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7 Magical Ways To Stop Procrastination

There are a number of techniques to help you stop procrastination once and for all. If you can stop procrastination in your life just think about what you could accomplish and how much better you would feel.

People who procrastinate in excess are prone to feelings of guilt, anxiety and powerlessness. Why does procrastination occur?

It could be as a result of not wanting to do things or of not being able to do things. It could also be a result of fear. Many of us fear failure as well as success. Still others procrastinate simply because it works for them.

Procrastination is not something we should live with. When procrastination occurs, nothing gets done. And when nothing gets done due to procrastination, that's when we feel down and worthless.

Feeling this way may be avoided with a number of techniques designed to stop procrastination:

1. You can stop procrastination by getting organized. Being unorganized leads to chaos and feelings of being overwhelmed. Stop procrastination by organizing your life.

2. Breakdown tasks into manageable units to stop procrastination. Smaller tasks are less overwhelming that large jobs.

3. Have discipline. Allow your desire for success to overcome your desire to put things off.

4. Positive motivation. Talk yourself up with encouraging quotes. Even very successful people feed their minds with positive input each day.

5. Get someone else´s help to stop procrastination. Ask someone to hold you accountable for completion of a task you have been procrastinating about.

For example, if you are putting off cleaning the garage ask you wife to question you about when it will be completed several days before the due date.

6. Do the easiest or most enjoyable task first so that you get off to a good start. This works for some people while the opposite works for others. Some people like to get the unpleasant work out of the way so they can enjoy the rest.

7. Giving yourself a deadline can stop procrastination.

Procrastination should not be something you should live with. Successful people do not tend to procrastinate, instead, they stop procrastination because they know what needs to get done must get done.

It is not because they necessarily enjoy the unpleasant tasks which others procrastinate about but rather the strength of their desire for success is greater than their desire to procrastinate.

Procrastination should not be a hindrance to achieving your goal. Take a moment to recognize the signs and do something to overcome it and stop procrastination.

If you begin by rewarding yourself for small successes and stop punishing yourself when you do procrastinate you will be able to develop new habits that, in time, will help stop procrastination.

Peter Murphy is a peak performance expert. He recently produced a very popular free report that reveals how to crush procrastination and sustain lasting motivation. Apply now because it is available for a limited time only at:

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