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Relationship Room
Just recently, I felt ready to experience change in a particular area of my life but I needed an opportunity to "appear" in order for this change to happen. Because this change would affect so many people, I had to strategically communicate my intent. Next, I had to talk to a few key people that would assist me in this area. I wasn't sure who to talk to and I didn't want to talk to the wrong people so I decided to be still and wait for a divine connection. I had a particular person in mind to talk to about this. I knew that if anyone could assist me, he could and he would. I was a bit reluctant at approaching him due to his busy schedule so I continued to be still and wait. In the meantime, I cleared out space in every area of my life to make room for this big change. I started with my physical environment. I went through all of my closets and donated every piece of clothing/shoes I would never be caught dead in again to charity. Then I went through my entire home and got rid of twenty-five items that were useless and simply taking up space. I buffed up my entire home making sure that it provided what I needed to be at my best. I took one last look around to make sure that everything remaining added value to my life. From there, I looked at my personal life/relationships. There were people in my life that drained me of my energy and so they had to go. As I elevated my standards and set some clear boundaries, these people literally vanished from my life without me ever having to say a word. This made room for some wonderful people to come into my life and provide me with the support I need emotionally while motivating me to be my very best. Next I took a look at my finances. This move could be costly so I wanted to make sure that I was prepared. And lastly, I looked at my physical being to make sure that I was feeling great and looking great. I wasn't pleased with my hair so I told my stylist to get rid of every unhealthy strand. Three inches later I was a happy woman. After all of this preparation, which I thoroughly enjoyed, I was ready for the opportunity to come that would facilitate this change and there it came instantaneously. Oprah says it quite often and I totally agree with her: Preparation + Opportunity = Success. The gentleman that I wanted to call called me with the opportunity that would make this change possible. He wanted to sit down and talk with me face to face about this opportunity so he flew me out to his neck of the woods and took care of all of my accommodations. I needed to be in his neck of the woods to attend my girlfriend's baby shower that same weekend. His call couldn't have come at a more opportune time. How do you make room for a new relationship? Think of your last 2 or more intimate relationships. 1. Write out in detail all of the positives of this relationship. What worked for you? How did you grow in the relationship? What did you value about each person? What did you learn about life from the relationship? How are you better because of the relationship? 2. Write out in detail all of the negatives of this relationship. What didn't work for you? Should the relationship have ended sooner? Why did you stay? Did you make a wrong choice from the beginning? 3. Write out why the relationship ended? Did you end the relationship? Did the other person end the relationship? Was it a mutual parting of ways? If you want to attract more into your life, make room for more to come in by doing what I did with my hair. Cut away all of the unhealthy parts so that your life can be healthy, free-flowing and beautiful. Something to think about... Coach Yvonne Chase The Single Woman's Cheerleader http://www.availableandhappy.com coachyvonne@availableandhappy.com 877-7-RELATE (773-5283)
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Great Dating Advice: 7 Universal Laws for Singles The Law of the Right Person Take Your Time How long do you think it takes to really get to know someone to the point where you could marry them? Is 1 month long enough? Is 6 months long enough? Is 1 year long enough? What do you think of people who believe in love at first site? Is it infatuation or genuine love? I donīt intend to answer these questions, but how you answer them will impact how you approach dating and relationships. Dating Online in Safety Dating online can be great fun, stimulating and exciting. So let's first get it into perspective. Some of us just like to have fun but are sick of the singles bars and other similar nite spots that are the last resort for finding a decent partner or lover. They often result in the wrong person even if you are lucky enough to meet someone. Or, you may have once upon a time met someone that 'fitted the bill' but over time this has proved not to be the case any longer, so.......long story short, you are now once again looking for a better fit. You might be just plain lonely or recently dumped by that someone who promised to be there forever. If you're senior in years, you may just be seeking a companion or someone who has similar interests. These days, it's quite likely that you are someone who's busy most of the time and don't have the time to go galavanting around the place looking for a date and attending dinner parties with the hope that your friends have selected a decent blind date on your behalf. Whatever your reason, online dating can definitely help make it happen much sooner than many of the tedious activities which most of us have experienced at some stage. Of course, you are also able to do this late at night (24/7) in your 'jim jams' when