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Wild Flower Garden - Yours to Design and Plan
To design a wild flower garden, you do not need to be a specialist or an artist, you just need to be observant and let your creative juices flow. Look around you, what is unique about your surroundings? Do you wish to enhance or compliment these things. Will your new wild flower garden be visible from the house, if so, perhaps you would like to plant your favorite colors so every day is a feast for your eyes. Are you seeking a quiet spot to sit awhile and relax, then your new garden can have a stone bench surrounded by tall plants to create a sense of peace and privacy. As I said, whatever style of wild flower garden you want, it can be yours. You can make this a reality if you plan the work, and work the plan. To ensure that you end up with a garden design that you will love you need to take account of
These are quick and easy decisions to make, the same ones you would need to make when designing any type of garden, however failing to plan is like planning to fail. If you decide to go for a small wild flower garden, then using pencil and paper to create your design is fine. If you have a large area, you may find it is a good idea to use a software program to create your plan. For a large area you need more precise measurements for hardscaping, sheds, fences etc. Planting large areas can be quite expensive so you want to be sure your overall plan looks good before you start buying plants. Seeing it all on a detailed blueprint will save you time and money by helping you avoid mistakes. Whether your new garden is big or small it should blend with your home, your homesite and ideally with your neighborhood. Your choice of wild flower garden will most likely be inspired by the region you live in e.g. from a cottage garden in cooler regions to a tropical garden in hotter climes. I find that the planning stage of the process to be hugely enjoyable. You can let your imagination run wild, but eventually you must fit your ideas into your available time and budget. So let your imagination run riot, plan your dream garden and then start refining. Enjoy. Gabrielle Bennett is a gardener with many years experience gardening in different climates. More information on Wild Flower Gardens can be found at http://www.complete-flower-garden.com This article " Wild Flower Garden - Yours to Design and Plan" is part of the article series "Wild Flower Garden - Recreate the Splendor of Nature in Your Own Backyard". Any or all of the articles in the series are free to use as long as the following is attached: - Author Gabrielle Bennett: http://www.complete-flower-garden.com
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Gardeners: Contain Yourselves! Whether you live in a tiny city apartment or on a large country estate, gardening in containers is a way to add colour and the beauty of nature to your surroundings. The three main elements of creating successful containers gardens are: Rock Gardens - A Different Kind of Garden Planting a Rock Garden is a great alternative to the normal flower and vegetable garden. Italian Vegetable Seeds Some might ask, "Why grow Italian vegetable seeds?" Why bother with going international when there are already plenty of seed companies in the U.S.? Orchid Care - What The Leaves Tell Us Orchid Care Leaves Tell Us About Orchid Health Mint: The Herb of Hospitality The Mentha species or mints as they are commonly called include many varieties that flavour everything from appetizers to desserts. The best-known species in North American are peppermint (M. x piperita) and spearmint (M. spicata), which are highly valued for commercial use. Mint symbolises "hospitality" and can be grown in pots and containers indoors and out. In the garden, mint should be grown with a barrier around the roots, as it can be extremely invasive. Most mints do not come true from seed so it is best to purchase plants from a nursery or garden centre. Fresh mints are a source of Vitamin C and pro-vitamin A. Bare Root Roses, What To Look For When Buying The first thing to look for is the plant's grade.Nearly all bare root roses sold today are grown in the field and are approximetly two years old. They are sold in three main grades.Grade 1 is the best and most expensive grade. In order to obtain this grade the plants are required to have at least three strong cains, two of which must be at least 18 inches in length for hybrid teas anf grandifloras. The canes should be at least 1/8 inch in diameter. Pruning the Backyard Grapevine Proper pruning of your backyard grapevines is essential to maintain vine size, shape, and yield of the grapes. If you don't prune your vines, they will become unruly, tangled messes. Fruit ripeness will suffer. Overproduction of the vine may lead to premature death. It is also one of the harder things to visualize but one of the easier things to accomplish for the home gardener. Want to Build a Pond? A pond, logically, the first question you should ask is WHERE? Do you have a huge yard with a lot of trees and shrubs and flowerbeds? In other words what is the present landscape like? Would you prefer your pond in a sunny spot or in the shade? That may not seem too important, but if you should decide to surround your pond with flowers, it becomes very important. It seems (to me at least) that there are many more varieties of flowers that are sun lovers rather than ones that prefer shade. Another consideration also is that if you place your pond too near to trees, then falling leaves become a cleanup problem. A Quick Overview of Outdoor Hot Tubs There is nothing quite as relaxing as a