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Laws and Ethics?. Who?s Kidding Who?
Years ago I read an article by a renowned psychologist wherein he wrote his studies found one percent of all human beings would never lie, cheat or steal. One percent would always lie, cheat or steal and given the right set of circumstances, the rest of us would likely lie, cheat and/or steal. I mention this to highlight the fact that, if we can buyoff on this one principle ? sobering though it may be ? we have then, a benchmark from which to begin to at least try to understand the denigration of ethics that lead to outcomes like Enron and WorldCom. Most believe morality walks hand-in-hand with unquestioned ethics. A quick look-up in a dictionary for Morality reveals words like, ethical, good, right, honest, decent, proper, honorable, just, principled and so on. All good words, no doubt. Words too that describe what most of us ? including Enron Exec's - see in ourselves, Morally Upstanding. Nevertheless, there is no shortage of those who climb high upon their perch in an attempt to [dare I say] distance themselves from the great unwashed by proclaiming their undaunted commitment to honesty and ethics all the while engaging in activities to the contrary. Foyer walls of most companies utterly ooze words of benevolence and righteousness ? there only for others to see, but in practice, never to be followed. To be fair, the great unwashed are not sacrosanct from unethical behaviors or from a reluctance to take ownership for actions deemed untoward. Even if it's something as simple as misusing the Internet or pinching office supplies from the company stockroom. The fact is, the Enrons and Worldcoms have not cornered the market on unethical behavior. Like it or not, moral degradation is systemic in today's society. In an attempt to enlighten us on the realities of true ethical behavior, USA Supreme Court Justice Potter said, [Ethics] "?is knowing the difference between what you have a legal right to do, and, what is the right thing to do". Omniscient words to say the least! Words that in theory make a whole lot of sense. In practice, however, one may point out to his Honor, when he is seated on the Supreme Court bench and asked to adjudicate anything, his moral and ethical position, is and will always be, compromised by one factor ? in the end, what is LEGAL? what is the LAW? Climb any pedestal he wants, in practice, his dedication to ethics is only words, like so many words used to make up so many smarmy Corporate Mission Statements that run juxtaposed to routine. The Judge in this case, should not be criticized for knowing the fundamentals of true morality / ethics or for advocating the benefits therein. Neither should he be allowed to stand apart from anyone when clearly, in reality, he too is handcuffed by the very principle that challenges the rest of us - the thing that governs the outcome of most every ethical business decision ? IS IT LEGAL? The decision to lay-off 1-100-1,000 or more employees; we can do it ? but is it legal? The decision to withhold commissions, payables or taxes in order to weather corporate economically challenging times ? Q: What are the legal ramifications? The ethical dilemma regarding whether to cut back on contracted services to improve the bottom line and appease the shareholders ? Ethics be damned ? Q: What's our legal position? It's not a pretty world and it serves no purpose in kidding ourselves by attempting to extirpate our own involvement by blaming the Business-Barons from the likes of WorldCom. Let's agree, when faced with most ethical dilemmas, we all hide [if we can] behind the skirt of the lady who holds the scales of justice. ???????????????? The question still remains, however, how do the Enrons and WorldComs get so out-of-hand? The answer is not all that mysterious, especially if you buy-off on what was written earlier - ... given the right set of circumstances, nearly all of us [from time-to-time] will take the wrong path. It's shortsighted to believe high-level executives get out of bed each morning thinking about how they can swindle the world, take unfair advantage or act unethically. Just the opposite! That's not to say, however, just like in Supreme Court Justice Potter's case, there are circumstances beyond their control that may unequivocally govern decisions, which may challenge their innate moral commitment to ethics. For example; who among us cannot think of a boss we once had [have] who said to us something like, "I don't want to hear how you're NOT going to achieve what I asked and the company EXPECTS?. I only want to see RESULTS!" In many cases like this and in practice, the decision we are left to make is, is our ethical position more important than keeping our job and putting food on the table