Trout Species ? Rainbow Trout and Brown Trout

Rainbow Trout: Few freshwater fish can match the fighting spiritand beauty of a Rainbow Trout.

The Rainbow Trout is a well-traveled species of fish. Originally,the Rainbow Trout was found in the coastal rivers in the UnitedStates on the west coast but today, Rainbow Trout are foundthroughout the United States, as well as in the cold-waterstreams of South America, Europe, New Zealand and even Australia.

The reason for the wide range of Rainbow Trout in the U.S. isthat Rainbow Trout are relatively easy to transplant. Virtuallyall areas that Rainbow Trout now inhabit are due to environmentaltransplants ? both intentionally or unintentionally.

Regardless, Rainbow Trout are the most popular types of troutfound in the world today, and are also the most sought aftertrout by fly fishermen.

The Rainbow Trout is equally famous for it's acrobatic aerialdisplays and very long runs to avoid being caught.

Rainbow Trout are also well-known for being highly selective inwhat they eat. While at other times, they seemingly gorgethemselves on just about everything in sight.

Rainbow Trout are easily distinguished by the red stripe thattravels the length of the fish, from the gill plates to the tail.Rainbow Trout also have hundreds of black spots that cover thedorsal of the body (the dorsal part of the body of a trout refersto the "back side" of the fish).

Brown Trout : Brown Trout are the "smartest" of the trout family,frequently frustrating beginners and professionals alike.

The Brown Trout, which is similar to the Rainbow Trout, is alsofound extensively throughout the world. The Brown Trout wasoriginally a European and Asian fish, but has made its way toNorth America, New Zealand and South America. In the UnitedStates, Brown Trout are found extensively in the Rocky Mountainsand also in Midwestern and Eastern U.S. trout streams.

The Brown Trout is famous for its intelligence and cunningability to avoid being caught. Simple fly fishing tactics thatwork for other types of trout often times fail miserably when flyfishing for Brown Trout and often lead anglers to frustration ?especially beginning anglers. Yet this same intelligence makescatching Brown Trout all the more challenging and rewarding,especially since Brown Trout are generally a little bit largerthan their Rainbow Trout cousins. This is due primarily to theirability to live in warmer water (which usually has highernutrients than colder water).

Brown Trout are sometimes hatchery raised, although not nearly onthe same scale as the Rainbow Trout. The difficulties in raisingBrown Trout in hatcheries, combined with the desire of anglers tofly fish for the easier to catch Rainbow Trout, have limited thenumbers of Brown Trout raised in hatcheries.

Brown Trout are notorious for ruining many fly fishing trips foranglers. The high degree of intelligence displayed by Brown Troutmakes them very difficult to even hook. Once hooked, the realintelligence of the Brown Trout really becomes evident. Insteadof putting on acrobatic displays like the Rainbow Trout, BrownTrout almost always head for every obstacle in the river ? inhopes of entangling and snapping the line. Failing that, it willmake monstrous runs, and even take to the air like the RainbowTrout as a last resort. In short, a Brown Trout will trulyexhaust itself trying to break free from your fishing line, usingevery trick they know to escape. All to often, the trout ends upgetting away since light tippets and tackle are often usuallyused when fly fishing for Brown Trout - leading to many 'the bigone that got away' stories at dinnertime.

The Brown Trout is recognized by its butter colored sides and hasblack and red spots following the lateral line of its body. Tomany people, the Brown Trout is rather ugly, especially whenstacked up against a more colorful rainbow or Brook Trout.However, the minute you hook a 20-inch Brown Trout ? you'll thinkit 's the most beautiful fish in the world.

If you're an avid Rainbow Trout angler, be warned that the BrownTrout could very well be the primary trout species of the future,so it's best to brush up on your tactics for this wily fish.Brown Trout are remarkably resilient and have a strong instinctto survive. Their ability to live in warmer waters than othertrout, along with their resistance to Whirling Disease, allowsBrown Trout to thrive in areas where Rainbow Trout often struggleto survive. In the years to come, especially if droughtconditions continue in the Rocky Mountains and the climatecontinues to warm, it is quite possible that Brown Trout willbecome the primary trout species in most of the United States.

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