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How Entrepreneurs Make Money Selling Global Brands On and Off-line
Did you know that thousands of companies from all over the world are looking for enthusiastic individuals to represent their products overseas? That person can be you. From Chinese toys to Brazilian bikinis people are making money reselling all kinds of products for a profit. Don't fret if you're new to the Internet! Thousands of "ordinary people" leverage the Internet to sell global brands on and off-line. I say ordinary people as a reference to the rest of us, those who log online simply to read email, check the latest headlines, and to look something up on Google. Does this describe you? If so, you can literally start earning money representing firms from all over the world who are eager to establish contact with motivated entrepreneurs. Having lived and worked in three continents, I can assure you that there are thousands of great companies with awesome products or services anxious to promote their goods overseas. Don't be intimidated if you think you don't fit their professional profile. You probably do and proof of that is my remarkable experience with successful representatives reselling Brazilian Bikinis. --Case Study-- I often receive phone calls and emails from men and women all over the world wanting to know more about importing and reselling Brazilian bikinis. We get requests from students, single moms, shop owners, and entrepreneurs who work full-time but would like to make some extra money on the side. --Getting Started: From Concept to Execution.-- Selling international brands is easier than you think! To help you better understand the process we've compiled a list of commonly asked questions that have empowered representatives to take the plunge and become successful international sales representatives. We list 10 questions you should ask your potential supplier but this shouldn't prevent you from requesting more information. --10 Questions to ask your Supplier-- 1. Can I trust doing business with you in Brazil or a country I can't even pronounce? 2. I'm worried about buying online. How do I pay for the goods? 3. Okay, now that I'm convinced that you're a reputable supplier of premium brands, what's the next step? 4. Which samples should I order? How do I pay for them and how much does it cost? 5. I find your prices higher than others. 6. What about import duty? 7. How much should I price your product in the market? 8. The samples arrived and they are absolutely gorgeous! What next? 9. The reaction has been positive. Friends and others want to buy. What next? 10. Are you flexible with payment terms? Note: Answers to these and other questions can be found on our site. Armed with answers to these and other questions you're now well on your way to making money selling global brands on and off-line. Remember, the Internet serves as a powerful tool, as a means to reach your objectives. It should be used in conjunction with offline sales efforts in your respective markets. If ordinary people with little online experience can do it you can also. Thales Panagides has an MBA in Entrepreneurship. Thales has 12 years of international sales experience having represented firms in Europe, the United States, and South America. He's the founder of http://www.brazilian-bikinis.net/, a website that encourages individuals to embark on the entrepreneurial route by representing Brazilian brands, such as bikinis and lingerie, on and off-line.
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Starting Your Business: It All Boils Down To Making Money and Saving Money Bootstrapping in the context of business start-ups refers to the use of creative financing approaches such as leveraging personal savings, credit-card debt, loans from friends and family, bartering, and other means to launch a business. Some business founders use bootstrapping because they have no other choice. Just about anyone who has approached a bank has learned that "only established businesses need apply." Bankers typically look for cash flow, assets, an established customer base, and a successful track record on the part of the business that is seeking a start-up loan. Obviously, this is a short list that is impossible to fulfill when you are just getting started. The Magic of Thinking Small Hey! Territory Limitations Policies for Franchised Companies All franchised companies must have Territory Limitations to maintain the peace within their systems. Often the unspoken ethics of territory limitations are blurred with mobile, home based or online franchise companies. Territory limitations in fixed site franchises are fairly cut and dry. There is your store, no other stores will be placed in the surrounding area delineated on this map within your franchise agreement. Generally things run pretty smoothly in this case. However as co-branding methods, partnerships and online sales increase as consumer demand for the brand increases we often see the franchised companies embattled in encroachment lawsuits in an already litigious industry. Lessons Learned from One Entrepreneur on Vioxx For the past ten-months, I tried every drug from the popular Vioxx, Celebrex and Aleve, to the long-standing Percocet, Ibruprofen 800, with some other fabulous ones like Fexeril, Ulltram, Naproxyn, and Antevert. (And, this is my short list). The Dirty Dozen 1) No Umbrella Business Plan or Strategy -- Without a plan, there's no serious way to gauge the growth and progress of your business. You need a realistic map for where the customers will come from and where your business is going. You also need a plan to bail you out when difficult personal and business times come your way. Solution ? get a plan together. Stop thinking about it and do it. Entrepreneurs - 9 Top Mistakes to Avoid 1. Isolating YourselfWhen setting up a business, you can get so overwhelmed with