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6 Basic Principals Every Online Business Owner Should Know
The fact that you're reading this article shows your interest in starting your very own internet business. Maybe you're already an online business owner in search of some answers why your online business stalled. Even if you're just interested in what others have to say about online business startup guidelines, I think these are the 6 fundamental principals that will make or break your online success. They are not in any particular order. From my experience you need to implement all 6 principals to lay a solid foundation for your online business. If customers ask me why they don't have any success with their online business, most of the time I will find at least one violation of these 6 principals. It doesn't mean that implementing a missing principal will guarantee instant success. However you will dramatically increase the odds to become a successful online business owner. I don't expect that you believe a single word I'm saying. Just put your own online business to the test and see if these basic principals apply to your situation. 1. Don't Buy Into The Hype. The Internet can be a confusing place. If you're getting serious with your business you will come across a lot of empty promises. 99% percent turn out to be exactly that, empty promises. Stick with what works and choose your suppliers based on service and on how long they are in business. The Internet is a fast place and being in business for a couple of years means that you can expect world-class service and quality. 2. Don't Spend Too Much Time Online. Don't forget your family and your friends. You will get drawn into this vicious cycle of wanting to do more and more. Remember success doesn't come overnight and time away from the computer benefits you and your family. Stay healthy while doing this or you won't be able to enjoy your success. 3. Take Your Time. Success with a home based Internet business doesn't come overnight, despite the promises from all these emails and websites you come across while pitching your own business.The latest announcement, that Google is aging its index lists puts a new spin on quick success. Apparently Google now weights the age a website to determine its relevance and therefore its ranking. This means no matter how hard you try and how many tweaks you make to your website, it doesn't matter to Google. So, take your time and be patient. From my experience it takes at least 4-5 months before you see some sort of returns. With Google's latest announcements maybe a little bit longer. This means that you must keep track of your expenses or you will go broke before you can cash in. 4. Lock Up Your Credit Cards. Here's a very important tip. You are highly endangered to go broke if you make hasty buying decisions after late night online session. Before you enter your credit card number, bookmark the site, wait 24 hours, go back to this site and if you still think that you need this product buy it. You will save a lot of money by avoiding unnecessary or worthless purchases. 5. Be Persistent. Simply don't quit. I know it can get frustrating having no sales or no hits for weeks. That's the nature of the business. I had months where the sales happened almost hourly and there's times when I didn't see any action at all. Just keep pounding the rock. All successful people in the world have one thing in common. They are persistent in what their doing. 6. Be Unique. Nothing will kill you online success quicker that being a pure copycat. Keep this in mind. You will probably sell the same stuff as hundreds or thousand of other businesses. So why should somebody buy from you and from you only? Be yourself! Put your personal touch on it. Sometimes it's a good thing to point out the negative of a certain product as well. Your potential customers will appreciate your honest opinion and trust you in future product announcements. Remember it's your reputation and your ability to move emotions of your customers that sells. As I said, you don't have to agree with me. I found these principals the key factor in my online business success. Sincerely, Peter Dobler is a 20+ year veteran in the IT business. He is an active Real Estate Investor and a successful Internet business owner.Collect more free software and bonus content for your own web site at http://www.online-business-idea.com or send a blank email to mailto:pdobler@getresponse.com
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The Power of Viral Marketing When I first heard of the term Viral Marketing I thought immediately of a virus. No, not the flu, a computer virus. I avoided viral marketing like the plaque. I'm sure many of you are doing the same thing. Every email labeled viral marketing got trashed and I immediately run an anti virus check on my computer. Hire An Internet Marketing Expert For Online Success It never ceases to amaze me how many otherwise intelligent people set-up a website, without any type of plan or clue about how to promote it, how to write a sales letter, how to write an ad--nothing! Fact is, nowadays, anyone can have a website. But once you get one, then what? How are you going to make money with it? Chameleon Advertising: Marketing to Your Niche Markets with Stories Do you remember how, in days gone by, salesmen would go doorto door selling their wares? These entrepreneurs would "gothe extra mile" just to have the chance to demonstrate theirproducts to people in their own home. Dont Tell Me What I Cant Do! Have you ever watched ABC's hit TV show Lost? My favorite episode was titled "Walkabout". In it, we learn that the mysterious outdoorsman Locke was actually paralyzed from the waist down before getting on the doomed 815 flight which crashed and, somehow, gave him the use of his legs back. Internet Marketing - A Leap Of Faith Do you remember as a child having to do something you really didn't want to do because it was difficult? Automatic Internet Marketing and Business Success On A $25.00 Budget There are plenty of free tools online for marketing. And many will get you sign ups and sales. This report is not a commentary on the quality of all free marketing programs. We agree some do work. This report provides an alternative to the "long term" usage requirement necessary in order to find the