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Seven Marketing Questions You Should Ask Before You Get A 10 Year Old To Build Your Website
Google tells us there are 4 billion websites- almost one for everyone on the planet. And today you have decided to make it 4 billion and 1. So, do you think- "If I build it, they will come?" seriously? It ain't going to happen, unless you stand out. So do you think your 10 year old nephew who can code html (which I believe they now learn in pre-school, just after they have done the alphabet) is going to make your site the next eBay? Let me give you a few questions to ask yourself before you double his pocket money. 1. What is the purpose of your website? The brochure site is an online support to your offline marketing. You will refer to it in your ads, because you pay for ads by the square inch, and acres are cheap on the internet. You will refer to it in your Yellow Pages ads, your business cards and your brochures. An online presence will give you a credibility that your competitors without a website (getting fewer every day) don't have. But in the end it is just an online version of a tri-fold a printer might do for you. There is nothing wrong with a brochure site, if this is all you want in your marketing plan. The next step up is a lead generator site. Unlike a brochure site, you want it to generate business on its own. You want people to find your site while browsing on the internet, and having seen your site, feel compelled to call or email you. After that contact is made, hopefully a sale will follow. The last option is that your website is a storefront where visitors to your site can actually purchase products and services. In other words, after finding your site, and viewing your content, they are compelled to "click here" to make a purchase. There is a fourth type of website- the vanity site. But financial rewards are rarely connected to this type of site. Of course a website may be a mixture of these three (or four) types, but unless you have defined your business model, the purpose of your site, it will be a waste of electrons. 2. How will people find your site? Therefore, you must have a strategy to ensure people know your site exists and that there is a reason they should visit it. How can you do that? There are two basic strategies, offline and online. An offline strategy is based on all your offline marketing- ie advertising, public relations, networking and cold calling. In every case you would refer leads to your website where they can find out more about what you can do for them, and why they should choose you. Your website would build on your offline promotions giving further details of your service, educating your customer and creating credibility for your business. An online strategy will be built around visibility. The key elements of this are: 3. What are you going to do to make visitors linger at your site? The three secrets for making people linger are CONTENT, CONTENT, CONTENT. To get visitors to stay, you need to give them information that they want. This will not be information about you (at least not on the home page). Your goal should be to educate your visitor. Give them information they will not get elsewhere on how to solve the problem that caused them to search for you in the first place. If you website is just sales hype, your visitors will be gone in a lot less than 68 seconds. 4. What do you want visitors to do once they are at your site? 5. How are you going to get people to come back to your site? If your website never changes, why would anyone want to come back? 6. How are you monitoring going to monitor the results of your website? 7. Are you really going to trust your 10 year old nephew to do all this? I don't suggest that you should not use a great website design company (or even your precocious nephew) to build your website, but don't let them be in charge of your marketing! Copyright 2005 Empower Business Solutions Dr Greg Chapman assists small to medium sized businesses with business planning, business systems and marketing strategy. To find out how you can Multiply Your Profits & Make Your Business Run without You, and to find out How Good Your Business Really Is with a Free Online Business Medical, go to Empower Business Solutions website at:http://www.empowersolutions.com.au
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Repetition: The Secret to Visibility and Attention! Have you ever felt disappointment and dismay when trying a new marketing approach because it didn't generate the response you expected? If so, you are certainly not alone. Perhaps in our impatience and high hopes to succeed we've forgotten the old saying, "If at first you don't succeed, try, try again." In fact repetition is the secret to visibility and attention. Whether it's a sales letter, press release or copy in your direct mailings, the strategies you choose often take trial and error efforts to find the one that works best. The Niche Website Naming Secret Today I was optimizing a couple new websites for search engines. I went through my list of optimization techniques. Keywords in page title? Check. Keywords in page headings? Check. Keywords in page file name? Check. Keywords in offsite link anchor text? How could I accomplish that? Using Autoresponders In Your Online Business Autoresponders return previously stored messages or sets of messages in response to any email sent to that autoresponder address. Almost all paid web hosts and many of the free ones provide autoresponders as part of their hosting service. Internet Marketing: 10 Motivational Insiders Tricks To Attract Thousands Of Visitors If you have a website but not attracting