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Define Me
We've all had a vision or a great idea and had someone who knows better squash it. We've all decided to clear our debts, but been tempted by the next great offer. We've all been determined to save up for a holiday or some other thing that will enhance our lives and then been clobbered by a bill that sets us back a month or few. We've all affirmed a diet in one moment and been offered chocolate in the next. We've all ran a mile from heartache and nightmare, as well as from our dreams or love affairs and we've all laughed when we should have cried, cried when we could have laughed and ran ourselves into a downward spiralling place. We've all judged ourselves too harshly: beaten ourselves up for what we're not, what we don't have and what we believe we can never be. But let's not do that. Let's resolve not to define ourselves by our weakest moments. Let's resolve not to make harsh judgments on ourselves for our failings. Should we really give ourselves a hard time ? slaughter ourselves for trying, but not achieving? The answer to this my friend is no. Some moments in life are all about just showing up, or taking part. Some moments are about just hanging on, gripping onto what you have and hoping the pain passes. Its moments like these that humble us ? make us realise that maybe something else in our life had greater importance than our work, or the gadgets we crave or the TV soap operas that hook us. But pause a moment, right here, right now and just mull over your last action today ? not the result: the winning or the losing - but the action itself, of taking part or not ? and if you did define yourself by your last action, what have you just been? Who have you just been? And if you did define yourself by all of the actions you took today ? not the results: the winning or losing ? but the action itself, of taking part or not - what have you become this day? I tell you this though? It's not all about right now, or even today. It's not even about looking at what you have done and understanding it better. But a life full of purpose is a life full of making better choices ? choices from your highest place: your highest standards, your highest beliefs and your highest dreams. Have you and I really come to this day in our life as all we can be? Have we come to this point in our lives - through all our toils, troubles and experiences ? to be without a vision and be financially broke? Have we come to this day to be fat or sick or too feeble minded to stand up for our beliefs, our dreams and our hopes? Have we come to this day to not show the people around us we love them? Here my friend is what defines us: In every thought we make a statement. In that statement we define our current belief. In every belief about our current situation we build our history and ultimately that history comes to this point? To do or to die. Take a look at nature. It is either growing or dying: every tree, every blade of grass, every insect, every animal and every human being is the same ? growing or dying. If you find yourself habitually saying: I don't have the confidence instead of saying, I'll try, I can't afford that, instead of saying, I'll find a way, I don't have the time, instead of turning off the telly, or Diets don't work instead of finding one that does Where are you heading? Life without purpose is just misery and muddle. Promise yourself to make your life purposeful! Don't just live it. Mean it! What will you do improve in your life? Novelist and personal development writer, Neil Millar wants you to join his free newsletter at Unstoppable Life and get his free e-book Greater Steps to Happiness. Join for free at http://www.unstoppablelife.com
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Love is All You Need Boiled down to all of our essence, all we really want is to be loved...by our spouses, by our family, by the people we work with, by everyone. The key to being loved by all of these people is actually quite simple: love yourself first! Keeping You Confident! We can all be confident when we are sure of ourselves and knowledgeable about the situation in which we find ourselves. But what happens when we are not so sure and when we are forced to step outside our comfort zone? What happens to our thinking? What Is Happiness? What is it that everyone is seeking? Happiness with no sorrow. A continuous happiness with no taint whatsoever of sorrow.