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Over the years in America and the west generally, the nature and means of education have dramatically changed. But it is an error to think that before the contemporary era of schooling on a mass scale that no one was deeply or broadly educated. Many in colonial America were exceptionally well-educated, yet largely self-taught or taught by a tutor or mentor. Such was the case with scientist, lawyer, theologian, statesman, patriot and father of seven, Roger Sherman. In his astonishingly productive life as one of the leading citizens of colonial America, Sherman studied privately with Rev. Samuel Danbar, worked as a shoemaker and then as a land surveyor and an author of an almanac filled with astronomical calculations. He read for the bar (as was the custom of his day) and became a lawyer, though he did not earn a college degree. He also read deeply in theology and received an honorary degree from Yale, where he became treasurer. He was even a professor of religion for many years. Sherman was widely respected and known in Connecticut, as a list of the legislative, judicial and executive positions to which he was elected demonstrates: both houses of the Connecticut legislature, justice of the peace, judge of the Superior Court of Connecticut, member of the Continental Congress, delegate to the Constitutional Convention, Mayor of New Haven, member of the United States House of Representatives and the United States Senate. Sherman is the only member of the Continental Congress who signed the Articles of Association of 1774, the Declaration of Independence, the Articles of Confederation, and the United States Constitution. He died at the age of 71 and was buried near his beloved Yale. Not bad for a man who was not a college graduate. That is all well and good; but, you are likely asking, what does the life of Sherman mean for us today? I think a few things: First, the next time you think that you have learned enough about a topic or about your profession, well, then, consider taking up another! Men like Sherman never stopped learning, even though they did not have the benefit of easy access to schools. A good strategy to get that extra skill or body of knowledge is to commit to writing a book about the topic, then start your research. That is precisely the approach of Paul Johnson, the British journalist and historian. He decides he wants to learn something. So he goes to the library and starts reading. Eventually he produces a book on the topic. Then he starts again. Not a bad way to earn a living, if you think about it. Second, commit yourself to making an impact in your community. Sherman was an elected governmental official for most of his adult life. He played an enormous role in American history during the country's formative years. Now, you don't necessarily have to run for office, but you do need to do something to impact the community beyond your own immediate self-interest and gratification. Figure out what the best approach is for you in light of your gifts, talents and interests. Then start and never look back! Third, remember this simple truth: life is not about how little you can do, but about how much. Roger Sherman died when he was nominally 71, but probably squeezed 120 years of productivity into that time. Yes, he was an exceptional individual. But he was also one of us, a flesh and blood human being with both strengths and weaknesses. Yet look at all that he did! If Sherman were alive today, he would affirm to you this simple truth: you can do more, be more, learn more and serve your community more than you are currently! What are you waiting for? Copyright 2005 Mark Cole Mark Cole, an attorney, has degrees from Baylor, Yale, Notre Dame & University of Houston. To learn more about how the Great Men can inspire and motivate you, visit http://www.ConversationsFromthePast.com
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Casting Vision One of my greatest loves as a kid was fishing. This love developed quickly because my family owned a little bait shop that was located near Toledo Bend Lake in Louisiana. Toledo Bend is well known for its large bass and large quantity of crappies. Your Biggest Do it Yourself Project When I meet people and tell them what I do, I often hear, "Oh, you are a motivational speaker," with some amount of assuredness in their voice. While I realize there are many speakers that people lump into this category (some who are my friends and mentors), I strongly disagree with that label. The Secret Motivation Strategy That Never Fails No matter how much you want to make your dreams come true you still need some practical ways to keep yourself motivated over the long term. You need the ability to keep going in the face of setbacks, disappointments and short-term frustrations. i.e. a motivation technique that works. What If I Fall Flat On My Face? I hope you do. Sounds awful, I know. But I really think the best thing that can happen to you is for you to take a timid little leap and fall flat on your face. Then, I want to see you get back up, evaluate what you did wrong, and jump again. Keep on taking that leap of faith and learning from each and every mistake until you become used to jumping and used to falling. Then, you'll get over the fear of falling and you'll finally begin to concentrate on flying. I want to see you run with everything you have and dive into your dreams with so much passion and fire that you forget all about the possibility of failing. You will never find your wings until you do. The Rate of Change There have been many discussions and grumblings in the Western world about the ever increasing pace of change and the ability of the brain to accept it. The Internet (something uninteresting that the American Military was developing) suddenly became a required household feature. Digital Mobile Phones suddenly give new meaning to taking photographs and all those gimmicks from James Bond Movies have long since been incorporated, accepted and forgotten about in daily life. Motivation To Change, Why Is It So Hard? We encounter constant changes throughout our life; it could be educational, health, relationships or financial, and of course with oneself. Maintaining or increasing one's sense of self-worth and happiness are strong incentives for these changes. How To Create A Dream All of us have a vision of our own possibility. Yet few achieve the success that our heart's desire. The Top 10 Creative