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How to Keep Customers
Who was it that said - "The customer is always right"? Wellfor those of you who can't get through the day withoutknowing, it was H Gordon Selfridge, the founder ofSelfridges's department store in London. The question I want answered is; did he ever work withcustomers on day-to-day basis and if so, was he some kind ofsaint? Let's face it; customers can be a real pain in the neck. Youmove heaven and earth for them, you respond to their everywhim, you give them time to pay and they still try to screwyour prices down. Just when you've done all that, they leave you and startbuying from one of your competitors. Wouldn't running a business be a whole lot better if wedidn't have customers? Well, as we know only too well, we doneed customers and lots of them. We want them to stay withus and we want them to say nice things about us to otherpeople. We also want them to pay us on time and accept the fact thatwe might be a bit more expensive than others. So how do we perform this miracle? It's dead easy really;you only have to consider two factors: be reliable and belikeable. First off, let's consider what we mean by beingreliable. Reliability is about your product or service doing what yousay it will do. It comes in two parts, the first part being:doing it right first time and doing it on time.If you can't get this bit right then you're going to havebig problems. Customers will accept the occasional mistake,but too many and you've had it, so let's look a bit closerat reliability. We've come a long way in recent years in terms of productand core service reliability. Nowadays when people buy aproduct or service they expect it to work. You don't buy acomputer, a washing machine or an automobile and worry thatit might not work. You know that it will. You also know thatif it didn't, it would be replaced without quibble.The only thing is, that if you deliver this type ofreliability in your business then don't expect any browniepoints from your customers, they merely take it for granted.Where you are more likely to slip up in the reliabilitystakes (and this is the second part) is in what some peoplestill regard as minor issues: *Failing to phone back when we said we would; *Failing to deliver when we said we would; *Failing to send information when we said we would; *Failing to include something extra when we said we would. The ironic thing is that some customers often regard thesefailures as quite normal. However, these people won't staywith you, they don't say nice things about you to otherpeople and they'll complain about your prices. If you say you'll phone a customer back by 5pm then phonebefore 4pm not the following day. If you say someone willcall between 9am and 12noon, then do everything you can toensure that someone calls closer to nine than 12. Don'tthink for a minute that calling at 11.55 impresses thecustomer because it doesn't. So let's just repeat it so there's no misunderstanding lateron: firstly your product or service has got to be reliable,secondly, everything you say to the customer has to bereliable. However, I believe that more than anything you, your productor service and your people have to be likeable. Too many organisations forget that their customers arehumans and the thing about humans is that they don't alwaysmake decisions logically. You may have a reliable product orservice, reliable delivery time and competitive prices. Butit's not enough. Customers are driven by their emotions and it helps a heckof a lot if they like you and feel good about your businessand your people. "Our customers do like us," I hear you say, "except maybethe difficult ones, the awkward people, the ones who arenever happy, the miserable devils - need I go on?Have you ever heard the saying "you only get the customersyou deserve"? Run your eye down the following list and see how many youcan tick off. *We always have a genuine smile for every customer. *We are warm and friendly to all customers. *We listen carefully and make it obvious that we arelistening. *We use the customers name and our name appropriately. *We give the impression that we care. *We empathise with problems or complaints and respondquickly. *We occasionally do something to pleasantly surprise thecustomer. *We always keep our promises. *We give the impression that we are fun to deal with. *We treat the customer the way they want to be treated, notthe way we want to be treated. How well did you do? If you've got a lot of ticks then youprobably have lots of customers who like you.Just a word to the managers and employers amongst you. Runyour eyes down that list again and replace the word"customer" with the words "employee" or "staff colleague."How many ticks did you get this time? Lots of ticks meanyour staff like you and it probably follows that yourcustomers do as well. Have you noticed how being likeable costs so little? A lotless than advertising or other promotional activity requiredto replace lost customers. Maybe the customer isn't always right, but if you want tokeep them, make sure they like you. Discover how you can generate more business without havingto cold call!Alan Fairweather is the author of "How to get More Saleswithout Selling" This book is packed with practical thingsthat you can do to ? get customers to come to you . Click here nowhttp://www.howtogetmoresales.com/Without%20Selling.htm
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Establishing Yourself as an Expert in the Eyes of Your Customers The most important aspect of a successful business is developing the correct mindset toward your customers. And this is not the over used phrase The customer is always right. Actually the correct mindset we are referring to here is to always think in terms of benefits for your customers. The highly successful businessperson thinks of ways to show interest in their customers even before they come into their store. Client Service as a Competitive Advantage As someone who has been heavily involved facilitating strategic planning processes with organizations during the last 15+ years, I often find it somewhat amusing how people answer the questions I pose. Be A Resource What is one of the greatest ways to add value to your business? Nope, it's not giving away free merchandise, offering special discounts, or even creating a preferred customer club. One of the most valuable commodities that you can provide your customers is INFORMATION. Wholesale Buyers Versus Retail Customers Are wholesale buyers and retail customers really different? Frankly, there are two answers to this question: yes and no. Yes, because they are different from the buyers and those selling to buyers' point of view and no, because the principles that apply are the same for both types of buying. Caring