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Boosting Your Success with Six Easy Happiness Tips
In what areas of your life would you like to achieve greater success? State-of-mind (attitude towards life and work) absolutely affects your performance and your outcomes. People who stay in jobs they hate, or relationships and situations in which they are chronically unhappy are not only missing out on the joy life has to offer, but are literally putting their health at risk at the same time. When coaching clients I ask them to do a rough pre-assessment: on a scale of one to ten, ten being that you are consistently happy with your day-to-day life 90-95% of the time, where do you rank? If the answer is five or six, here are some tips and techniques to boost it up. Live by your definition of happiness and success? Many people feel an ongoing sense of dissatisfaction with their lives or businesses because they are using someone else's "happiness measuring stick". Comparing your life and achievements to those of others, and using their criteria rather than yours is a sure fire way to lose the happiness game. Take "happiness breaks" using a "fun and joy list". Many people don't realize how much more productive they can be by feeding their souls and hearts throughout the workday. Lunch hour not withstanding, 10-15 minute "happiness breaks" are real attitude and brain-boosters. A checklist prevents you from saying "I wouldn't even know what to do with myself if I took a break from work." Become a Pollyanna! Pollyanna, contrary to popular opinion, wasn't teaching denial, or pie in the sky positive thinking. Rather she perfected a mind-set of learned optimism and of seeing the glass "half full". Pollyanna's "Glad Game" turned around an entire town from being gloomy and pessimistic to being a happy, joyful place. Not only will your sunny outlook help you be happier more of the time, but also your "vibes" will positively affect those around you. If you're single, keeping a sunny disposition will make your "vibe" much more attractive. People like to be around upbeat people who make them feel good). If you're in sales, or are looking to climb a success ladder, you will be much more attractive to your ideal employer or ideal customer if your attitude is obviously an optimistic and happy one. Have Better Relationships by Living From Both Head and Heart. Being too rigid, and intellectual can really wreck the relationship "happiness quotient". The people in your life, just like you, want to hear expressed appreciation and to be given more understanding. Sadly, it seems much easier in our society, for people to express disappointment, criticism and negative observations than it does the positive ones. Speak words of encouragement and appreciation freely. Ask for acknowledgement when you need it too. People can't (HEAR THIS ? THEY ABSOLUTELY CAN'T) read your mind. When you give and take freely of appreciation, understanding, praise, joy and fun in relationships they are bound to flourish. On the business side of things, you will be seen as a premier team player when you contribute to your business relationships in this way. Stay in the here and now. When coaching clients, one of the most frequent things I hear is "When I achieve this goal I will finally be happy." Life isn't happening "then". Life is happening right NOW! Make a habit of slowing things down. Savor those good people, experiences and feelings in the very moment you are experiencing them. While you are experiencing them and noticing them, inwardly say a thought of gratitude that you have this person, job, experience, feeling, or talent. Whatever it is that you are enjoying, it will stay with you longer throughout the day if you don't let it fly by without acknowledgement. At the end of the day, as you review it, if you've really practiced this "here and now happiness", the overall feeling about your day will be a good one. When negatives come along the fact that you have spent time practicing this "here and now happiness" will make it a great deal easier to wade through it without overreacting. Quiet your negative self-talk. Many people are completely unaware of the numerous negative things they may say to themselves throughout the day. The fact is that, like criticism of others, negative self-talk never ever helped anyone perform better. Become your own detective. Carry a little notebook around with you and whenever you are aware of some negative thoughts running through your mind write them down. Then consciously and deliberately refute the negative thought with some positive observations. What if you were to stop those thoughts as if you were a policeman with a whistle and immediately bring on the flow of positive self-compliments? Pick any and all good characteristics about both your looks and about you as a person begin to acknowledge yourself for them emphatically. Here again, when you love and appreciate yourself for what's good, your "vibes" will be good ones and people will like being around you. In fact, they will begin to think and feel about you, the way you do. When you value yourself the world will too! These are just a few ways you can enhance the quality of your happiness experience and your life. Get creative and begin thinking of your own solutions! They will pay big dividends. "Go for the moon. If you don't get it, you'll still be heading for a star." -Franklin D. Roosevelt About The Author Dr. Christina Winsey-Rudd is a coach, speaker and writer. She developed her unique, new coaching technique: Neuro-Integrative Action & Energy Technique, through years of working with patients and clients as a holistic chiropractor, and medical massage therapist. Her passion is to help others to live joy, fulfillment and prosperity in all areas of their lives! Dr. Chris is accepting only select clients who are serious about living their dreams! http://www.dynamicgoldmindstrategies.com Email: info@dynamicgoldmindstrategies.com
