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What is the Ultimate Lifestyle?
Since the mission of this newsletter is to help you define, carve out, and live your own Ultimate Lifestyle, I figured I should devote some space to laying a proper foundation for doing that. Before you can hit a target, you need to know where it is! So, to begin, let's answer the question: What is The Ultimate Lifestyle? First of all, it's different for different people. There are no rules or formulas. For some people, it means a lot of money, lots of "stuff," a fast-paced and "jet-set" sort of lifestyle. For others, it means a very simple, slow-paced life that focuses on service to others. And for others, it's every possible scenario in between these two "extremes." There's no right or wrong lifestyle, or good or bad lifestyle. There's just what works for you -- and it will likely change over time. I know it has for me. No matter how you end up defining Ultimate Lifestyle for yourself, now and in the future, there are 8 components that must be considered: 1) Income Streams To live your Ultimate Lifestyle, you must have income streams flowing that allow you to pay your bills and finance all the "extras" you prefer. To me, the ultimate target to shoot for in this arena is to have income streams flowing whether you "show up" for "work" or not, so you can choose what you want to show up for (even if it continues to be what you call "work" or a "job."). That's what I've been able to achieve by applying my Invisible Path/11th Element strategies combined with direct marketing on and off the Internet. Having income streams flowing whether you show up or now seems like "pie in the sky" to many people, but it's actually very attainable in today's world. You'll learn more about how to do it in future issues. 2) Emotions and Beliefs Many people fail to create their Ultimate Lifestyle because they have emotional blocks, issues, or beliefs (what I call "p.s's." or "master biography files") that hold them back. Other people have produced extraordinary results and could live their Ultimate Lifestyle, but their blocks, issues or beliefs prevent them from doing it -- or fully enjoying it. Therefore, living The Ultimate Lifestyle must include having access to resources and inner skills that allow you to uncover and remove, heal, or release any blocks, issues or beliefs that hold you back. You'll learn more about how to do that in future issues. 3) Fulfillment and Satisfaction Whether you have a 9-5 job and career, you're a full-time mom, or whatever you do with your time, a big part of living The Ultimate Lifestyle means getting as much fulfillment and satisfaction from what you spend your time on as possible. Many people don't ask for this, don't focus on this, and therefore don't get it. You must make it part of your intention and focus! 4) Living Environment How and where do you want to live? In the mountains? In the big city? On the water? Multiple homes? Do you want to live in a big home or a small home? Is privacy or seeing beautiful scenery out your windows important to you? Do you like modern furnishings, antiques, or an eclectic mix? Living the Ultimate Lifestyle means asking these questions and having a home base that nourishes you at a very deep level. My family recently moved to Charlottesville, Virginia in pursuit of the nourishing living environment we craved --and we got it, even better than we expected! 5) Relationships What good is having income streams, a healthy emotional life, empowering belief systems, a great living environment, and a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction from how you spend you time if you're alone (and don't want to be) or your relationships with significant others (parents, siblings, kids, associates, etc.) are a mess? Believe me, I know about this one from long personal experience (before meeting my wife, Cecily). Therefore, living The Ultimate Lifestyle must include having access to resources and inner skills that allow you to attract, build, and maintain healthy relationships. 6) Health Again, what good is having income streams, a healthy emotional life, empowering belief systems, a great living environment, fulfillment and satisfaction, and great relationships if you have health problems that drag your quality of life into the gutter? Dr. Robert Lindberg says, "We spend most of our life gaining wealth and we then spend most of our wealth on gaining back our health." Living The Ultimate Lifestyle means having access to knowledge, resources, and skills that allow you to get healthy, stay healthy, and quickly resolve difficulties if and when they arise. I discussed some of the resources I use for this in previous issues, and will continue to share them in future issues, 7) Time You can have income streams, a healthy emotional life, empowering belief systems, a great living environment, fulfillment and satisfaction, great relationships and health and if you don't have any time to do what you love, to follow your non-work passions, or to truly enjoy anything, what's the point? I know many people who could absolutely be living their Ultimate Lifestyle, but they choose to work too much, to the detriment of their quality of life. That's too bad -- to have the choice and ability and not do it. 8) Wealth Building, Management, and Responsibility The final component to living The Ultimate Lifestyle is having systems in place that allow you to use your income streams to create wealth (as you define it), manage it, grow it, protect it, structure your financial and business affairs for maximum efficiency and personal benefit, and find ways of contributing and giving back (if that's important to you, which it is to me and my wife). I'll be writing a follow up article, called "The fuel that drives the Ultimate Lifestyle" shortly. ============================================================ Like to know more about Bob Scheinfeld? If you liked what you just read, you'll definitely want all the details about Bob's "7 Power Centers of Life" work. Do you know what "The 7 Power Centers of Life" are? Are you absolutely certain that all 7 of *yours* are fully energized and aligned for maximum success? Click here to take a Guided Tour and discover all the exciting details: http://www.7powercentersoflife.com/article ============================================================
