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Options Education : Opinion versus Fact!
The most basic aspect of trading is learning to differentiatebetween what is FACTUAL and what is OPINION. If you stayinterested in the financial markets long enough you willdiscover that there are a lot of sharks out there who havebecome expert at making that task very difficult. Several subscribers of this newsletter have contacted me overthe last few weeks asking for my opinion of certain promoterswho also advocate Options Trading Strategies. I make it a pointto not comment on other services. However, without mentioningany names I feel that it is necessary to inform you of some ofthe most common and deceptive practices used by some promoters. One of the great appeals to Options trading is that there are somany possibilities and trading strategies that can be used tomanage risk. However, most services when promoting options liketo demonstrate the tremendous REWARDS that are achievable.Although tremendous gain is possible, options are consideredspeculative instruments and potentially very risky in untrainedhands. Since an Option gives the owner the right to buy or sellsomething for a specific period of time the OPTION is consideredto be a deteriorating asset. Since all options have an expiration date, if all things are considered equal, the closer you get to that expiration date the less that the option will be worth. There is an abundance of literature available on OPTIONS writtenprimarily for locating and marketing to the GREEDY INVESTOR. Onepromoter who charges over $3,500 for his seminars on OptionsEducation touts that investors in his seminars earn returns inexcess of several thousand percent per year! He provides anddocuments several real time examples and shows how some tradersmade a 12,000% annualized return. (Just in case you thoughtthat was a typo that is twelve thousand percent!) My statistics teacher in college used to say that "The figuresdon't lie, but liars figure." Listen Up....because if you don'tlearn how to read the fine print that these deceitful promotersespouse you too will make those types of returns but probablywon't be able to pay your rent! Most traders enter into the financial markets seeking that ONEhome run trade that will permit them to check out of the ratrace. Knowing this FACT deceitful promoters arm themselves withexamples that will lead you right into their arms. Here is acommon example of their con in action: Let's say that you purchased an OPTION at $1 per share. On thatvery same day the market moved in your direction and you werecapable of selling that option at $1.50 per share. SinceOption contracts are all standardized sizes of 100 shares yournet profit before commissions would be $50. You also would haveestablished a profit of 50%. This is a great return consideringthat most money managers earn 15% a year! To determine your Return on Investment you only need to divideyour net profit by your initial investment. In this instanceyou had a 50 cent profit per share on an initial investment of$1 per share. Now the promoters bait the hook.......Even though your profit was $50, your return on investment was50%. This is indeed factual. Think of how EASY it was to earnthat return, after all you did it in only one day! So sincethere are 365 days in a year, to calculate an annualized return we would multiply 50% times 365. The result is a staggering return of 18,250%. (Now if your stomach is turning by this type of deceit, GOOD!) I offer you the MATH below: Buy Price 1 Sell Price 1.5 Profit $0.5000 Gross Profit $50.00 % Return 50% # of Days 1 # of periods in a year (365 days) 365 Initial $ Investment $100.00 Net Profit $50.00 Annualized Return 18,250% Now what infuriates me about these promoters is how successfulthey are at providing the public with this type of "financialsnake oil!" One promoter in particular has actually written abest-selling book on options that is filled with these types ofmisleading and deceitful computations. Hard to believe but an18,250% return will barely pay for the price of the book! Although this is a technical point. many of you have probablyrealized that the above example is further complicated by thefact that the financial markets are not open 365 days a year.If you take weekends and holidays into account you literally only have 252 days to play with. So the more mathematically oriented con men would offer you the following calculation: Buy 1 Sell 1.5 Profit $0.5000 Gross Profit $50.00 % Return 50% # of Days 1 # of periods in a year (252 days) 252 Net Profit $50.00 Annualized Return 12,600% Hey 12,600% annualized return...sure beats those low yieldingMUTUAL FUNDS! Now, I wish I was making this stuff up, but my mailbox is filledeveryday with variations of these examples. No mention is evermade of the fact that your profit BEFORE commissions was $50bucks which is not bad and might pay for DINNER out on the town. This may seem extremely elementary and basic to many of you.However, I have seen many extremely successful individuals takenin by this type of deceit. I think you'll agree that althoughthe numbers are accurate they are completely unrealistic and the INTENTIONS of the promoters are what is in question. Nonetheless, you'd be surprised how many $3,500 seminars the above example will SELL. The financial markets only require one thing of you if you areto be successful and that is that you manage your risk on eachand every trade. THERE IS NO OTHER SECRET. In my own trading Imust admit that it took me years to learn how to TAKE a LOSS. Once I learned how to lose and accept it as part of doing business my trading dramatically improved. Although I consider this to be among the most profound truths that I have learned regarding trading I readily recognize that it is nowhere near as marketable as promoting 18,250% returns. Or was that 12,600%? After all 50 bucks IS 50 bucks! Sometimes it is difficult to differentiate between FACT andOPINION. In those instances I heed the words of the great YogiBerra, "You can observe a lot by just looking." Nuff said. Next article I'll get back to LOW RISK trading ideas in thesehigh risk markets. Study away.....and remember, let's be careful out there! Dowjonesfully, Harald Anderson is the founder and Chief Analyst of eOptionsTrader.com a leading online resource of Options Trading Information. He writes regularly for financial publications on Risk Management and Trading Strategies. His goal in life is to become the kind of person that his dog already thinks he is. http://www.eOptionsTrader.com.
