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My name is Smarty Jones -- Embracing Gods Glory
Our deepest fear us not that we are inadequate.Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyondmeasure. It is our light, not our darkness, thatmost frightens us?..We are born to manifest theglory of God that is within us?.And as we let ourown light shine, we unconsciously give otherpeople permission to do the same. Nelson Mandela Today more than ever we live in times of publicmurder via internet and the awareness of the dirtylittle secrets of wartime interrogation. Yet, thisweekend we as a country got a breathe of fresh airby watching a little horse letting go of hisinadequacy's and race around a dirt track lookingfor his one shot at Glory. If a nation is sohungry for winners by getting behind a horse namedSmarty Jones, then who are we not to embrace theGlory of God and share it with others? Not long ago I read a quote in the book, "Jesus -Life Coach" that read, "Are you living your lifelike you only have six healthy months to live? Ianswered NO! and then I asked myself, why? Ididn't have an answer. Did I fear inadequacy? Ordid I fear, what if God blessed me beyond measure?Could I handle being in the spot light? Could Ilive up to the world's expectations of me or myexpectations of myself? I really don't think it'sour place to decide what we can handle and not,it's God's. Yet, it is our desire to live byFaith. The bible says, "with God who can beagainst us." Our feelings of inadequacy is justanother way of Satan trying to trick us intothinking we are not worthy of God's glory or evenliving a life full of happiness and love down hereon earth. Smarty Jones is similar to the legend Sea biscuitin which the only thing both horses needed wassomeone to believe in them. We have that to withinus just waiting to be manifested. Jesus Christlives in us just waiting to shine. I challenge youthis week to not live your life in the dark, butembrace the Glory of God that glows within you.It's nothing to be frightened of. Who knows we mayonly have six healthy months to live, what are wegoing to do with them? Is your name Smarty Jonesor just another running around in circles with nogame plan in life? Who knows, by embracing God'sGlory someone may get behind you and follow youaround the track all the way to the cross. Greg Ryan is a best selling author of the Changing from the INSIDE OUT series. A powerful five step plan to better your life, get healthier, and have more energy! For FREE mini Course click here! http://www.resolutions.bz
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Quotable Quotes Are Nothing More Than Flowery Words Quotable quotes are nothing more than flowery words... And anyonegiven enough time and cognitive power anyone can put onetogether. Yes, they may strike a chord or make you feel good,but their true value resides in what they encourage and exciteyou to put into action. Ideas not followed by action have verylittle power.Here is one for you: "Only that which is eternal has any truevalue." Now you think about that quote and in some circles itmight be considered pretty quotable. So does this mean that ifthis online message lasts for eternity that it has true value?Actually the author is attempting to convey something moreprofound (I happen to know him pretty well).The only thing which is eternal (quotable or non-quotable) isthat which lies within you -- your spiritual core. This is yourtrue identity and therefore anything that cannot stand the testof infinity is but a passing fancy. What does this have to dowith quotable quotes? Well a lot..hang with me.If you are focusing on the infinite then you must take theaction necessary to strengthen and escalate the Power of theInfinite within yourself. The next logical question may be,"Well how do increase this power within?"All great teachers, sages and saints since time immemorial havetold us in one-way-shape-or-fashion that the power to win inyour life comes quite simply from two things. You mustconstantly:Study, understand, and immerse yourself in thatwhich brings you power.Avoid all that weakens you.Unfortunately, you live in a world that will inundate you withthat which weakens. Increasing your Infinite Self then becomes amatter of critical action; and here is where we tie thisconversation into quotable quotes.The fact that you are alive in this century guarantees that youare highly exposed to negative input from the media, friends,school systems, family members and various other energyvampires. Now while you may not find all of above factors as negative inyour life, we can be pretty well assured that unless you avoidtelevision, newspapers and magazines all together (something youmight strongly consider), you have at minimum some negativeenergy to contend with. If you are barraged by negative mediainput on a daily basis you must actively seek input to thecontrary just to stay at equilibrium.. much less get ahead ofthe energy game. Enter quotable quotes.The infamous quotable quotes could indeed be a part of youraction plan to offset negative input from other sources.Ultimately you will become that which you think about all daylong, for thoughts breed action and actions breed results. Read the quotes as well as other pieces of inspiration andpower; and then most importantly...act boldly in accordance withthis line of thinking and pull yourself from the quagmire ofcollective limitation. You were born into greatness but havebeen conditioned into mediocrity -- and you can quote me on thatone. A Path To Peace The root of discord and violence between people and nations comes from our tendency to forget our humanity. We "forget" our true nature. Are We There Yet? In a recent disaster, a man was asked why he wouldkeep searching for a loved one, even when he knewthere was little hope of any survivors. He was toldrepeatedly, the chances of finding anyone still alivewere very slim. Are You Afraid of Change? Change, no matter how you cut it, can certainly be adaunting task. There are so many ways to change; yourimage, attitude, environment, perceptions, addictions, andhow you treat others. 