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Physical and Mental Fitness for Internet Marketers
As you may have already read in our article "Health effects of internet marketing", internet marketers are particularly prone to a number of negative health effects due to the long hours and significant effort necessary to develop and maintain an online business. Those who choose to do so at the end of an already long working day are perhaps more at risk than most and could therefore benefit most from an improvement in both their routine and their environment. In this article, we present a series of easy steps that can be taken by virtually anyone to help maintain existing health and prevent the problems that can be associated with extensive after-hours computing. Step one. Make sure your workstation is set up properly. Do you know the best way to set up your mouse, monitor and keyboard to minimize negative effects? Your employer probably does, and (hopefully) should ensure workstations in a workplace are safe. Why shouldn't you do the same? Make sure you have checked out up-to-date information on workstation ergonomics (if you don't know where, just copy and paste "computer ergonomics" into the Google search box, below). This will minimize your risk of Repetitive Strain Injury, back pain, eye strain and many other potential problems. Step two. Check your visual health and monitor settings. Many potential eye problems can be nipped in the bud simply by having your monitor correctly positioned and adjusted and by having regular eye check-ups and WEARING any prescription eye-wear. You only have one pair of eyes, so use them sensibly! Old monitors can be dark, poorly focused and have insufficient contrast, all of which can cause eyestrain. It doesn't cost much to have a semi-decent modern monitor that is sharp and bright, so if yours is a bit of a relic, maybe you should consider updating it! Similalry, there is no point getting a great monitor then sticking it in front of a window with the sun streaming in behind it! The ergonomics info you found above, should include proper positioning of monitors and their relationship to light sources - these are for your own good, so follow them! Step three. Eat and drink properly It is a fact that most people are chronically dehyrated - a fact which leads to massive amounts of preventable disease. Add to this the much less recognized fact that most Americans (and others) are over-fed but under-nourished and you can soon see the potential hazards of sitting at a computer all night drinking fizzy drinks and snacking! Your body is designed to require nutrients in the same way that your car is designed to need fuel, lubricants, servicing etc. You know what happens to your car if you don't look after it, so why should your body be any different? Proper nutritional meals, at appropriate times (preferably home-prepared and not out of a packet, box or wrapper) and adequate fluid intake, ideally without corruption from sugars, other sweeteners (e.g. aspartame), alcohol and phosphates (e.g. colas) will not only help maintain health, but will make you think better, and for longer than if you are hungry or on a sugar rush! Given the poor nutritional standard of most meals nowadays, you ought to think seriously about getting, and using, some quality nutritional supplements to ensure your body has everything it needs to work properly. If it doesn't, it won't work properly - it's as simple as that! Step 4. Take regular breaks. We've all been there. You have this deadline to meet...you need to finish THAT page...this article needs to be finished (hmm, that's a little too close to home :-), whatever the pressure is, it is not worth your health. Many of the problems associated with computer use could be greatly reduced, if not completely avoided by taking regular breaks (away from the desk and machine!). What's more, those breaks could facilitate you eating better or taking some exercise - both of which will make you think better anyway, so don't just sit there getting more andmore frustrated, get up, go away for 10 minutes (or 15, or 30, or however long it takes) and come back refreshed and reinvigorated - it will be much more productive in the long run. on that note... Step 5. Get some exercise No only will exercise help you keep fit and healthy, it is also a great way of clearing clutter out of the mind and stimulating new thought processes. The chemicals released by the body in response to exercise can also leave you feeling full of energy and ready for anything - exactly what you need when you have a challenging page to write or sales letter to compose. Of course, there's the knock-on effect of helping prevent the weight-gain that can be associated with computer work as well as working the stiffness out of joints that are either doing nothing or too much whilst you are sat at the computer. Go for a jog, bike ride, mow the lawn, do some yoga or step exercises - it doesn't matter, just do SOMETHING - regularly and appropriate to your fitness level! Step 6. Keep it real! Regardless of what you read in that E-zine, it is statistically unlikely that you will be an internet millionaire tomorrow (unless you are already one today, that is :-) Doing a little, often, is usually far more productive than