997, she has been unravelling the mysteries of marketing & relationship building online. Visit her blog and see what's new http://AndreaGoodsaid.com
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What are MLM Leads? Multi-level marketing (MLM) is a type of direct marketing that involves selling a product, service, information, or business opportunity. It is also known as network marketing, and typically operates as follows: the self-employed independent distributor first becomes associated with a parent company, and then attempts to locate and sell to customers and others who may also want to become distributors. One of the main goals of MLM is to sell the product or service and to encourage the client to become an independent distributor and sell the services or product themselves. The prospects that may be interested in becoming distributors are known as MLM leads. How To Buy MLM Leads You may wish to buy MLM leads from a reputable source when your business had out grown the standard friends and family network. There are hundreds of companies that want you to buy MLM leads from them. But how do you determine if the leads they provide are good leads? Here are some tips to help you decide whether a lead is good or questionable. How To Choose a Good MLM or Network Marketing Company? You've heard many horror stories about MLM /network marketing programs. But what you are really hearing about are stories relating to illegal programs or pyramid schemes. Basically, pyramid schemes have no real, viable and worthy product. Obviously, you do not want to participate in such schemes. You want to be associated with a high quality product that you will readily endorse. The Network Marketing Secret So, what is this Network Marketing secret really about? Why Register a Domain when Promoting an Internet Home Business Many internet home business owners are lost when they first start out building their internet home business and spend time purchasing bulk popunder traffic that does not really work for them. This article will highlight 3 simple steps that any internet home business owner can take to effectively promote any internet home business. Is Network Marketing the Right Business for You? I have often wondered why people get involved in Network Marketing businesses only to jump from one business to another. For most people, the reason for having his or her own business is to allow themselves more flexibility to do the things that owning a business permits. Such as being your own boss, controlling the amount of income that you earn, being in charge of the daily running of the business and much, much more! MLM Lead Generation In Multi-level marketing (MLM), or network marketing, the business owner recruits other independent distributors into his or her network. These prospects are known as MLM leads because they have shown some interest in the business opportunity. The MLM leads are, at first, usually comprised of the business owner's friends, family, and acquaintances. Once these resources have been exhausted, the business owner must uncover new prospects to recruit into his or her network. This process, known as MLM lead generation, can be time consuming and quite costly. Five Steps That Will Help You Succeed in Niche Marketing Niche marketing is a manifestation of how much internet marketing has evolved in recent years. Niche marketing is based on a real world model, that is, it is a business strategy that is focused on real people with real needs and with real money to spend. MLM Leadership ? How They Fail You The success in your MLM career depends to a great extent on your sponsor and the quality of leaders in your MLM organization. More often than not the leaders bury the distributor even before the business failure can kill them. How One College Student Quit School to Reach Financial Independence? No It Not Texas Hold-em! College is a great place where many people relax between High School and the real world. Bill Gates one of the wealthiest men in the world dropped out of college to form Microsoft. Many of the New Age Internet Billionaires either dropped out of college or made their Billions in spite of college. 25 Proven Strategies For Improving Your Telephone Results To Build Your MLM Dowline 1. Reap what you sow! What does that mean? It's vital you keep prospecting to keep the funnel full. The prospecting funnel is the life-blood of your network marketing business. It's the heartbeat of your business. MLM Leads- The 5 Traits of a Great MLM Lead There are certain traits that you look for in a good MLM lead. After working a TON of leads, and blessed to having built an organization worldwide, I have found that all good MLM Lead have 5 traits in common, with no exception. Online Business Myths You Must Avoid Can YOU imagine what the average person, like you and me, face when searching for a real online business opportunity? Finding MLM Leads Thru Creativity Not too many years ago we found mlm leads the old fashioned way and we called it work. I'm not sure that's really changed except now the working process is a little different. We use our technology more today and bronze a lot less. Being creative in finding mlm leads however can be very productive. The Problem With MLM For NetPreneurs Yes, there's a problem out there with MLM programs... not the good ones... the scams. Writing an MLM Business Plan When considering whether or not to start a MLM business, first you need to write an MLM business plan. This will put a lot of things into perspective. An MLM business plan helps to put your ideas into action by defining what your business will be, what will be your goals, and how you plan to execute your business. Various parts of an MLM business plan include a balance sheet and a pro forma (projected) income statement. How to Avoid the Top 5 Time Wasting Activities in Your Internet MLM Home Business Many people love to build their internet mlm business from home on a part time basis. Therefore because it is part time so you need to really be very focused before you can earn serious amounts of money. This article highlights 5 major time wasters in any internet mlm business and explains how you can avoid them somewhat. How Network Marketing Can Help You Build A Second Income Fortune We live today in an age of inflated money- where every necessity and luxury costs us more each year. To live well, we need a larger income. For many, running harder and faster in the rat race of a 'job' yields that bigger paycheck. At some state whilst jogging the marathon of life, one comes to the realisation that running harder for someone else means we are making them richer and only wearing ourselves down. Looking For A Home Based Business? - 11 Factors For Choosing A Network Marketing Business Who wouldn't want to work from home? There's no commute, no boss, you make your own schedule, you can work in your pajamas if you want, and your efforts are rewarded. Plus there are great tax advantages for owning a home-based business. There are a ton of other reasons why someone would want to own their own home based business. To Be Successful in Network Marketing Requires One Thing, Success in Life! Most people want to be successful in life. There are goals set and then the hard work begins to reach those goals. The question is what is success? Actually, success can mean different things to different people. ![]() |
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