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Mythology and Parables in Modern Communication - Part 3
Our Self is the true center of our being and the place from which our individual truth emanates. It's where we can come to know our passions, our place in the world, our purpose and our destiny. Without our Self we truly have nothing, except the reference structures around us which are now crumbling. Yes, crumbling! The evidence is there; we see it every day in the media. To clarify, crumbling here does not mean total disintegration, although some would argue that is indeed the case. To me it means a rather serious Reshuffling. The signs or symbols that define this rising Era are the Self at the center of the personality and the Soul as its Spiritual counterpart. Ego now belongs to the dying era that we are leaving behind. Self and Soul are inextricably intertwined. They are one and the same at a fundamental level ? like Particle and Wave in Physics, which both describe the electron. Self and Soul are the same because they come from our Divine Nature which, by the way, does not reside anywhere but inside of Us. You, We, I, are the source of our Being and the home for this Divinity. You, We, I, are God, incarnate in a body. Now, if I say to you - Trust Your Self! Believe in Your Self! Be Your Self! ? can you in any way go wrong? Can you say ? He's lying, I shouldn't trust myself? Can you say ? I can't trust him because he's telling me to trust me? We could go on with more examples, but you can already see that this argument becomes absurd. Trusting your Self and connecting with your Soul are essential to being who you are. And from that perspective, they cannot be questioned. Because, if you can't trust your Self and you can't believe in your Soul, then nothing you believe in has value! Here is the inherent beauty of Myth. Whether it's a story or a parable, their simple truth is undeniable, unmistakable, because they point to You; they are a mirror to You. You are free to use them or not, to agree or not. They are not dictates, they are reference points. Parables are also Myths by the way, teaching tools in much the same way. They were the counterpart to Myths during Christ's era. Today, movies, books, television and music tell the stories that men and women on hilltops used to recite so long ago. Yes, Parables or Myths are still being told to us today. Alright, so back to "Trust Yourself" now, what does that mean? It means: Feel what your feel; Speak your truth; Acknowledge your mistakes; Do your very best; Pray for guidance; and LISTEN! Yes, Listen to that guidance that bubbles up from within you, from your Heart, or Feeling Center. There it is in action ? your Feelings; your Inner Guidance; the I Am That I Am, all at work inside of you ? to Give You the Truth about You! How can you go wrong? You can't. How can you say no? You cannot. How can you go forward? Right Now! With hope, determination and clear-headedness, you can activate that Power that is Yours. So you can be true to You, which is He, and bring forward those Gifts which are Yours to share with the World. Now every once in a while, something happens in Life that can shake us up. For some, it could be a course of study. For others, it could be a movie, a life crisis, a particular song, a major loss, a trauma or similar challenge. A good crisis or major loss can be a great waker-upper. As an example, my own changes leading to the present began about 12 years ago, after my wife took ill with Multiple Sclerosis. I was scared and started listening more inwardly. Until then I was a fairly traditional psychotherapist, plying my craft as I was trained to do. Mixing in some intuition with other guidance was part of my style and I got by. Then one day, after this crisis hit, I started writing. Actually, I felt compelled to write ? stories, poetry, music, with a spiritual bent, a mythical flavor, a growth orientation. And these writings were all about the same thing ? Knowing Your Self; Being True to Your Self; Waking up to Soul; Children's Spirituality; Song Lyrics and Reflections. From these writings came my first book of Parables, then another, and another, until I had six manuscripts on this subject; and yes, song lyrics for about 125 songs to this point. Mythology, Spirituality and Personal Growth were now moving through me. So what is trying to be born through you, friend? What are your gifts and passions telling you? Creativity is a challenge, but we're all built to handle it. Our inherent design, as spiritual-physical beings, drives us to create. Watch children. They create without inhibition. It is their nature. Well it's ours too. And we'll resume this discussion in Part 4 and bring this course to a conclusion. Maurice Turmel PHD is an Author, Speaker and Performing Songwriter. His site features Self-Help books, Inspiring Music, Stories, Reflections and Poetry that can help YOU discover how truly great YOU are. The WebSite is dedicated to that end. It also features his collection of articles, reflections and stories as teaching tools, and his latest Ebook, "The Voice," a Spiritual Sci-Fi novel. It will introduce YOU to all the basic concepts that characterize The Healthy Life, both Spiritually and Psychologically. http://www.mauriceturmel.com