for our family? It's a tough world out there for those without a good job. So suck it up soldier! You're only doing what you've been ordered to do! It's not your decision! Somebody else will have to take responsibility for your unethical actions if the doo-doo hits the fan. ?. And we all then fall a little deeper onto the sword of ethics? ???????????????? Everyone's for corporate and personal liability to include financial recompense and/or jail terms especially for those at the top entrusted by us to always do what is right. We must be careful tough. To level our sights only on CEOs or CFOs is to miss the real perpetrators by aiming too low. Like us, CEOs have bosses too. They report the Board of Directors. Granted, Boards have shareholders to whom they are ultimately accountable, but in practice, the buck stops at the Board level where ethical decisions ? bad or good ? are made. In the book, Built to Last: Successful Habits of Visionary Companies, Jim Collins and Jerry Porras speak to this issue by highlighting the [Board's], "explicit emphasis on Fair return rather than Maximum return". Again, I must point out, fine words we can all embrace because they altruistically revolve around the Golden Rule of fairness. In general, however, they are not always practiced. Sadly, we live more today, an aberration of author *Ayn Rand's existential position - there is no room for altruism in business. Understand a CEO's ethical dilemma when challenged with a take-it-or-leave-it Maximum return challenge. In the end, an executive's lifespan is predicated on one thing: 'carrying out' or being 'carried out'. ???????????????? My observation should in no way be construed as an endorsement for the illegalities engaged in by Enron / WorldCom or others still to be discovered. The point is, what they are accused of didn't just happen overnight. Given the right set of circumstances, the right amount of time, the right global competitive business climate, the right protection under the law, these large companies evolved ? learned to become what they are today. Does that make them any less culpable? No! But it should serve more as a lighthouse warning that, a) This problem is more far-reaching - insidious - than we might once imagined, and, b) It Must be corrected ? Quickly! ???????????????? On a positive note, there are and have been many reputable studies done on the positive impact of ethics in the workplace for example **Harvard Business School Professors John Kotter and James Heskett who studied the performance of 207 large firms over an 11-year period. In their findings they wrote: Corporate culture can have a significant impact on a firm's long-term economic performance. They found the firms with cultures that emphasized all the key managerial constituencies (customers, stockholders, and employees) and leadership from managers from all levels outperformed, by a large margin, firms that did not. Over an 11-year period, the former increased revenues by an average of 682% versus 166% for the latter, expanded their work forces by 282% versus 36%, grew their stock prices by 901% versus 74% and improved their net incomes by 756% versus 1%. The net-net of this demonstrates companies that paid attention equally to customers; stockholders and employees outperformed those that didn't and over an 11-year period garnered a net growth income factor of 756%. Ethics Pays! ???????????????? On the other hand, all the positive studies in the world will do little to stop the dismantling of morals and ethics as long as those who engage in unethical behavior are allowed to continue. It's time Governments and law-enforcement agencies bring more pressure to bear on those who sit back comfortably at a distance [Corporate Boards] creating policies that stretch the boundaries of law and fan the flames of ethical undoing. Stronger laws and penalties with teeth ? financial and criminal ? are needed to bring needed consequences to already financially comfortable Board Directors who, I think we'll find out quite quickly, will be more willing to re-embrace the "Do Unto Others" principle that keep business strong and elevates the collective! * Ayn Rand: Author Atlas Shrugged ** Jeffery L Seglin: Author The Good the Bad and Your Business About The Author Paul Shearstone aka The 'Pragmatic Persuasionist' is one of North America's foremost experts on Sales and Persuasion. An International Keynote Speaker, Author, Writer, Motivation, Corporate Ethics, / Time & Stress Management Specialist, Paul enlightens and challenges audiences as he informs, motivates and entertains. To comment on this article or to book the Pragmatic Persuasionist for your next successful event we invite to contact Paul Shearstone directly @ 416-728-5556 or 1-866-855-4590. www.success150.com or paul@success150.com.