doing a lot occasionally. This is more true online than anywhere else - search engines like google just LOVE fresh content that changes regularly, so why not give them what they want? Slogging away hour after hour, day after day is asking to get ill, so make a plan, keep it realistic and stick to it! It doesn't matter if you want to write a page a day, one a week or just a couple a month - you'll soon end up with loads of great content so long as you stick at it and do a little at a time. What's more, you won't bust a gut in the process and may even remember the faces of your family when they plead with you to get out of the computer room! Step 7. Don't get stressed, get calm. Stress is a killer. It kills ideas, it kills productivity and, of course, it kills people who let it get to them. So don't be stressed. Learn how to recognize the signs of stress and then remove the causes by following the principles of stress relief. The trick is not to let it get on top of you. You must stay in control and if it seems you are losing control, take a step back, evaluate and then tackle the problem - not the symptom. Summary At the end of the day (if you are like most internet marketers), you will not only have to get on with your home life as it existed pre- your internet marketing efforts, you will also have to maintain your job, your life and (hopefully) a few friends - yes, even internet marketers have friends :-) Internet marketing is truly a field ANYONE can join, but this is one field where you can have some considerable gains without significant pain - as long as you do it right and look after your health in the process. Brian Adamson Understanding Nutritional Supplements How to recognize the signs of stress
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Time is Money in Online Marketing We all do it. Joint Ventures - 8 Incredible Ideas to Boost Your Web Business! A joint venture is when two or more businesses work together in a partnership for a period of time. Joint ventures are used frequently online because two businesses together can usually achieve a lot more than one on its own. Joint ventures maximise the possibility of beating your online competition. Here are 8 exciting ideas which will show you how profitable joint ventures can really be. Content, Content, Content. Read any Internet marketing article, forum or tutorial these days and you will find that the one thing all the experts agree on is that you need to have lots of good quality content on your web site. It sounds like good advice doesn't it? But what precisely does it mean? Target Practice And The Internet Entrepreneur Internet marketing, a lot of the time really is hit and miss. Always keep in mind that when you promote your site you are, in effect trying to get the word out to the whole world. Not an easy task! How can there NOT be variables when you are advertising to billions? It isn't always where you advertise that makes the difference; it's HOW. Constant Change Is The Only Certainty In Online Marketing This old saying which addresses the variability of the weather in Montana is also applicable to the volatile market dynamics for an online business. If there is one thing that is certain about the future of online marketing, it is that it will continue to constantly change. So What If You Dont Have A Website? Gasp! Choke! Gag! That's how people react when you tell them your business does not have a website. So do you really need one? No-Holds-Barred Conversations with Dan Lok - Part 2 Question: How to deal with ultra skeptical offline or be it Internet surfers in order to reassure them and get them to happily open up their wallets? Internet Marketing and Public Speaking: The Murder Board Practice I recently posted an article titled "Internet Marketing and Public Speaking: Ten Tips for When the Twain Shall Meet." One of the tips concerned a means to practice your sales presentation with a "Murder Board." I received several emails requesting a fuller explanation of this practice method. 3 Quick and Easy Steps to Earn Money Online! Do you own a web site that is continually failing to make you any money? Don't feel alone because 90% of the web sites on the internet are just like yours. So, what if I told you that you could earn money online, practically overnight! Online Parties with a Twist We know once you have a room full of guests at your online party, getting them to play games is the easy part. While hunting for answers to your game, a guest has the chance to see some products they simply cannot do without, thus making you sales! Three Easy Lessons to Take Your Online Marketing to the Next Level I just spent the last week in two very different, but parallel universes. After helping researchers in a federal government agency work on getting their science understood and used in the marketplace, I tapped the wisdom of a conference full of online marketing gurus. Internet Marketing Is No Big Secret You Do Not Need To Be An Internet Marketing Guru Just follow seven, (not so easy) steps to success.1. emal campaigns:(followup, autoresponders, etc.) advertising copy (ad title and content). Be sure your campaign has an eye catching title accompanied by well thoughtout meaningful content. Then follow up your campaign using autoresponders. 