the administration that you don't focus on building up your network. Networks can provide a way to catapult your business forward through referrals, joint ventures, or providing industry knowledge. Networking does not need to be through formal events but can come in many forms. Even using websites to become aware of who and what is out there is useful. Giving time for self development and training activities to grow your skills, can be one area that is given a lower priority which can often lead to unwise decisions. Double Your Income Automatically It is a common known fact that it is far cheaper to keep an existing customer then it is to acquire a new customer. With this fact in mind you need to do everything possible to keep your existing customers happy and find complimentary products to offer your existing customers. Herb Filled Pillows Make Over a Million Dollars Lauren Rosenstadt was a single mom working at a herbcompany in Bethesda, Maryland. A herb (pronounced "erb") isa plant that has medicinal, savory, or aromic qualities. Oneday while at lunch with a friend whose daughter sufferedfrom insomnia, Lauren thought, "If I could fill a pillowwith herbs, that would be soothing and help my friend'sdaughter sleep." Entrepreneurial Emotions or It Seemed Like a Great Idea at the Time It's your first business or the next Great Idea in your ongoing business, online or offline, it doesn't matter. The roller coaster ride is a theme and variations on the same experiences. First the exhilaration -- THIS idea, or THIS business is THE one. It'll put you on the map with lots of money in your bank account. It can't fail. It's just too good. Have you said this? More than once? I have, and several times during my life, with numerous businesses and varying levels of success. Profile of Women Leaders Leadership is based on two words, "pressure and support"and that the leadership is the power to influence people to move in a direction that you believe in your heart is a good direction for most people" (Fennell, 1999, p. 267). Adams and Yoder noted that "evidence from contemporary studies on sex-roles and leadership indicates that men and women, with similar education, career aspirations and training, have basically identical scores on measures of psychological masculinity and femininity." In other words, the traits we assume are important in good leadership can be found among people of both genders. Entrepreneurs: Benefits vs. Features-Know the Difference! Entrepreneurs know their business. They know their product, their service. Many of them write creative Web sites. But, one thing they are not as adept at is promotional copy. Franchise Business and Franchise Businesses Franchise business is being part of a successfully proven business that has a name or trademark that is well known and profitable. Franchise businesses are strategically tried and marketable with options to expand by offering products and services that appeal to the consumer. Having to make the decision on which franchise business to buy can be challenging. Franchise business consultants can offer assistance to evaluate current franchise opportunities with valued insight. A franchise business consultant may also be able to offer assistance to the business owner who wants to make a current business franchisable. Oil Change Guys History; Part I How do franchise companies come to be? How do they start. What type of a person or entrepreneur becomes a franchisor? Below is the story of how one small company became a franchisor in the mobile oil change business. The story is written from our point of view and opinion. We claim freedom of speech, of the press in its entirety since a good part of it is opinion based. An Entrepreneur and a Life To Be Remembered I was reminded of my own mortality today. I guess you can say I had a near death experience, though the death I experienced was not my own. PTO; Justification of the Means and the Ends Some would say about certain issues that the means do not justify the ends. Well more often the ends do not justify the means. For instance if you are trying to accomplish something and know that if you do use the most approved PC methods then you cannot get to the desired results, but use those methods anyway as to not appear to offend anyone, then in the end you offend everyone by wasting their time and by failure of the project. Competitive Edge In his book, The Road Ahead, Bill Gates of Microsoft writes of "friction-free capitalism" made possible by developments in communications, chief among them the Internet and its World Wide Web. In this context, "friction" is everything that keeps markets from functioning as the "perfect competition" of economics textbooks. This friction can be a function of distance between buyer and seller, costs of overcoming this distance, and incomplete or incorrect information. Key to Starting Your Own Clothing Company Starting your own private label clothing company is not as difficult as you may think. I assure you that the founding members of Volcom, Paul Frank, Hurley and Von Dutch, are not mad geniuses of fashion. You can duplicate their rise to brand stardom provided that you have the following: Traits of The Successful Entrepreneur Want to know why certain people succeed and others don't. Well successful people have certain traits? Do you have them? The Danger Of Hate As you have shown an interest in starting a business of your own it would be safe to assume that you want to changeyour life. You want more money - more control over yourlife - more respect. But just as we each have a dream, wealso have a reality. Before Getting A Franchise Buying into a franchise is a great way to be part of a recognized brand with the benefit of lower advertising outlay. With many franchises to choose, here are some tips before you get involved with franchise: ![]() |
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