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Goals: What Would You Like to Accomplish in the Next 90 Days?
"What would you like to accomplish in the next 90 days?" That's the question I often ask of my coaching clients or seminar members as we begin to set goals. Once you have answered that question, here are 10 steps to get there. 1. Ninety days Choose something that you would like to accomplish or change within the next 90 days. Ninety days is a much more manageable length of time than a year and allows us to enjoy reaching our goals more often. 2. What to subtract What is currently in your life that you would be willing to commit to not being there 90 days from now? 3. What to add What is currently not in your life that you would be willing to commit to having in your life 90 days from now? 4. Choose one Whether it is something to remove from or add to your life, pick just one thing to accomplish in the next 90 days. While it's great to have as many goals as you might want, it's best to choose just one thing to focus on. 5. Write it down It does not matter how strong your memory might be, it's still not as strong as the weakest ink. There is power in writing things down because it reminds you of where you want to go. So when life gets busy and stressful (as in most of the time), you are much less likely to get distracted long enough to lose your focus. 6. Find a model Find people who have done what you want to do and follow the trail they have left. Success always leaves a trail that if we learn how to follow can save us frustration and time. 7. Create a map If you wanted to travel across unfamiliar territory you would consult a map. Here are the two most powerful steps to creating your own map. Ask yourself "What are all the necessary actions I need to take to get to where I want to go?" and write down the actions you decide on and follow them. Doing this allows you to: 8. Be consistent It's rarely one big effort that helps us achieve our goals. More often, it's small consistent actions taken each and every day. 9. Schedule a future action Whatever your goal may be, right now, today, schedule a future action that anticipates the completion of your goal. If you want to get rid of a certain amount of weight, schedule a shopping trip to buy the clothing that will fit on that day. If your goal is to save or invest a certain amount of money, fill out the deposit slip now and schedule time on that future date to make the deposit. 10. Maintain and celebrate Once you accomplish a goal, it's all too easy to cross the finish line and stop doing all the things that got you where you wanted to go. We need to keep doing what has worked, and perhaps do even more of it. While you are doing this, celebrate. One of the best things about achieving goals is celebrating how far you have come. It's fun, and it builds momentum for the next 90 days. For more tips an tools on goal setting and goal getting visitTools for Successful Living
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Resolution: Stop Dieting for the Health of it! "Now is the accepted time to make your regular annual good resolutions. Next week you can begin paving hell with them as usual. Yesterday, everybody smoked his last cigar, took his last drink, and swore his last oath. Goal Setting for Creative Professionals You know that old saying -- if you don't know where you're going, any path will get you there. That's what happens if you don't take the time to figure out what your goals are and WRITE them down. There's power in writing things down (and if you're a writer, you already know this). Perseverance and Success: Essential to Reaching Your Goals "Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all." ? Dale Carnegie Driving To Your Goals Every time you get in your car to go anywhere, you are working on achieving a goal. There is somewhere you want to be, so you take action to get there. The three major things that get you where you want to go when driving are a specific destination, directions for getting there, and a way to track your progress. You must also have these three things to achieve any goal. Goalsetting - How to Easily Set and Get Your Goals Which of the following changes to your life do you want to make to your life this year? Treasure Map Your Next Success Treasure Map Your Success for 2005 Applying Action To Your Inner Desires! "I know what I need to do, but I'm scared that I won't succeed." Who among us hasn't been stuck in this scenario before? We know what to do, but we don't put knowledge into action. The end result is the frustration of staying stuck in the current reality even though change is desired. Creating Your Vision for Your Business, Career, and Life Many people go through their daily lives feeling overwhelmed. There are so many things to do and there never seems to be enough time or energy to do them all. Is this how you feel about your business, career, or life? Planning for Success The purpose of having an analytical brain is to use it to think and make a plan before we act. Planning Ahead Of Everyone Else To Win What does it take to plan like a champion? When Expectations Are Not Clear! Introduction Priorities Last month's edition of Footprints and Monuments was about living your life going Mach3 with your hair on fire. Learning from the past, but passionately waiting for tomorrow to get here. The featured person, Richie, recently came to a goal setting seminar that I was leading. Last month you learned that Richie was setting twenty-year goals even though six weeks prior he had been diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor. It saddens me to have to write that Richie died just a few days ago. Check Your Frequency From time to time we need to stop during our day to keep our frequency in check. Our frequencies are the ranges of feelings and emotions that we have. Like radio waves, our feelings and emotions vibrate at different frequencies. This is a major part of how we create our reality. And why we need to always be mindful of the frequencies we're emitting. The Influence of People Who Surround You It is known that the human body sends out vibrations: some are positive, while others are negative. We have orbits formed by people who surround us and with whom we associate closely throughout our entire lives. In my book "The Art & Craft of Success: 10 Steps" by Ostaro, I expand fully on the impact people have upon us. Stop Procrastinating - Start Achieving Your Goals It has been said that 60-80% of New Year's resolutions will be broken within the first two weeks. In other words, a lot of people have a hard time making the changes in their life they want to make. So you are not alone. Personally, I am not a huge advocate of New Year's resolutions because I believe in setting and achieving personal goals all year around. That being said, I wanted to share with you the top ten ways to increase the likelihood for success with achieving your goals. Be Discontented With The Status Quo It is natural to be satisfied with the way things are; but the moment we settle for how things are, we give up the opportunity to experience how things could be. Life is evolutionary, but only if we allow it to be. If we choose to, we can get stuck in the comfort of the status quo and miss the real opportunities that require us to step into a bigger life. How To Become A Polished Public Speaker In Just One (1) Day The fear of speaking in public ranks right up there with the fear of death. I had the same fear myself until I was chosen to be an electronics trainer for the Air Force. It was only then I realized just how afraid and lousy at speaking I really was. I went to my first day of the 8 week training course excited and looking forward to learning a skill that many have never mastered. I soon found out I was really terrible and needed a lot of practice. Challenge the Universe: Demand Your Desires! There have been so many times in my life where I have run into a series of obstacles that never seemed to stop. I could handle each and every one, but after a while, I would grow weary and want it all to come to an end so I could return to a reasonable life. Fear the Future? Dont. In one sense there are three parts of our lives. Past, present and future. How each of these is viewed has huge consequences. Set SMART Goals to Achieve More Are you having trouble achieving your goals, or getting through a period of no success? Then take the time to learn how to set SMART goals. Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Tangible. ![]() |
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