free "working" programs. It's purpose also is to help eliminate the "seeming" reluctance of free signups to upgrade. It is a way to virally market and to help eliminate long waiting periods when trying to get sales while using free marketing tools found online. Sending A Joint Venture Proposal When forming a joint venture with another business, your most important step is the approach you use when contacting your potential business partner. A Crystal Ball for Your Web Business Are you considering launching an eCommerce website? If you are, you may want to take your crystal ball down from the shelf to shed some light on whether or not your business will fare well online. In reality, there is no magic to eCommerce at all, it is all about preparing, thinking and implementing your ideas and products using sound business techniques. Here are just a couple of questions to ask yourself before you get started: The 10 Commandments of Guerrilla Marketing Design Guerrilla Marketing Design is more an attitude than a system of do's and don'ts. It's an attitude that emphasizes the efficient and memorable delivery of information. Why Offline Advertising is So Important for Websites It is important that anybody with a significant online presence understands why offline ads are so important and more so why they are usually much more effective than online advertisements. This is very useful knowledge that will no doubt impact dramatically on the success and profitability of any online enterprise. More so when numerous businesses have lost significant amounts trying to advertise online and have ended up with virtually nothing to show for their efforts. Even the much-talked about pay-per-click ads have been hit by increasing click fraud in recent times. This is where software is created to continuously click at ads with the motive of landing the advertiser with a huge ad bill and no business. Other times the software has been used to profit webmasters who post the pay-per-click ads as affiliates and earn a percentage of the cash paid by the client for every single click that happens on their site. How to Make Money from Your Website Using Advertising You have managed to get your website to that magical point where you have established popularity, traffic, loyalty and a community of fans. Your site contains a wealth of information, resources and services that you provide free because that's just the kind of person you are. You may not have intended to make money from your site but now that you have an audience you realise that it's possible, or perhaps you have to start thinking about generating income because your costs to manage the site have increased and it's starting to hurt. Weblogs, Podcasting, and RSS Newsfeeds in the Marketing Mix Weblogs and Podcasting in the Marketing Mix The Secret Of Discovering Your Own Profitable Passion Many people have stated that they would like to create an on line business but they don't have any idea where to start.I have seen people make the mistake of throwing up a website and creating a product without looking the basics first and then wondering why they haven't been able to get any traffic or customers. Internet Marketing Promotion And Advertising Can Build Your Business Internet marketing promotion & advertising are crucial for your website's success. Take time to create a buzz about your site and that will keep people coming back. Excited people are motivated people willing to spend money on your products. Advertising that promotes both your products and your website will keep them coming back for more. Web site traffic should be the focus of early Internet marketing promotion advertising. Many effective ways exist t generate traffic for no or little cost. Even if you do not have a large marketing budget, you can operate a successful website. What You Wont Learn In Business School What You Won't Learn in Business School The Easy Days The easy days are gone when you could build your website and two or three months later see it heading for the top of the searches in Google.Now you must be prepared to wait six to nine months to even see your website in the searches. Why has this happened? Viral Marketing Strategies Viral Marketing is allowing people to giveaway and use yourfree product or service in order to multiply your marketingquickly over the internet. The idea behind viral marketing isthat you include your ad with the freebie people giveaway oruse. Below are a collection of high impact viral marketingstrategies: Lead Me On - Learn About Internet Marketing Leads Every business is engaged in selling something, whether a product, service, information, or something else. And sales usually begin with sales leads. As an offline example, new insurance and car sales people are frequently asked to compile lists of their friends, families, acquaintances, and so on. This list is used then as a lead builder - something to get the ball rolling towards that first big sale. The online world is no different. Every for-profit web site needs a steady flow of internet marketing leads. A big part of any online marketer*s job is to generate the leads that will ultimately be responsible for another sale. In particular, in the highly competitive online marketing arena, someone selling products and services to other marketers will need a steady flow of fresh internet marketing leads to fuel their sales. How to Market Your Web Site with Ethical Linking Your web site's search engine rankings are determined in part by the popularity of your site. This link popularity is a function of the quality and number of other web sites that link to your site. Generally speaking the more quality inbound links to your site, the higher your site will appear in the SE results for relevant search phrases. Why Your Talents Alone Arent Getting You Anywhere Online The bottom line is that there are plenty of really talented people out there who will never be heard from because they don't understand even the most basic principles of marketing. Marketing isn't often taught in Fine Arts courses because the instructors, by nature, are better at teaching the craft than they are at marketing themselves in the craft. Most marketing experts haven't fine tuned their artistic talents enough to have a product worth marketing. ![]() |
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