8 Ways to Get Your Healthy Groove On You've heard the saying, "You are what you eat." I say? "You Are What You Think!" Living Authentically in a Masked World Humanity seems to be the only species that never seems pleased with its own. People tend to spend the majority of their life living up to an illusion that no one has ever been able to attain. It is the illusion of perfection. The problem is, that is a course that is marked with failure and pain. Someone came up with the concept that people should be wafting through the fields picking lilies and singing songs of the angels. If you stay on this course you will never measure up. You were not meant to. Have You Been Lucky In Life? Each moment in life, "lucky" or "unlucky", is to be savored, learned from, and appreciated. Easier said than done? Read this heartfelt story and see for yourself. Look Out Any Window Over my extended Thanksgiving weekend I took some time to look through my telescope at the moon. I saw the full moon rising in the east-northeast and thought it would be a good night for a look, so I set up my Meade reflecting telescope in the kitchen and aimed it toward the window. Spirits Language: How to Tell Whos Who in Your Inner Conversations Your Spirit is continuously beaming communications to you. As long as your mind is properly receptive to your Spirit, this vital communication is received. But if your mind is busy being distracted by its fascination with the world that serves the ego, or by the fear-based broadcasts of the lower self, the communications are not received-or the signals are fuzzy at best. Like a radio broadcast that takes place regardless of who is listening, your Spirit is constantly broadcasting to you, but you can only receive that broadcast if your radio is tuned to the right station and you are paying attention. The Climbs In Our Lives I grew up climbing mountains. Mountains are beautiful and challenging, majestic and all powerful. They also have lessons to teach us: lessons about life and how to live it. The Challenge To Succeed So much has been written about success that one often gets confused about what success is all about. Success is such a personal thing that it may mean different things to different people. Yet we need to have a simple definition which should apply to all successful people and situations. The ultimate purpose of being successful is to take pride in one's achievements and be happy; and I think one of the best description has been put forward by Ralph Waldo Emerson. Change is the Only Constant The physics professor with the unruly shock of white hair strolls up to the blackboard, picks up the chalk, and writes a big tilde, then below it an equally large equal sign-thus creating the symbol for "approximately equals." A Life of Purposes Extraction Purpose. What is purpose? Drinking coffee when you wake up and making a habit of drinking coffee only when you wake up? No. Trying to drink coffee when it's hot and trying conscientiously to make it a habit to swallow it hot? No. Blowing white, shivering steam off the surface and then, guttering it down immediately so that it'd fall lightly against the cylindrical walls of your gorge? No. Are YOU Ready for Bonza Bottler Day? BONZA BOTTLER DAY is any day when the date and the month have the same number. Bonza, I'm told, means "excellent" or "really great" in Australian, and there's some suggestion that "bottler" means the same. Re-Define Realistic: True Power Series This is the eighth article in our "True Power" series. If you haven't been following the series, visit TheARTrepreneur.com to read the foundational material on beliefs before continuing. Four Words that Make Life Worthwhile Over the years as I've sought out ideas, principles and strategies to life's challenges, I've come across four simple words that can make living worthwhile. Facing the Enemies Within We are not born with courage, but neither are we born with fear. Maybe some of our fears are brought on by your own experiences, by what someone has told you, by what you've read in the papers. Some fears are valid, like walking alone in a bad part of town at two o'clock in the morning. But once you learn to avoid that situation, you won't need to live in fear of it. A Key In Hand Is Worth A Thousand On My Desk A key fault I have, and I can only talk about one fault at a time, is the tendency to get busy. I often find myself chasing my own tail. What I will do with it when I catch it is beyond my understanding. However, this notwithstanding, I fall into the trap time after time of getting too busy for my own good. What Company Does Your Business Keep? A man is known by the company he keeps. We have heard that phrase so many times. Our folks have cautioned us often with that in our silly childhood. Do we heed to that advice in our business? Where do you hang out? What is your business surrounded by? For Old Times Sake Direct Answers - Column for the week of August 19, 2002 ![]() |
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