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Managing YOUR Expectations
I sit on the board of an organization and at the last meeting found myself speaking with another board member named Standolyn Robertson. Standolyn is also a business owner and our conversation was about managing expectations ? both ours and our clients. She said something that is very true--'It is about using our knowledge and expertise to foresee and side-step roadblocks, revise unrealistic timelines and debunk myths.' And I couldn't agree more. But there are times when I am not there to coach a client and it seems prudent to share information with you on how to manage your own set of expectations when it comes to improving your organizing or time management skills. Foresee and side-step roadblocks If you have tried to improve your skills in the past, but have not been successful over the short or long-term, step back and think about the types of roadblocks that interfered with your success. Was time committed to your calendar? Did you lack information? Did you lack of support? Wrong tools? Did you even have ownership of your goal? Or maybe it was perfectionism that got in the way. As I have said in the past and continue to say, the goal is to be successful?not perfect. Identifying past roadblocks will help you become more aware of them so that you may be better prepared to overcome them and reach your goal. Revise unrealistic timelines Your organizing and time management challenges didn't happen over night and they won't be solved overnight. Give yourself some leeway. Select some milestone dates, put them on you calendar and revise them only if absolutely necessary. For example, "Have an organized office by 12/31/05." In between these milestones select smaller tasks that you will do to build to your milestone date. For example, "Organize the desktop" or "Organize a filing drawer". Smaller activities routinely spaced apart help lead to your milestone date. Debunk myths Maybe there are some myths floating around in your mind. Things like, 'touch a piece of paper only once', 'someone else can organize my workspace and it will work for me', or my all time favorite?'I don't have time to get organized'. These are old, ineffective recordings that are repeating in your head. Toss them aside and replace them with something that moves you forward. For example, 'I can find paper, time and peace of mind if I begin NOW.' Learn to manage your expectations and ultimate your success. Copyright 2005 Cynthia Kyriazis. All rights reserved. Cynthia Kyriazis is an organizing and time management consultant, trainer, speaker, coach and author with over 20 years management experience in multi-unit corporations. Organize it, a division of Productivity Partners, Inc. is an organizational training firm she founded in 1995 and has been serving Fortune 500 clients ever since. Cynthia works with business and their employees to help improve performance and realize productivity gains. Cynthia has appeared in the Philadelphia Inquirer, Kansas City Star and the Legal Intelligencer. She currently serves as Secretary on the Board of Directors for the National Association of Professional Organizers (NAPO), member of the National Speakers Association (NSA), member of the Kansas City of the International Society for Performance Improvement ? (ISPI-KC) and consultant to the American Coaching Association.
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Management - Mary Poppins Style! Mary Poppins describes a style of management which has for too long been hidden in many businesses and organisations.Think about it.She's "Practically perfect in every way" - is that not what we want from a boss? Someone who is almost brilliant at everything - yet with a hint of not being absolutely perfect? Someone we can trust and depend on - yet who is truly human with is and falls down occasionally too?And then there's the cut to the chase with, "Bert, what utter nonsense. Why do you always complicate things that are really quite simple." How often do we, often inadvertently (especially the more senior an executive we are), make things so, so complex. Recently working with a client who already had over 125 books on systems, when all they were doing was selling things to people...And then there's all the fun, like..."Of course, you can say it backwards, which is dociousaliexpilisticfragicalirupus, but that's going a bit too far, don't you think?"...a satisfying ability to have fun and, I think perhaps just a hint of a smile at yourself, Mary, in that..., as Bert says "Indubitably.!" Not forgetting either, that if we look hard enough, with the right viewpoint..."In every job that must be done, there is an element of fun. You find the fun and - SNAP - the job's a game!" Is Your Management Style Assisting or Hurting Your Business? Many times business owners can have significant differences in management styles that can deter the growth of both the employees and the business. What Every Manager Should Know About How to Maximize the Two People Inside Every one of us, in reality, has two people inside: The person we are today and the person we can become tomorrow and in the future. Four Employee Behaviors That Can Kill Your Business I found it important to clarify for employees what "deal-breaker" behavior was at my company. These are the things I insisted would not be tolerated and would lead to immediate or ultimate termination, depending on the nature of the infraction of these hard and fast rules. Here are the behaviors I would not tolerate: IT Expenditure - Why Businesses Spend Huge Amounts on Ineffective IT Investments Another IT White Elephant! Management & Leadership - Doing it right in the 21st Century The Old Way ? Command and Control Tales From the Corporate Frontlines:The Importance of a Competitive Wage and Benefit Package This article relates to the Compensation and Benefits competency, commonly evaluated in employee satisfaction surveys. It tells the story of a company that needed to attract new employees and discovered how a competitive wage and benefits package was integral to this process. The