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Dating While Seeking GOD- A Road Less Traveled
Why is it when it comes to dating that we go fromone relationship right into another, searching forsomething from someone that only God is capable ofgiving us? Why do we think that leaping intoanother courtship will change our thinking andcurrent situation in our lives? We seem to have this delusion that we will live a happily everafter if we just find someone that will tellus what we want to hear and treat us the way wewant to be treated. Then when God does bring ussomeone that tells the truth we find ourselvesuncomfortable and go to someone who makes us feelbetter even though their not being honest with us. While we should be with someone that treats usnice and with respect, we should not compromiseour spiritual values with them. If we do, we willcontinue to go down a very lonely road filled withdisappointments and frustrations, time and timeagain only to point our finger at others,ourselves and God. The truth of the matter is until we acknowledgethat it's our own relationship with Christ or lackof and not others that is contributing to thesedead end relationships we will never experiencethe true love that only Jesus Christ wants us tohave and can provide for us. However, this is theroad most choose not to travel. Why? Because it'sgot to many hills in it. We hit big pot holes andit may take a few unexpected curves along theway. It's easier to blame others and to have theattitude that the world owes us someone. But inthe long run if we take God's road it will get uswhere we need to go, in much faster time and amore forfilling journey. First, Gods road leadsus to having a loving relationship with JesusChrist, and second we experience a cup filledrelationship with the love of our life. The biblesays, "Seek ye first the kingdom and all otherthings will be added unto you" When Jesus saysthat, he means all things. We just may have totravel down a road less traveled in order to getthem. It sounds simple enough, doesn't it? Though thisroad is challenging to say the least. Why? becausewe struggle with our fleshly desires to fill ourinternal needs instead of our spiritual needsfilled by God. And our flesh will always be athorne to us. So going from one relationshipright into another won't solve the difficulties weseem to have in every relationship we experience.If we really want a true test about our lives lookat the majority of our friends we hang with. Howare their relationships with others? If they arehaving the same difficulties we are experiencing,maybe that should tell you something about yourown life and where you are getting yourvalidations from. If we want to make a true changein ourselves the majority of our friends andresources must be those that are living Godlylives, having relationships with others like wedesire to have, and telling us the truth in love,when maybe we don't want to hear it. Looking inthe mirror at ourselves is not easy, but it'snecessary. It really boils down to our mindset toward lifeand having a lot of faith in Jesus Christ. Yes, wemay temporarily feel better about ourselves whensomeone new in our life satisfies our egos, andpride, but the emptiness will still be there. Godand life has a funny, yet sometimes painful way ofmaking us look in a mirror at our patterns ofrelationships. If your tired, frustrated and evenlonely about going from one dead end relationshipto look at our own relationship with Jesus Christ.Because, if you really think about, he's our bestbet anyway. And he'll be the one at the end of theroad less traveled filling our cups, not anotherperson. Greg Ryan is a best selling author of the Changing from the INSIDE OUT series. A powerful five step plan to better your life, get healthier, and have more energy! For FREE mini Course click here! http://www.resolutions.bz
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Online Dating Makes Searching For a Partner Fun Some have said that online dating is an impersonal relationship. These people just don't know what they are talking about. In fact, online dating is really the best way to start a dating relationship. And, today, many people are finding the person of their dreams on the internet. And, you have nothing to lose. Online dating even with a monthly fee is probably much cheaper than finding a partner the old fashion way. Why I Prefer Online Dating The next most likely place to meet your match is the place where you regularly hang out. However, if your idea of socializing is hanging out at the local pub or bar with a couple of buddies, choices are pretty much limited and you'd be competing with all the guys for the limited number of girls. Dating Advice: Common Interest Results in Happy Marriages How often do your married friends complain about husbands who spend weekends on the couch watching games? Did they not notice these guys were sports fanatics while they were dating? Did they think things would change after the wedding? From Friend To Boyfriend One of the most frequent questions I am asked is "How do I go from being a friend to being a boyfriend?". I'm not going to lie to you and tell you that this is easy to do, but it can be done. The best way to avoid getting into a situation like this in the future is to show a romantic interest in each attractive woman you meet immediately, that way you will never end up in the "friends category". However, many of you may already be classified as a "friend" to a woman that you are interested in starting a relationship with. If that is the case, this is what you need to do: Adult Dating: Friend or Foe - Your Sex Life and the Internet! There was a time when finding a date, partner, lover or playmate online was frowned upon. It was for people who couldn't get a date any other way!Oh how things have changed?not only can you sign up to a site listing thousands of singles who match your height, size, location and taste in food?now you can choose your sex partners too. 3 Easy Steps To Online Dating Success We all know that online dating will help you to make new friends and meet your perfect partner. But, how do you get the best out of a dating site? If you are thinking of signing up, or have already joined a dating site without success, make sure you read these 3 important tips! Hes So Not Into You These are words women don't want to hear when they're in a relationship. Unfortunately these words are fact more than fiction. Of course we don't want to believe that the man we've spent a year or more with just doesn't give a damn about us. It's a hard pill to swallow. Six Things Every Christian Single Should Know Before Dating Online (Part Two) In part one, we looked at the importance of remaining anonymous, why you should always ask for a picture of your online dating prospect, and how the Holy Spirit can lead and guide your efforts. Great Dating Advice: 7 Universal Laws for Singles The Law of the Right Person Guys that Beautiful Girls Want: You Can Be One "Our attitude toward life determines life's attitude towards us."- Earl Nightingale Dating After Fifty Dating at an older age is not too hard. And it can be a lot of fun especially with internet dating. And, today to find a date on the web is an accepted and safe form of dating. Meeting Other Singles By Doing Something You Love Meet Other Singles by Doing Something You Love Dont Procrastinate when It Comes to Meeting Single Women Has this ever happened to you? You're at a bar or nightclub and you see this lovely lady across the way that you're attracted to and dying to meet. Change Your Body Language to Be Relaxed When Approaching Somebody New Get a Girl To Seduce You By Changing Your Body Language. 10 Important, Easy Dating Rules to Ensure Your Success 1) Leave the mobile phone off! Do not answer it if it is on Silent either. You should only do this if you are expecting an emergency and I mean an emergency. You only look like a deadhead, self-centred fool answering a phone at a meeting that is important and that goes for all meetings. It's inconsiderate and breeds contempt from the other party even if they agree to you answering it. They're only being polite which you're not, if you do have a ringing phone and answer it. This does not mean leave it at home - you may need it later. What To Put On A Dating Site Profile And What To Leave Out Your dating site profile is the most important tool you have to find love online-and fast. It's the identity that you put forward to other online daters, it's what people see when they're looking for people like you and it's all you've got to make a first impression and pull in the proposals. Christian Singles: Questions To Keep Your Spirit Alive With special events like Valentine's Day coming and going each year, I am reminded how difficult it can be to retain your spirit of who you are when you're a Christian single. Mom Says So, you're a member of every suitable on-line dating site, you hang out at all the right spots and feverishly attend networking events, you've answered personal ads that appeal to you and you still haven't met the one. Or if you're like me, you've dated a series of potential perfect matches only to be left with disappointment. You're probably wondering, "Are all the good single men hiding under a rock?" The answer is a resounding NO! Are Parents Still Stopping You from Having a Girlfriend? There are a lot of young men who find it difficult to go out and meet new girls on days when they have a quarell with their parents. Summertime and New Romance The tempertures are rising and romances are in full bloom as we move into the summer months of adventures, vacations and new beginnings. ![]() |
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