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Happiness-Marriage-Love-Divorce-Suicide-Peace Within-college Too many of us seem to think that there should be 24-7 happiness in our life, so when there is problems in a marriage the temptation for affairs and divorce is there. Happiness and Keeping Ahead of the Joneses Imagine that the Internal Revenue Service in your country claimed that you owe $1000 plus in tax arrears. Simple Pleasures: Ingredients to Feed Your Spirit. "When we do something we love, again and again, our life comes to hold the fragrance of that thing. ~ Wayne Mullen The Golden Moments in Life This month I'm going to talk about something I've never discussed before. I'll be sharing a technique with you that can help you become a powerful beacon, attracting all the good things in life to you easily and effortlessly. I call it the Attraction Process. Hang on. It's powerful and it works. Happiness Increases Longevity...Where Do We Find This Gift of Life? According to U.S. research, you can add seven and a half years to your life just by being happy! 10 Ways to Bring Meaning to Your Life My life always appears to be so hectic. It's as if I purposely overload myself with more things than I could possibly ever accomplish. As I'm going to sleep I think about all the things I need to get done And when I'm awake during the day I think about all the things that need to get done. Take a shower, make coffee, eat breakfast, brush my teeth, go to work, etc... It's almost as if at the end of the day I can truly ask myself, "where did the day go?" Enough of these and I can ask myself the same questions in weeks, months, or even years! Wisdom What is wisdom? But first, what are the conditions that render it desirable, if not necessary, and what is its essential purpose? Ode to Chocolate Chocolate delays reality. When I am eating chocolate, everything is on hold: anxiety, panic, frustrations, and insecurity. Chocolate offers a profound richness, a sweetness of life, a euphoric sensation of luxury. I love chocolate in many forms, from M&M's, to imported Lindt balls, to dark fudge frosting in a pop-top can, to Hershey's dark chocolate bite-sized morsels. Looking In The Eyes Of Happiness From what you see around you in your daily lives, happiness may appear an illusory state of existence. Do you see true happiness in the lives of those who pass through your world each day? Do you see, and feel, true happiness in your own life, and the lives of your immediate family? Or in your work colleagues, or fellow commuters? 7 Things Happy People Know How To Do Ever notice how some people just seem to be able to be content and bounce back no matter what the circumstances? Research shows that this isn't a gift or a talent ? it's a skill that they have developed. Surprised? Well, the real surprise is that you too can put to work their techniques and make your life happier too. Breaking the Cycle Breaking the cycle is a term we have all heard. Especially if we come from a family (and these days who doesn't) that has a history of some type of violence and/or drug abuse whereas this phrase is told to us over and over. "Yes, you have had a bad hand in life. Life is not fair. But the best thing you can do is raise your head and break the cycle of violence in your life". Letting Go of Anger and Awaken to Lifes Grand Aventures Anger can make us feel good and enlivened for a little while. When we are angry we are often feeling self-righteous, critical, judgemental and we have someone to blame for our own problems. 10 Fun Ways To Live An Enchanted Life Today! I am often asked how I can live the way I do. Who pays me to be a real-life Merlin? It's not as if you can open the paper and read a want Ad for such a position. I live an enchanted life because I created it that way. Using the principles taught to me by the fey and my own stubborn refusal do anything else. You can too... Happiness - Cause and Effect Your reaction to the events around you determines how you feel and how you affect those you come into contact with. Consider the following example: Divining Your Life Path Number The Life Path is determined by the sum that is arrived at after reducing your birth date by adding digits together. This number represents the traits and talents that you were born with and the probable journey you will take during your lifetime. In a way it represents what path you will take regardless of your essence, which is represented by the calculation of the Soul Number. If you calculate your Soul Number (as taught in another New Age Notebook) you can contrast the two numbers to see what your unique challenges are in life. Three Inspirations for Happiness The following three inspirations were adapted from A Daily Dose of Happiness, and they represent three key ways to increase our happiness. Being Happy How can one be happy? Is it a tough question? To some it may be but not to all of us. Top 25 Happiness Quotations You Can?t See Your Own Eyes My friend called me this morning from her favorite coffee shop. She was taking a break from work. I sensed frustration in her voice. Something clearly was on her mind. After a few minutes of small talk I invited her to tell me what was going on. Happiness Is In Our Own Hands Other people can bring tremendous happiness to our lives but we cannot rely on them alone for happiness. Clinging to people because we think our happiness depends on them can have a disastrous effect on any relationship. ![]() |
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