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A Personal Loan And Your Rights
You can use a personal loan for many different things including, but not limited to, paying off bills, taking a vacation, buying a car and much more. Interest rates on a personal loan will vary, depending on your credit rating and the institution you are choosing to get your personal loan from. It is highly recommended that you get multiple quotes and rates before making a final decision on your loan. This way you will know if you are getting the best deal possible. Take the time to compare rates and save money. Even if a lender is offering you better rates than the competition, find out how much money that would save you. Ask about all of the fees associated with the loan. Some lenders hide their fees and make money off of innocent people who don't think about asking. There is some valuable information you should know about Fair Debt Collection laws. The more you know about loans and lenders, the better consumer you will be. If you use credit cards, owe money on a personal loan, or are paying on a home mortgage, you are a "debtor." If you fall behind in repaying your creditors, or an error is made on your accounts, you may be contacted by a "debt collector." You should know that in either situation, the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act requires that debt collectors treat you fairly and prohibits certain methods of debt collection. Of course, the law does not erase any legitimate debt you owe. This brochure answers commonly asked questions about your rights under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. What debts are covered? Personal, family, and household debts are covered under the Act. This includes money owed for the purchase of an automobile, for medical care, or for charge accounts. Who is a debt collector? A debt collector is any person who regularly collects debts owed to others. This includes attorneys who collect debts on a regular basis. How may a debt collector contact you? A collector may contact you in person, by mail, telephone, telegram, or fax. However, a debt collector may not contact you at inconvenient times or places, such as before 8 a.m. or after 9 p.m., unless you agree. A debt collector also may not contact you at work if the collector knows that your employer disapproves of such contacts. Can you stop a debt collector from contacting you? You can stop a debt collector from contacting you by writing a letter to the collector telling them to stop. Once the collector receives your letter, they may not contact you again except to say there will be no further contact or to notify you that the debt collector or the creditor intends to take some specific action. Please note, however, that sending such a letter to a collector does not make the debt go away if you actually owe it. You could still be sued by the debt collector or your original creditor. May a debt collector contact anyone else about your debt? If you have an attorney, the debt collector must contact the attorney, rather than you. If you do not have an attorney, a collector may contact other people, but only to find out where you live, what your phone number is, and where you work. Collectors usually are prohibited from contacting such third parties more than once. In most cases, the collector may not tell anyone other than you and your attorney that you owe money. What must the debt collector tell you about the debt? Within five days after you are first contacted, the collector must send you a written notice telling you the amount of money you owe; the name of the creditor to whom you owe the money; and what action to take if you believe you do not owe the money. May a debt collector continue to contact you if you believe you do not owe money? A collector may not contact you if, within 30 days after you receive the written notice, you send the collection agency a letter stating you do not owe money. However, a collector can renew collection activities if you are sent proof of the debt, such as a copy of a bill for the amount owed. What types of debt collection practices are prohibited? Harassment. Debt collectors may not harass, oppress, or abuse you or any third parties they contact.For example, debt collectors may not: use threats of violence or harm; publish a list of consumers who refuse to pay their debts (except to a credit bureau); use obscene or profane language; or repeatedly use the telephone to annoy someone. False statements. Debt collectors may not use any false or misleading statements when collecting a debt. For example, debt collectors may not: falsely imply that they are attorneys or government representatives; falsely imply that you have committed a crime; falsely represent that they operate or work for a credit bureau; misrepresent the amount of your debt; indicate that papers being sent to you are legal forms when they are not; or indicate that papers being sent to you are not legal forms when they are. Debt collectors also may not state that: you will be arrested if you do not pay your debt; they will seize, garnish, attach, or sell your property or wages, unless the collection agency or creditor intends to do so, and it is legal to do so; or actions, such as a lawsuit, will be taken against you, when such action legally may not be taken, or when they do not intend to take such action. Debt collectors may not: give false credit information about you to anyone, including a credit bureau; send you anything that looks like an official document from a court or government agency when it is not; or use a false name. Unfair practices. Debt collectors may not engage in unfair practices when they try to collect a debt. For example, collectors may not: collect any amount greater than your debt, unless your state law permits such a charge; deposit a post-dated check prematurely; use deception to make you accept collect calls or pay for telegrams; take or threaten to take your property unless this can be done legally; or contact you by postcard. What control do you have over payment of debts?If you owe more than one debt, any payment you make must be applied to the debt you indicate. A debt collector may not apply a payment to any debt you believe you do not owe. What can you do if you believe a debt collector violated the law? You have the right to sue a collector in a state or federal court within one year from the date the law was violated. If you win, you may recover money for the damages you suffered plus an additional amount up to $1,000. Court costs and attorney's fees also can be recovered. A group of people also may sue a debt collector and recover money for damages up to $500,000, or one percent of the collector's net worth, whichever is less. Where can you report a debt collector for an alleged violation?Report any problems you have with a debt collector to your state Attorney General's office and the Federal Trade Commission. Many states have their own debt collection laws, and your Attorney General's office can help you determine your rights. Special Loans (http://www.special-loans.com) specialises in providing secured finance where banks will not. If you have credit problems, are fully employed or self-employed, have income issues or employment issues, we have the best solution for you! We provide Non-conforming home loans offering wholesale home loan rates as well as Standard Home Loans, unsecured personal loans, refinance products.