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This weeks 'Advance' is dedicated to exploring one of principals for selecting quality art. Buy what you love! But what constitutes a painting that will be a pleasure to look at and increase in value? Tsunami Aftermath On December 26, 2004 a massive tsunami swept through Thailand killing thousands of people, and changing the lives of thousands more. Although the Tsunami happened months ago, we are still feeling the affects of it today. Insider Tips to Quadruple Your Art Show Sales At a recent art show, I could not help but notice that not everyone's day was going as well as mine! As I experienced a constant stream of people flooding into my booth and buying my artwork, my neighbors were sitting idle and waiting. Not only did I have people buzzing in and around my booth, but after they purchased my artwork, they told their friends to come to my booth and buy from me! Spainīs Flag - A Red And Yellow Beauty Spainīs flag (the national one) is as colorful as the country itself with its red and yellow horizontal triband. Return to Ouvea, New Caledonia "Ouvea is everything you'd expect in a South Pacific island. Twenty kilometers of unbroken white sands border the lagoon on the west side of the island and extend far out from shore to give the water a turquoise hue. The wide western lagoon, protected by a string of coral islands and a barrier reef, is the only one of its kind in the Loyalties. On the ocean side are rocky cliffs, pounded by surf, but fine beaches may be found even here. At one point on this narrow atoll only 450 meters separates the two coasts. Traditional circular houses with pointed thatched roofs are still common in the villages". Cant Afford Illness in America I had become too sick to live in America. The Western Cowboy In the State of Texas the Western Cowboy can be found home on the range. But can you really find a true western cowboy in the state of Texas? At one time you could find real cowboys in Texas but that time was over one hundred years ago. Precious Stones -The Big Five: Part 1, The Emerald The emerald is probably the most rare of all precious stones and is considered by some to be even more valuable than the diamond. Compared with other precious stones the emerald in its occurrence in nature is unique, for it is found in the rock in which it was formed. Unlike diamonds, sapphires and rubies, it never occurs in gem gravels. The earliest known locality where emeralds were found was in Upper Egypt near the coast of the Red Sea. The best stones, however, are found in Columbia, South America. Fine specimens have also been found in the United States in North Carolina. Archaeology and Spirit Guides One of the northern derivatives of Hopewell of interest to a few scholars is the anomalous Effigy Mound culture of Wisconsin, Illinois, and Iowa. The remains attract attention because of the range of animal forms represented by the low effigy mounds. There are sometimes burials at the "vital" points - hips, head or heart area - of the animals, but there is only the simplest of grave goods. To Quote or Not to Quote "By necessity, by proclivity, and by delight, we all quote." Quotation and Originality 1876 Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882)American poet and essayist Native American Art Thunderbird The thunderbird has been one of the most dominant icons in Native American art and legends. In fact, the concept of the thunderbird has been so popular that it has been used in the non-Native world to name a classic automobile, liquor, a 1960's children's adventure television show (and subsequent recent movie), a US Air Force squadron and is referenced in pop music (remember the word 't-bird' in 1950's rock and roll?). The thunderbird is one of the few cross-cultural characters in Native American mythology since it is found in legends of Pacific Northwest, Plains, and Northeastern tribes. Europes New Jews They inhabit self-imposed ghettoes, subject to derision and worse, the perennial targets of far-right thugs and populist politicians of all persuasions. They are mostly confined to menial jobs. They are accused of spreading crime, terrorism and disease, of being backward and violent, of refusing to fit in. Masking European Animism The ancient peoples of Europe were more fond of masks and religious ritual than youwould suspect if you saw Europeans today. Mask wearing and shamanism was partand parcel of everyday life in ancient Western European tradition, say researchers. Thaitsuki Nihonto Samurai Swords: Leading The Way So why are these swords so popular? There are several reasons but number one is quality. The Thaitsuki swords are handmade by trained craftsman in using a family method over 200 years old. Second, there is no other line of swords in the world that you can find at a price that the Thaitsuki swords sell for with the same quality. Thaitsuki Nihonto swords should be in a price range around $2000 and more. Precious Stones ? The Big Five - Part 3 The Sapphire The sapphire, protector of the innocent, celestial guardian of truth, bringer of health and youth, symbol of the heavens and birthstone for the month of September, is in fact the same stone as the ruby, the mineral corundum. Zorro ZORRO:Timon of Athens. But most often they wrote in code or refused to write at all. They actually taught through techniques and disciplines which made people truly know what can be and how to become adept as individuated parts of the collective or 'nous'. ![]() |
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