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The Train Is Coming
"There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven." Ecclesiastes 3:1 Stay on the platform???the train is coming! This is what a young lady said to me earlier today as we conversed while riding the train. As we talked about relationships, she expressed the fact that she had given up. This conversation was very similar to one I had the night before with another sister who also had given up. Both ladies had become discouraged and given up all hope of ever having a loving lasting relationship based on their past experiences and unpromising statistics. I agreed with both that they should give up, but remain steadfastly on the platform. I advised them that when they give up it should only be in a spirit of "letting go" and allowing God to send the divinely ordained mate that He has prepared. I encouraged them to resist giving in to bitterness, anger, or resentment. I intimated that if they don't stay on the platform, they will miss "their" train when it pulls into the station. So, how do you stay on the platform? What do you do while you wait? Read. Most times as I'm waiting for the train, I have a good book with me to read and keep me company. As you wait for your train to come in, why not pick up a few books on relationships or self-improvement. Learn how relationships work. Get clarity on who you are and what you want in a relationship. Be clear about the type of relationship you are seeking. Learn what makes men tick and what ticks them off. Knowledge is power! A few good books to pick up are: The Five Love Languages ? How to Express Heartfelt Commitment to your Mate by Gary Chapman A Fine Romance - The Passage of Courtship from Meeting to Marriage by Judith Sills Intellectual Foreplay ? Questions for Lovers and Lovers to Be by Eve Eschner Hogan with Steve Hogan. Knight in Shining Armor ? Discovering your Lifelong Love by P.B. Wilson Travel Lightly. Too much baggage will over-burden you and there might not be any room for you when the train pulls into the station. Have you dropped the baggage of your last relationship? What about the one before that? I don't know where you live, but the trains in NYC are crowded with lots of women waiting. Preparation + Positioning = Perfection. You can wait confidently because you know that if you are in the right station, on the right platform at the right time, your train will come, however; if you are unsure of your station, platform and time, you might miss your train and fail to reach your destination. The station refers to your season in life. If you are in the season of preparation, no matter how hard you pray for a man, he's not going to show up because it is not your season to be in a relationship. Delay is not denial. Sometimes we panic when it appears that the train is late. We fear that we've missed it or that another one won't come for a long time. Have faith! The train is coming. "They that wait on the Lord shall renew their strength." Isaiah 40:31 YOUR DIVINE MATE IS SEEKING YOU AND YOU CAN ONLY MEET DIVINELYNoted author Iyanla Vanzant states, "Your divine mate already exists. You are being prepared to meet one another. Through your many growth experiences, and the purpose that is etched in your soul, the day will come when you will meet face-to-face. It will be crystal clear that this person is the right one. She will not need fixing. He will not require work. You will be touched in a place in your heart and soul that, until that divine day, has been untouched. As you allow yourself to accept the reality that your divine mate exists, it will unfold as a reality to you. You can stop looking, forcing and trying to make it happen. You need not fret or worry or allow yourself to be lonely, because your divine mate already exists. You can stop looking out for him or her. Instead, spend your time looking within. When you get to the place in yourself that is peaceful divine love, your mate will be revealed." Coach Yvonne Chase The Single Womans Cheerleader http://www.availableandhappy.com coachyvonne@availableandhappy.com 877-7-RELATE (773-5283)
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Online Dating Tips ? Creating Personal Ads Creating a personal ad for online dating services is not difficult, but how well you write your personal ads will often be the difference between success and failure in online dating. All the rules that apply to advertising in business still apply, and those who define and attract their target audience will be the successful ones. There are many critical items that will draw interest to your ad such as the headline, and how the ad appeals to the interest of the target audience. There are also factors that will determine how well your ad matches with potential mates; including how well you describe your values and how honestly you portray yourself. Writing a personal ad should involve some serious thought and soul searching, as well as some in your face marketing tactics. Stimulation You get her number, set up the date, take her out, and get her to come back to your place for "a few drinks". You are sitting on the couch kissing and fooling around with her, but after a while she says "It's getting kind of late... I've better get going". Being the gentleman that you are, you respect her wishes and show her out, even though you are pissed beyond belief... and stuck with a severe case of blue-balls. Dating ? What to Do