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Yes, put the oars in the water and pull. Ofcourse, you don't know where you are goingbecause you are sitting backwards. Every sooften you have to turn to look ahead to see ifyou are pulling in the right direction. How Do I Start Investing Online and What Are Some Basic Tips? If you are new to investing online, don't put your entire life savings into an online account. Start with a smaller sum, which will be easier to handle and keep track of. Once you feel confident, you can then decide to add more money to your investing online account. Help with My Annuity The cries are heard from the distance, "I need help with my annuities." Nothing has changed...just a lonely senior who can't trust anybody with her annuity because every time she asks for advice, someone tries to make her invest in a different annuity...Sound familiar? Well you are not alone. Annuity Investment Guide While there is not a lack of information on annuities, there certainly is a lack of good information. In an age full of information, we are constantly bombarded with irrelevant data. Annuities are great investment vehicles. Annuities are bad investment vehicles. Annuities were my mom's worst nightmare. You have heard all the stories. So what do you do? Just Say NO to Your Stock Broker We have all heard that slogan that started back when Nancy Reagan was in Washington. It was all about drugs. Now I want to remind you this can be your slogan when you get one of those telephone solicitations from a strange broker or even your own stockbroker who is acting a little strange. By that I mean he wants you to buy something. Gold; What Type of Gold to Buy Jewelry Investing & Online Stock & Share Trading- The Stock & Share Markets are Booming But Be Warned I had the pleasure of being invited on a friend's yacht to sail in a race on Sydney Harbour yesterday. On board, as one of our motley crew, I met a top ranking corporate executive from one of Australia's largest banks, who we'll call 'Phil' here for the purpose of this article. After the race ended and after being told of my trading experience, he told me he has a large stock portfolio, many of which are speculative resources stocks. He said that he's excited by all the money he's making and wondering how long this has been going on? Stock Market Money Management Skills Let's start by saying: You can't be afraid to take a loss. The investors that are the most successful in the stock market are the people who are willing to lose money. Investing in Car Dealerships: Doing Your Homework This article attempts to help give the investor a broader basis upon which to decide whether a dealership merits their time, money and attention. How to Buy to Let Find out everything you need to know about buy to let. Learn what to buy, where to buy and what not to buy. All this information about buy to let won't cost you a penny. Foreign Investing - US Investors Still Missing Out? Investors are still too slowly realizing what the academics have long pointed out ?- adding foreign stocks to your portfolio will, over the long term, increase your returns and lower the overall risk of your portfolio. Inflation Proof Your Investment Portfolio with ETF?s Even though inflation has been relatively quiet in the U.S. since the late 1980's, there now appears to be some strong evidence that it may be starting to heat up again with an expanding economy, combined with skyrocketing oil and housing prices in certain key regions of the country. While the Federal Reserve has been raising key interest rates citing the threat of rising inflation, the cautious message coming out from the Feds are that, inflation is still benign and not yet a threat. Inflation is benign? Excuse me, but the cheapest gas I can find anywhere in this area is $2.23 a gallon, which is up almost 50% from last year and housing prices in my Howard County, MD neighborhood have more than doubled in the past five years. Creating Wealth by Gearing Up Gearing is where you borrow money to invest. As already mentioned, it is best to clear all your debt before looking at investment. However, there will arise situations where the investment is a good one and it is necessary to borrow a small amount to make the deal work. The borrowing may be for property or shares. Holy Grail Investments Every year I go to the Money Show inOrlando, Florida. Thousands attend. It is mostlyan older crowd with the youngsters about 40years of age. I have been saying for years thatuntil you have lost enough money trying to makea fortune you will not become serious aboutinvesting. The under 40's are shooting for themoon and it has finally dawned on the over 40's(maybe it's the over 50's) that they must find abetter way to get rich. Selecting Rules for Investing and Trading There are three important differences between investing and trading. Overlooking them can lead to confusion. A beginning trader, for example, may use the terms interchangeably and misapply their rules with mixed and unrepeatable results. Investing and trading become more effective when their differences are clearly recognized. An investor's goal is to take long term ownership of an instrument with a high level of confidence that it will continually increase in value. A trader buys and sells to capitalize on short term relative changes in value with a somewhat lower level of confidence. Goals, time frame and levels of confidence can be used to outline two completely different sets of rules. This will not be an exhaustive discussion of those rules but is intended to highlight some important practical implications of their differences. Long term investing is discussed first followed by short term trading. Investing for Retirement - Not an All or Nothing Play In 1519, Hernando Cortes, beached on the shores of unexplored Mexico, made a fateful decision: he would burn the ships he and his men arrived in and attempt to overthrow Montezuma and the mighty Aztec empire. The decision was risky. The Aztecs were meant to possess large numbers of brave warriors while Cortes had only a handful of men. If Cortes had the slightest setback there would be no escape. On the other hand, Cortes had no choice. The powerful Governor of Cuba wanted his head. Cortes had defied the Governor time and time again and his best option for getting out of the situation was to win favor with King Charles by conquering a civilization rich in gold and other treasures. Since Cortes' men might get a little antsy if the going got rough and decide they would prefer going home, Cortes decided it would be best to completely align their incentives with his. He did this by burning the ships. Anything but success would now equal death for Cortes and all of his men. Thus began the famous march from Vera Cruz to Tenochtitlan. Investing 101: Risk Terminology - BETA About thirty years ago, statisticians armed with all of theirstatistical theories began to confront the financial markets. Ahandful of useful tools emerged that the average investor shouldbe familiar with when they look to purchase stocks. ![]() |
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