for Your Customers You probably think I am going to say something like, "The customer is always right." Right?? Wrong. One Critical Question to Ask Yourself Every Day What happened to the old saying, the customer is always right? I'll bet every one of you reading this article has a "customer service nightmare" story to tell. My most recent nightmare experience took place recently when my business partner and I went in to a wireless phone store to purchase two new pda wireless phones. We told the young man who greeted us that we had only one question: is this phone compatible with the database software we intend to purchase? "I don't know," he said, "Most customers do the research on this before they come in." We politely requested that if he didn't know, he find the answer. He told us we could call the company ourselves, that he didn't have time to be put on hold with them. As you can imagine, we left without spending what we felt was a significant sum of money. And of course we've told at least 10 other people about the disappointing service at that particular store. Proofs of Delivery and Logistics: Speeding Throughput and Avoiding Pitfalls It should be a straightforward business scenario: making sure that the delivery documentation from the supplier or haulier matches up with the documentation at the target destination. Customer Service and Marketing that Works Go into many businesses today and try and get service, its sometimes impossible! The customer service officer is on the phone talking about personal issues, there is not enough staff, and they are disinterested and distracted. Aint We Wonderful! It may come as a surprise to you to discover that customers don't buy your products or services because they feel that you have a right to make a profit. In other words, their motive for doing business with you is not to help you buy the latest Jaguar or put your children through college. You think this is a joke? Recent research shows that something like 60% of businesspeople place more importance on what they will get from a transaction than on what their customers will benefit. First Contact: The Source of Customer Loyalty With customers being smarter, more cost conscious, more product knowledgeable and more demanding, improving customer service has become a major focus within many businesses. In Customer Satisfaction is Worthless; Customer Loyalty is Priceless, author Jeffrey Gitomer contends the real solution is shifting the paradigm away from customer service to customer loyalty. This may be the first step, but the next step is to shift the focus away from loyal customers to loyal employees. Accountability The Call Center world is an intense pressure-driven environment continually being shaped by pressure to ensure steady profitability and a secure competitive advantage. What Do Your Clients REALLY Think of You? ********************************************* Customer Service Tips - Is Your Business A Leaky Bucket? Customer service and customer service training are vital for any business. Putting The Service Back In Customer Service The future of customer service is here. Technology has made seeking out support faster and easier than ever. But, has your digital age company sacrificed true service in the name of automation? How to Win the Hearts of Your Customers and Friends Those of us doing business over the internet have to become especially adept at our listening and speaking skills since we don't have the luxury of talking with our customers face to face. It's especially important to give those on the phone extra attention - listening to their voice, because that is the only thing you have to go on, to sense their emotion. You can't observe their body language or their eyes like you can in person. They have the same limitations in listening to us. A great method to use when talking on the phone to come across as being really interested is to raise your eyebrows and smile as you talk. It will give you voice a lift. Try it on one your friends. It really works. It makes you sound very cheerful, etc. The thing is, they can't see you either, so you have to work a bit harder to let them know that you're really with them. They can't see you smile, so they have to hear the warmth of your heart through your voice. If you practice, it'll start to come naturally to you. Developing A Customer Complaint System BackgroundThe company was experiencing an increase in the number of customer complaints and an increase in the cost of processing them and we were hired to analyze the current situation and develop recommendations to increase the effectiveness of the process of administering and resolving the complaints. Importance of Good Customer Support in Online Computer Peripherals Shops Looking for hi-fi computer peripherals? Finding it tough to decide on the product you need to purchase? Not sure about the models that are available? Not sure about the configuration that would best suit your need? Worried that your budget might not fetch you your long dreamt hi-fi? Just relax!! There are many great world class online computer peripherals shopping centers. They offer you not only the best computer peripherals but also friendly online help in their world class online computer peripherals shopping sites. All that you have to do is to avail all the help you need in terms of the counseling you would require on the purchase of the right computer peripherals. These websites have always-available customer support agents' usually just one click away. The ones that are successful have provided exceptional customer support available online which is dedicated to make their customers feel delighted and satisfied. Because they have learnt the business mantra very well - Their success lies in their customers' satisfaction. How To Keep Your Customers Coming Back -- Understanding Customer Retention Why do some businesses offer points, stamps or every tenth coffee for free? Adjustment DENIED It's just a simple thing ? I bought a new set of shelves for my office. It wasn't a real problem, but when I got the shelves home, I found dents on the front of the shelves where the package had been leaned up on some other object, the shelves had been removed from the original box and put into another box. The dents didn't affect the way the shelves worked, but it did affect the way they looked. Normally, I might have overlooked the problem, and just used them anyway, but I felt I had paid full price for the shelves and deserved a discounted price, so I mentioned it to the store manager the next time I was in the store. The 7 Principles of Business Integrity If you have integrity, nothing else matters. If you don't have integrity, nothing else matters. -- Alan K. Simpson ![]() |
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