on Your First Date Dating at first is fun but as it goes on it's easy to fall into a rut. You always go out to dinner or a movie or stay home and rent videos but you are feeling kind of bored. The boredom may not be because of your dating partner it could be that you have fallen into a comfortable pattern. A Date With A Stranger Well, I have decided to move forward once again. I have had two relationships that I thought were it, believed I got all the signs, thought I had found my soulmate. Just to be slapped back into reality once again. I am so tired of the whole dating game. I am now 31 yrs old. I really miss having a family life. I have my son, but I am yearning for so much more. I guess my whole outlook on life was love. That was the most important thing to me. I have since decided that maybe I am putting way to much emphasis on finding the right one and not putting enough effort into meeting new people as friends and possibly potentials. I was just never a dating girl I guess. How to Tell if a Single Woman is Really Interested in You It's very important to learn how a single woman acts, speaks, and uses body language around you that indicates that she is romantically or sexually interested in you. When you learn these signs, you can use this to your advantage. If a woman is truly interested in you, this really increases your chances of scoring with her. Why Date Online? More and more people in the UK are turning to the internet to find a date. The advantages are perhaps obvious; it is easy, it widens your choice of partner and you can do it from the confort of you own living room. Body Language Next to your internal mindset (which should be relaxed, confident, and sexual), body language is the most important aspect when it comes to dating women. What You Must Know About Dating a Non Christian Inevitably, when the topic of dating comes up among Christian teens, the question that always seems to come up is, "Can I date a non-Christian?" Are You Up For The Challenge Back in 2004, I met a gentleman who was interested in getting to know me better. After a few discussions of finding out what I needed to know, I decided to participate. Early in this process, he told me that he is not a good "chit-chat" starter. He could engage in conversation but starting it and keeping it flowing were not his gifts. As time moved on, I found this to be true and it began to be a bother. The long moments of silence on the phone at times drove me batty. I don't know about you but I don't do long moments of silence well at all. Online Dating The online dating world today can be a confusing place to be. As more people flock online, there are companies ever more eager to jump on the dating bandwagon. This has lead to literally thousands of dating sites springing up online. Let Women Talk and Help Women love to talk (just think of how long they talk on the telephone). Women like to help (just think of a typical "female" job: nurse, kindergarten teacher, geriatric nurse...). Combine those attributes and you got a talk up and running by asking the woman: "Could I ask you for help? Could you tell me why/what/how/...". Ask her any question you like as long as the question is non-answerable by a simple "Yes" or "No".Believe it or not, but maybe you have failed in your last dating attempt because you maneuvered yourself into dead-end answers. If you ask a girl "Have you been long here?" then practically anything she can answer is a dead end. She could answer "No, not long" or "A couple of minutes" but both answers do not lead into a nice conversational flow.Many men (since men are practical-minded) want a "clear and simple" answer. For dating purposes that kind of "questioning strategy" is absolutely wrong.Train by simply re-phrasing some of your question. Wrong: "Do you like this place?", right: "What do you think about this place?". You get the idea. In other words: Let her TALK. (This is just a simple example and I am not telling you to ask women that question).Or ask her something like: "What do you think is the most common flaw men have?" or "I am writing for dating-forum.com. Could you help me by telling me what feature your ideal man should have?". Let her talk for hours. Typical "open questions" start with Dating Tips: The First Impression Matters Ever had a love at first sight encounter? Totally captured by her beauty the first time you laid your eyes on her? Having sleepless nights thinking about her? That first impression she left with you was sure astonishing wasn't it? How to Get the Girl You Want: The Attraction Killer to Avoid and Some Strategies for Success It's one of the supreme tragedies in life. When there's just one girl you want, it becomes much tougher to get her. No matter how much of a player some guys are, we've all had that one girl we want. It could be that hot babe in your office who you've had a crush on. Or it could be that beautiful woman in your college class who you dream of having as the perfect girlfriend. You see, a lot of times guys mess themselves up by focusing on just one girl. That's because having that narrow focus kills whatever attraction she might have for you. This attraction killer is... FEELING NEEDY AND DESPERATE.When you're needy and desperate, and you start thinking that any girl is one of a kind, then you become like the cartoon lover skunk Pepe Le Pieux chasing the cat. And your odds of success are about the same as his. So with that in mind, in this