2. ad tracking: Without knowing the response rate to yourcampaign, your "shooting in the dark". This is probably the most important part of successful advertising and marketing. It may take several attempts to "tweak" your ads for just the right combination of title and content.3. search engine placement (appropriate keywords with high ranking KEI value. (10 or more, the higher the better). Use http://inventory.overture.com/d/searchinventory/suggestion/to find the right KEYWORDS relavant to your website.4. Join forums and Groups: Ask questions and contribute your knowledge. (This will allow you to place your site URL in your signature line, which in turn creates an inbound link for you, (important for search engine placement) Forums, Blogs, and Groups provide an excellent source for FREE advertising. Forum members share their experience with other members. This is not idle chat. Provide the forum with some quality input regarding your various experiences and opportunities. Watch for the feedback. Guess what? You can include your site's URL in your signature line. This is a great free advertising. 5. Traffic Exhanges, and Link Exchanges. Many link exchanges are free. Go to http://www.best-web-directories.com/ for a complete listing of link exchanges.6. Publish Articles, ie., "How to bake the best cookies" or "How to repair a hole in the wall". Just make sure you have your opportunity link included. Then submit those articles to Search Engines. This will lend credibility to your site.7. Be prepared to invest capital, money. If you think you can earn money without investing money, you're dreaming. Those "free" memberships are your "test period" to see first hand what the program offers, does it fit your need, will it produce leads, money, traffic, etc., if so invest. Here's a warning though, stay within a budget. The quickest way to go broke is by being a PAID JOINER. Make sure this program is what you need, you understand how it works, and you can utilize it within the skill level you have. If you are a "newbie, state of the art training is a priority. Find a program that provides FREQUENT state of the art training. Does this work?You bet! When I launched my website on February 2005, I started with 600 hits. Now I am enjoying 3500 hits PER DAY, an astonishing improvement. That means my site is tracking One Million hits on a year to year basis. Babe Ruth gives us another clue. Babe hit an amazing number of home runs. His record of home runs was incredible, but, his record of striking out still stands undefeated. Therein lies another insight. Success is doing until you find what works. Failure is the by product of successful people. I hope I offered you some helpful information. As I said in the beginning, it is not necessary to be an Internet Marketing Guru to have success on the Internet. Happy Marketing, your online friend,Opportunities Now Internet Marketing ServicesFor more information about us, use KEYWORD:"opportunities now internet marketing services"in any major Search Engine. Make Sure That Your Dot-Com Doesnt Become The Next Dot-Bomb! Late last night I turned on my television and discovered a used car salesman trying to sell this cheap clunker of a car to recently pink-slipped and bankrupt dot-com unfortunates. Apparently if you want to trade in your luxury sports car, these guys would be "happy" to give you a great deal on something more "economical." Alexa Toolbar - The Ultimate Internet Tool There are numerous tools available on the Internet to assist online businesses. A valuable tool that you should use is the Alexa Toolbar. Even better, this tool is free. Internet Promotion - Advantages and Disadvantages The emergence of globalise trade, increase in foreign investment and cross-border transactions have put many small businesses under pressure to find innovative ways to continue to market their products and services. This is especially difficult given that they often operate on tight marketing budgets. Rocket Your Online Business into the Stratosphere with Captured Leads! NO matter what business you are trying to build online, you will need sales leads if you are ever going to make sales, and sales leads are what you are trying to generate if you are marketing on the internet. In order to survive, any web site needs a steady flow of qualified leads. How To Profit Using Public Domain Works The public domain is full of books, journals, literary works, videos, audio, music sheets, software and government works that you can use any way you choose and create unlimited wealth with a little creativity. Boost Your Web Site Sales The following strategies are used every day to boost sales from any commercial website. Most are simply common sense whilst others may take some time to master. All will help your site to start generating the income you expect from your online ventures. Internet Marketing: 10 Motivational Insiders Tricks To Attract Thousands Of Visitors If you have a website but not attracting many visitors, it may be because you've not known the insiders secrets that I have. Web Marketing: Unusual Tricks Of Internet Marketing Gurus To Attract More Visibility Do you post to message boards, e-mail discussionlists, classified ads sites, FFA sites or newsgroups? ![]() |
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