~Lester Levenson Living a Balanced Life - The Real Juggling Act I just read an installment from another self-improvement course that states that celebrities are unhappy because they don't have gratitude for what they have. I disagree. Our Feelings and Attitudes Around Happily Ever After Our feelings and attitudes have a huge impact on our ability to achieve 'happily ever after.' Are feelings and attitudes the same thing or different? Does one cause the other to happen? Which one has more power over how we respond? Does the person experiencing them have any choice in the matter? What if they are in conflict? Clearing a Path for Happiness In the United States, the pursuit of happiness is a god-given right and Americans have a document to prove it. But I wonder why the Founding Fathers deliberately phrased it, 'the pursuit of happiness', as if to say --- happiness in itself cannot be granted because it was, and still remains, tied to materialism. In the "pursuit" of happiness, it is each person's own definition: riches, health, religion, etc. Joy Is Sexy Joy is sexy because in embracing our joy, we embrace our positive energy and power. Joy is always there, waiting to be reclaimed. It is the bridge between living life by default and embracing life by positive design. Get sexy this week and remember that no one can tell us what to think or feel. Events and other people cannot steal our access to personal joy unless we decide to give up our personal power. King Solomons Mind "Don't you understand, everything in this life is meaningless," cautioned the old man. Could Your Thoughts Sabotage Your Happiness? Take This Quiz And Find Out Women are conditioned to be people pleasers. Women are taught to be "nice" even if that's means comprising their happiness, and often times that is exactly what happens. We have a tendency to do, and say things just so the other person's feelings don't get hurt. How many times have you wanted to say something, but thought, you can't say that, they might think you're too harsh, or unpleasant. Times have changed, and now women are accepting their authenticity with grace and happiness. How did they do it? They changed their internal thoughts to reprogram their conditioning. Are you still playing "old tapes" that are in your head? Laughter The most wasted of all days is one without laughter." e.e.cummings OBSCURED (Angel) Being raised in a household without a mother or a father can be traumatic for a young girl. If no one cares enough about you to come into your life to "finish" or offer guidance where your parent(s) left off, you are a lost soul. Emotional Baggage We all have them. It has many faces.We carry them around us, We store them in the remotest part of our brain, in the deepest chambers of our hearts.We have them in our extensive databaseof memories. Some are so close to the heart, it brings out tears at the slightest provocation. Others mayfeel anger, very deep resentments and may exhibitanti-social or antagonistic behaviours . Growing Up Backwards It seems like I set out in this life to do things my own way and in my own time - no matter what was wise or prudent or tried, tested and true. And, regardless of the advice I give my own daughters, I continue to 'grow up backwards.' Forgive to Succeed - Im Talking to the You Behind Your Eyes If your blood is still pumping through your veins, you very likely have some forgiving to do. When you truly forgive, you serve yourself much more than you serve the person you are forgiving. What I mean here is this. Forgiveness is great for the other person, but it's absolutely critical for us. We don't really move on with our lives until we fully and completely forgive. Unfortunately for some, they live their entire lives in a state of anger and resentment. What an awful tragedy it is to let someone hurt and limit you for an entire lifetime. Our time could be better spent on creating and enjoying a life of happiness. Maybe Money CAN Buy Happiness Can money buy happiness? It's easy to say no, and probably correct, but that's just a way to stop thinking about the tougher issues. What is your relationship to money, for example, and how do you use this most powerful of worldly tools? Happy Talk and 3 Simple Secrets to Happiness What is the one thing you want more than anything else for the people you love the most? If you had a magic wand what would you grant your family and friends? What is it that everyone wants? Happiness Increases Longevity...Where Do We Find This Gift of Life? According to U.S. research, you can add seven and a half years to your life just by being happy! Reframing with NLP For Enhanced Happiness I used to work for the Independent National Newspaper in Canary Wharf, London. I can remember in the build up to Christmas, my department was having a large & expensive new computer system installed because the newspaper was being relaunched, it was when Andrew Marr and Rosie Boycott were becoming joint editors, I digress?. The system was being put in just before Christmas, but it was a massive task, with numerous issues & overruns. As Christmas approached, there were still a number of teething problems, which led to stretched relations between the system supplier & the newspaper staff. Keys to Happiness "Happiness is the whole aim and end of human existence" - Aristotle, The Nicomachean Ethics You Can?t See Your Own Eyes My friend called me this morning from her favorite coffee shop. She was taking a break from work. I sensed frustration in her voice. Something clearly was on her mind. After a few minutes of small talk I invited her to tell me what was going on. ![]() |
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