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Last Chance to See: Grove Mill, Mitcham
Grove Mill, Mitcham; where in 1934 many of the iron wheels from Surrey Iron Railway waggons were still visible in the tail-race, is being given the Ravensbury treatment. All but the central building is being cleared for housing. In fact, there was already not much to see. The small row of cottages called the Fisheriesthe that were originally built to house the mill workers for the Grove Mill that stood nearby but has now disappeared. In the early 20th century they were used by the Wandle Fisheries Association, an association set up by the local Gentry to stock the river with trout. However it is a chance to revisit this ancient industrial site. As part of the planning process an Archaeological report was commissioned from Compass Archaeology, who produced an excellent report in 2002, drawing extensively on the resources of the Museum and Merton Historical Society (mostly in the person of Eric Montague, and in the various works produced by him and Peter Harris over the years). As the report shows, there has been a Mitcham mill since the Domesday Book, and, (as Mitcham itself lay north of the Wandle it is reasonable to assume that this was the site. , as the London Road crossed the Wandle by a ford rather than a bridge, and it is unlikely that anything requiring water power or use would be set where the water would be regularly fouled by traffic. Real evidence emerges during the 17th century, and the Grover mill site went through copper, flour and soap manufacturing stages before ending its life as an orthopaedic shoe factory. Crown Mill standing behind it, but destroyed by fire in the 1960's, goes through felt manufacturing, engineering, and then flour. A third mill stood on the south side of the Wandle, facing these two. More interesting event than that, though, is the evidence shown by the 100 years of plans annexed to the report, from 1879 through to 1968, demonstrating the ways in which the River Wandle was tortured and twisted to suit the requirements of the industrial ages, with the present course out of Watermeads south of Grove Mill an invention of the last 50 years only. The site has a special interest to the Museum, as it was here that two Surrey Iron Railway wagon wheels were dredged up from papermill cut, one of which is to be seen in the Museum, and also in the local legend that the Crown Mill site was used as factory and workshops for the benefit of the Surrey iron Railway during its brief existence. If possible, we will be making more of the report available through the website, but this will require copyright clearance. See figure 1; The site in relation to the 1st Edition Ordnance Survey 24 inch mile ma of 1879 (surveyed 1865-67), See figure 2; The site in relation to the 2nd Edition Ordnance Survey 24 inch map of 1895 revised 1894), See figure 3; The site in relation to the 2nd Edition Ordnance Survey 24 inch: mile map of 1935 (revised 1932). I am the website administrator of the Wandle Industrial Museum (http://www.wandle.org). Established in 1983 by local people determined to ensure that the history of the valley was no longer neglected but enhanced awareness its heritage for the use and benefits of the community.
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Medieval Siege Weaponry: Castle Walls Beware Medieval siege weaponry was required in any self-respecting war leader's arsenal in a time when castles with thick defense walls were common and cities surrounded by large, fortified walls were not out of place. What About Those Pyramids? 'Mr. Rhodes aspired to be the creator of one of those vast semi-religious, quasi-political associations which, like the Jesuits have played so large a part in the history of the world. To be more strictly accurate, he wished to found an Order ... and while he lived, he dreamed of being both its Caesar and its Loyola.' - W.T. Stead" Art, Artists, and the Web: Part 1--Why Every Artist Should Have Their Own Website First rate art is in danger of being left behind in this new age of the global Internet highway. The World Wide Web is like Walmart or Home Depot coming to town. Art galleries as they now exist, are going to become the Mom and Pop version of selling art. Crazy Horse My ancestry includes Colonel Miles (or Myles) Keough (or Keogh) through a relationship that apparently was not formalized with a lady who attended his grave, in a story made famous by many books on the matter. But it can only be true if this lady and her mother named Martin of the New York Governor's family, whose name is on the wedding certificate of my grandfather as a witness, kept the child a secret all her life. In fact one might even wonder if this child was the offspring of a relationship he had with white Indians like the Mandan. Geneticists can now show the Sioux are white blooded people through Haplogroup X markers as well. Miles' horse is immortalized in a song by Johnny Horton called 'Comanche the Brave Horse' and this horse is stuffed at the Manhattan Kansas museum of the regiment he also brought the tune Gary Owens to, after getting a Papal commendation his family later tore up. Miles was an expert horseman and like Custer he was held in high regard by the Indians. His horse protected him at the end of his life, and the Indians spared it because of its fine acts of bravery. King Tuts Tomb was No Better - Found in America Between 603 and 702 AD. a truly marvelous temple was built by the Mayan people to honour a non-Mayan, non-Indian man. The firsthand account of Alberto Ruz from 'Eyewitness to Discovery' follows in part, as it was printed in 'Illustrated London News': Paul Hamm: Did He Deserve Gymnastics Gold in 2004? What was the controversy all about? Josephine the Merovingian I cannot emphasize enough the dearth of information, or the outright disinformation, I find in various web world accounts relating to Josephine and Jean Lafitte. I chuckle to think they often get her given name wrong as I have noted from the beginning of this book. Her name was not Josephine and if a current author is right about Napoleon being a bi-sexual we can imagine his brother Joseph's name was on his lips during sexual acts with Marie-Rose and this lead to her nickname which he gave her. These are important people from not so long ago. In the case of Josephine and her heritage, there is no good reason to not make it clear she was a Merovingian with great bloodlines. Export/Import of Inuit Eskimo Art Sculpture Containing Whalebone or Ivory The export of certain Inuit sculpture from Canada to other parts of the world