you have the time or better still, the inclination. Love Could Be An Errand Away You have signed up on several large dating sites and posted a great profile. So far, you've had some nice responses, but these haven't led to a meeting yet. Someone told you about a singles group at your church and there is an organization in your city for singles who want to volunteer, and hopefully meet other like-minded people. You've lost count of all the parties, happy hours and clubs you've been to, hoping to meet compatible singles. Whew! It's a lot of effort just to be in the right place at the right time with the right people. Online Dating Secret There is a simple online dating secret that can save you a lot of time and energy! The Truth About Women Revealed Have you ever imagined what it would be like to read a woman's to mind - especially a woman you want to get into your bed? How about just being able to fake it enough that she thinks you can read her mind? Web Cams: Windows on the World The webcam has brought a truly amazing variety of experience to the desktop user giving all of us true "window on the world" to webcams all over the planet. With a good webcam software to connect you to the vast array of webcams out there you can see live video as it occurs from such diverse places as??? Online Dating - Is Music the Food of Love? "If music be the food of love, play on". So said William Shakespeare in one of his most famous theatrical lines. The Bard understood very well the power music has to ignite passion and elicit emotional response. And who would disagree? Secret Dating Tips - Top Secrets of a Sex Magnet In any group of girls, there's usually one who's getting all the attention. You know, she's really animated, talking a lot, outgoing, a lot of guys are hitting on her. You can bet some of the other girls in the group are kind of shy and are feeling left out and a bit jealous - and they're dying for their share of attention! Give it to them, and it will be like throwing them a lifeline - they'll cling on to you to save them from the horror of being a chick in the shadow of some other woman! 5 Mistakes Men Make On The First Date The number one mistake made by men on the first date is trying to buy love. The first date is not a marriage proposal; it's merely an opportunity to measure compatibility. If it doesn't work out, you will have spent all that cash on a fancy restaurant and red roses for nothing. Unfortunately, the IRS has not declared bad dates to be tax deductible expenses. Too Ugly? Too Short? Heres How To Turn Your Flaws Into Strengths If you're worried and upset about your physical flaws, which prevent you from attracting women, then I've got some good news for you. How To Land The Catch Of Your Life Without Becoming Sharkbait However you like to do it, dating is a dangerous game. Not talking to strangers might be sound advice to give to kids but as a strategy to stop being single, it has at least one obvious drawback. Unless you want to marry your cousin, finding someone to settle down with will involve making eye contact with total strangers, engaging them in conversation and meeting them one-on-one. Funnel Your Way to Love I call it "The Funnel." And it's the best way to view your online dating experience. A numbers game it is, and your job is to funnel your way through prospects until you find what you're looking for. 10 Reasons to Use Online Dating Sites There are many more reasons than just ten that I would like to mention, but in this article I have focussed on the primary ten reasons why I believe on-line dating is here to stay. It is now understood that the industry has even further to grow as more and more service suppliers in this segment realize the many niches yet to be serviced and explored. If you are concerned about your time, privacy or safety, while using On-line Dating, then this is a 'must read'. Oops, I Did It Again Oops! I did it again! Top 10 Photo Blunders The following no-nonsense list was compiled from interviews with long-time online daters and the business executives and support staff of several major online dating services. What's the bottom line? The single most important part of online dating is how you handle the simple act of representing yourself with photos. 10 Important, Easy Dating Rules to Ensure Your Success 1) Leave the mobile phone off! Do not answer it if it is on Silent either. You should only do this if you are expecting an emergency and I mean an emergency. You only look like a deadhead, self-centred fool answering a phone at a meeting that is important and that goes for all meetings. It's inconsiderate and breeds contempt from the other party even if they agree to you answering it. They're only being polite which you're not, if you do have a ringing phone and answer it. This does not mean leave it at home - you may need it later. Single Women Are Hot Just when businesses and advertisers think they have women all figured out enters a new category with serious buying power: the single woman. It is projected that in 2005 single women will spend $400 million dollars which has the business world standing up and taking notice. Online Dating - Needle in a Haystack? No doubt about it, Internet dating has become a unique part of modern love. In fact, in New York, Internet dating has become so popular that it is now simply called 'partner shopping' or 'hyper dating'. The Right Dating Site For You There are so many dating sites on the net these days. The secret is to find a online dating service that will make your quest for a compatible partner successful. ![]() |
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