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What Are VA Loans? VA loans are basically mortgages or home loans geared towards ex-military servicemen and women. The VA loan programme was created in 1944, and was initially known as the Servicemen's Readjustment Act, to help returning servicemen settle down and purchase their first home. Short Term Solutions to Cash Flow Problems If you're in a crunch for money, either because of an unexpected emergency bill or other reasons, you may want to look into check into cash services. Available online, check into cash services follow a three tiered process: Payday Loans or Cash Advance Loans - Useful After a Bankruptcy Payday loans, also known as cash advance, are a useful tool after bankruptcy. By keeping current on your bills through a payday loan, you can rebuild your credit history. The key is to only use these cash advances for emergencies. So Many Loans, So Little Time If you find yourself in need of poor credit loans, there are many online companies just dying to help you out. But is it really help they're offering, or just a bigger hole to dig out of? Cheap Loans Till Payday - Using Cash Advance Loans in an Emergency Need extra cash till payday? It's easy to apply and be approved for an online loan till payday. If you are in need of 100 dollars to 1000 dollars or more, getting a loan till payday has never been easier. Online payday advance companies can approve your payday loan in minutes and you can have the cash you so desperately need in your checking account in a short period of time. Shopping for Loans Online When looking for loans online, you might find yourself wondering exactly how secure your information is and how the loan that you can get online would compare to a loan obtained at a physical establishment such as a bank or finance company. Both of these concerns are very legitimate, and are weighed every day by people just like you who are trying to make decisions about loans online. Hidden Bank Loan Charges That Would Make a Pick-Pocket Envious There can be more to a bank business loan than making interest and principal payments. Your firm may get a great rate on its new credit line or term loan but you may cry on the way home when you discover the hidden fees and charges. What is a Home Loan? A Home loan is the generic term for a loan. A home loan uses your home as security. It uses the net value of your property as security for the loan. A Beginners Guide to Low Interest Debt Consolidation Loans Looking for low interest debt consolidation loans can sometimes seem like looking for gold at the end of the rainbow, but loans with minimal interest can be had even by people with poor credit ratings. The most important things in trying to find low interest debt consolidation loans are to know how to use your collateral correctly and to know the best places to shop. Don't be in a hurry to find a loan and miss out on a lower interest rate by simply taking the first offer that comes your way? shop around at different banks and lenders until you find the best loan for your money. Filling Out The Loan Application 1. Property information. The application begins with a section on the property. Questions as to the type of loan sought, the terms of the loan, location and legal description of the property, the property's value, and the manner of taking title must be completed. This information is used to determine how much security for the loan will be provided. Making Cars Accessible Through Secured Car Loans Enervated by the hectic schedule at the work place, traveling back to home in a public transport carrier seems to be a grueling task. This reasons out the transformation of cars from luxuries to necessity. All About Student Loans A student loan is an unsecured loan made by lenders that receive government underwriting assistance. Without this government assistance, student loans would not be very practical. Lenders would find other more profitable arenas in which to loan their money. Nobody would be able to get a low interest student loan ? without the help of a parent with a substantial financial history and reasonable means. Like any government sponsored program, there are rules and regulations and red tape to deal with. In the case of student loan red tape, it all begins with a financial aid form called the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid). Bad Credit Car Loans - Why They Are Easier To Get Than They Ever Have Been Car loans are easier to get by using an online financing company, even if you have bad credit. You can compare financing rates for the purchase of a new or used car, apply in minutes, and receive a blank check within days. Guide to Home Improvement Loans Here is a useful guide to Home Improvement Loans. What is a Home Improvement Loan? Basically, a Home Improvement Loan is a loan to be used for home improvement purposes. When is a Commercial Lender not a Commercial Lender? A Commercial Lender is Not a Commercial Lender When it is a Bank Loan Basics There is more than one type of loan. Depending upon your situation, you might find that what works in one circumstance does not work in another. This means that it is very important for you to educate yourself about different kinds of loans so that you are more prepared when you speak with a lending officer, or with a financial counselor. It is especially important that you understand what the different sorts of loans entail so that you are not pushed into making a wrong decision by a lender that is more interested in a percentage rather than your financial well being. No Credit? ? You Will Need a Bad Credit Loan So you have never taken out a loan? You don't have a credit card and you don't have a mortgage? You always pay cash? You're a student, a recent widow, a divorcee or from an ethnic minority group who have a tendency not to have any lines of credit? If you are any of the above then your credit score will not necessarily reflect your ability to pay as you have little or no credit history whatsoever. This will make it difficult to obtain any form of loan and in these circumstances you may have to take out a bad credit loan. Payday Loans ? The Legal Loan Sharking Industry Laws have been created to protect people against "Loan Shark" practices in which short-term loans are given out at excessive interest rates. There is an industry that has come of age the last couple of years that has circumvented these laws. Enter the Payday loan industry. What is Credit? Ever wondered what is credit? Credit is more than just a plastic card you use to buy things - it is your financial trustworthiness. Good credit means that your history of payments, employment and salary make you a good candidate for a loan, and creditors - those who lend money or services - will be more willing to work with you. Secured Holiday Loans- Your Chance To Unwind Your Senses "All work and no play makes jack a dull boy". ![]() |
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