Strategies for Moving into Action and For Getting Bottom Line Results Your ability to move into action and to achieve bottom line results rests in the power of your thinking. These ten strategies will support you in transforming your desires into concrete action. Employee Motivation - The 8 Basics Building a team of motivated people in your business is vital to get the very best results, but so many managers focus on the 'ra-ra-ra', rather than the important things - the things that make people feel comfortable in their working environment. Here are eight that you might want to have a think about:The WeatherIs it too hot, or too cold. Your people need an environment which is, like Goldilocks said, 'Just right'. So is the office too stuffy in summer? Or too icy in winter? Is it draughty? Do people get wet when accepting deliveries, because the outside roof leaks? Literally make sure that external factors are as they wish.The BreaksSometimes working in a day-to-day job can get boring and exhausting. So people need to know when their breaks are and that they wil be able to take them - it's not that complicated. Yet often, they just aren't able to have this basic courtesy in place. Planning and caring for your people's needs is vital. It's what you would want for yourself, isn't it?HolidaysAnd vacations/holidays are important too - some would say it's the most important thing on the working year calendar. So enable this to happen, when they need to know, so that they can plan their invaluable time away from the business and refresh.Being HeardYou people need you to listen to then and hear them - really hear what they are saying and respond with action and/or acknowledgement. Be out there creating good, open relationships with your people and take in what they say - what's important to them - and deliver solutions to make conditions great.Achievable GoalsBy being really, really clear about what you expect from your employees, you will set the scene for committed staff. Through knowing exactly what their performance should look like to be judged excellent, by you, gets buy-in, big-time. So be clear, give them the resources to achieve success and they will be well onside.Being ThankedAs they do a good job for you each day - tell them. It's easy - just say 'Thank You'! Appreciation for achieving success, especially when it's from the boss is so important. So recognising excellent performance, even for small tasks, cost nothing and takes but a moment - worth building into your day job activities - every day!ChallengePeople like to do new things, to explore, to seek out and utilise their potential, Sometimes this means they will have to be 'stretched' in what they do. With a helping hand, to support, coach and grow the skills of your people, you are setting in place a keen, ambitious and ready-for-the-next-experience star in the making. So find new ways to develop them.SecurityIn today's business climate, it isn't always easy to build the best future consistently - things change too much, too quickly. But you can go some way to ensure that it is a safe place to be. With this level of security, your people will loosen up and feel capable of being with you, rather than against. It is a measure of your own leadership as to how well this works.These are basics for your people - get these right and you will be 85% there, in having motivated people working with you. Then you can turn on the charm, get radical and creative and find them right there alongside you (in front even!). Focused on building your business strongly. Action vs. Self Delusion Knowledge fueled by emotion equals action. Action is the ingredient that ensures results. Only action can cause reaction. Further, only positive action can cause positive reaction. Ill Put My Money On The Kid! Now, the Fun Part. It is nigh time to find a way to take all the buck out of this bucking bronco we call the internet. I mean take all the gamble out of it!! This bronco is waiting to hand over to you all the true riches of life.........and obtain whatever you want... money, health, love, recognition, prestige. But, you gotta know something critical! L-I-V-E-- 12 Steps to Living Your Life Many of us only inhabit our lives- we do not Live our lives. But, we can. Prime That Pump! Part 3 How healthy is your vision of yourself? How does your mental image of yourself stack up against that of, say, some hero of yours? Let's find out. Todays Trivia I received an email today that said I could: "Make 500-10k from your living room," which I find to be an amazing claim, seeing as how I'm here, in my living room, making whatever hourly rate it is I charge for whatever it is I'm doing at this moment, and yet the living room itself is of no help in this regard. I could be making money in another room altogether. I could be, assuming my cables would stretch that far, in my bed inputting numbers into my laptop and still be making money. (Believe me, it sounds like far more fun than it is, and is not nearly as profitable as one might think.) Motivation: 3 Suggestions for Living a Life of Purpose, On Purpose "There's so many roads that seem, To lead down to the sea.I wonder which road, will be the right one for me?"- Seawind Living Outside the Lines of Normal and Reasonable Elizabeth Tull is a Professional Excellence Coach who lives with her two children outside of Atlanta Ga. www.agapelegacycoach.com Do You Have Staying Power? "If you are going through hell , keep on going" - Sir Winston Churchill Celebrating the Couch Potato Ah, the couch potato, that icon of American pop culture values. Isn't that the life? Why would anyone want to exert extra energy to be productive when you can simply plop down on the couch in front of the telly and enjoy all that delicious snack food and a cool one. Why worry about a yard that needs mowing, a sink full of dishes or that overflowing garbage can. They will all be there tomorrow or even next week - you can take care of them then, or not. Five Mores to Enhance Your Performance When you think about the most successful, happy, fulfilled people you know, you could probably identify some characteristics these people have in common. If we were sitting together, I'm sure we could build a nice list of these characteristics, attributes, habits and attitudes. A Few Simple Things You Must Do If You Want To Be Wealthy Making money is easy when you move to cause rather than livingout effects. ![]() |
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