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The Rats Are Winning the Rat Race
There was this great entrepreneur who came up with a genius idea. He went and bought eggs; lot's of eggs and paid 5 cents per egg. Then he painted the eggs and sold them for 3 cents. While doing this he became a millionaire. How in the world did he do this? Did he miraculously find a way to reproduce each egg? The numbers don't add up, but still he became a millionaire. He also has proof that he's officially a millionaire. Still puzzled about this? Well, here's the answer; he started out as a billionaire. Huh, bad joke! No quite. That's about how you must feel with all the business opportunities advertised day in and day out. Everybody claims to make a fortune out of thin air and everybody claims to have proof that it works. If you're long enough in this business you will realize that most of these claims and corresponding proof are copies from somebody else's "success story". Ever so often there's a new email floating around that claims the same exact results than a similar email that you received a few weeks ago. Same content different product. But still, there are thousands and millions who want to believe that the only thing they have to do is to go online and start making money. That's of course the message that all these clever internet marketers send out to a well responding crowd. These people are caught in the moment and act like deer in the headlights. So what's the outcome of this? Those gurus are making more money and the opportunity seekers are getting milked until they can't afford it anymore. Now wonder there are so many angry and frustrated opportunity seekers out there. My next question would be; are all these self proclaimed gurus just smoking mirrors and con artists? By all means NO! Everything they claim to be the next big money maker is possible for the most part of it. So why doesn't it work for me? The answer is simple. They have all the web traffic they need and thousands of quality contact email addresses at their disposal. If you don't know it by now, it is one big numbers game! If you don't have the numbers, you don't make any money, period! How do we win the rat race? So far the rats are winning and there's little or nothing we can do. Well not quite. The one thing you have to do is changing your mindset. It's no longer about winning; you need to get comfortable with the fact to be the runner-up. Kiss the dream of a six-figure income goodbye and embrace the more realistic 3 and 4 figure margin; or even better, be happy to make at least some money. Most of your peers aren't making nay money at all and just depleting the hard earned funds to a pile of rubble. Based on this outlook shouldn't you just close up shop and quit wasting your time? I hate to say this, but it depends. If you are able to learn from your mistakes and constantly tweaking your efforts and streamlining your products and services, you will have a good chance to survive. If you are a pure copycat and never ever invest a minute of your time to analyze your situation, sorry you have no future in this business. I know I will stir up some heavy duty emotions with statements like these. However in my opinion it is the brutal truth. You have a choice. You can go out there and experience it first hand and most likely get burned or you can take a break now and analyze your situation. If you still believe you got what it takes, go for it. Everybody else, quit before somebody gets hurt. Peter Dobler is a 20+ year veteran in the IT business. He is an active Real Estate Investor and a successful Internet business owner.Collect more free software and bonus content for your own web site at http://www.online-business-idea.com
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Nothaving to deal with traffic, office politics, annoyingco-workers, or pretentious bosses make excellent argumentsto working out of the comfort of your own home.Additionally, you can create your own schedule and workaround your responsibilities currently in your life.Whatever your needs, starting a business is a monumentaltask and you should carefully weigh all your home businessidea's. There are a great many options for an entrepreneurto consider when developing a home business, so choose anoption that fits into your passions, experiences, andlifestyle. Why Test? Marketing should be treated like a science. If you are serious about making money on the Internet, it is absolutely crucial that you spend some time testing your results and refining your approach. Three Easy Lessons to Take Your Online Marketing to the Next Level I just spent the last week in two very different, but parallel universes. After helping researchers in a federal government agency work on getting their science understood and used in the marketplace, I tapped the wisdom of a conference full of online marketing gurus. Internet Marketing: 10 Killer Internet Marketing Tips To Multiply Your Sales Hello, do you feel low because sales at your websiteis down? Online AD Tracking ? An Ongoing Process Without tracking, your online advertising is just a shot in the dark. Many new and seasoned marketing individuals spend significant dollars on Pay-per-click (PPC)banner advertisements, ezline ads, and other online mediabut do not know which ads have brought them the greatestsuccess. What is Guerrilla Marketing? The history of these battles is the history of guerrilla warfare. Five Step In To A Successful Online Shopping Business.. Before you set out to explore the online shopping market you should do some planning, take a piece of paper and pen and write down the steps that will help to bring in traffic to your website. URLs Everywhere Your URL (www) should be everywhere and more. I know many of you are going to think this is common sense, but how many of these are you using? Your web address should be on every piece of anything your business does, period. Profiting From the Online Business: Tips to Boost Your Sales Creating a lucrative online business is not an easy task. Ask any successful web entrepreneur, and chances are you will receive the same response. While some only intend to use the profits from their Internet ventures to supplement a current income, others aspire to eventually produce a full-time cash flow. Although those striving for a full income through an online business do have quite a tedious road ahead, it can be accomplished. 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All the successful marketers have worked long hours plugged into their computers. Total commitment has been give to the internet for the glory of being called a 'Guru'. Of course, the financial successes aren't bad either. Or so I hear. The Forbidden Fruit: Marketing Credit Cards Online A common question and topic of discussion among Internet marketers is, "What market should I go after?" The number of answers to this question are as varied as there are grains of sand in the Sahara, but there is one thing that I have noticed in my eight years marketing online: people tend to shy away from and even be scared of ultra-competitive markets. Online Promotion Ideas: How To Use 10 Free Bonuses To Increase Your Sales & Profits Free bonuses are like honey that can get yourwebsite visitors hooked to you and makethem to keep buying from you. The Undeniable Value Of Differentiation With all the people offering products and services online, what sets yours apart from the crowd? Affiliate Marketing Versus Network Marketing (MLM): Income formula Revealed! Both affiliate marketing and network marketing pay people for referring a product or service. What then is the difference between affiliate marketing and network marketing? ![]() |
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