Compensation and Benefits competency focuses in detail on how your employees feel regarding their compensation and benefits packages. The questions included in this competency will help your organization determine whether your employees feel they are fairly paid for the work they perform when compared to a similar job at a different company. This competency also queries their feelings regarding the adequacy and quality of their benefits package. A fair and attractive compensation package is critical for hiring and retaining quality employees. A high satisfaction level in this competency requires that your compensation structure and benefits package be fair, balanced, and understood by your present employees. Innovation Management ? idea selection, development and commercialisation, what are the differences? Creativity can be defined as problem identification and idea generation whilst innovation can be defined as idea selection, development and commercialisation. Improvements In A Large Public Electric Utility In South America The company decided to develop and implement an improvement program. The main thrust was to propose strategies and alternatives for the implementation of a quality program. Burger on a Bun Decision Making When approaching any decision, it's important for individuals to maintain the healthy state of openness called for by WYSINWYG (what you see is never what you get). Remember that there is always more going on than simply meets the eye. Calling on all the skills, strengths and resources that are accessible, though not immediately apparent will produce vastly better results. Secondly, individuals should strive for balance in both their data gathering and their decision-making. Many factors can influence a final decision, not the least of which is emotion. Strong emotion easily clouds the process and can result in extreme solutions. Sometimes extreme measures will be called for, but generally they are not. Decisions that weigh both objective and subjective data and strike an effective balance are likely to succeed. Finally: keep it simple. Begin with what you know. Reduce the complex to the direct. Set clear goals and implement straightforward plans. Whether making decisions as an individual or as a team, the three principles provide the foundation for creating effective solutions. Two Critical Success Factors in an ITIL Implementation Any IT manager who wants to pursue the IT Service Management journey by implementing the Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL) needs to understand two very important factors well in advance. Tales from the Corporate Frontlines:Choosing an Effective Employee Recognition Program This article relates to the Recognition competency, commonly evaluated in employee satisfaction surveys. It tells the story of how one company found the right recognition program by paying attention to employee feedback. This competency also explores what type of behavior is appreciated and rewarded within your organization. Studies show that employees who receive regular recognition and praise are more likely to increase their individual productivity levels, increase engagement with their colleagues, and stay longer at the organization. Evaluating this competency can be especially useful if your organization is experiencing low productivity levels or ineffective teamwork. Innovation Management ? Six Crucial Steps Creativity can be defined as problem identification and idea generation whilst innovation can be defined as idea selection, development and commercialisation. Manage Communication to Add Value Management guru Tom Peters says white collar workers and managers in functional departments need to protect their futures. How to get an Audiences Attention A trainer dryly discussing how to motivate people in an organization basically has just another "point-by-point" presentation. But suppose that he mounts the podium and begins to speak. Suddenly, a phone on the lectern rings. He ignores it at first, trying to continue. Finally he gives up, excuses himself and answers it. It is an engineer (off-stage voice) with a series of questions relating to the organization and the lecture topic. Although the presenter protests that this is "highly irregular," the offstage voice indicates that the issues are pressing and must be answered on the spot (while visual support flashes on the screen). Humor meaningful to the audience may be injected, such as, "Why aren't you at the meeting?" The lecture time is up, the presentation time has been used, and the presenter complains he "never got a chance to talk to the audience." But the audience members have received the information that the trainer had come to share with them, and in an attention-getting way. Designing Your Healthy Administration - A Management Overview Management or Leadership? To Thine Own Self Be True--Its Better for Business: What Arthur Andersen Would Say to His Company As a child, you probably heard, "to thine own self be true." But what does that really mean? When the newspapers are full of cheating and lying business owners, politicians, and academics, does it really make sense to maintain your integrity? Top Ten Tips About People Management To get the best results you have to be very good at Managing People...and it's not as hard as you might think. Here are the secrets of the very best managers:- Can What Someone Does Off-hours Affect Your Business? Q: How much do I have to worry about what people who are part of my far-flung "virtual" corporation do when they're not working directly for me? I can't share too many details because the situation is touchy, as you might expect, but basically I have someone working for me as a writer, contributing material for my blog, and I have been hearing that he's writing some pretty far out, offensive material on other sites. Do I need to worry about it? Learn to Assert Yourself Pinpoint your own blocks to assertiveness: fear of disapproval, need to please others, fear of being too masculine or feminine, or the dread of making mistakes. ![]() |
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