Super Charge Your Metabolism

1. Cardio in Combination with Strength Training- If you need to combine your cardio with Strength training then do your Cardio AFTER your Resistance Training workout. You need that extra energy for the Hi Intensity Strength training and you also want to pump blood into your muscles after you have just broken them down from a heavy resistance training program... So Pump it up first then do your Cardio.

2. Exercise in the Morning - A Recent Study showed that after one year, 75% ofthe morning exercisers stayed with their fitness and health program. Comparedto only 25% of those that worked out in the evening. Exercising early gets youmoving and energized as well not allowing yourself to find 1,000 excuses at theend of the day on why you can't work out.. I am TOO Tired... I am TOO Busy... Iam TOO far from the gym... You know!!!!

3. Exercise @ Home - A Recent study by the University of Florida in Gainsvillefound that those that worked out at home lost more weight than those thattrained at a gym. Reason - You are less likely to skip workouts when you donot have to travel to a place to workout..... NO EXCUSES when the gym is @home.

4. Exercise Outdoors - Anything you do outside brings the elements into play.Wind, hills, and other variables... Plus changing scenary helps keep theboredom out of the workout... No FUN staring at the wall.... If you do traininside, I recommend changing machines often as well as your program settings tokeep things FRESH...

5. Treadmill vs. Stationary Bike - Stick with the Treadmill.. Weight Bearingmachines always expend more energy than if you were sitting down.. So standtall and burn more calories.....

6. Interval vs. Long Steady Cardio - Periodic bursts of Hi Intensity trainingfollowed by moderate recovery is the Answer!!!! You will burn 1 1/2 times thecalories during the same duration if you had done long and steady cardio. Inaddition, you will even burn 75-125 additional calories after the workout. Alsokeep in mind that long and steady helps enhance your metabolism.. Myrecommendation is to do Intervals 75% of the time and mix it up with another25% of Long and Steady to help mix it up and reduce your chance of injury byover training.

7. One Set or Three? - One set does NOT Get it done... I always recommend whenfirst starting out to do One set, but after an adjustment period of learningproper form and technique, you need to rev it up by doing at least 2-3 sets ofeach exercise. A Study published by the Journal of Strength and ConditioningResearch found that experienced exercisers who did multiple sets gainedsignificantly more strength than those that just did one set. Three is betterthan one.

8. Pre-Stretch or Post Workout? - The Journal of Strength and ConditioningResearch states that Stretching may temporarily shut down nerve signals, whichslows reaction time and reduces strength. Other studies have shown thatstretching pre workout does not reduce injury risk. The best time to stretch isduring your weight training workout. Begin all routines with a 5 minute warm upto warm your muscles and get them flexible. It will increase blood flow and makeyour muscles more responsive. So we recommend stretching in between sets orafter your workouts.

9. Free weight or Machines? - Free weights are the way to go. They will makeyou stronger, because they place more demand on your muscles, since you have tostabilize and balance your body. If you are a novice it might be good withoutthe help of a trainer, to start out using machines, but the way to go for thebest long term results for both strength and body toning, is to use dumbbells,barbells, and perform those exercises using a stability ball, standing or lastbut not least on a bench.

10. Coffee or Carbs? - Carbs are the best.. You body is just like your car, inthat it needs good quality fuel to run well. When you are training, you arerevving your engine and your body needs fuel to keep it going. Caffeine doestrigger your muscles to use fat as energy, but Caffeine has soo many sideeffects like headaches, rapid heartbeat and shakiness. As well as some peoplehave problems with Acid reflux disease that does not bode well with caffeine inyour system. Eat good quality carbs before your workout for energy and makesure you refuel after you train as well.

If you focus on these 10 Fitness Tips you are well on your way to Getting moreFit and succeeding in your Fitness and Health Goals.

Til next Time... Rob Your Personal Trainer and Fitness Coach

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