many visitors, it may be because you've not known the insiders secrets that I have. There is Hidden a Successful Formula in Everything Although many say that things change on the net, still what worked before keeps working. You can advertise with start pages or banner exchanges. They are both good tools. They can be the 'Greatest Advertising Technique" to you, although some say that they are outdated. Marketing Your Business - How Do I Adapt To The Internet? The way we do business is changing rapidly. From VOIP, video conferencing, email support, telephone answering services, and the almighty internet. As a business owner we are faced with hundreds of decisions our parents and grandparents never had to contend with. How To Use Pop-Ups Effectively To Generate More Profits! What I'm about to explain to you will change to way you do your online marketing Today, Tomorrow and Years to come with little effort on your part. PPC and SEO - Inhouse Vs. Outsource Any small business owner in a B2B or B2C market has struggled with the decision - should you outsource your internet marketing to a full-service marketing firm, or should you bring employees in-house for your marketing team? First you need to define your marketing goals - are you building a long-term brand or just bringing a new product or service to market? Do you have sufficient capital to support a marketing team? Your budget for advertising (ie, Google Adwords, Yahoo Search Marketing) should be taken into account when considering your marketing budget - for online companies this is the largest single cost. Marketing and the Hired Guerrilla It's a jungle out there, so know and use your guerrilla marketing tactics! Jay Conrad Levinson wrote the book that started it all, the popular guerrilla marketing series. He has compiled a list of 100 tactics ? most of them fr*ee ? that savvy business leaders use. Progress to Success It was supposed to happen in thirty days. Buy the ebook with the holy grail to online success and then watch life unfold. But that was several months ago. 4 Simple Secrets for Net Marketing Success Starting an internet based business when you have zero marketing experience is, to say the least, bewildering. I speak from personal experience as I started out with no specialized knowledge. I gradually weaved my way through what seemed like hundreds of sites selling just about everything and tried to resist buying every white elephant that was offered. Ways That You Can Make Money From Your Online Business Model If you are convinced by now that you wish to do an online business and would like to find out which business models are available, this article is written specially for you. What Big Pharma Can Teach You About Niche Marketing A recent newspaper review of a new book, Selling Sickness, got me thinking about niche marketing (The Globe and Mail, Saturday, August 6, 2005, D8-D9). The book in question considers case studies that purport to show how "Big Pharma" (the entire pharmaceutical industry, from manufacturers to drug salespeople) manipulates data to "create" a disease that they have the "cure" for. How To Master Internet Marketing What is the secret of being the best at Internet Marketing? First, and foremost, it's all about basics. What does that mean? Think about the difference between the top earning pro baseball player and one that's making just a normal "salary." Do they actually DO anything that's different from each other. They both hit. They throw. They catch. Occasionally, they run. The same basic things. Yet, one does it better and makes a heck of a lot more money because of it. Mastery of Internet Marketing is about being the best at the basics. Marketing Gurus: Do You Need One? Its become fashionable to bash marketing "gurus" nowadays. 10 Psychological Desires To Insert Into Your Ad 1. Most people like surprises because it's a change of pace from their routine. Tell your prospects that they'll get a surprise free bonus for ordering. 4 Reasons Why Having Your Own Product is Essential for Serious Marketers I know what you're thinking, "Why is having your own product essential?" Quite simple really, without your own product you will never market to your full potential. We all want to make as much money as possible. That is the nature of business and because of this I have listed below my favourite and most powerful reasons why you need your own product to promote as opposed to be an affiliate for somebody else's product. Time Management And Organization For Online Marketers TIME DEMON. For online marketers, time is one of their most important assets -- time spent marketing and selling their products. But often, organizing information (i.e. ad copies, sales letters and contact addresses) and managing this information eat up much of online marketer's time. Precious time that could have otherwise been spent selling products and earning money. 10 Marketing Tips for Entrepreneurs Nothing happens in business until a sale is made. Marketing is simply about getting new customers and keeping them. If you're not doing something everyday to market and promote your business, your competitors are. Here are ten easy-to-implement tips to effectively market and grow your business: Its Not That Hard: Expert Shares Practical Tips For Internet Marketing Novices Try to run a search for the name Edward Gilbert. You'll garner about 2,700,000 hits, and the most prominent of them would refer to Edward Gilbert the doctor, Edward Gilbert the lawyer, and Edward Gilbert the deceased professional wrestler. None of them though, would point to Edward Gilbert, the internet marketing millionaire. ![]() |
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