article you'll learn strategies for how exactly to stop killing the natural attraction that special girl has for you. Then you'll learn how to maximize your chances to get the girl you want.Strategy #1: Realize That Other Girls Are Just As Special As She IsDo not sweat it about that one girl. I promise you that although she may be awesome, there are tons of other girls out there who are just as great as she is. No matter what good quality she has (silky hair? good in the kitchen? a sense of humor?), there are millions of other hot women with that exact same good quality. This comes from massive experience... not only from my own two and a half decades dating hundreds and hundreds of women, but from comparing notes with other guys who are good with girls. Believe me when I tell you, there is literally NOTHIN that any woman has that is unique ONLY to her.So don't worry about how special she is. Of course she's special -- lots of girls are!The last thing you ever want to have going through your mind when you're around a girl is, "God, I MUST have this girl! She's irreplaceable!"So, you're free to think she's amazing. Just remember that lots of other girls are amazing too. That way you won't become too needy.Strategy #2: Date Other Women to Get That One GirlNow, I know it's tough to not worry about a woman if she's the only dating prospect in your life right now. So the solution is to make yourself hang out with other girls. This will also pay benefits to you in other ways, using a basic principal of psychology to increase your "value." I'll explain.You see, whenever a woman sees that other chicks are attracted to a guy, she too feels attraction. Psychologically, this is known as the "social proof" phenomenon... and it's much more powerful in women than men.To women, the most attractive guy is the one who's surrounded by other women. So, ironically, the best way to get this special girl attracted to you is for her to discover that she'd have to compete with other women. That way you become a challenge. She's the one who has to win your affections, not the other way around. Strategy #3: Change Your Mindset About Women to Get That GirlA simple change in your attitude will cure your feelings of neediness and desperation for any particular woman. Warning: it's politically incorrect. However, it's effective and, ironically, will maximize your chances of getting her. That change is this... start viewing chicks as "one woman with many faces." That way you won't get too wrapped in any ONE chick. If you get to know players -- you know, those guys who've slept with dozens of women and can get any chick they want -- you'll find that's the exact attitude that every one of them has. So forget coming from a frame of neediness. A better frame to come from is the mindset that you have high value, and any attention you give her has been EARNED by her. That way, even though she is the one girl you want, you'll avoid the attraction killer and have the best odds of success. A Real Man Something I find 100% humor in is the fact that men are so quick to call women bitches. Well I will hold my " #1 Bitch " badge with honor! Because you know what that says to me? I Got You! I am a bitch because you can't handle something I have said or done, that you, more than likely caused to begin with. We women, the majority of us are angels. We are precious, we are great until we do something against you. Then guess what? We become bitches. It is so funny how we only become that when you can't handle us. We are not livestock to be handled my friend. Dating Mistakes Are you dating or in a serious relationship? Did you realize that very often we make the same dating mistakes over and over again? As outlined in my book "the Ultimate Online Dating Handbook" sometimes these mistakes can lead to losing the date of our dreams, or possibly being in a bad relationship. I've compiled a list of dating No-nos which will help you identify a possible problem that you can work on to improve your dating experience. Web Spinning I've been toying around with this technique that I call "Web Spinning" for a while now and it has been working wonders for me, plus I've had quite a bit of fun during the process... I think you will too. This is how it works: Online Dating: 4 Dating Mistakes You Must Avoid Did you catch the dating mistakes made during episode one of ABC's Hooking Up documentary series? If you caught the episode on July 14th, I'm sure you would have noticed what doesn't work when it comes to dating... Tips for Creating a Successful Personal Online Dating Profile Your profile is the key to meeting your perfect match at online dating and personals services so it's surprising that many profiles are mediocre at best. With a little extra time, thought and effort, and the help of these tips, you can make yours a winner and attract a large pool of admirers to take your pick from. Love Eluding You? Let Go and It May Find You How many times have you heard someone say it was when they weren't looking for love that they found it? Often they'll say, "I had just accepted the possibility that I may not find someone and realized that I'd be ok." Or, "It's ok if I'm single for the rest of my life." Tips For Becoming Fluent In The Non-Verbal Language Of Dating We are all too familiar with the term "body language". There have been books, workshops and endless discussions spawned by it. ![]() |
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