including the United States does have some restrictions. In order to reduce harvesting of marine animals such as whales and walruses, the United States Congress passed the Marine Mammal Protection Act in 1972. It was later modified in 1981 and a special section (101) of the act was developed to exclude Eskimo Inuit and other aboriginals living in the state of Alaska. Section 101 allowed Alaskan Natives to continue their traditions of hunting marine mammals for food and using parts of such animals as raw materials in the making of clothes, crafts and artwork. Unguided Men Humanity - the sole endeavor of sanctity in every man, the moribund symphony serenading in all perceptions, the extinct deference suggestive of life-humanity. Something already sold to that trait of the individual defined as war. Tarot Cards Demystified: The Suit of Cups There are many ways to interpret the symbolism found in Tarot Cards. There are varying points of view that exist about what each card means or represents. This is just one way of interpreting them. When you understand this method you will find it to be extremely accurate. Egyptian Handmade Perfume Bottles Blown glass, a very ancient technique, is the oldest among the handicrafts. It is said by some, that ancient Egyptians were the original inventors of glass making techniques. Production of metallurgy and faience helped a great deal in the manufacture of glass afterwards. The earliest Egyptian glass known to us was in the form of small beads and pendants found in sites dating back to the 3rd millennium B.C. At that time glass was made by melting a combination of silica-sand, lime, and soda. The interaction of the heated soda and the hot sand formed a transparent flowing liquid, which was then permitted to cool forming glass. Her Last Day in Court "Ron, I can't take much more of his sleazy behavior! I really don't think you are going to win this case for me anyway. I've lost everything; at least I can have the pleasure of making sure the jury knows their judge is another sexual power tripper, going in to his chambers to satisfy himself with the bailiff while he screws me over under the law! I don't..." The Monsters Mother Somewhere in the world, every eight seconds, a mother is throwing her hands in the air and declaring that her child is a little monster. But for Echidna it was the literal truth. When Does Man Become God? Some scientists argue over creation and evolution and they argue did man create god or did god create man. And without that ongoing and predictable out of debate, lets discuss our scientific advancements. When does Man cross the line and become a god? Or a creator or modifier of life to such a degree that he has changed the entire current scenario? Take this interesting development. To make ethanol better, simply modify the corn more. Call it Super Corn after this has been done. And regarding mosquitoes, modify them too, and then you have no malaria The New Age Movement What is the New Age Movement? It is similar to New Age Spirituality, but different enough to warrant its own definition. The New Age Movement is a belief that the human race is all one. It is not about equality nor diversity. It is the idea that your gender, age, religion, race, nor sexual orientation makes you better or worse then anyone else. The New Age Movement is moving away from the US against THEM mentality. It is inclusive, open, detached from labels, and above all else, it's based in love not fear. Elvis Presley, Lifting Off He seems to live forever. A network television movie about his life is scheduled for 2005.Three years ago,in 2002, the month of August was set aside for him. He was everywhere, as if he never died twenty-five years earlier. The old records reappeared as freshly minted CD's, he was seen shaking his hips on TV "news" clips and one CBS news piece revealed that an astounding forty two percent of the US population consider themselves to be Elvis Presley fans. His short life was looked at anew, re-examined and pontificated upon. Every day was accounted for, except that one day in January 1956 when he shot to stardom. Who could have known what would happen on that day? The biographers could not have been there but a handful of people did see what happened on that unusual and fascinating day. As a college student working as a weekend gofer in the CBS- TV studio, I was one of them. To fill in that gap in the Elvis Presley story, this is what happened on that remarkable day, January 26, 1956. Conspiracies: The Pyramid and the Sphinx Egypt has long been the source of countless conspiracies, ranging from ancient lost civilizations to extraterrestrial markers. The reason for this focus is likely because Egypt is the most romanticized ancient civilization, and also because it is home to the mystical Great Pyramid of Giza, the only surviving Wonder of the Ancient World. This article will describe some of the conspiracies surrounding the Sphinx and the Pyramid. Astrology Signs and Planets Reveal Who You Are But people are starting to take a new look at astrology. Bohemian Grove "Bohemian Grove is 'the greatest men's party on Earth', according to once-regular attendee Herbert Hoover. A secret little getaway for America's male upper crust, the 2-week long annual retreat in Monte Rio, California, has all the luxuries you'd expect of an elitist clique: outdoor plays, an orchestra, delicious food and beverages, public urination, streaking, and human sacrifices, to name a few. Nestled in beautiful redwood forests, every Republican president since Coolidge has partaken in the gala, as well as a host of other huge names in business and politics. {Many of the discussions in the two week festival end up becoming the tenets upon which the bureaucracy and media begin to act.} The Nos Feratu The Caduceus has the pine cone representing the Pineal Gland which it looks like. Clearly the Edwin Smith Codex alone should be enough to tell us that the Egyptians knew a great deal about the human anatomy. But like the Rhind Papyrus which was copied from earlier treatises in 1650 BCE this knowledge including Chaos Science existed long before that. I am going to speculate about the genetic knowledge and blood rituals in a most scientific manner and try to convey how the genetic knowledge written about by Sir Laurence Gardner in his books like Genesis of the Grail Kings also can explain why his forwarder to that book says Count Dracula is one of their lofty Sarkeny Rend Rosicrucians. I will try to encapsulate a whole book I have written called The Nos Feratu. ![]() |
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