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Great Relationship Problem Solving Technique This is one of my all time favourite problem solving techniques, and I use it on a regular basis with clients who find it hard to get along with other people. But really, the technique can be applied to any problem at all, not just the ones that are about relationships. If you're going around in circles with a relationship problem, it can really help to step back and break the problem down into groups. Here's how to do it: Choosing Happiness Did you know that it's up to you? Finding Purpose and Meaning in Life A friend once said to me, "There is no meaning in life, except what we create". At the time, I thought she was nuts. Now, I understand. Norman Rockwell ? The Man Who Created His Own Reality In preparation for a class I taught today, I spent some time this week studying the life and works of American artist Norman Rockwell. His idealistic paintings, portraying the innocence of a simpler time, were featured for decades in publications such as The Saturday Evening Post and Boy's Life. They were and still are beloved by millions. His critics in the art world, however, are many and outspoken. Create a Balanced Lifestyle and Begin Living a Happier, Healthier and Enriched Life Are you living a balanced life? Impractical Magic Witchcraft is a messy, expensive, time-consuming, and inefficient way to achieve your aims. I know, because I've tried it ... Principles of Human Misery / Happiness Sometimes we are so occupied with our daily routine in life that we forget that "we" are the most important element of our existence. We need to be nourished in order to grow. How To Be Outrageously Happy You can be as happy as you want whenever you want. Zen masters have proven this - all you have to do is just "be" with whatever you have right now. Yeah, I know. Sitting on the floor contemplating your blank space may not be what you're after. Highly successful people are outrageously happy because they have fulfilling ways to meet their values. What are values? Well I'm not talking about Dan Quayle and Murphy Brown, or Limp Bizkit's recent family values tour. Values are simply what is most important to you. Poetic Romance Romance is conveyed in so many different ways. Develop a Guiding Philosophy for Happiness Groundedness is one of the most important components of a satisfied life. Being grounded means having a guiding philosophy - a foundation of personalintegrity that outside influences cannot disturb. Happiness is Yours for the Taking Happiness. The pursuit of so many. In fact, we are known in America as those who live for "Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.' Authentic Happiness EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE - how to build positive emotions for extraordinary and happy life. Simplify - and Be Happy People's lives today are jam-packed with great projects, ideas, to-do lists, errands, things we should do, things we could do, duties and obligations. No surprise then, that many of us feelwe barely have time to do the things we have to do (or think we have to do), let alone spare time for fitting in anything extra. Today It Is ... Tomorrow It Will Be ... What is your life like today? What do you want it to be liketomorrow? Today it is a good life for my wife and I. We are enjoying retirement and spending the winters in Florida. Basically we are satisfied with the way our life is going for the moment. But tomorrow it will be even better. Flowers Truly Reach Your Soul Flowers are a simple, sincere and unobtrusive way to lift our spirits. They can bring a smile to a tired face or brighten up a room for someone who is under the weather. Happy Buttons What makes you happy? What are the simple pleasures that bring you great joy? Review the following list slowly, taking time to savor each one and remember the emotions it evokes. 10 Survival Strategies to Overcoming Adversity and Being Happy If one thing is for certain, each of us will experience some form of adversity while we are still breathing on this Earth. Unfortunately, some of us will experience more than our fair share of adversity, either in the workplace or in our personal lives. Happiness And Health Are The Two Most Important Things In Life The world is becoming obsessed with money and all things material. From the size of your house, the type of car and even where you travel on your holidays, some people are trying to go one better do their friends and family. Smile - A Look at False Happiness Smile... You'll make your brain wonder what your face is up to. Design Psychology: How Our Sensory Responses to Aromas Create Happy Homes Our sense of smell elicits strong emotional reactions and triggers powerful memories, whether we're consciously aware of it or not. ![]() |
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