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One Focus To Success
Too many times we are distracted from our main goal and purpose by all of the different things out there that we want, or think we want. Instead of making choices, we seem to want it all, everything we come across. Too many conflicting desires is a recipe for disaster. With every goal which does not align with our main definite goal or purpose, our percentage chance to achieve it goes down. With dilution, our focus and concentration lose strength, and we lose momentum with each direction change. Another potential downside to having too many goals and not attaining them, is the potential negative hit to our self image. This could be disempowering in the long term if not put into it's proper perspective. So what do we do? Hold our desires in check? Forget about all those other things we want? No way! Never isolate yourself from your desires. Bond with them, make them important, and "do or die" - "what ever it takes". You can happily move towards their achievement. Timing and Strategy may change but the goal is in the bank. First thing to do right now is DECIDE that wanting more is OK. This is a very human thing and it drives progress. Napoleon Hill stated that 'The Master Key To Riches' was the development of a burning desire for the achievement of a major definite purpose. (loosely quoted, but this is true)' Riches' do not just include money or things, but everything that enriches our lives, and this is different for everyone. Now to take 'Nappy' literally, one would have to have a single focus that they would develop into a Magnificent Obsession, again nothing negative about this. If you want several different things all at once, and if you do not have a plan for their attainment, then, it is likely that it will split your focus in too many directions, and you will achieve none of them. However . . . if you connect them up by going after a single massive undertaking which when achieved gets you all of the above, then your focus would be laser sharp and your concentration would be unbroken. And you would have all of the objects of your desire! Now, if you do not have a Single Massive All Encompassing Focus, then, a substitute plan would be to list all that you want on paper. Then, start arranging them in order of importance to you. Most important on top, least important on bottom. Decide what is most important to you. If that is difficult, then start eliminating those goals you can do without. (eliminate them just like those reality shows do) You will be left by default with the most important goal to go after. As for the others, Go after them one at a time. Either way you will come out with a single focus so that you can plan a strategy to attain it. And your power will be centered and your momentum will build towards achieving what you want. Take it for what it's worth . . . Al Smith, Copyright 2004 ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Al Smith writes for and publishes The Realgoalgetter Blog, The Realgoalgetter Ezine and The Realgoalgetter Website. His articles deal with goal setting, self improvement, and motivation. Subscribe FREE to The Realgoalgetter Ezine at: http://www.realgoalgetter.com/ezines/
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Turn The Escape Key Now "I think I know how bank robbers feel as they wait for tellers to stuff their bounty into a satchel. . . . I damn near giggled as she handed me that bag, validated my parking stub, smiled, and raised her eyes to the next customer, just like that. Clutching my toy to my chest, I shoved through the crowd and hustled towards the exit. Organizing Your Goals We all have goals and dreams that we want to accomplish-some big, some small. But until we can organize a plan on how to pursue these goals and dreams, we may never reach our final destination or possibly even start. Goals can help us to feel more confident and fulfilled. They can give us direction and help us to make decisions. Goal setting can help us to feel more organized. Challenge the Universe: Demand Your Desires! There have been so many times in my life where I have run into a series of obstacles that never seemed to stop. I could handle each and every one, but after a while, I would grow weary and want it all to come to an end so I could return to a reasonable life. The Focus Wheel The Focus Wheel was first described by Abraham-Hicks as a tool to help us clarify and fix our focus on what we truly desire. If you have been practicing "deliberate attraction" for a while, then you know from experience that: The Best Way to Quit Smoking: Fasting to Quit Most quit smoking books, maybe all of them won't tell you what I'm about to tell you next. Fasting is one of the best methods to quit smoking, if not the best. It will give you what you need to quit smoking. A lot of us feel we can't quit smoking but we can. We fast so God will give us what we need to finally quit for good. Self Improvement and the Importance of Flexibility People who want to achieve success in their lives and are committed to self improvement know the value of setting goals and making workable plans for their realisation. These are essential steps to success. If you need any guidance with goal setting techniques or planning, there are many invaluable tools available from Self Improvement Experts that can really help. Goals - If You Don?t Know What You Want, Then How Are You Going to Get It? Recently, I spoke with a client who wanted me to do a workshop at an upcoming conference. I offer a number of different talks, so I asked her what the focus of the meeting was in order to be able to suggest a relevant topic. She said that although the committee members had already picked several programs, they had not yet identified a focus for the conference. My first thought in response to this was, "If you don't know what you want, then how are you going to get it?" However, I am savvy enough not to insult people, so we spoke a little longer and we came up with a program that she wanted me to present. Got Purpose? Is your life on purpose? Does just the question stop you in your tracks? Have you been so caught up in the pace of our world that you've not even thought lately about whether or not your life is going in the right direction? The Illusion of a Final Goal "..... there is no final goal. There is always further to go. It is a voyage of unending discovery, and as in all such voyages, what is gathered by the wayside is often as valuable as what is found at the destination."G.I. Gurdjieff Creating the Best Year of Your Life At the end of each year, and on their birthdays, many people take time to reflect and look ahead. If you're one of these people, or if you would like to start getting the benefits from a little self reflection, then I have some great questions for you. Left Your Job ?On A Matter of Principle?! Now what? Let's get started with the emotional part! Setting Goals for Success "In any and every given moment of your life, you are either in command of yourself? or you are being commanded." Achieve Your Goals: Embodying Your Intentions to Inspire Manifestation Bringing life to your ideas is what helps them to manifest in the material world. Embodying your intentions, feeling it all the way through your physical body, creates an affirmation of that intention. It tells the Universe that you are determined and fully involved in your idea. 21 Life Changing Questions You Cant Afford to Not Ask! Imagine finally taking off seven coats you've been wearing on top of each other for years and years. You've forgotten that some people consciously choose to live without seven layers of coats on even though most people are living that way. Top 10 Ways to Ensure New Years Resolution Success Did you know that fewer than 10% of people who set New Year's Resolutions actually achieve them? How can you ensure YOUR success? Try using the Top 10 Tips below. Do Not Let Anyone Dissuade You From Reaching Your Goals! Years back when I was formulating my plans for life, I heard the statement, "Reach for nothing and you will be certain to get it." Admittedly, my goals during my youth were rather vague and uncertain. However, several years of experimenting with different goals has helped me to refine them into something workable and realistic. Now, nothing can dissuade me in my quests, even the comments of the naysayers. Here are four tips that are helping me to reach my goals: One Life to Live Nothing stops us. Well, almost nothing. Although we do live in a world that whirls at breakneck speed, there are a few things that will stop us in our tracks. When tragedy strikes, our attentions are diverted from our normal hustle and bustle to the turmoil at hand. The perfect example of this is, of course, the world's reaction to the September 11 terrorist attacks on the United States and the events following it. Seven Deadly Enemies That Stop You From Reaching Your Goals Everybody on this planet has enemies, rivals and foes. Call them any way you like, but nevertheless they exist, chasing you at every step you make. Nobody knows where they come from, but the fact of their existence was detected on the planet and still nobody knows completely the effective remedy from them. They spoil our lives; put the spokes in our wheel, making tricky endeavors to distract us. The biggest nuisance they cause is that they prevent us from reaching success in life. The only way out of this situation is to disclose them and to wipe them out once and for all. What is The Right Action That Leads To Your Ultimate Goals? What is the right thing I need to do to bring forth my desires? Climb and Summit Mt. Goals Are you trying to reach a goal that feels like a large mountain to climb? ![]() |
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