leisurely evening soak in the hot tub after a long, hard day's work. Sore muscles can finally relax as the water jets massage aches and pains away. It is no wonder that hot tubs are so popular. However, how do you decide which of the many outdoor hot tubs is right for you? Durable Wooden Swing - Decorate Your Outdoors with One There is nothing better to do on a hot, lazy afternoon than to lounge in your favorite outdoor swing while reading, napping or just watching the world pass by. And when evening approaches and the breeze gets cooler, an outdoor swing is also the perfect place to sit and unwind after a hard day while you watch the fireflies light up the ever darkening sky. Can Your Sundial Really Tell The Time? "I am a sundial, and I make a botch Of what is done far better by a watch" How to Plant Tulips Quality Dutch tulip bulbs are easy to come by and fairly inexpensive to purchase. You can get them through a mail order catalogue or a reputable green house. It is becoming increasingly popular to buy flower bulbs from online nurseries. The downfall to buying bulbs online is that you cannot inspect the bulbs prior to purchase. The highest quality of bulbs, especially tulips, comes from Holland. Spurce Up Your Garden With Decorative Birdhouses Decorative Birdhouses are active garden ornamentation --the presence and movement of birds creates a fluid focal point for your garden. As such, placement is critical for you to earn maximum benefit from your birdhouses. Cavity nesting birds will not be attracted to your garden without the appropriate environment. Each bird has a particular way they want to live and specific needs. Lawn Moles and Proper Lawn Care Are your making mountains out of your molehills? Although lawn moles are underground creatures, the benefits they add to your garden are clearly visible and far outweigh the disadvantages. How To Prune Your Roses For Stunning Results Pruning and deadheading are essential to proper rose care. Alas, there are nearly as many opinions about how and when to prune as there are roses in need of pruning. How to for Lawns ? Mowing How often you mow your lawn will depend on a number of factors. Firstly how much time you have to devote to your lawn's maintenance. How fast your lawn grows, and this in turn will depend on whether you fertilise it regularly and whether it receives adequate water and sunlight. Normally, lawns should be mowed at least one a fortnight to keep them in check, so to speak. Hand Feeding your Koi One of the most rewarding and entertaining things about having aKoi pond is when your fish finally start eating out of your hand.There is no better way to learn each fishes' personality andtemprament than to have them nuzzle your fingers when they arehungry. The Truth About Tulips Roses may be beautiful but Tulips are magnificent. The huge colorful blooms we associate with Holland make stunning bouquets.Did you know that Tulips did NOT originate from Holland? Actually, most species of wild tulips came from central asia and western asia. Tulips that originated in Europe were mainly from the Mediterranean.How much would YOU pay for a tulip bulb? Did you know way back in 1635, a single tulip bulb could fetch the equivalent of $35,000 in present day money. No other flower ever generated such an insane following. But why?Part of it is due to the beauty of the flower and the rarity of the tulip back in those days. It became a status symbol. People wanted to outdo one another with tulips. So the demand for tulips went sky high. The insanity that came next can be compared to the insanity in the stock market prior to stock market crashes. Investors would then buy tulips at ridiculous to sell at even crazier prices. Needless to say, when the inevitable crash came, fortunes were lost. Lessons learnt from that incident can be applied to the stock market today. Same thing happened in the dot com boom and bust. Same thing is going to happen over and over again. Greed leading to blindness. The only remedy is to keep your eyes open and look at the facts. The important thing is how much something is really worth. Not what others say it would be worth in the future.Tulips are valued for their beauty. They are treasured across nations. The Dutch crown princess fled to Canada for refuge during the world war. At the end of the war, Tulips became their gift of friendship. The Dutch gave Canada 1 million tulips in gratitude for the friendship displayed in the war. Such is the value of Tulips. Tulips are considered to be a symbol of friendship. Even today, you can see that magnificent display of Tulips in Canada. Reminding one about friendship in times of need.These days, tulips are no longer as expensive as back then. An entire garden blooming with tulips during spring time is very affordable. All you need are some great tulip bulbs.Tulips bloom after snow. So if you live where there is snow, then plant them in September. Tulips need the cold before then can bloom. If the winters are harsh, then cover the bulbs with straw or leaves. Uncover them in spring.What do you do if you live where there is no snow?Well, if you have a refrigerator, use it. Put the tulip bulbs in a paper bag and refrigerate it for 6 to 8 weeks, but keep them away from the fruit. Then plant the tulips. Buying a Lawn Mower Anyone with a lawn, no matter how small will at some point need to cut the grass, up root any weeds etc. Like most people, I normally manage to do this at weekends. Unfourtunately for me, recently, the cable on my lawn mower was cut when trimming the grass at the weekend. Care of Dendrobium Orchids Dendrobiums ![]() |
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