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The Armaments Industry and Holy (?) Roman Emperors "The time for fixing every essential right on a legal basis is while our rulers are honest and ourselves united. From the conclusion of this war we shall be going down hill. It will not then be necessary to resort every movement to the people for support. They will be forgotten, therefore, and their rights disregarded. They will forget themselves, but in the sole faculty of making money... The shackles, therefore, which shall not be knocked off at the conclusion of this war, will remain on us long, will be made heavier and heavier." - Thomas Jefferson Business Ethics: An Oxymoron An oxymoron: the juxtaposition of contradictory words or concepts. That is what we have with the term "Business Ethics". The very contradiction that is inherent in this latter phrase is an indication of the challenge that individuals who work for organizations face as we all approach the resource limits of this planet. Financial Projections in Business Plans One of the most difficult sections to write in a business plan is the proforma and financial sections. After all it is most difficult to what exact costs you will incur or what level of sales volumes are actually achievable. So often businesses are faced with excess government controls at all levels which take thousands of dollars in fees, additionally legal fees, delays and lawsuits often ensue and slow the project. You cannot know in advance what roadblocks or brick walls city planners, country agencies or Federal Regulators will come up with, as they often change their minds and add new laws in the middle of your already delayed project. These are only a few of the problems facing entrepreneurs when writing financial projections. Other issues occur from an over enthusiastic entrepreneurial positive attitude and business plan writers should double the money needed and triple the time to complete the project to be on a reality based plain. Thus if you beat your projections everyone is happy. Including bankers, investors and yourself. If folks are not happy you may find yourself in court defending yourself and making excuses, many of which many not be your fault, but in the end you are hung out to dry as the buck stops with you. Brain Development and Due Process DUE PROCESS Mind Your Own Damn Business Sexcess You have certainly heard the expression "mind your own damn business" used in a multitude of contexts. The most typical being the don't kiss and tell type statements, often uttered by responsibly private individuals about their love life. Is Your Management Style Lead By Intimidation? So many women make the mistake of thinking that they have to be these big mean diva bosses, to get respect and cooperation from their staff and colleagues. They walk around the office huffing and puffing, never showing satisfaction at the work their staff does. They rarely praise their subordinates or colleagues work and they try to make them work all hours of the night. These women mottos are "If I can stay here all night, so can you!" One boss I had in particular, her motto was "I don't get high-blood pressure, I give it.! She was proud of this and she caused some of her staff to be stressed out with high-blood pressure. She was later fired! Tales from the Corporate Frontlines: Diversity And Success, In The Workplace This article relates to the Diversity in the Workplace Competency, commonly evaluated in employee satisfaction surveys. This competency explores whether your organization provides understanding and supports interaction among diverse population groups while respecting individuals' personal values and ideas. Research shows that by fostering a climate where equity and mutual respect are intrinsic, an organization can create a success-oriented, cooperative and caring work environment that draws intellectual strength and produces innovative solutions from the synergy of its people. What is a Ponzi Scheme? This is for those who don't believe me when I talk about the dangers of "mystery money" schemes. The Collapse of Enron: Managerial Aspects Executive summary Is Good Neighborliness Good Business? [Note: This story is not a criticism of Buddhism. It is a story of neighborly love.] The Social Implications of Computing Directed by Mark Harrison, "Visions of Heaven and Hell" is a three-part cautionary tale come documentary commissioned by Channel Four, that warns of the impending infiltration of technology and pessimistically endeavours to communicate the sentient of an old Buddhist proverb which states "To every man is given the key to the gates of heaven; the same key opens the gates of hell." and within computerisation lies such a key thought a dismal set of apprehensive predilections. Dont Hate Them Because Theyre Beautiful Tonight I'm going out with two extremely impressive ladies who I am introducing to one another. They are both GORGEOUS, in their mid 20s and both incredibly intelligent. One is divorced with kids and is probably one of the most flawless and incredibly beautiful women I've ever met, the other is single and possibly one of the most fashionable and forward thinking women I've ever met. Ethics? How To Take the Measure Business When asked to write a small piece pertaining to ethics and integrity in the business world, my first inclination was to draw on personal experience. Communicable Corporate Diseases Hurting Business Sexcess! Enron Executive goes to prison for 10 years, Martha Stewart is under house arrest, and Bill Clinton averages $150,000 per speaking engagement. Business Ethics: Functional Choices Years of experience have taught me there is no such thing as "Business Ethics". If a person isn't ethical in the rest of their lives, their business ethics aren't worth the shoe leather they've worn out either. Do Organizations Serve Us Or Do We Serve Organizations We have seen an erosion in the confidence that society has in organizational leadership and its integrity recently with the numerous accounting scandals that have become public.Clearly this has led to the demise of several large organizations. In performance terms it is obvious that erosion of leadership integrity is not good for business. Diversity I know that diversity has been a big topic of conversation ever since the early 1990s when research supported the demographics that by the year 2000, 85% of the entering workforce would be female, African-American, Asian-American, Latino, or new immigrants. The fact that white males would be a minority entering the workplace was a wake up call for corporate America. Enron?s Ultimate Victim: Ethics FROM the 'MORAL HIGH GROUND', where we imagine ourselves, the Enron fiasco should have come as no surprise. Enron is simply a quintessential example of the degradation of principles such as trust, loyalty and ethical standards. Business Ethics: An Oxymoron? Why do I believe good PR and business ethics are inextricably linked? It comes down to definitions. Ethics is learning what is right and what is wrong and then doing the "right thing." PR involves providing counsel on the "right thing" to do and then helping the organization get credit for it. Conflict: Not Necessarily a Bad Thing I got yelled at tonight. Not the type of yelling that someone does when you've done something to tick someone off, but the kind of yelling that was a swift kick in the pants about something that I'm NOT doing. ![]() |
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